Dr Lucky

Daxthemonk's page

141 posts (199 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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Bad ass butter knife?

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I dont understand why people on here a community that should theoretically be trying to grow makes everyone that does not build the perfect monster character when asking for advice gets told your wrong this is a better way to do it... so what if I want to be a halfling wizard with a great maul... and want to know what feats would make it more fun, stop telling me to play a @$##ing summoner!!!!

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Spiderman- beastmorph alchemist with blindsencse (spidiesense)
Climb, fly (semulate swinging from webs) and pounce
His tanglefoot bombs (webs) are used to detain criminals until the police show up
Maybe some lvls of monk for the hand to tand stuff but whateves

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One of the funniest things I have ever heard of was a group that had played together for a long time all decided to play something different for a new campaign and all of them showed up with barbarians... none of then could read or anything, it was very funny

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Give the dragon a stove pipe hat, have it free its minions (slaves) then get it some tickets to the theater

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I am a big fan of a ghost touch net just to shut down any incorporeal anything you run it to... no strength score really stinks when you are stuck in a net

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Monk that is heading in to duelist

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Or he is a lvl 1 lee(class that is just better than you)

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Give me a cannon and 4 followers to load it for me

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Vincent has been waiting to bust out his kilt standup act since they introduced them haha