
DelayedProfanity's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 12 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

Hi guys,
maybe it was mentioned somewhere but I haven't noticed. When you report we b4 goblins and take GM credit you get 2 prestige points, however in the rules for this module it says that both players and GM get 1 prestige point duo to the shortness of the module. So my question is do I just write myself 1 prestige on the chronicle sheet or is there some other solution?

Dark Archive

Mistwalker wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:
Marko, why would Torch hand over the maps to Seeker's Folly when the PCs hadn't completed his tasks?

Probably due to the wording in the "conclusion" section:

Once the PCs complete (or at least attempt) all of Grandmaster Torch’s tasks to his satisfaction, he fulfills his part of the bargain by giving them several old maps.

My interpretation of that is: if Torch is satisfied that the group gave their best effort in completing their tasks, he will hand over the maps.

If the PCs get the map, they get the Prestige Point.

Exactly, the party bluffed Torch and said that they have completed the task, bluff check failed, but as FLite said it is clearly noted that Torch is willing to overlook the PCs sabotaging at least one of the tasks, but it says "sabotaging" not "failing" and my party failed one task, so that was my dilemma, should they get the PP or not... Anyway I will give the party first PP, after all your responses, I think it's fair decision. Ty all for help and answers!

Dark Archive

I have a question about this scenario, at the end on primary success condition section it says: "The PCs successfully complete their main mission by fulfilling Grandmaster Torch’s tasks and receiving the maps
to Seeker’s Folly. Doing so earns each PC 1 Prestige Point." this doesn't say that the party needs to fulfill all the tasks, so does the party get the PP if they completed 3/4 tasks from Torch's task list and get the maps?

Dark Archive

Congratulations ShadowStalker! Keep up the good work! =D

Dark Archive

I was wondering can Half-elf use some racial trats from human(and at what cost) like can an half-elf take 1 bonus feat at first lvl like humans can with "Bonus Feat"?

(btw sry for my bad engl, hope u'll understand all)

Dark Archive

Ty all! Great help =)

Dark Archive

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Hi,I wanted to know is there any list of classes which are legal to play in PFS? It would be very helpful if I could get the list of legal ones...(sry if it's a dumb question, I'm new... =))