Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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DOG!!!! Let the butt sniffing commence.

That's a good Thursday night's entertainment in anybody's book.


Hello big dog I'm...(looks over shoulder) I'm ADD....(looks over shoulder) I'm AD...(looks over shoulder) (growls) (starts chasing tail)

I suddenly feel like I am in a commercial for a new movie...

Thought so!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Much doge
So thread
Last wow?

You listen to me pup, and one day you will be a real dog.

KenderKin wrote:

I suddenly feel like I am in a commercial for a new movie...

Thought so!

That looks like a good movie. I wanna....CAR!!!! BARK!!! BARK!!! BARK!!!

If you are going to bark, BARK like you mean it.


*too busy digging random holes to notice what's going on*

You are PATHETIC, recruit. Drop and give me 10!

*Drops* *starts rolling around*

Looks like this thread has really *puts sunglasses on* gone to the dogs.


"Remember my little smurflings to be a responsible pet owner and have your dogs spayed or neutered"

*Crosses legs*


Pappy SmЦГf wrote:
"Remember my little smЦГflings to be a responsible pet owner and have your dogs spayed or neutered"

{brandishes shovel} A responsible goblin will spade your dogs for ya.

Sovereign Court

This looks like it's going to be rather painful, nice!

No one wins when your nuts are at stake

This thread just keeps hounding me!

No one wins when you mutts are at stake

All right recruits. Sound off.



Forgive me master. I did not here you come in.

*farts* *turns around and starts barking* WOOF!!! WOOF!!! WOOF!!!

Damn sneaky ducks...


Lay. Laaay. Lay down!

Good boy.

Now play dead.

Sergeant Baskerville wrote:

All right recruits. Sound off.

{In a Mario Lanza style warble:}

"Dreenk to me only weeth thine eyes,
And I weel pledge weeth miiiiineee
Or leave a keeess but in the cup
And I'll not ask for whiiiine.
The thirst that from theee soul doth rise
Doth ask a drink, by Gum;
But might I of Jove's nectar sup,
I would not sneeff your bum"


CAT!!!! ARF!!!ARF!!!ARF!!!


Ventnor wrote:

What!?! Where!?! *runs wildly back and fourth*

Where's tha squirrel?
Where's tha squirrel?

You seem to be searching for a squirrel.

Would you like some help with that?

Clippy wrote:

You seem to be searching for a squirrel.

Would you like some help with that?

Which way did he go George? Which way did he go?

You want the squirrel? You can't handle the squirrel!

Squirrel, you still love me tomorrow?

Squirrel season....

rabbit season... season


The Exchange

I Shall Do So With Profane Ecstasy!: 3d4 ⇒ (1, 1, 1) = 3

Tragic to say, feeling the burn has for whatever reason become more difficult recently....

and back to preparation H so soon?

Sovereign Court

*Appears with the Laughing Skull Clan looking rather eager and holding torches.*

Burn,burn,fire and burn!

*Laughing Skull Clan does what they do best.*

Remember, burn the bodies but keep the skulls.

Lots of dogz, all dogs feel goblin tribe Dogslicers of fiery Agony!


I leave and this place goes to the dogs...

"THE" Poog of Zarongel wrote:

Lots of dogz, all dogs feel goblin tribe Dogslicers of fiery Agony!


What if I told you that dogs had horse friends?

Of course. We have a mounted cavalry.

I'm hungry...hey what's that, Ima go sniff that...oooh what's that, Ima go pee on that...anybody hear that noise...BARK!!! BARK!!!! BARK!!!

What's that boy an enigma?

Dark Archive

I am back and winning yet again

Sovereign Court

And you want something for that? Seriously, Gruumash, I like you but if you think you're getting a medal or something then forget it.

Though I am grateful that you and IHIYC's nature loving third cousin on his mother's side, I'm Hiding In The Wilderness (IHIYW), helped me to create the book 'Golarion's Tier System To Nature'. Now, for all of you who don't know if certain magical creatures are more than just mere animals this book will help you.

Tier 1 is your regular wild animal, from the urban fox to the mighty lion.

Tier 2 is the magical creatures who truly act solely on instinct such as the krenshar, which is aware of its supernatural ability but it otherwise behaves no different to regular big cats.

Finally, Tier 3, magical creatures who behave more like humans and other sapient races (such as dwarves, elves, gnomes and even orcs and goblins).

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