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Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Once again I'm not getting the Paizo Advantage discount applied to my order.

The same thing happened last month (order 36459815), and Raychael took care of it.

Am I going to have to go through this routine every month?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I just received advance notice that order 36459815 is about to be ship.
It shows that I am being charged full price for all products in the order.

I am currently a subscriber to four product lines:
Pathfinder Rulebook, Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Maps, & Pathfinder Pawns.

Shouldn't this qualify me for the 15% Pathfinder Advantage discount?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I expect to be restarting it after the current (3-month) product.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, we might not have heard any news about new card game products at Paizo Con, but a friend just showed me a web page with new Ultra PRO playmats for Core & Curse - individual playmats for all the Core & Curse characters, and a new large playmat.

No sign of them in the Paizo store as yet, but at least one online retailer shows them as available for pre-order!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

There is no price shown for this product on either the main PACG product page or the individual product page.

There is obviously a price associated with the product - adding it to the cart gets the price information; it just doesn't show up on the product pages.

(This is on a Windows platform using Firefox as my browser).

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

The pricing shown in the email I received about order 7914022 appears to be incorrect.

The order includes three Adventure Card Game Class/Character decks.
(it actually includes four decks, but one of those is already on sale).
As I am an Adventure Card Game subscriber these should be discounted 20%,
but they are all listed at full price.

The order also includes a Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes set.
This does seem to have been discounted 20%, but that's wrong;
I should only get my Paizo Advantage 15% discount on this item.

The last item in the order - a Flip-Mat - should also receive
the Paizo Advantage 15% discount, but is listed at full price.

And, finally: before I changed this order to be shipped with
my next subscription shipment it was set to ship by the cheapest
possible method. This showed the items would be shipped in six
different packages, for a total shipping cost of over $30!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I (currently) have several items in my shopping cart.
The first item correctly shows "You purchased this product Sep 5, 2017"

All the remaining items, though, also show this same information,
complete with a link to the same order, although none of those items
was actually purchased at that time (one was actually purchased on
Sep 8 2016, one on Feb 5 2016, and one was never purchased before).

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

If you are playing a (PACS) scenario of Curse of the Crimson Throne with a group of characters with widely different prior play experience, the Base doesn't really work all that well.

To take an extreme example, if one (and only one) of the characters has run through most of the first two adventures, while each of the other characters only has access to a different level 0 or level 1 supporter, then it's quite possible that when somebody other than the most experienced character visits the Base none of the top three cards will be the supporter that character has access to.

It would probably be better if characters drawing cards simply got to ignore supporters to whom they did not have access.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Could somebody please take a look and see why this order is still 'Pending'?

It was submitted on July 5th, so I would have expected to have seen activity by now.
We're running a major convention in a couple of weeks, which will be somewhat difficult if we don't have our P2E rulebooks by then.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've recently had my attention drawn to new restrictions in tiering up in PACS play.

This now has to be done at the end of the scenario, after all earned rewards have been applied, but before Recovery; there is no other time to do this.

This is a change from the previous rule, which was: "Anytime after winning your fourth new scenario in any tier, you can choose to advance a tier; after winning your sixth, you must advance a tier."

This made it possible to leave the tier of a character that had won four scenarios undecided - the player could decide to tier up at the start of the next scenario played, for example (because that would put the character in a tier that could legally play in that scenario, or so that the character could earn deck upgrades at the new tier), or leave the character at the old tier (so it could still be played in a scenario at level tier-1, and maybe even earn rewards from completing an adventure)

This flexibility was valuable for players who couldn't guarantee to attend every play session, so didn't know if their next game would be at a catch-up session replaying an earlier scenario or a session playing a scenario from the next adventure level.

How can we keep that flexibility under the new rules?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

the Subscriptions page text for the Adventure Card Game describes the old products, not the new one. In particular:

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game wrote:

20% Off Cover Price + Free Promo Cards

Each Adventure Card Game base set comes with several character options, and takes you through the first Adventure Deck of a given Adventure Path. Paizo releases Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Base Sets annually, with monthly six-volume supplements (including more character options and decks to continue each Adventure Path).

This is no longer true. All of the adventure decks for a single adventure path are now bundled as a single product.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I don't see a link to a downloadable PDF. I can't guarantee internet access at the locations where we run PACS games, so I really need a printable version I can have with me at the table.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

This shows up in the list of reportable Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild adventures,
not in the list of Pathfinder Playtest adventures

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I just got email saying I now had access to Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild #5-1: Threads Unravel.

I clicked on the link in My Downloads, then clicked again a minute later to start the download.
It appeared to work, but the downloaded .zip file is only 151 bytes long, and contains a zero-length file.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Product Page wrote:
Add some ferocious goblin fun to your to Pathfinder Adventure Card Game with Reepazo!

I assume that should read "... with Nok-Nok!"

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I've just receive email saying part of this order is shipping.
But according to the link in that message the two other parts show as having been shipped, over a week ago (although I never received email saying they were shipping). My order history also still shows the rest of the order as still pending.

It also doesn't seem to have been combined with the item I have in my sidecart. I thought you could add items to an order until it was finalized - I'm pretty sure I've been able to do that in the past!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I am unable to change my payment method. Going to Account Settings and clicking on "Manage my Payment Methods" takes me to a page where I was successfully able to add a new payment method, but was unable to change the default payment method to use the new card. I was also unable to delete an old (expired) card - clicking on the "Delete payment method" button had no effect.

I now have another order shown as "Pending". I do not want this order to be charged to the older credit card - I would like the new credit card to be used for this order (and all future orders).

I have been trying to get this problem solved for over a week now.

I sent email to customer service, reporting this problem, a week ago.
I have called the customer service number (and left voice mail), but have never managed to speak to a live person. After listening to the phone ringing for a while I get the regular recorded message. Pressing "0" (or just waiting) gets "I'll transfer you now", followed by absolutely nothing - not even the sound of a phone ringing. Eventually I get the (slightly different) recorded message about customer service being busy.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Although there is now a newer version of the Roleplaying Guild Guide, the 'Date Download Last Updated' still shows as August 2017

Shadow Lodge

Gentleman, Race: Grand Prix of Absalom, Middle Class

This is the Discussion thread for JohnF's Season of Plundered Tombs Adventure 1: Serpents in the Deep

Shadow Lodge

Gentleman, Race: Grand Prix of Absalom, Middle Class

Welcome to my Tier 1 run of Season of Plundered Tombs Adventure 1

We currently have four players signed up:

  • Elinnea (playing Korundo, a Hunter)
  • Keith
  • Deane Bema (playing Salim, an Inquisitor)
  • Akaitora (playing Amli, a Warpriest)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

The "My Campaigns" tab on the Paizo Messageboards front page doesn't take me to my current campaigns; it takes me to the Organized Play General Discussion

The linked address appears to be this monster, in case that's helpful:

"https://secure.paizo.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Store.woa/29/ajax/M36qGM641fbM BJUZXWkauw/0.StandardPageTemplate. rdDisplay."

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

I'm just printing out things I'm going to need for a convention this weekend, where I hope to be running some introductory Adventure Card Guild tables.

I'm planning on offering different seasons. With the tier system it's perfectly acceptable for a player to run one character across different seasons of play. So why, if somebody runs a tier one character through four different scenarios drawn from different seasons, does he need four different chronicle sheets? Why can't we just have the option of a generic chronicle sheet that's tied to the character and tier, not to a season and adventure?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I've got a couple of questions about this.

1) What are the rules on playing this scenario? Is it like the previous promotional scenarios (which were restricted to only being played by one character), or is it like a regular scenario which can be played by as many different characters as the player wants?

2) Is this supposed to be played before playing Adventure 4-1, or between adventures 4-1 and 4-2? Adding Adventure Deck 2 to the box before playing adventure 1 seems a little strange.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I got email from Tonya yesterday informing me that she had requested customer service to drop the GM's scenarios for our upcoming convention (PacifiCon, now only 8 days away!), and that you would be handling it ASAP.

As far as I can tell this did not happen - I certainly don't see 9-00 in my dowloads, and I'm on the GM list for that. I've left voice mail on the Customer Service phone number, but have been unable to talk to a real person to find out what is going on. When the phone is transferred to the Customer Service department all I hear is silence (no ring tone) until eventually it times out and I get the recorded message saying you're not available.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Are we starting in "AG 1", "AG 17", "AG 2017", or what?

(I'm not asking how this relates to the old Golarion calendar - just what the in-game date will be).


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I just noticed a difference between the character sheet for Kyra from the Community Use Package and the corresponding character card in the Class Deck.

The card wrote:

If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and add the Magic (□ and Fire) trait to it.

The character sheet wrote:

If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and you may add the Magic trait (□ and/or Fire trait)

(emphasis mine)

Which is correct? Has the card been updated, or is the character sheet wrong?

Note, too, that the checkbox on the "(▢ 4)" uses a different character from the other checkboxes in the POWERS section; this character renders as something looking more like a 'D' than a checkbox when viewing it with the Adobe PDF reader.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

This order is completed and in my sidecart, awaiting next month's subscriptions.

Would it be possible to remove the Flip-Mat "Bigger Tavern" from this order - I already seem to have a copy of this.

(If it's too much trouble, don't bother - it was my mistake, after all!)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I submitted this order on Thursday October 13th, and received an email notification that the order was "Pending".

Today I happened to notice that this order appeared to have been moved back to my sidecart to ship with my next subscription (presumably when my comics subscription got added to my sidecart).

I've changed it back to ship immediately, and it's gone back to "Pending" status. However, it now also includes the comic subscription (shown as a preorder) - if that would delay the shipment I'd rather not wait for that.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Can anyone tell me when this is expected to be back in stock?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

There was a problem with the packing of this order.

While most of the miniatures were packed together in a sealed UPS plastic bag, affording some level of air cushioning, a few of the miniatures were just loose in the shipping box (amongst the packing peanuts).

Unfortunately the miniatures packed this way included the two Goblin Vulture Pilots, and Beaky the Owlbear. During shipping something inside the box shifted around (maybe Beaky, maybe the Map Packs), with the somewhat predictable result that one of the fragile stands for a vulture got broken. For delicate miniatures like this it might be a good idea to retain one of the plastic shells that WizKids use to protect them.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm somewhat confused by this blog post.

As far as I can see this is by no means a 'new' release - the "Shadows of Mirkwood" cycle of Adventure Packs is the original set of Adventure Packs released for the Lord of the Rings LCG, and is several years old.

Most (but not quite all) of the additional expansions, adventure packs, etc. that are available show up on the (linked) page listing products available from Paizo.com

Another oddity that I have noticed is the pricing of the Nightmare Decks. If you look on Fantasy Flight's web store the list price for these is $6.95 for the Adventure Pack nightmare decks, or $19.95 for the Expansion nightmare decks. On paizo.com the list price shown for the Adventure Pack nightmare decks is either $4.34 or $8.68, while the expansion nightmare decks seem to be priced at either $12.45 or $24.90. While this is a good deal for the cheaper offerings (which appear to be mostly older products) the price for the others seems to be about 25% higher than the list price from the manufacturer.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

If I'm browsing in a messageboard thread that requires me to be signed in, using the "Search This Thread" function signs me out. This means that it's very hard to actually go and look at one of the posts the search found for me; when I click on a message link in the search results I get sent to the "Sign In" page, and signing in takes me back to the top of the thread, not to the message I was trying to find!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

In the list of duties and excpectations for both the Venture Lieutenant and the Venture Agent, the text "Schedule games catering to a variety of play styles, based on the needs and desires of your community" appears twice: once as part of the bullet item "Acknowledge different styles of role-play and their presence in the Pathfinder Society", and once as a separate stand-alone item.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I just got the shipping email for this order.

I was rather surprised, though, to see that two items in my sidecart (the Monk class deck that starts my class deck subscription), and the "City of Secrets" hardcover) were not included with the order.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

My August subscription order still hasn't shipped!

As this contains items I was hoping to have in hand for our convention next weekend, I'm a little concerned about this.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Although the Wrath of the Righteous character sheets now include Ekkie, she is not listed on the web page

(the Skull and Shackles section does list Ranzak as a promotional character; I would expect to see Ekkie similarly listed in the Wrath of the Righteous section)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

There doesn't seem to be any content on

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

This just arrived today.
Unfortunately, the Wrath of the Righteous Character Add-On Deck appears to be missing the Character Card for Adowyn. I've got her Role Card, and the Token Card, but not the actual Character Card itself!

I was also unable to find a packing slip anywhere in the shipping box. I'd appreciate it if you could print one out and send it to us for our records.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

The main reason I subscribed to Pathfinder Tales was for a digital version. As this is no longer to be available as part of the subscription (and because I have no interest in trade format paperbacks) the new subscription is of very little value to me. I will be looking at purchasing a digital format (probably either Audiobook or Kindle), but will have to find an alternate channel for that.

If possible, I would like to terminate my subscription between "Forge of Ashes" (assuming that still comes with digital versions) and "Lord of Runes". If that isn't possible, then just cancel it immediately.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Come and join us at 6:30 on Thursday Nights at Isle of Gamers in Santa Clara!

We will be offering both Adventure Card Guild and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Organized Play scenarios. We're always looking for new players (and GMs) - we'd love to see you there!

Isle of Gamers can be found at 2740 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95051

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Katrina Mathison wrote:

UPDATE: I've just spoken to our warehouse manager, and he said that all March subscriptions should now be shipped! We had a pretty light month, so subscriptions went fairly quickly.

If you still have not received your email notification or think that something is wrong with your subscription order, please contact us by creating a new thread on the Customer Service messageboards . . .

I have not received an email notification, do not yet have access to the PDFs for the subscription items, and the order still shows as pending.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

The download for Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Scenario 0-4D: The Impossible Bottle has the scenario number wrong - the filename has "04-D", instead of the correct "0-4D".

The scenario page in the file has the correct "0-4D" in the heading - it's just the name of the zipfile that gets it wrong.

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