ADD Dog |

Huskie Doo |

All right recruits. Sound off.
{In a Mario Lanza style warble:}
"Dreenk to me only weeth thine eyes,
And I weel pledge weeth miiiiineee
Or leave a keeess but in the cup
And I'll not ask for whiiiine.
The thirst that from theee soul doth rise
Doth ask a drink, by Gum;
But might I of Jove's nectar sup,
I would not sneeff your bum"

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And you want something for that? Seriously, Gruumash, I like you but if you think you're getting a medal or something then forget it.
Though I am grateful that you and IHIYC's nature loving third cousin on his mother's side, I'm Hiding In The Wilderness (IHIYW), helped me to create the book 'Golarion's Tier System To Nature'. Now, for all of you who don't know if certain magical creatures are more than just mere animals this book will help you.
Tier 1 is your regular wild animal, from the urban fox to the mighty lion.
Tier 2 is the magical creatures who truly act solely on instinct such as the krenshar, which is aware of its supernatural ability but it otherwise behaves no different to regular big cats.
Finally, Tier 3, magical creatures who behave more like humans and other sapient races (such as dwarves, elves, gnomes and even orcs and goblins).