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I made a 1st level Inspired Blade, which is a Swashbuckler archetype, and it lets me take my Charisma and Intelligence modifiers as my starting panache. My question is, when I get enough experience to make level two, if I instead multi-class as a Mouser, do I get to add my Charisma modifier to my pool of panache points again since I'm starting a new first level class?

Thanks for clearing this up.

From Invisibility:

Invisibility wrote:
Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any part of an item that the subject carries but that extends more than 10 feet from it becomes visible.

So they don't see a glowing line, or anything glowing at all. All they see is that the hallway is light up by some unseen source. The only way to determine where the light is coming from is from the shadows it makes

I think your parties idea of casting light and invisibility on the rope is genius and Id allow it just because of creativity.


Since the Eidolon adds its hit points to yours as temporary hit points, can the Eidolon be healed by the Rejuvenate Eidolon spell?

Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser wrote:

Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser

School conjuration (healing); Level summoner 1

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S, M (a drop of your blood)

Range touch

Target eidolon touched

Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

By laying your hand upon an eidolon, you cause its wounds to close and its form to solidify. This spell cures 1d10 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5).

Or a wand of that type of spell? Or can those temp HP be healed by anything?


No. A friend of mine wanted to take a 5' steep and then use his standard action to move. So I just wanted to know if he could. Then it struck me that its sort of the same as just doing a withdraw anyway.

Or I guess it's more like a restricted Withdraw.

@Howie23: Because it lets you move out of the first square without taking AOO's, but still move up to your speed.

I was confused about pounce and rake awhile back myself. I was shown a link to James Jacobs,(Creative Director) answering the same question. Check it out.

Read Me

Wouldn't doing that be basically the same as doing a full round withdrawal action?

If you take a 5' step, can you then use your standard action to do a movement?


Say I turn into a Whirlwind and pick up a couple of creatures. According to the PRD, the creatures can act normally with a couple minor penalties.

But, can they attack the whirlwind they are trapped inside of? Do there attacks pass harmlessly thru me?

Rikkan wrote:
Correct the splash part of a splash weapon is an area effect which would gain the 50% damage increase, for example the splash part of an acid flask would be 1 damage + 50%, 1,5 damage, which you'd round down again to 1 damage.

Don't forget Alchemists get to add there Int bonus to splash damage.

So this makes much more sence for Alchemists: (splash)+(Int Mod)X(1.5)=Total Damage

1+4=5 / 5X1.5 = 7 (Rounded down)

So been wondering this since I first started.

If I'm a Druid with lots of skill points invested in Handle Animal, and I want to train an animal to fight, or combat, it takes a successful handle animal check and anywhere from a week, to 3 weeks of training.

But what if I cast 'Speak with Animals', since I can actually talk to the animal I'm training, would that reduce the amount of training time, or reduce the skill check DC?


Alexandros Satorum wrote:

Anything that improves your attack.

Weapon focus, smite evil, favorite enemy, weapon enhacement, flanking, higher ground - they all add

I thought your CMB was BAB+(Strength Bonus) Only?

Mojorat wrote:

First, Power attack as far as i am aware of is actually an anti Trip feat.

Second, you need to give an example of your level and your current CMB. I would then suggest going through the Beastiary and checking your chance of tripping monsters at your own CR.

A general thing though is, things with lots of legs are hard to trip, things that are large are hard to trip and finally, things that have Magic Bonuses to Ac that are not armor bonuses are hard to trip.

So what was the bad guy you were facing?

I need Power Attack so I can use Felling Smash.

I'm a Anti-Paladin level 13, CMB +19 (+23 for Trip)

The boss was a some type of ranged archer with huge dexterity and acrobatics skills from what I could tell.

We killed off all his mobs, and got involved with fighting him. At this point he ended up killing 3 of us when it was 6 Vs. 1. (two were ripped to shreds at point blank range with arrows, and the third died after we killed the boss from a nasty poison)

Hi, I need some advice.

My GM has a talent for making his bosses way too powerful for our group. Example: I have a character with 6 feats dedicated to tripping. (Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Greater Trip, and Felling Smash)

So tripping is a pivotal point of my character, but the other night, the boss he threw against us had such an incredibly high CMD, that even with a roll of 20 I couldn't trip him. (adding 20 the number, I know I can always trip on a critical)

I can't find anything to help improve my CMB. (Other then stat building items that improve my strength. Which I already have)

Does anyone know of any magic items I can get that will improve my trip attempts?


1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Touch of Corruption:
Beginning at 2nd level, an antipaladin surrounds his hand with a fiendish flame, causing terrible wounds to open on those he touches. Each day he can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 his antipaladin level + his Charisma modifier. As a touch attack, an antipaladin can cause 1d6 points of damage for every two antipaladin levels he possesses. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Alternatively, an antipaladin can use this power to heal undead creatures, restoring 1d6 hit points for every two levels the antipaladin possesses. This ability is modified by any feat, spell, or effect that specifically works with the lay on hands paladin class feature. For example, the Extra Lay On Hands feat grants an antipaladin 2 additional uses of the touch of corruption class feature.

This may be a stupid question, but can I damage undead with my 'Touch of Corruption' ability?

I know it says alternatively I can heal undead with it, but I don't see anywhere where it says it actually does negative energy damage.

Majuba wrote:
•How many total creatures could potentially be carried/caught in my whirlwind form? As many as fit in the space - a 20' tall Large Air Elemental in whirlwind form could hold 16 medium creatures (10'x10' base x 20' height is 2x2x4 5'cubes. Unless they were particularly tall medium creatures.

Slightly wrong, let me help.

A whirlwinds dimensions always follow the formula: 5 foot base, then vortex width at the top is always 1/2 the height.

Small 4 ft. 1 lb. 12 10–20 ft.
Medium 8 ft. 2 lbs. 14 10–30 ft.
Large 16 ft. 4 lbs. 18 10–40 ft.
Huge 32 ft. 8 lbs. 22 10–50 ft.
Greater 36 ft. 10 lbs. 23 10–60 ft.
Elder 40 ft. 12 lbs. 27 10–60 ft.

So a small air elemental can make a whirlwind anywhere from 10 to 20 feet high. (10 is always the minimum height)

So dimensions for a small air elementals whirlwind would be 5 foot base, 20 feet high, and 10 foot width at the top. (It makes a funnel with the wide part at the top)

And you can only fit as many creatures as will fit in the whirlwinds width at its top. (10X10 foot at the top, so 4 medium creatures)

For your medium air elemental its whirlwind would be 5 foot base, 30 feet high, and 15 foot width at the top. So it could hold 9 medium creatures or 1 large and 5 medium.

I don't know how this is supposed to work, but I have an idea for consideration.

A small air elemental can make a whirlwind with a height of 20 feet. The rules say that the width of the vortex at the top is half the height of the whirlwind. So the vortex width is 10 feet. Which is enough for 1 large (10 foot base) creature. The rules for whirlwind also say it affects creatures one or more size categories smaller. So 10 foot base is a large creature, then one size categories smaller would be a medium creature. So my guess is that a small air elemental can make a whirlwind that can pick up 4 medium characters.

Then seizing it up, the medium air elemental has a height of 30 feet, making the width 15 feet. A 15 foot base is a huge creature. So it could pick up 1 large creature, or 1 large and 5 medium creatures, or 9 medium creatures.

This may be totally wrong, but submitted for thoughts. This might make the whirlwinds too strong.


Sorry to pop that bubble CrazyElf, but you can't turn into a Magical Beast at 8th level.

At 8th level, a druid can also use wild shape to change into a Huge or Diminutive animal, a Medium elemental, or a Small or Medium plant creature. When taking the form of animals, a druid's wild shape now functions as beast shape III. When taking the form of an elemental, the druid's wild shape now functions as elemental body II. When taking the form of a plant creature, the druid's wild shape functions as plant shape I.

Its only telling you how wild shape works, not what type of creatures you can turn into. You can only turn into the creatures that are listed in the Druid class rules.

anthonydido wrote:

You are wrong Darthslash.

This is a clear case of the "specific overrides general" rule. Pounce specifically states that you can use your rake attacks as part of a charge. Nowhere does it say you have to grapple to do it.

Here is a post by James Jacobs saying it works exactly like everyone else is saying it does.

Ok, I stand corrected. Thank you for showing me I was wrong.

And btw, I play a Druid, I'm not trying to ruin some guys character because I'm jealous or something, or what ever that guy suggested.

Each spike would get its own save, with the DC increasing by +2 for each failed save.

Say you fell on 3 spikes and the poison DC was 15. (just picking a number, not sure what the actual save DC is)

Spike 1: Fort save DC 15 (fail)
Spike 2: Fort save DC 17 (fail)
Spike 3: Fort save DC 19 (save)

Ongoing poison saves to cure would be at DC 17, the highest DC you last failed at.

Crafted poisons can cost hundreds of GP to create. I can see how applying poison to the entire blade of a long sword could use the entire dose of poison.

But shouldn't you be able to coat more then a single arrow head or bolt tip with your dose of poison?

Wouldn't common sense be more like: You craft a dose of poison for hundreds of GP in materials, and you make enough to dip 3 or 4 bolt tips in poison?


Moondragon Starshadow wrote:
Reading is hard. Nowhere does it say "if you establish a grapple, then you can..."

Maby for you, not for me. Pounce may allow you to skip the rules about having to start your turn maintaining a grapple to use rake, but everything else in rake says you need to be grappling your opponent to use rake. So I will stick with my interpretation of the rule until the developers answer my question in a FAQ.

Which you can feel free to tag the faq for my question if you like. But don't start being rude when you can't prove my way isn't correct anymore then your way is.



Please consider BillyGoats post for faq.

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Whenever you polymorph into an animal with the pounce and rake special attacks, and attack using pounce, do you get to add the rake attacks automatically, or do you still need to establish a grapple during this attack action to add the rake attacks?

submitted for faq

There is one mechanic that deals with this, although your Wizard might night like it.


Read that and see how it works.

Pounce lets you do 2 things.

1. Make a full attack action on a charge.

2. Temporarily ignore the requirement that you must establish a grapple and maintain it into round 2 before using your rake attack.

It doesn't do:

1. Let you automatically add 2 free attacks without being in a grapple.

**You can make a Rake attack every turn, if you have the Rake special attack...And you meet its requirements**

Just saying you can make a rake attack doesn't mean you get to ignore the requirements, unless a specific rule lets you. Like how Pounce lets you ignore the requirement of having to wait till you next turn to rake. You still have to grapple though.

The deinonychus does have pounce, but it doesn't have the rake ability. So the only thing the deinonychus can do is a full attack on a charge. He can't add rake attacks that he doesn't have.

And I don't understand why you can't understand what I'm saying. I agree that pounce lets you rake when you charge!

But what it doesn't let you do is ignore the rules for actually using rake. You still have to establish the grab with one of your standard attacks, and once you do that you can then add your 2 additional claw attacks.

This is very clear to me and I know this is the way its intended to work. If you don't agree with me then fine, but don't say I'm wrong whe n you can't prove I'm wrong.

On the second round, when he gets hit again by shadow essence, his save for that dose of poison would be DC 19, because he is already suffering from 1 dose of poison. If he fails this save, his save to cure is DC 19 like you wrote. But if he happened to make this save from the second dose of poison, then his cure DC would go back to DC 17.

Anytime your affected by poison, and you get hit with more, you add +2 to the save DC to resist that dosing of poison.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Consider the following

1) The pounce ability specifically says you can rake on a charge and does not specify "if the grapple attack is successful"

2) The velociraptor deinochus dinosaur has pounce but no grab.

3) Rake specifies that the animal has to start the turn with the creature in a grapple to start the rake attacks (which if its not getting the rake from the pounce doesn't make any sense becaue it can't start the turn grappling and then charge)

I can't see any ambiguity at all here.

1. It doesn't have too because its already written in the rake rules. And the reason it specifies that you can rake on a charge is because the last line of rake states "—it can't begin a grapple and rake in the same turn." So pounce needs to specifically negate that hyphenated line to allow the rake on the charge.

2. Velociraptor Show me where it says this animal has pounce? And even if it did, it doesn't have rake either.

3. Not sure what your trying to say. Pounce says you can use rake and full attack when you charge. I'm just following the rake rules at the same time and not just throwing them out the window.

Name one other condition that allows you to rake other then grappling?

And not pounce because that only says you can use rake when you charge and that is the item of contention we are arguing.

Sorry Xaratherus, 99% of the time I agree with your interpretation of the rules, but this one time I don't.

And Zhayne, I do agree that pounce lets you rake on a charge, but I believe that you need to be grappling to use them. Just like the rule clearly states.

The 'Under certain conditions' that rake is describing is the condition of grappling your target. And it says just that right after the coma 'when it grapples its foe'

All I'm saying is that you can use your rake attack when you pounce, just like pounce says...once you've established a grapple from one of your grab attacks, during this attack.


Ah, thank you Darth Grall! That FAQ is much clearer. I knew I was right last night, but I didn't have the proper wording to prove it.

Pretend?!? Did you just say Pretend??? Ooookay, I'll just pretend my weapon says it does 10d10 damage instead of 1d8 too.

Matter of fact, I can make the game way easier for me if I pretend the rules say different things.

Nothing there states you don't either.

Bottom line is your combining the rules for Rake and Pounce. All Pounce says is that you can use your rake attacks when you charge, instead of only being allowed to use them after maintaining a grapple.

Rake specifically says that the extra attacks can only be used against a grappled foe.

Ever watch a cat rake with hits back claws? Its always biting and grappling with its front claws when it does. You can't rake with back claws without holding onto your target or else you would just push away.

I'm floored at how vague this description is, it had our group arguing almost angrily last night.

In addition, you can move through a threatened square without provoking an attack of opportunity from an enemy by using Acrobatics. When moving in this way, you move at half speed. You can move at full speed by increasing the DC of the check by 10. You cannot use Acrobatics to move past foes if your speed is reduced due to carrying a medium or heavy load or wearing medium or heavy armor. If an ability allows you to move at full speed under such conditions, you can use Acrobatics to move past foes. You can use Acrobatics in this way while prone, but doing so requires a full-round action to move 5 feet, and the DC is increased by 5. If you attempt to move though an enemy's space and fail the check, you lose the move action and provoke an attack of opportunity.


Base Acrobatics DC*

Move through a threatened area Opponent's Combat Maneuver Defense
Move through an enemy's space 5 + opponent's Combat Maneuver Defense

* This DC is used to avoid an attack of opportunity due to movement. This DC increases by 2 for each additional opponent avoided in 1 round.

According to the wording of this action, you can only move 'Through' an enemies threatened square and avoid the AOO with acrobatics.

You can't move away from an enemy and avoid the AOO with acrobatics! And this floored me. Why allow you to move 'Through' an enemy's threatened square but not out of a threatened square with acrobatics?


O=Empty Square
1,2,3=Player 1, 2 and 3
A=Enemies starting square
B=Enemies ending square after using acrobatics.

So according to the rules, the enemy rolls his acrobatics check against player's 1 CMD, but players 2 and 3 get AOO's Vs. the enemy.

Please tell me, is this how it really works??? According to the wording it is.

I think this should be flagged as a FAQ.

Rake wrote:
Rake (Ex) A creature with this special attack gains extra natural attacks under certain conditions, typically when it grapples its foe. In addition to the options available to all grapplers, a monster with the rake ability gains two free claw attacks that it can use only against a grappled foe. The bonus and damage caused by these attacks is included in the creature's description. A monster with the rake ability must begin its turn already grappling to use its rake—it can't begin a grapple and rake in the same turn.

I don't know...I think I have to disagree with you all.

I think pounce does let you use your rake attacks on the initial charge, but only if you establish a grapple during that attack.

So attack would be. Bite/Claw/Claw (makes grab check and succeeds) Add Claw/Claw from rake.

I think pounce only lets you skip the part about having to begin its turn already grappling to use.

Ok, Beast shape III is a 5th level wizard spell. But what if I'm wildshaping at a level 10 druid using the level 5 Beast Shape III rules.

Do I use DC=10+5+6 (21) *Where the 5 is the spell level and the 6 is my wisdom mod.

Or do I use DC=10+10+6 (26) *Where 10 is my druid level and 6 is my wisdom mod.

Because if its the first one (21) then your poison DC would never raise because wildshape never gets above Beast Shape III.

Bugs Bunny has shown us that if you put an ACME portable hole on anything you pass through it. You don't enter and live inside a portable hole silly! You slap them under the feet of your enemies and watch them fall through the ground.

BillyGoat wrote:

Wild Shape functions as the spell Beast Shape (of the appropriate level) for turning into a snake.

Beast Shape is a Transmutation (polymorph) spell. As such:

PCR, 212 wrote:

The DC for any of these abilities equals your DC for the polymorph spell used to change you into that form.

But Wildshape isn't a polymorph spell, so wouldn't you use your new constitution modifier to calculate the poison DC?

You have the same interest at heart as me Tsuruki. I have been planning on making an Alchemist and making him an 'Ooze Master'. It just sounds freaking wicked fun to play, and I love oozes as monsters.

But I can see where your coming from, at higher levels it does seem kind of weak, but I don't think it was created to be used as a focused specialists class. (Oozes only)

Maby we can start a petition to have them create an Alchemist specialist class focused on Oozes.

Is there a Swarm template?

Did you consider using 'Augment Summoning' to buff the oozes with +4 Str, +4 Con? It might increase some of there save DC's Vs. their special abilities.

I was just wondering if I could use this trip as a swift action during an AOO. But I guess not.

Aspect of the Wolf:
Aspect of the Wolf

School transmutation (polymorph); Level druid 5, ranger 4

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S, DF

Range personal

Target you

Duration 1 minute/level

When you cast this spell, you take on an aspect of a wolf, including some of its physical characteristics. You become more rugged, your ears become elongated, and you sprout sharp fangs and fur. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity, the scent ability, a +2 enhancement bonus on trip attacks, and can make a trip combat maneuver as a swift action. This trip attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Then answer this, can you take a Free Action during a AOO?

Ok, I admit defeat after reading deeper. Poo

But Kazaan is still wrong about Flame Blade!

I think all 3 of you are wrong.

Can you take a swift action during a AOO?

As you can see with my previous post, both you and your target have many chances to fail or break free. And it should be such since this is such a devastating thing to do to a opponent. You are essentially making them helpless and open to Coups. I don't even think they could escape at that point without help.


Edit: Actually, its so powerful a maneuver, I could probably be talked into giving your target a Reflex save Vs. your CMD before step 1 to avoid your grasping hands all together.

If I was going to GM this question, I would allow you to do that.

In this way:

1. You earth glide under the target and make a grapple check. (trying to grab his ankles)
1a. Your target gets an AOO (unless you have a grapple feat) against you with cover.
2. Round 2, if your target didn't break free, you attempt to maintain your grapple.
3. If you succeed, then use the move action as part of your standard action of maintaining the grapple.

Grapple wrote:
Move: You can move both yourself and your target up to half your speed. At the end of your movement, you can place your target in any square adjacent to you. If you attempt to place your foe in a hazardous location, such as in a wall of fire or over a pit, the target receives a free attempt to break your grapple with a +4 bonus.

4. interrupt step 3! Let target get a free attempt to break the grapple with a +4 bonus.

5. If he doesn't make his hazardous location break free attempt, then continue with step 3, then goto 6.
6. Target is buried up to his head and you can release him and continue this round anyway you like.

Drakkiel is correct about the spell failing once his voice was stolen. That's the big danger with 1 round cast spells.

As far as calling the lighting goes... the spell doesn't specifically say what he has to do to call down the pain. So I would allow any type of targeting. Anything from using voice, to pointing, to just thinking "I want that guy to get hit now"

But the spell would continue to work after he got woken up. Especially since the spell says he can do other things while the spell is active.

Nosig wrote:
ok, in a 20' by 20' room, a line of PCs from one wall to the other (four PCs in a line), would a swarm of bats shape itself into a line 5' wide and 20' long in order to attack all the PC's in the room? or would it retain it's 10' square shape and only attack 2 PC's?

A swarm doesn't have tactical combat reasoning. Its purpose is to swarm together, as close to center point as possible 1. For protection. 2. For attacking food it can't take alone.

So there not interested (if they could be interested in anything) in attacking everything around them, just swarming on a small area and killing what's in there small 10X10 zone.