Churgri of Vapula

Dastis's page

1,065 posts (1,066 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

An NPC wears a Necklace that if taken would be an absolute disaster. We will be attending an event next session that also has a thief attending who has tried to take it before. What can I do to protect it? I'm specifically looking to prevent it from being taken NOT recover it after it is.

I'm a mystic theurge with lv5 spells and can invest theoretically invest up to 30k

Found Theft Ward which while nice only gives a bonus to notice it being taken. Similarly for Stone of Alarm.

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Working on a magus character who for flavor purposes needs to be wielding a scythe. I need either a way to remove the penalty for wielding an undersized weapon or another way of wielding a scythe one handed. All the ways of removing size penalties are for oversized weapons not undersized. I would strongly prefer to remain a magus but dips are ok.

Planning for my next campaign. Trying to come up with how the players can be roughly speaking fledgling planeswalkers as per MTG lore. Here's what I have so far

  • Gestalt. Required to have at least 1 Lv6+ caster class
  • 25pt buy
  • Rapid leveling with level > 20 allowed. Probably level 10 at the end of session 1 where their spark ignites. For Lv > 20 I will probably just extend existing class features and allow level 10+ spell slots for metamagic use.
  • Mythic. Free dual path. Free Mythic Spell Lore
  • Extra mythic ability Planeswalk. Can spend 1 mythic point and 3 full round actions to change dimensions. As per plane shift except it goes to alternate dimensions as well, can only target willing, and user must accompany. At tier 4 can do so as a standard action for 3 mythic points.
  • Automatic progression bonus. Universal rule but planeswalkers get at accelerated rate. Probably 1.5 * Level
  • Going to cap non planeswalker levels at 12. Gives a more reasonable power ceiling than p6 but also makes planeswalkers relatively very strong. Similar to the show overlord where the highest level spell anyone outside protagonists group can cast is 6. I intend for the primary combat challenges to be epic monsters and other planeswalkers.

Anything I need to modify/add/remove? Anything you would dislike as a player? Anything to make it closer to MTG lore? I have run high level/power games before so I don't think there will be any issues with that.

Edit: Formatting

As per subject I am looking for ways for my entirely noncaster character to gain arcane sight, preferably constantly. Only options I can come up with are a 60k custom item and exalted of nethys boon(doesn't work for rp reasons).

I have a divination focused wizard about to go into Pathfinder Savant. What spells do you recommend getting with esoteric magic? Lowering the level of spells already on the wizard list is allowed within reason. Divination or book/scroll/potion related spells are strongly preferred. Its a mythic campaign so anything with a good mythic version is a plus. Being strange and obscure is also a bonus.

So my dm sprung us goin mythic on us. I've never really looked into it before and was hoping for some guidance. Playing a gestalt spell sage wizard + mindchemist alchemist going into Pathfinder savant and Pathfinder chronicler. I also have Homebrew archetype on the wizard side delaying spellcasting for a ton more spellslots. Generally he is a support caster and skill monkey with an unhealthy love for potions and other consumables. Archmage seems the best path but I can't decide what to dual path into. What are the best abilities for my character? Are there any good feats besides dual path? What would be a good second path? Any guidance would be appreciated.

So after last session a player of mine decided to redeem himself. Problem is we are going into the last stretch. Literally 5 sessions left. Considering he is only doing this because he went REALLY REALLY far into the evil spectrum, I simply don't think he has time to redeem his character within that time frame. Possibly neutral if he truly goes above and beyond heroic. I am planning on giving him opportunities for good and a few temptations to revert. So how would you handle the situation? How have you handled similiar situations previously? Should I be more lenient on redemption?

So a player of mine has found himself owing a favor to Calistra's high cleric. She is the crime lord of a metropolis who has managed to eliminate every major enemy. He is a very capable warrior occultist that can probably complete any type of task. Problem is I have no idea what she could want from him. As he is a significant person she wouldn't waste his talents on something trivial

Most sessions after ending an arc start with a couple of hours of misc downtime nonsense before diving back into the main plot. I need something that I can weave in and out of while rotating between the different players. Anything that would require violence would probably get the other players involved or be trivial enough to just skip over. I would like a moral quandary of some sort but he's playing an Asmodean

Ideas- debt collecting, stealth mission, make an exchange

So I get how it works in general. My question is how it works when the sides are enchanted with different utility effects. For example if only one side had called would I be able to summon the whole thing, split it in half, or just be unable to use the effect? Anchoring and unseen are also good examples of this type of effect.

Can a polymorph spell let you assume a form allowed by an earlier version? For example can fey form II allow you to turn into a small fey? Correct me if I'm wrong but if so I assume it would use Small Fey for statistics(+2 dex +2 con) and fey form II's list of special abilities I can gain

The alchemist discovery Vestigial arm.
A) does it give me a limb in oooooze form
B) does it give me a ring and hand slot in oooooze form

A) as before

Alchemist Extracts
A) Are they considered spells or not for purposes of being able to use them in ooooooze form

I play full casters. Their fun. I like having options in and out of combat. Full casters do that quite perfectly. But full caster doesn't fit every character concept, table, or campaign. Got a game coming up in a couple of weeks and I want to play a martial character but I don't want to be stuck as a 1 trick pony full attacker. All I've come up with is Brawler and batman quiver archer. Is there any other builds for martial characters with options? Partial caster is ok so long as its meant for utility/buffs.

Campaign Specific Stuff
1 Free feat lv1
Wild West Themed

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Made my day

This has been bugging me for a while but why do so many forum folks believe that casters need gold less than martial characters? The only big item martial characters need that casters don't is their weapon. So yeah. Why?

Anyone know of one?

Recently my character learned he is a parent. He currently knows absolutely nothing other than that the mother is dead and odds are very high its not being on the material plane. Given only the knowledge the child exists and he has met its mother, what spells do I need to find it and confirm it is mine?

I have access to the wizard, druid, and cleric lists up to 6th level spells. UMD and plenty of gold is also available but I would prefer to avoid it

I tend to divide villains into 3 categories based on how many sessions I intend them to last; session(1 session), arch(3-5 sessions), and campaign(most/all of the campaign). Obviously each type has its own merits, but what works best? How long should you keep a villain around for best effect?

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Been going through material trying to get as many spell slots as possible that I can decide on the spot or at least in less than 15 minutes. To be clear I am not looking for versatile spells like summon monster. Exceptions are those that actually let me prepare spells. Just wondering if I missed anything

Bonded Item
Preferred Spell
Spell Specialization Greater
Maagambyan Arcanist PRC
Fast Study
Exploiter Wizard->Quick Study
Flexible Wizardry
Improved Flexible Wizardry
Psychic Assylumn
Mnemonic Enhancer
Annihilation Spectacles- pretty sure there's something like this for necromancy but I can't remember the name
Planned Spontaneity
Amulet of Magecraft

My next campaign is going to be similiar to kingmaker. The players are going to be dumped into a wilderness and get to build their own kingdom(s). However because of this they will have access to lots of gold/trade goods, particularly once the economy starts producing.So my main question is how do I keep them somewhat in line with wbl while still giving them the resources to build a kingdom? They will start off with access to teleport and at least a few crafting feats so they will be able to purchase/sell most anything. I can't think of anything other than dm fiat making there be difference between character and kingdom gp; a stretch that everyone (including myself) finds a bit to far detached from reality

Lastly if anyone who has played this style campaign before has any other problems specific to it please point them out and let me know how you handled it. Thanks in advance

Currently playing a lv8 gestalt psychic rouge. Build wise I'm basically playing a twf rouge that uses spells to support it. He has a good int score but I'm probably not going to take any feats improve casting other than quicken spell. What spells should I pick from Pathfinder Savant?

1. Can you cast magic weapon on siege weapons? If so why is magic siege weapon a thing?
2. What craft skill(s) is used to make siege weapon ammo?
3. Are the special ammo types that include alchemy materials such as alchemist fire considered alchemy items?
4. What determines who is crew leader? What action type is it to change crew leader?
5. When loading abundant ammunition into a siege weapon do you have to take all of the load actions and fire it on the same turn to avoid having the ammo disappear?
6. Can you have more than the necessary amount of crew?
7. Do crew members have to be able to lift the ammo in order to take reload actions? Similarly is there any minimum strength to aim or move a siege weapon?
8. Has anyone found what a targeting platform is yet?
9. Called weapon enchantment on a siege weapon. Does this crush you or put it next to you with your hand on it?
10. Can an animated siege weapon be a member of the crew using it?

Making an NPC mystic theurge of Asmodeus and these caught my eye

Conditional Favor
Conditional Spell

Spells I found that work well
Heal, Breath of Life, Baleful Polymorph, Resurrection series, Planar Binding

What other spells would do nicely?

Trying to build Tarquin from Order of the Stick

What we Know
1. Heavy Armor user
2. Good-Decent on all mental stats. Difficult to say which is highest
3. Strength Based
4. Swaps between Sword and Board and a Greataxe. For simplicity I'm going to use a bastard/long sword to swap between 2 handed and 1 handed styles
5. Has a wide variety of knowledge and social skills. Needs at least 6 skill ranks per level
6. Human
7. Full or Near full bab
8. Not a spellcaster
9. Knows several languages including drow sign language
10. Versatile combatant. Most likely has a wide variety of the more flexible combat feats including power attack, combat expertise, and a few improved combat maneuvers. Definitely has deflect arrows
11. LE

How would you build him?

My group has recently been playing several different tabletops. Mutants and Masterminds(M&M) has a great character creation system that we all love. We do however favor Pathfinder's combat system. Is there any existing homebrew/3p character creation systems for pathfinder that are similiar to M and M? If not does anyone want to help me make one?

For those of you not familiar with M and M:

M and M uses a point buy system to purchase literally everything. Including saves, ability scores, skill points, class abilities, feats, bab, hp equivalent. You get 15 points per level. Most everything costs 1 point per excluding class abilities and skill points. Class abilities have a cost per rank modified by various extras and drawbacks. They then scale by rank(level scaling basically). EX: Smite Evil- would be based on a smite ability, then reduced in cost for the restriction of only affects evil targets.

Has anyone played using the Exotic Spell Components? Specifically Mandatory Components. Was working on a campaign setting and realized how well a component system like that would work for it(thematically at least). How does it affect the game? What did you like about it? What did you dislike about it?

Currently running a super hero campaign. I am having some trouble coming up with good secret identity names for the NPCs though. I am following the classic troupe of the first and last name starting with the same letter(Peter Parker, Lex Luther, etc)

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Playing a one shot soon. Looking to play something peculiar, reasonably effective, and preferably not to complicated. Thanks in advance

Joining a new campaign next week. Gestalt. Table is fairly unoptimized and more focused on building around style than power. The character I want to play is a low strength high dex + int wizard+unknown class. Hybrid and Psychic classes banned. Don't focus on feat count. Apparently they have some homebrew rules for gaining feats. With these conditions how do I make the steal combat something I can do consistently?

Current Drawing board
Agile Manuvers
Improved, Quick, and Greater Steal
Knowledge is Power wizard discovery
Foresight subschool
Pilfering Hand spell
Pilferer Familiar
Magus with manuver mastery Magus arana
Avenger Vigilante
Filcher Rouge
Cloak and dagger feat chain

I've been using Grimoire from the windows store however the more I use it the more things wrong I'm finding with it. What is your favorite app for looking through spells?

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I'm trying to decide whether to play a Magaambyan Arcanist or a druid. I already have found several druid only spells I want for this character concept I just need to know if there are enough for me to go druid.

Basically what are the best spells on the druid spell list. Less situational spells preferred. Feel free to mention ones that are already on the wizard spell list just denote them somehow. Thanks

Alright my current campaign is basically a massive fetch quest. In short the players are retrieving the Mcguffin to save the life of the deathly ill NPC who raised all of them. This of course was partially to introduce a clock element to the campaign. They have had many tough challenges so far and I plan to wrap it up by new years. However they have wasted significant time doing random crap. We've had a great time doing it but seriously they wasted 3 days tonight so they could
1. Rob a bank
2. Enter a gladiator tornament to get souls to feed to a demon sword
3. Deliver mail cross country
4. Pin the bank robery on the rest of the party to jail to get an NPC to date his cohort
5. Build a hat shop
6. Go to the spa
I mean it has all been perfectly in character and fun. But they have wasted so much time. On the other hand I find it difficult to just say "Ooops she's dead" when the players get back. On a side note we are not doing another fetch quest to get revival magic(which is extremely rare in this world)

So we got 1/2 way through a dungeon yesterday and are already at 200000gp each. And this is the dm who typically puts most of the gold at the end of the dungeon. I already have maxed out every one of the big 6 items, have a huge number of stacked effects across all body slots, metamagic rods > spellslots, most major staffs, immunities/high resistances to most forms of disable, 5 methods of revival on death, and +5 tomes for every non dump stat. What do I buy now because I know the enemies will keep scaling in power from here?

So new campaign is starting soon. I really want to play another kobold. Surprisingly enough he will be EXTREMELY racist towards gnomes. Was discussing this with the dm and he wants me to come up with racial slurs. Problem is I can't think of anything more insulting to call someone than gnome ^__^

So my dm has given everyone the ability to do a large scale rework of our characters. So far my character has been a sorcerer blaster focusing on chain lightning spam. I would like to keep this play style but do it as an Arcanist. Yes I know blasting is inefficient. No I will not use dazing spell

Rework Rules
Can trade any levels for an equal number of levels in any class
Can swap 2 ability scores(int and cha)
Can take any feats that I meet the prerequisites for

Relevant Houserules and Homebrew
Arcane armor training uses no action
No more than 1 archetype per class
I have an item that gives adamixture school power

Arcanist Lv11 + Diabolist Lv2 + Soul Drinker Lv2
Arcanist- I’ve been wanting to try and play one since I read them over. Will probably advance as an arcanist for more exploits
Diabolist- I want to keep my extra imp. Also hellfire is very useful agianst these silly paladins that keep attacking
Soul Drinker- for spell slot recharging and improved familiar cacodaemon

Lv1 Familiar
Lv3 Quick Study
Lv5 Item Crafting
Lv7 Potent Magic
Lv9 Metamagic Knowledge
Lv11 Greater Metamagic Knowledge

Lv1 Arcane Armor training
Lv3 Spell Penetration
Lv5 Greater Spell Penetration
Lv7 Spell Focus
Lv9 Spell Specialization
Lv11’ Improved Initiative
LV13 Quicken Spell
Lv15 Spell Perfection
Lv17 Intensified Spell
Lv19 Extra Contengency

Bonus Feats
Lv1 Additional Traits
Lv5 Inscribe Magical Tattoo
Lv9 Maximize Spell
Lv11 Merciful Spell

I’ve been working on a mega dungeon for the last few weeks but sadly I am out of ideas for the rest of it


Currently the party needs to go through a demiplane called the Caves of Chance. Basically it is an infinite number of completely separate rooms of varying size in of which everything is equally likely. I have made a little over 60 of the desired 90 rooms. Each room is connected to the others by a portal that is either hidden or requires specific conditions to be met in order to be used. Basically I need about 30 more self contained encounters that can go into a dungeon where anything is probable


Barbarian that tries to use diplomacy on everything first. Attempting to collect souls
Wizard that uses most his spellslots for comedic effect. Odd chaotic/law rp element
Warpreist who has a love/hate relationship with gnomes
Rouge that wants magic items and money. Recently fell in with a gold dragon and agreed to be less evil
Monk who worships RNJesus

Specifics for rooms:

• CR range 6-12
• Rooms should be on average 30min to complete
• A room can contain free treasure, extremely lethal monsters, a clever puzzle, odd traps, candy, weird magical effects, or anything in between
• Stealing encounters from movies, books, etc. is fine and even encouraged. Just be sure to let me know what it is from so I can nod knowingly if one of the players recognize it
• It is not a serious campaign so goofy stuff and 4th wall breaks are fine
• Note that rooms don’t necessarily have to be enclosed. I have 2 that are pillars surrounded by void and several that have an open sky. They can be as big as you like
• Specific stat blocks are unnecessary though page numbers to specific premade monsters would be nice
• Any NPCs that would have names need to be named
• Loot is optional as only around half the rooms need loot. Also try to keep it under 30k gp per room
• I already have several pure loot rooms. More are fine but will probably not be used unless they are very interesting
• A few more puzzle rooms would be appreciated
• Avoid over powered NPC’s that must be persuaded to help
• NO library themed rooms
• Be as mean or nice as you want so long as you think a player might enjoy it

My dm decided to houserule spell resistance and I'm having trouble deciding if I like it. As the parties primary caster he did say that he would change it back if I hate it too much

Creatures with spell resistance gain a bonus to ac against spell attacks equal to 1/2 their spell resistance. In addition they gain 1/4 of their spell resistance as a bonus on saving throws against spells. No roll is required to overcome spell resistance. Spell Pen allows you to ignore 2 points of this touch ac bonus and 1 point bonus to saving throws.

How does this affect the probability of my spells landing and is there any major reason I should dislike this change?

My character is turning into a vampire within the next few sessions. So how do you deal with the various vampire weaknesses?

Lv14 sorcerer with excellent UMD so he can use pretty much any spell and spell trigger item. Have a necklass that allows me to not burn in daylight though light spells still get their extra effects. Coffin can be transported with a bag of holding but not used in one.

Character Description:

LE Sorcerer Diabolist who specializes in the planar binding spells
Only cares about 3 people(mother, mate, and adopted daughter) who he is fiercely protective of. Sadly his mother died as part of his backstory
Everyone else can die for all he cares
Almost always takes revenge. His revenge tends to be utterly ruthless. He sometimes lets some one off if they can be helpful agianst someone who has crossed him more
Lately has been trying to curb his revenge impulse because it almost got his daughter killed
Hardcore Asmodeus worshiper
Honest to a fault
Keeps his word regardless of situation though he always leaves a loophole
Is a contracted Employee of Hell Incorporated. In fact he almost got employee of the month for industrializing soul harvesting in his region


Last session it was revealed that the NPC epic level Sorcerer Chronomancer(master of time magic) was a good friend of my character's mother. Apparently she made him swear to look after my character. This took the form of forcing my character being forced to write and sign a contract swearing to never commit genocide again. Rather than using enchantment magic to force me to do so he decided to simply add motivation. Basically forcing him to watch his mother's horrible death over and over and over(I think the total was around 180 times) until he agreed to write and sign. To make matters worse he was under the effect of a curse at the time that multiplied all emotions experienced by a factor of 10.... End result he took massive sanity damage and but isn't crazy yet. He is thoroughly traumatized and obviously very very angry

Obviously the character would want revenge. Considering the level of damage I cannot see him overlooking it. The most fitting reaction from my perspective is for him to dedicate himself completely to getting revenge

So how far would this character go to get revenge? Basically the Chronomancer is too powerful to stop by himself. The only plan of getting revenge I can think of that might work involves betraying Asmodeus, breaking his contract with hell, and aligning with his former most hated enemy. Is this too extreme or does it fit character? Is there any other way to bring down a level 24+ sorcerer who has clones scattered though out time? Heck there is more copies of him than we have been able to count running around our base of operations

The dm did specify that there was a way to kill him near the end of the campaign. Sadly I have no idea what it is so my character cannot spend his time working for it

I know that you can add multiple effects to a wondrous item or ring for an additional 50% cost. Can the same be done for Wands?
EX: Wand of Grease and Burning Hands. Separate charge pools for each spell

Same question for Staffs. Can I make a staff with 2 separate charge pools and spell lists?

Got leadership from an item the dm gave me. I would like to get a Dragonkin(bestiary 5). While this was approved I am curious how I am supposed to get it. Do I have to go out and find it or does it naturally come to me? We did discuss market prices for buying one earlier though that was before leadership got involved

My current table has been together for around 3 years now(for most of the players). We have been through many sessions and a running joke we have is the horror of BADGERS!!!!! As such I have decided to make a badger themed character. The focus of the build is being the parties tank as we have a desperate need. Debating between 3 builds and would like to hear what the community thinks. Any other builds are welcome

Race: Knoll, Human, or Half Orc
Stats Con>Str>varies by build

Starting level 14
1. Lv2 Barbarian Lv12 Cleric- plan is to use spell perfection and metamagic cost reduction to use quickened heal to rage cycle
2. Lv14 Barbarian- superstitous tree
3. LV8 Barbarian Lv6 Druid- use wildshape to turn into a badger, rage, profit. Heal between fights

Eliminated Options
Rage Prophet, full druid, anything where my combat constitution is below 40

Dm also prohibits multiclassing into more than 2 classes and taking more than 1 prestige class

I recently acquired an item that mimics the spell Deflection(adv players). How high does my AC need to be in order to reliably(80+%) deflect the attacks of CR16-20 monsters? Assume my character is built to take aggro for the party

I've been working on a metamagic based mystic theurge of Nethys and was wondering how a few feats would interact. Mostly spell perfection

1. Spell perfection applies to the spell regardless of which class I cast it from. But what if the classes cast it at different levels? Do I use that classes spell level for considering what metamagic i can add?

2. Spell Perfection(Channel the Gift). Apply Echoing spell. Cast 2+ times consecutively. How would this work?

3. Does Spell Perfection double the Caster level bonus from Varisian tatoo and Spell Specialization?

4. Does Spell Perfection double the bonuses from Focused Spell?

5. Does total modified level include all the metamagic I apply to the spell?