Sea Dragon

Darkwing_DM's page

464 posts. Alias of DarkWingD.

Hello, i am opening the thread to see if there would be interest on if anyone would like to join a online campaign. Due to the coronavirus my table group pretty much got disbanded and with one of them expecting a baby I don't know if we are ever going back to table gaming anytime soon. so I wanted to open this up to see if anyone would like to join our game we have started on discord and rolld20.

I am looking for 2 for now and that we might add more later.

We are at level 3 currently but by the time we will get recruitment done we will probably be 4th. so because the way its done the recruitment thread will be a little different. What I would like is the following to see if there is interest.

1. English primary language (due to us being on discord this will be necessary)

2. we are currently rotating between Sunday mornings (9 am-2 pm ish Central time U.S.), and Thursday evenings as a backup day if we cant get online Sunday . (6:30- 10:00 ish) every week. so you would need to be available.

3. currently there are three players I will give a brief background below and their role, race, and a couple of sentences to get a general idea of what is going on. this is a trial run on a AP before we are planning on recording and posting our online sessions much like the glasscannon podcast. (shoutout! great podcast if you have the time, they are truly masters of the their craft and living the dream.)

4. For the feel of the campaign it is closer to firefly and guardians of the galaxy. we are very Rule of cool, with a lot of re-skinning. we don't worry so much about descriptions as much as rules. to give a example a NPC has a mechanical arm that changes into tools to be used. (its the same as him pulling out a tool, and using it (move action to change, then standard to use and his hand cant be used for anything else, etc, but the flavor is so much better. he paid for the items his arm changes into.)

5. It would also be super awesome if anyone that is interested is in the fort worth/dallas area where if we do ever go back to table or get a chance to meet face to face would be a bonus.

Now onto the fun part; the campaign. We started with the first book of Attack of the Swarm only deciding after deliberation that the attack of the swarm was to railroady and didn't cover what we wanted in a Fictional Starfinder path (it was more of a Bug hunt campaign for those that liked starship troopers i would recommend it), so we did what was only natural we deserted our post at the first opportunity, lol. To travel the stars and explore and find new dangers and systems. I am roughly re-skinning Skulls and shackles campaign path because i thought that Space privateers in the dispora asteroid belt would be much more interesting so you might see and hear some names and places that might be a little familiar like squibbing a stolen starship and asteroids named after Islands in the book. Currently we are on absolom Station looking for our own starship. one was promised to us by the dockworkers guild if would would do a little favor for them and they would "lose" a Ship. One of the dockworkers went missing in a hanger that was run by a company called Galactic Driftdisk Incorporated. because he wasn't allowed in there the dockworkers guild needed mercs to go get him out (enter the PC's). the PCs found out that the dockworkers guild have been stealing supplies to make ends meet and take care of their own in a very middle finger to the rich corporations kinda way. along the way the party also was hired on to find a rich CEO daughter that was kidnapped. only to find out later that the CEO owns Driftdisc Inc and that the daughter ran away from home. When the PC's went to a Space junkie Rap bar to find her a heavy armed and armored group comes in a mass murders almost everyone in the Club. when the PC's try to report it they find out that the mercs that came into the bar had holo-tech that made them look like Shirrins. helping the woman escape and when interrogating the woman for why she ran away the PC's found out that the woman has a special power that allows her to enter the "drift" at will in any starship even though she has very basic control over it and it is imperfect. Not wanting to turn over the Daughter yet the PCs hid her in a storage area while trying to complete the dockworkers contract. when they get to the hanger the Pc's find out that large quantities of radiation has flooded the hanger and that hiding in the hanger is a very high tech DNA splicing center and that the CEO has teamed up with the Drow race to create super human Drow with weird powers. and that is where we last stopped at as of this post. It is currently speculated that Zillia (the daughter) might have had her genes spliced to give her powers and that the PC's might also try to splice their DNA too.

the following players are-

Thamor aka "Statikiller99" a lashunta envoy and science officers Thamor has the Iconic Theme on his character. Thamor originally volunteered for Duty on the planet of suskillion to fight the swarm. Well known from his streams he is a expert video game player of a team sport known as Galaxy Quest. (yes we like sci fi references in the campaign) he originally lead the party against the swarm only to find out that video games are not like real life and people get hurt by his decisions. when talking to his friend Cal who didn't volunteer for the swarm war he decided to help him out by taking his ship that they escaped the planet from the swarm with to absolm station. when he got there he let Cal leave the ship knowing that he wouldn't return. then when asked to check out something off ship. a Shapechanger took his identity and left the station with the Swarm ship. Currently Thamor just found out that the Fake Thamor is streaming on his feed more about the war and has branded him as a fake and for his followers and fans to harass him everywhere he goes.

Cal Buckson- a human witchwarper and now commander/captain of the party Cal didn't volunteer to fight the swarm he was press serviced when his escape pod landed on the planet. Cal is a little Emo in his look and feel he goes deep into thought and wants to plan everything. Currently cal is looking for a way off absolm station and to try looking for his lost family. however most recently with the discovery of Zillia Cal has found a bond with her, and while exploring the hanger something weird has happened. he received a message from himself from the future with a meetup place far outside the known universe.

Grommink- a Orc soldier and pilot of the group not much is known about grommink because he is a new character (when we decided our best option OOC was to desert rather than continue down a path no one liked, he decided to restart a character). the old character, a Vesk, wanted to fight the swarm too much and never would have deserted. Grommick family owns a engineering company but as one of the youngest does not stand to inherit or giving any help. his family escaped from the Drow when he was young. he was from a world that the Drow invaded and has a deep hatred for the race for which he was a slave for.

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

Day count=(3, evening time); weather= (dark and stromy); situational Modifiers=(Food and water is suffecient.)

Please post all off the topic questions and Out of character talk here. I do group initiative when it comes to combat. (this is where it will be where I will take the average of everyone's intuitive and the enemies initiative and roll once.) that way anyone can post during the turn at any time where you will not be waiting on anyone to go. typically I post every day and you will have one day to post your characters roll during fights. if not I will bot you. I will try not to cast spells or use up abilities though if I do. below my character name and above my picture. you will see a day count a weather count and any other situational modifiers. as the group gets more power it will be a little less important but for now it will be a challenge on food and supplies. every day and encounter might bring a random roll for rainfall or other modifiers so please pay attention to this.

At the beginning of every morning I will tic off all the rolls for the day. the party as it sands require a total of 18 gallons, 9 lbs food per day. if the party does not have enough you will need to roll a Fort save or start starving which will effect other rolls. For ease of play I will make the beginning of the adventure the morning/afternoon of the first day.

Day count=(3, evening time); weather= (dark and stromy); situational Modifiers=(Food and water is suffecient.)

"The repeating splash of small waves crashing against you, and the rotting scent of seaweed finally wakes you up from a nightmare of drowning and visons of someone pulling you to shore.... You manage to sit-up, coughing, and retching water out from your lungs as you feel a slight tugging on your foot. looking up through the haze of sleep you see a tiny crap-like creature tugging on your boot on a beach. Several other people on the beach are stirring from unconsciousness, as you realize your memories of the recent events that got you here are hazy and indistinct. Looking around the beach you see that you are on the beach of a jungle island, remembering a crewmember calling it Smuggler’s Shiv. About 50 yards away from the beach you see that there is a small dune of sand before reaching the shade of the jungle. Birds and other jungle denizens create a small cacophony of sound that can be heard over the waves. You see that you are in a small covered natural harbor in a horseshoe shape. Across the beach you see the wreckage of the Jenivere on some rocks and ripped sails flapping in the winds of the harbor. Standing up from the beach your legs are shaky as a day old fawn, barely finding your balance you see that several items are missing on your person."

"The repeating splash of small waves crashing against you, and the rotting scent of seaweed finally wakes you up from a nightmare of drowning and visons of someone pulling you to shore.... You manage to sit-up, couching, and retching water out from your lungs as you feel a slight tugging on your foot. looking up through the haze of sleep you see a tiny crap-like creature tugging on your boot on a beach. Several other people on the beach are stirring from unconsciousness, as you realize your memories of the recent events that got you here are hazy and indistinct."

I will be closing the recruitment feb 16.

20 point buy
Characters are level 1
- no starting wealth (just write 15 items, none of which can be more than 50gp. you will roll randomly for starting items, class specific items will automatically be chosen (spell book, holy symbol, etc) and you cannot have more than two of the same type included. (scrolls, potions, weapons, armor, etc)
- All Classes allowed except Occult classes (you can submit a Occult class, if you crave a challenge to get picked, or if you feel you just got a blow me away concept,); and Using unchained classes rules,
- Core races, with tengu, catfolk, Grippi, and Monkey goblin added.
- NO third party publishing sources allowed!
- All other Paizo books will be allowed
- two traits (one must be campaign) can take drawback for additional Trait.
- 20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 8 after adjustments.
- Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences
- We will be using background skills.
- Hit Points max first level, 3/4th all subsequent levels.
- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- evil characters will even be considered but only in terms of evil greed, lust, power, etc. not betrayal to your group. your character must be loyal to the group, this AP is very evil friendly if the party wishes. If you betray or cause too much trouble a crewmember can call a Black spot vote to kick you out at which point you will be executed and your treasure will be split.

- Will be using escalated Fear rules in Horror adventures.
- please include -5 min background-

5 min background:

1) I'd like 5 points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic.

- Please include a Example of writing with your submission-
must choose someone on the list during the voyage that you have gotten to know and write about a encounter on the ship. the characters are listed on Players guide (page 11)

The following are my preferred archetypes for my vision of this AP, I'm not against anyone choosing their own (like the druid class have several great ones, ape shaman, natures fang; ranger has trophy hunter, etc.) this is just to get people creative juices flowing seeing what I like and my vision for the AP. I chose one archetype that in my opinion best represented the AP.

Archetype list:

Gunslinger- Buccaneer
Barbarian- wildborn
Fighter- Tribal fighter
Paladin- Forest Preserver
Cavalier- Beast rider
Shifter- were touched (monkey, or jungle appropriate)
Samurai- Ward speaker
Alchemist- Crypt breaker
Mage- Poleiheira Adherent
Sor- seeker
Summoner- Storm caller
Witch- Bouda
Arcanist- Magaambyan Initiate
Druid- jungle druid
Cleric- Varisian Pilgrim
Oracle- seeker
Inquisitor- Green faith marshal
Rogue- Relic raider
Bard- Archaeologist
Investigator- Cartographer
Ninja-Hunting Serpent
ranger- Poison darter
Skald- War painter-
Warpriest- Mantis Zealot-
Monk- Lifting hand
Magus- Eldritch archer
Vigilante- Avenging beast
Vampire hunter- None
Hunter- Forester (jungle)
Shaman- Grasping vine
Slayer- Woodland sniper
Swashbuckler- wild strider
Brawler- Wild child
Bloodrager- Prowler at worlds-end

first i want to say I am sorry if this is the incorrect place.

My plan is to create Nightblood for my Monk in a campaign. this is the guideline I am following using a monk with bonded item using a combination of eldritch heritage (Vestige sorcerer bloodline: bonded item) and recruits/leadership feat (intelligent item option) the idea is to follow Warbreaker where you take the sword and throw it into the room let it beguile the enemy into picking it up then Ego conflict with the sword. I am also open to other ways to do this (most notably black blade arcanist, magus, or phantom blade archetypes. but I figure it would be harder because I think you need it to cast spells even though I cant find references.) the character and the sword will be LN, (to prevent alignment issues to simplify things but both will have different ways to achieve goals, thus the detect evil even though its a neutral sword.

I want the following but I cant figure out the cost and ego. (this is my first attempt with messing with intelligent weapons and I want to do it right.)

Vicious adamantine +1 bastard sword. (detect evil at will or 3x day, beguiling gift 3/day)

I would also like answers to the following that is causing the conundrum to do this.

1. is a wizards bonded item easier to add intelligent item properties? (cost wise)
2. do you add the effects Vicious, adamantine, first then go on the intelligent item chart to figure up the rest (through strictly bonded item), then add it on? Or is it easier to do #3?
3. Leadership/recruits feat (intelligent item) what is the stating Ego, Int, and Chr. if you take that route? or can you just pay the cost and not take leadership?
4. is there any other easier way to do this?
5. what is the lowest level to do this?
6. when you temporarily enchant your black blade as a magus does this boost the ego?
7. can you think of any threads where someone did this (or something similar), where I can look at it.

Thank you for the input.

Hello, this thread is for my table group to post addition RP for experience as well as keeping track of addition info please don't post unless your in my table group. thank you.

So im about to run Ironfang invasion next month, and I'm debating changing Aubrin The Green to a Druid with the Life channeler archetype (with both Harvest organs, and grisly ornament feats). for those that don't know the Life channeler archetype allows the Druid to sacrifice a sentient person to make plants grow in a nutshell. I was thinking about it basically giving Provision points by losing NPC people. I thought Hanspar would be a great god for this.

From that the following changes will happen.-
1. every time that it is used Aubrin will loose one of her impairments.

Once they are gone-
2. she will slowly start gaining stats and become more beautiful and start having more commanding presence.

After that-
3. She will start to gain a almost cult-like following that will eventually turn against the PC's in a very "the mist" kind of way. gaining help from the Dwarven blacksmith as her number one follower.

I thought with the following changes it will be a very realistic way to have a internal revolt. I only have read book one so I don't know if something like that is down the road so I would appreciate the heads up.

Day count=(3, evening time); weather= (dark and stromy); situational Modifiers=(Food and water is suffecient.)

I would like everyone to roll two rolls before we start on d100 just label #1 and #2.

In addition please look under cost per month on upkeep of a home or apartment. Place this on your character sheet on where you are living this will come with certain RP element as well as determine certain bonuses some districts are not available yet. This cost is found in campaign info tab. Please also look at crime and punishment.

Day count=(3, evening time); weather= (dark and stromy); situational Modifiers=(Food and water is suffecient.)

Korvosa, the Jewel of Varisia, has long sparkled on Varisia’s southern shore. Established 300 years ago by Cheliax at the height of that empire’s expansion, the city now commands its own destiny. A line of Korvosan kings and queens emerged to rule the city, establishing an infamous seat power—the Crimson Throne. Rulers have sat upon the Crimson Throne for more than a century, and the city has flourished. Yet the monarchy always seems on the brink of disaster. The Crimson Throne is not a prize to be won—it is a curse. No monarch of Korvosa has died of old age, and none have produced an heir while ruling. Even though King Eodred II controls Korvosa more fully than any previous monarch, that control remains tenuous, and many secretly count the days until their latest king falls to what they call the Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Whispers of Eodred II’s taste for scandalously young companionship have dogged the king throughout his rule, and thus when he finally wed, it was no surprise that his bride was barely a third of his age. Queen Ileosa was a woman of breathtaking beauty, with red hair like the sunset, chaste alabaster skin, and features so fetching many claimed her mother must have been a nymph queen, as surely no mortal woman could give birth to a beauty such as she. Most of Korvosa’s nobles worry of the dangers of placing a trophy wife within hands’ reach of the Crimson Throne, but Ileosa’s interest in the city seemed secondary to the life of luxury—and with the more-than-competent Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis guarding Castle Korvosa’s interests, these noble families feel they have little to worry about.

Over the past few weeks the city has been seeming on edge, there seems to be a palatable sense of menace in the city, but as always citizens plod on their daily lives. Fixing homes, doing dishes, taking care of their children; all without a pause. Because the problems of the rich seems pale in comparison to the worries of everyday life. But for some their paths are about to change. all it takes is a small note..........

I know what Gaedren has done to you, and I know where he dwells. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. A great change is coming to the city, and I fear for its safety. Lamm I think is at the forefront.

Ill be doing a recruitment thread for Curse of the crimson throne. I go ahead and let everyone know ahead of time im increasing Gaedren Lamm Story in this. Its ok if you have played this AP before. becasue ill be changing some things to keep it interesting.

-Characters are level 1
-starting wealth 300gp
-All Classes allowed, including vampire hunter. (I am also interested in any possible grey madiens, Sable company representatives. You can also use sorcerer of sleep archetype but with shiver.)
-Core races.
-NO third party publishing sources allowed!
-All other Paizo books will be allowed
-Using background skills and you need a Profession, because this AP is a Little about Fate.
-2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the Traits below from the updated anniversay players guide.
-20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 10 before racial adjustment.
-Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferenences
-will be using escalated fear rules when oppropiate.
-might be using dreamscape rules.
- The remade Campaign traits for CoCT found out of the Ann booklet.

Curse of crimson throne Player guide blog page gives the folloing.

CoCT Blog post:

Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide
Thursday, October 6, 2016
All the information you need to start and run a Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign is included in the new hardcover edition, but what if you're planning on being a player in the campaign instead? Well then, this blog post is for you! Alternately, you can check out the original Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide we produced back in 2008 for even more details—most of the rules mechanics in that book have long since been updated to the Pathfinder RPG, with one notable exception—the Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign traits. These traits are presented in full detail in the hardcover edition, but they are also reprinted in this blog post for you to peruse with ease.

Illustration by Miguel Regodon Harkness

Character Tips
Curse of the Crimson Throne is primarily an urban-based campaign set in the city of Korvosa in southeastern Varisia, although there are a few lengthy portions of the Adventure Path that take place outside of Korvosa's walls. To a certain extent, these portions of the game are intended to force urban-themed PCs out of their comfort zone, but the reverse certainly holds true. You can absolutely play a barbarian or druid or other nature-themed PC in Curse of the Crimson Throne, but you should come up with an in-character reason to explain why your non-urban character is in Korvosa at the start of the campaign, as well as why you'd want to stay in Korvosa as things inevitably start to go bad for the city. Building strong links to other player characters is a great solution—your druid or barbarian might normally just abandon the city, but not when a close friend or relative or other ally who lives in the city is in danger!

Character Races
Korvosa is predominantly a human city, although all of the PC races in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook are welcome within its walls. Korvosa itself was founded many years ago by Cheliax, and most of its human citizens are of the Chelaxian ethnicity today as a result, although there are large numbers of Varisians, Taldans, and Vudrani present within the city walls as well.

Shoanti are also quite common, although they tend to be less welcome in certain parts of the city and face the specter of racism that lingers still in Korvosa, thanks in part to the city's unfortunate history of Chelaxian conquerors claiming the land from the Shoanti and forcing them to flee to the northeast to the harsh Cinderlands. While a Shoanti character may be subjected to bigotry from some of Korvosa's more narrow-minded citizens, having a Shoanti PC may open up other advantages later in the campaign. Other ethnicities are rare but not unknown in the city.

Dwarves mostly hail from nearby Janderhoff, many of whom have ties to robust trade and mercantilism between Korvosa and the nearby Sky Citadel.

Elves and gnomes are relatively rare in Korvosa, but not so much that they'd turn heads when spotted walking down the city streets.
Halflings are relatively common in the city; many have escaped from lives as slaves in Cheliax to the south, and many of Korvosa's shipping concerns have large numbers of halfling sailors on their payroll.
Half-elves and half-orcs are present in the city as well, but while half-elves can generally pass uncommented upon, many of Korvosa's inhabitants (particularly the Shoanti, who have a long, bitter history with orcs) react poorly to half-orc presences; bigotry and fear are unfortunately not uncommon against these oft-misunderstood folk.

Character Classes
Curse of the Crimson Throne, as an urban-themed campaign, presents numerous opportunities for intrigue-based characters to shine, yet there remain plenty of old-fashioned dungeon crawls and dangerous combats awaiting as well. As with all campaigns, having a balanced party with regards to combat prowess, magical ability, and intrigue skills will go a long way toward success.

Character Classes:
Alchemist, Arcanist, Magus, Sorcerer, Summoner, Witch, Wizard: Korvosa is welcoming to those who specialize in arcane magic, and there are numerous opportunities for an arcane spellcaster to flourish in the city—and being an adventurer is certainly one option for prosperity! One important thing to keep in mind, though, is that Korvosa's most well-known school for arcane spellcasters, the Acadamae, does not play a significant role in Curse of the Crimson Throne. If you wish your character to be associated with the Acadamae, speak to your GM or build your character so those links are relatively minor. All of the standard familiars are good choices in Korvosa. There is a long-standing feud in the city between imps (who've escaped servitude to Acadamae students and teachers) and pseudodragon-like creatures called house drakes. Both of these are classic choices for improved familiars. (A spellcaster must be 7th level and chaotic good to gain a house drake as a familiar; full statistics for these tiny dragons appear in Curse of the Crimson Throne.) Other commonly seen improved familiars in Korvosa include dire rats, lyrakien, nosois, and pseudodragons, but anything approved by your GM could serve.

Barbarian, Bloodrager, Druid, Hunter, Shaman, Skald: These classes are not normally associated with urban regions, but as long as you have a reason for your character to live in or be on an extended visit to Korvosa, the campaign will accommodate such characters (and in fact, when the plot moves beyond the city walls, such characters may well be particularly helpful!). A character associated with one of the Shoanti quahs might provide some additional advantages or opportunities as the campaign progresses, particularly if the PC hails from one of the quahs that dwells in the Cinderlands (the Lyrune-Quah, the Sklar-Quah, or the Skoan-Quah)—although if your PC is a member of one such tribe, don't assume that you'll be automatically welcomed back into your tribe's arms after spending a significant amount of time in Korvosa! Classes that take animal companions should be able to function normally in Korvosa—after all, this is a city where defenders mounted on hippogriffs exist. The sight of someone with an exotic animal companion is unlikely to raise many eyebrows, provided the animal companion is well behaved. Nonetheless, there are certain types of animal companions that are more commonly encountered in this part of Varisia, including alligators, badgers, bears, birds, boars, dogs, horses, ponies, small cats (mostly firepelt cougars), wolverines, and wolves.

Bard, Investigator, Rogue, Slayer, Swashbuckler: These intrigue-focused characters make excellent choices for an urban campaign like Curse of the Crimson Throne. Korvosa has a wide range of organizations and groups that characters like this can belong to, but the campaign works best for "freelancers"—intrigue-based characters who haven't yet selected a group to associate with, be they underground guilds or high society. As the Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign progresses, you'll encounter several groups with which your intrigue-themed character might ally with or oppose, and coming to these groups without having a strong affiliation at the outset makes for a more rewarding play experience. Of course, there's one group your intrigue-focused character should start quite loyal to—that of the player character party! If you want to associate with a particular group, speak to your GM before the game begins. Note also that any of these intrigue-focused characters could benefit from the specific information provided below for vigilante characters.

Brawler, Cavalier, Fighter, Monk: As with intrigue-focused characters, there are numerous options for martial classes to flourish in Korvosa. The most appropriate group to ally with in this campaign would be the Korvosan Guard, which serves as the city's police force and plays a significant role in the campaign. Other groups, like the Hellknight Order of the Nail and the Sable Company have specific roles to play in Curse of the Crimson Throne that make them poor choices for PCs. If you wish to associate with one of these two groups, speak with your GM before the game.

Cleric, Inquisitor, Oracle, Warpriest: All four of these divine spellcasting classes are well known and welcome in Korvosa—provided they do not use their religious beliefs and zeal to cause trouble. Consult the Religions section below for further details.

Kineticist, Medium, Mesmerist, Occultist, Psychic, Spiritualist: There are a few opportunities for psychic classes to particularly shine throughout the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, be they links to the deep themes of spiritualism associated with the Harrow or explorations of particularly notorious haunted sites. Make sure your GM is familiar with and comfortable with options from Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures before choosing one of these classes for your character.

Paladin: Paladins are an excellent choice for Curse of the Crimson Throne—with one caveat: do not let the lawful portion of your alignment rule your play choices. Things rapidly get out of control and go bad in Korvosa as the campaign unfolds, and your paladin's choices should put her or him firmly on the side of the PCs. Speak to your GM before playing a paladin in this game. As a general rule, it's probably better to play a paladin of a neutral good deity than of a lawful neutral deity in Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Ranger: If you choose to play a ranger, make sure to consult the information above for other nature-themed classes (barbarian, druid, etc.), including advice on animal companions. Note also that while Korvosa has a ranger-themed organization that operates within its walls (the Sable Company), that group is not a great choice for association with as a player character. If you wish to be associated with the Sable Company, clear it with your GM before play. The best options for favored enemy are animal, humanoid (human), undead, and vermin. These choices remain strong in the later parts of the campaign, but outsider (evil) and outsider (native) grow stronger as options. Most other favored enemy choices will be represented now and then in the campaign, but not nearly as often. The best favored terrain choices are (in descending order of importance) urban, underground, desert, swamp, and plains.

Gunslinger, Ninja, Samurai: These three classes are all but unknown in Korvosa. While samurai and gunslingers can fit in well with other martial-focused classes and ninja fit in well with intrigue-focused classes, there are no specific themes in Korvosa tailored specifically for these exotic class choices.

Vigilante: Korvosa's current political climate is ripe for the attention of a vigilante. In fact, the city already has one notorious legend in this category: Blackjack, a figure at once beloved and reviled, is a masked hero who has fought for Korvosa's downtrodden for many decades. Rumors about his or her identity, race, and gender are across the board, as are opinions as to whether Blackjack is one person or a role held by several over the course of the city's growth. Whatever the truth, Blackjack has been lying low of late, perhaps retired, perhaps dead, or perhaps (as the downtrodden hope) merely waiting for the right time to burst back onto the scene. Of course, this means the city is potentially ready for a new vigilante to look up to or to fight against. Your vigilante could even be interested in taking on the role of Blackjack, although if you do so, speak to your GM first to determine how that might be worked out.

Prestige Classes: The Harrow plays a significant role in Curse of the Crimson Throne, and as such, the harrower prestige class from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide would make a particularly interesting choice for anyone who can qualify for it. Certain prestige classes are associated with key organizations in Golarion, and some of those organizations have key roles to play in Curse of the Crimson Throne. As such, these prestige classes are inappropriate for use in this campaign, but in order to avoid spoiling too much, those classes are not called out here. If you wish to build your character toward a specific prestige class, make sure to let your GM know as soon as possible so that she or he can either approve or deny your choice based on whether it makes sense to take levels in that class for Curse of the Crimson Throne.

The Common tongue is the most appropriate language for this campaign, but two others that will see a lot of use are Shoanti and Varisian. Beyond these three obvious choices, Orc, Thassilonian, and Vudrani will have some sporadic uses here and there. You can expect to encounter the typically wide range of creatures in a lengthy campaign, with more common languages (such as Dwarven, Elven, and Draconic) likely being more useful than obscure ones (such as Azlanti, Cyclops, or Orvian), which may not have much use at all.

Korvosa is tolerant of a wide range of religions and doesn't favor any one faith over another. The city's largest and most publicly active temple is the Bank of Abadar, but the city also hosts temples devoted to Asmodeus, Pharasma, Sarenrae, and Shelyn. Beyond these temples, the Pantheon of the Many in southern Korvosa represents 17 of the core 20 deities of the Inner Sea region—the only three deities who are not represented here are Gorum, Lamashtu, and Rovagug. While worship of Gorum isn't illegal in the city, his following has never been strong in the region (even among the Shoanti, who prefer a more shamanistic or druidic form of worship). While the faiths of Zon-Kuthon, Urgathoa, and Norgorber are represented in the Pantheon of the Many, their shrines are generally unused and neglected. When choosing a faith for your character, it's best overall to avoid worshiping an evil deity—if you do wish to worship such a deity, speak to your GM as your choice may be inappropriate (for reasons beyond alignment!) for this campaign.

Campaign Traits
Korvosa, like any city, has its share of undesirables. Cutpurses, thugs, thieves, burglars, assassins, and lowlifes of every sort can be found in waterfront slums, creeping in the sewers, or hiding in the tangled rooftop-scape known as the Shingles. The Korvosan Guard does what it can to keep the city's criminals from causing too much harm, but the cold reality is that crooks will always outnumber the law. And that means some crimes go unpunished and some criminals see great success.

The worst of these, perhaps, are the city's crime lords. Dozens of them operate in Korvosa today, from the scheming leader of the Cerulean Society all the way down to the Varisian Sczarni thugs who preside over a gang of a half-dozen friends and cousins. These minor crime lords are often, ironically, the ones who do the most damage to Korvosa's law-abiding citizens, as larger organizations have little need to bother commoners. One such undesirable is Gaedren Lamm, a despicable wretch who missed his chance at being somebody big in Korvosa's murky underworld. Well past his prime, the decrepit thief abducts orphans and forces them to support his parasitic lifestyle with petty crime. Many members of Korvosa's lower class have had dealings with Lamm, and even a few of the city's middle class and nobility have had their lives complicated by this foul old man. Yet no matter what he does, he always seems to slip away from the guards and avoid answering for his crimes.
Gaedren Lamm's luck is about to change, though. For among those his actions have recently touched are men and women destined to become some of Korvosa's greatest heroes—your player characters!

Before your Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign begins, look through the following Campaign Traits and select one that works well for your character. These traits detail how your PCs has been wronged by Gaedren Lamm, and set up the initial events for the Adventure Path—events that may well allow you and your fellow PCs to see that Gaedren Lamm answers for his terrible crimes, be that in a court of law or at the edge of a vengeful blade.

The campaign traits all tie Gaedren to a PC, and represent historical snippets that explain how this detestable crime lord has affected each PC in the past. Each trait is categorized into one of six unique themes with two separate choices for each campaign trait. In addition to selecting one of these campaign traits, each player should select an additional character trait; see Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide for more rules on character traits.

Campaign Traits:

You were hardly a model citizen as a child or young adult. Your reasons for turning to a life of crime may be varied, but what matters is that you eventually fell in with a certain well-connected and notorious crime lord named Gaedren Lamm. His reputation as a snake and a treacherous scoundrel was known to you, but for reasons of your own, you chose not to turn him down when he offered you a chance to work for him. You may have assumed you were an exception, or that you'd be able to handle him, or perhaps even planned to betray him. As it worked out, though, Gaedren got the upper hand and took you down you first. You may have served time in jail, may have been beaten by his thugs and left for dead, or could simply have had your profits stolen out from under you. Whatever the cause, Gaedren wronged you, and you are eager for the chance to get revenge.
Choose one of the following benefits.
Hungry for Revenge: You've never forgiven Gaedren for his betrayal, and have vowed to make him pay for what he did. Whether that's seeing him rot in jail or a shallow grave, you hope to taste vengeance someday. Whenever you deal damage with a melee weapon on a creature that is flat-footed, you gain a +1 trait bonus on the damage roll.
Reformed Criminal: You've given up the life of crime, and managed to talk your way out of any repercussions such as jail time or fines. You've told yourself that you would rather leave your past behind, yet the concept of seeing Gaedren Lamm pay for his crimes still appeals to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is a class skill for you.

Drug Addict
Someone you know has become addicted to shiver, a drug distilled from the venom of tropical arachnids known as dream spiders. The drug induces sleep filled with vivid dreams, during which the user's body shakes and shivers, giving the substance its street name. You've always thought of shiver as a problem of the lower class, but then someone you know overdosed on the stuff. You've done a bit of investigating and have learned that the villain who got your friend addicted in the first place was a crime lord named Gaedren Lamm. Unfortunately, the guards seem to be focused on the bigger dealers. They don't have time to devote many resources to what they've called "a bit player in a beggar's problem." It would seem that if Gaedren's operation is to be stopped, it falls to you.
Choose one of the following benefits.
Addicted Friend: The addict is a friend or lover who might or might not have survived the overdose. Your research into the drug scene and local politics has given you a respectable education in street knowledge. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks, and Knowledge (local) is a class skill for you.
Personal Addiction: You were the addict. You blame Gaedren for your brush with death and hate how his drugs are causing similar problems among other youths. Fortunately, your body recovers quickly from toxins, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws.

Someone you know and love was accused of murder. A supposed eyewitness account from a local fisherman seemed to be enough to seal the case, but the accused had enough alibis that sentencing wasn't immediate. Someone confronted the fisherman and discovered he was intimidated into providing false witness and forced into planting the murder weapon by the actual murderer—a local crime lord named Gaedren Lamm, whose thugs killed the fisherman before he could recant his testimony. Although this removed the key witness and resulted in the accused being set free, the stigma was enough to badly damage the accused's reputation. If you can find Gaedren, you're sure you can find evidence that ties him to the murder and can clear the accused's name.
Choose one of the following benefits.
Dropout: You were the one accused of the murder. Although you were eventually freed when a friend confronted the fisherman and got the truth, the damage had been done. You were forced to leave your school or church. As a result, you were forced to self-train and promised yourself you would become better at your chosen profession despite the spurning of your peers. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks, and Spellcraft is a class skill for you.
Family Honor: The person who was framed was a family member, perhaps a father or sister. You managed to trick the fisherman into revealing the truth with your skilled tongue. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is a class skill for you.

Love Lost
Someone you loved was knifed to death in a dark alley one night. You were called to the scene by the Korvosan Guard to identify the body, and as rough as that was for you, you also noticed a ring was missing from your loved one's finger. Whoever murdered your loved one stole that ring—you're convinced of it. You've done some investigation on your own and recently found the ring for sale at a local merchant's shop. To your great frustration, you can't yet afford the 500 gp to buy it back, but the merchant did tell you from whom he purchased the ring: a man named Gaedren Lamm. It seems likely this criminal killed your loved one, or at the very least, he knows who did. The only problem is finding him.
Choose one of the following benefits.
All Alone: The murder victim was a lover. With your lover's death, a part of you died as well, leaving you haunted, grim, and prone to dark musings. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is a class skill for you.
Orphaned: The murder victim was your only surviving parent. You had to work hard to make ends meet for yourself and any siblings, and often had to scavenge for food. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks, and Survival is a class skill for you.

Missing Child
You suspect that a child you know has been abducted by Gaedren Lamm. Whatever the relationship, you've heard rumors about "Lamm's Lambs," and of how the old man uses children as pickpockets and agents for his crimes. You've even heard rumors that the child you're looking for has been spotted in the marketplaces in the company of known cutpurses and pickpockets. Although the Korvosan Guard has been understanding of your plight, it has its hands full with "more important" matters these days, it seems, and has not yet been able to learn anything more about Gaedren. No one else is interested in bringing Gaedren down and rescuing his victims—that task falls to you. Yet where could the old scoundrel be hiding?
Choose one of the following benefits.
Missing Sibling: The missing child is a brother or sister. Although everyone else has given up hope, you believe your sibling still lives. Your constant search for the missing sibling has developed into great skill at rumormongering and finding out information from others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is a class skill for you.
Missing Son or Daughter: The missing child is your own son or daughter, a niece or nephew, or a child you were charged with protecting. The child was abducted during a trip to the market or other daily event. Your stubbornness and long hours spent searching for rumors grant you a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.

Unhappy Childhood
You spent a period of time as one of Gaedren Lamm's enslaved orphans, doing all manner of dirty work for him. Maybe you were abducted from your parent's home or during a trip to the market. Perhaps the irresponsible matron who ruled your orphanage traded you to him in return for a desperately needed financial loan. Or perhaps you, like most of Gaedren's slaves, were merely a child of the street who succumbed to his promise of regular meals and a roof in return for what he said would be "a little light work." Whatever the case, you spent several years of your life as one of "Lamm's Lambs" before escaping. You've nursed a grudge against the old man ever since.
Choose one of the following benefits.
Religious: One day, while on a job for Gaedren, you found a holy symbol of the god you worship, and intrigued by it, you snuck off to attend services. When Gaedren found out, he beat you to within an inch of your life and broke your holy symbol. Your faith let you block out the pain, and you escaped his control and took shelter in the church, where you spent the rest of your youth. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks and Constitution checks to stabilize at negative hit points.
Tortured: After you made one too many errors, Gaedren tortured you and left you for dead in a garbage heap. Your scars and memories have motivated you to hone your reaction speed and make you rather jumpy. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.

I will give about a week (maybe a little longer) on recruitment and time for people to build characters. (I don't know how much the interest will be but I hate not giving people a chance.)
I will also be recruiting people or to replace people at the end of each book and work them in. With first preference to those in the story already but that will give people a chance to leave or come back or replace missing players. if we lose people in the campaign i will just adjust the CR encounters until the end of the book. along with that, any character changes that someone wants to do they can have a opportunity at the end of each book. I am looking for 5 players to start.

Background- I saw this and stole it. (shoutout DM mathpro, who also stole it from someone else)
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own.

The start will be the Heroes going to celebrate Professor Lorrimars 60th birthday party. you have been invited by his Daughter Kendra for a surprise party. Lorrimar is a renown Monster hunter and you either know him or have heard of him. It is being held in his hometown of Ranvargo.

Characters are level 1
-300 gp starting wealth. (anyone that starts with Firearm Proficiency can start out with a starting gun per gunslinger broken gun rule with some changes. see below-)
At 1st level, a gunslinger gains one of the following firearms of her choice: blunderbuss, musket, pistol, or coat pistol. Her starting weapon is battered, and only she knows how to use it properly. All other creatures treat her gun as if it had the broken condition. If the weapon already has the broken condition, it does not work at all for anyone else trying to use it. This starting weapon can only be sold for scrap (it’s worth 4d10 gp when sold) the enemies will also be using this FYI

- Using commonplace Gun rules- Commonplace Guns: While still expensive and tricky to wield, early firearms are readily available. Instead of requiring the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat, all firearms are martial weapons. Early firearms and their ammunition cost 25% of the amounts listed in this book, but advanced firearms and their ammunition are still rare and cost the full price to purchase or craft.

-Using Called shot rules. (found in SRD)
-All Classes allowed
-Races allowed will be Human, dhampier, skinwalker, tielfing, Dwarves, Fetchling, asimar, (if using a varient teifling/Aasimar ability roll twice. one is your ability and the other your physical feature, you chose which number is which, fetchling wont get Shadow blending, to bring down their power. or you can use a feat to get it.) I chose the races that I felt most closely looked human for the feel.
-we will be using background Skills.
-NO third party publishing sources allowed!
-All other Paizo books will be allowed
-2 traits or 3 traits if you take a drawback.
- Story feats will be allowed with DM permission. (we will need to work out how it will work within the CC AP.
-20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 10 before racial adjustment.
-Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences and builds.
- Will be using escalated fear rules.
- Dreamscape rules may be used.
-Vampire hunter Class is allowed.
- I will be looking for RPers with the tendency to interparty talk to others. I feel this is integral to a good campaign.
- There will be tech elements including Advanced firearms, flashlights, Lighters, explosives, etc....

recruitment timeframe:
I will give at least two weeks on recruitment and time for people to build characters. (I don't know how much the interest will be but I hate not giving people a chance.)
I will also be recruiting people or to replace people at the end of each book and work them in. With first preference to those in the story already but that will give people a chance to leave or come back or replace missing players. if we lose people in the campaign i will just adjust the CR encounters until the end of the book. along with that, any character changes that someone wants to do they can have a opportunity at the end of each book. I am looking for 5 players to start.

Background- I saw this and stole it. (shoutout DM mathpro, who also stole it from someone else)
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Up to Three key Flaws that define your character as the person and why they are a Dark hero, flawed hero, or unlikely hero. (can have less than three. this can be a sin , tragic upbringing, or a compulsion that you have.)
6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own.

Archetype ideas:
I think would be a good fit. some work well with firearms, encounters, or feel. Savage technologist, Constructed pugilist, Maverick, Cad, Lycanthrope hunter, Archeologist, Amnesiac, Battle host, Siege gunner, Tortured Paladin, Vengeance hunter, Vizer, Drunken master, Sensei, Skinshaper, Blight Druid, Roaming exorcist, channeler of the unknown, living Grimoire, beastmorph, gun chemist, vivisectionist, Germinate Invoker, mooncursed, Dune drifter, Huntmaster, Pyrokenetist, etc......

campaingn feel:
the feel of the Campaign- I am looking for a Ash vs evil dead feel, a dark comedy, with humor, One liners, and heroes that Have flaws. There will be also some Ravenloft themes of seduction.

carrion crown interest check (ash vs evil dead feel)

Using Commonplace guns rules- (there will be advanced firearms)

Wild west alternate earth setting. (deadlands will be the most closely related map wise.) where people know that there are evil things roaming the streets so its very much a mix of gothic, steampunk, wild west. Gods will be any you want, you will need to write a background to them, if you don't want to be a catholic priest or Christian.

Races allowed will be Human, dhampier, skinwalker, tielfing, Dwarves, Fetchling, asimar, (if using a varient teifling/Aasimar ability roll twice. one is your abiltiy and the other your physical feature, you chose which number is which, fetchling wont get Shadow blending, to bring down their power. or you can use a feat to get it.) I chose the races that I felt most closely looked human for the feel.

I'm looking for very much a Ash vs evil dead feel. their will be some tech elements, but you wont start out with them, but they will be introduced at different times. (lighter, Flashlight, advanced shotgun, chainsaw, to name a few.)

I will be changing a little to the AP. so I don't care if you played it before. you don't have to take a campaign trait just write your background on why your going to visit lorrimar I am using that it will be his 50th birthday party. He is a former monster/undead hunter. you can use the campaign traits as ideas you can have up to 3 traits if you choose a drawback. I am also open to story feats. (with DM permission)

here is a example of some archtypes that I think have a good feel for the campaign to give ideas, Savage technologist, Constructed pugilist, Maverick, Cad, Lycanthrope hunter, Archeologist, Amnesiac, Battle host, Seige gunner, Tortured Paladin, Vengeance hunter, Vizer, Drunken master, Sensei, Skinshaper, Blight Druid, Roaming exorcist, channeler of the unknown, living Grimoire, beastmorph, gun chemist, vivisectionist, etc........

Classes ideas that would be good fits-
Pryokentist, Vampire hunter, Occultist, Mesmerist, Barbarian, Cleric, ranger, Shifter......

Just checking on interest..... if I get a lot of response ill probably open it. I will be looking more for RPers that are into inter party talking so if that wont interest you were you post a line or two all the time please don't apply or DOT.

Day count=(3, evening time); weather= (dark and stromy); situational Modifiers=(Food and water is suffecient.)

This is where outside conversations will be held.

Day count=(3, evening time); weather= (dark and stromy); situational Modifiers=(Food and water is suffecient.)

The citizen's of Knob's Mine are gathering after the Noble's announcement from the Barron, several people around town are glancing at each other looking to see if anyone will speak up. Mothers clutch at children as if this will be the last time they hold their loved ones. Some of the men clench their fist as if they want to say something; anything to make this man go away. The Old Mayor of town, Chancy the Elder. Tries to calm people down as soldiers go to house to house looking for people to gather. An hour passes while they check other homes outside of town and ask others if anyone is missing. Several soldiers with Halberds in chain shirts move among the crowd. The noble looks among the men and women choosing those after a short dwarven male with a long white beard inspects each one and nods. The nod is like a death sentance as once they are chosen to wails of fathers and mothers they are seperated and moved to one side of the field. So far there has not been any issues but clearly the soldier's look like they will make short work of any uprising. To the side the PC's recognize two people from town a young pretty Blonde haired woman by the name of Gweenth, and a short older man with wings of white in his hair by the name of Brock have already been chosen from the town. All during this time the Noble appears to fiddle at his reigns of his Large Stallion seemingly oblivious to the cries and shouts of the others. A total of six guards are next to the PC's. Not counting the noble and the Dwarf. The Dwarf continues his circuit around the townsfolk looking at different people and asking questions.

you can do knowledge local checks on specific people, Perception, Sense motive, etc if you feel like learning more, or simply talk amongst yourselves. only one check at a time please during this time.

This campaign will be in Damara in forgotten realms. This campaign will not follow a AP it will be fluid on the choices you make. There will be a recruitment after every stopping point that I have determined. Those that play will have first choice to continue, and a say on any others joining after the first adventure.

story so far-
The small village of Knobs Mine has not heard from the outside world in awhile, once a year the Barons tax collector stops by to gather the years taxes. nothing ever happens in the small village, once the mine many years ago produced bloodstone ore for the Country of Damara. now its nothing but a after thought. Kids grow up dreaming to one day leave the village, but few ever do. Even fewer ever return. Your characters are from the small town just knowing that life in the outside world was hard. Your parents tell you tales around the campfires. some parents pass on knowledge of gods, others the sword, and still even some spells. until one day the town hears about another town just a day away being attacked by goblins, and that's when a few days later a man rides into town on a horse and with several attendants. After a few moments he pulls out a scroll and begins reading a official decree.

" To the towns under the most honorable Baron Felldane. It is decreed that all the most able bodied men and woman of town need to be gathered to the center of town and chosen to help the barony in this most difficult time. the rumors are true that a town was attacked by one of the most feared and vicious creatures in the region and it is up to us to pull together to assist against this menace. It is a honor to be called to help. The bearer of this letter has the right to choose as many as deemed able from each town. Thank you. signed Baron Felldane."

and with that the small group of attendants call a gathering of people, and the rider points out each person saying, " You, you , you.........." and so on......

- free bonus conscript feat
- Characters are level 1
- minimum starting wealth per class
- All Classes allowed; and unchained classes, core races only (some races will be harder than others for why never left the area or been to any grand cities.)
- NO third party publishing sources allowed!
- All other Paizo books will be allowed
- any two traits can take drawback for additional. (no more than one of each type, not campaign traits.)
- 20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 8
- Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences
- We will be using background skills.
- Hit Points max first level, 3/4th all subsequent levels.
- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- evil characters will even be considered but only in terms of evil greed, lust, power, etc. not betrayal to your group. your character must be loyal to his friends in town even rivalry is friendly.
- Will be using escalated Fear rules in Horror adventures.
- your characters must have a rank in linguistics to Read and write. , you only start with native tongue (if non-human) and common.

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc.
4) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. or more than one.

thread and submissions will need to be completed by jan 5. feel free to ask questions.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This campaign will be the savage tide adventure path. This will be set in Magnimar. Those that have not played this before there are strong sailing elements, the gods most used are Gozreh, Nethys, Asmodous, Rovagug; in this iteration. I will be trying to use info from the shatterstar players guide if you need any ideas, and Magnimar- city of monuments supplemental guide. I will try to tie your characters into the elements in this AP based upon the characters chosen . This will be a interest check/Recruitment thread. However to be up front, if I don't have at least 12-15 submissions I will not be starting the campaign. This recruitment thread will go roughly 2 weeks and looking for 5-6 players. everyone will be either pathfinder lodge members from out of town or from Magnimar. (depending on your traits)

- Characters are level 1
- starting wealth 350 gp
- All Classes allowed; and unchained classes, core races only
- NO third party publishing sources allowed!
- All other Paizo books will be allowed
- any two traits- (can take a campaign trait from shattered star, but not any others) can take drawback for additional.
- 20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 8
- Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences
- We will be using background skills.
- Hit Points max first level, 3/4th all subsequent levels.
- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- evil characters will even be considered but only in terms of evil greed, lust, power, etc. not betrayal to your group. your character must be loyal to the lodge.
- Will be using escalated Fear rules in Horror adventures.
- everyone will be pathfinder lodge members that is the opening hook (either from out of town or a local).

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have started the Recruitment thread anyone with interest can apply, I am looking for 4-6 players. RP is a must, Imagination is a must, this is for a wild west style Carrion Crown AP, I have created a supplemental players guide to assist with this including at the end of the supplement the original setting description. this is set in a alternate real world old west. so the tech will be some of the same. In case you are wondering no this is not my first PbP. this is a new avatar. I haven't does this in a few years so wanted to restart new.

- Characters are level 1
- starting wealth 350 gp
- All Classes allowed
- NO third party publishing sources allowed!
- All other Paizo books will be allowed
- 2 traits one of which has to be a campaign trait from the carrion crowns players guide or supplemental. You can have a drawback for another feat but must be written into your background the drawbacks are not the normal listed but are curses off the Oracle list. (not 3pp) you only gain any bonuses with the curse if it is shown under the effect. you do not gain any bonuses like the oracle. works as if take the dual cursed oracle second curse.
- 20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 8
- Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences
- We will be using background skills.
- Hit Points max first level, 3/4th all subsequent levels.
- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- evil characters will even be considered but only in terms of evil greed, lust, power, etc. not betrayal to your group. your character must be loyal to his friends or cohorts.
- Will be using escalated Fear rules in Horror adventures.
- see supplemental players guide for additional info.
- anyone can

ok I'm doing something different in addition to the following background info in list form, I also want a background story with the person tying in their chosen campaign trait either before or after with the Professor leading a Posse to capture or kill "the Mistwalker" (see below, he rounded up the posse out of people he knew from his adventures or teaching). there are examples of Occupations in the setting and rounding out characters in character creation in the supplemental guide.

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic.
7) Dawnrunner massacre story.

I placed all the original info on the interest check at the bottom of the Supplemental Players Guide.

1.) supplemental guide
2.) Firearms
3.) pictures of mistwalker and his lieutenants.

Dawnrunner background story rules.-

All of you were a follower of Proffesor Lorrimar before the Dawnrunner Massacre. This is the moment when the professor retired to Ranvargo shortly thereafter; Due to losing almost everyone in Ambush. Only a couple of others survived out of a Posse of almost a hundred to kill the "Mistwalker" a mythical leader of the Reckoners. The reason for the name is that the Mistwalker cannot stand the Dawn and the only way the few escaped was waiting until dawn to leave the Crater. (I am keeping the rest intentionally vague for posts) with only the following info for posting.

1. it happened at Meteor Crater (near flagstaff AZ.)(look it up on the internet.)
2. there was a town at the bottom.
3. Lorrimar had roughly hundred men to capture or kill the Mistwalker.
4. Ambush with hordes of undead pouring over the side so the posse holed up in the town until dawn. there are pictures of the Lieutenants in slides provided. but not names.
5. groups got separated during the attack
6. All the PC's and the Professor were the only survivors. (so make up names of others at your leisure)

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Looking for interest check first-

The setting will be off the Deadlands Websights with a few changes. We will be using the setting, but none of the rules. The rules are based upon a homebrew. (see supplemental carrion crown players guide.) The overall setting is a Gothic western- dark clothing, muted, law in your own hands type place. Examples of the setting are Brotherhood of the wolf, Wyatt Earp, The Man with no Name, Van Helsing, The Prestige, Brothers Grimm, Sleepy hollow, And the Dark Tower. Where this game is set in the past there are slaves, and other adult themes that some might find a little offensive, but there will be no derogatory references to any races/cultures. And I ask anyone that joins be respectful to other cultures and still have fun.

the setting begins in El Paso as the characters first arrive by trains awaiting a stagecoach to the Small town a Ranvargo -

some items that will be seen and given out below to give a idea to the level of tech. telegraphs , barb wire, doorbell, ice cream maker, baseball, Gasmasks , fire alarm box, Burglar alarm, Dynamite, Ghost rock items, upgrades on firearms, pistol (sleeve), Molotov cocktail, morphine- DR alchemy

(found in Deadlands wiki)
The game is set in the United States in the last quarter of the 19th century. The canonical year for the first edition of Deadlands is 1876. A later supplement, Tales o' Terror, advances the game's backstory and metaplot ahead one year, to 1877. The second edition of Deadlands uses the updated backstory of 1877 as the canonical starting point. Deadlands: Reloaded further updates the backstory and advances the canonical starting point to 1879.The basic rules provide for characters and settings that could be expected to appear in the "Wild West" genre of movies and pulp fiction, and most of the in-game action is presumed to occur in the wild frontiers of the American West, or in barely tamed frontier towns like Tombstone, Arizona or Dodge City, Kansas. However, later supplements expanded the in-game adventuring area to include places such as the Deep South, the Mississippi River, Mexico, and the Northeastern United States. These supplements often provide for adventures set in urban areas such as New Orleans, New York City, or Boston.

The canonical, basic setting is referred to as the "Weird West" due to the juxtaposition of the Western setting with the horrific and fantastical elements of the game. The history of the Weird West is identical to real-world history, up until July 3, 1863. On this date in the fictional universe, a group of American Indians from various tribes, led by a Sioux shaman known as "Raven," performed a ritual in an effort to drive out the European settlers. This ritual created a conduit to a spiritual realm populated by powerful malicious entities known as the "Reckoners." The events surrounding and immediately subsequent to Raven's ritual is known as "The Reckoning." The Reckoners feed on negative emotions, particularly fear no one knows what happened to "Raven". Sufficient levels of fear in the population of a given location allow the Reckoners to begin subtly altering the environment of that location: the sun shines a little less brightly, trees become stunted and "evil" looking, rock formations take on the appearance of corpses or monsters, and so on. The more powerful the fear, the greater the environmental changes. typically the reckoners appear as a Mist that forms from the ground that causes mutations and different effects. Nercomantic energies and Powerful Negative emotions also have a slight chance to create the mist. These same mists can possess a recently deceased body and reanimate it, creating a "Harrowed". Harrowed beings are sometimes under the control of the spirit (which uses the opportunity to spread fear) and sometimes under the control of the deceased being.

The ultimate goal of the Reckoners is to turn the entire Earth into an evil, haunted wasteland — literally a Hell on Earth. However, the Reckoners cannot directly enter Earth's realm unless the overall fear level of the Area becomes sufficiently high. To this end, they use their powers to create monsters, madmen, zombies, and other creatures and villains that will sow fear and terror throughout the land.

The first instance of this occurred on July 4, 1863, at the site of the Battle of Gettysburg that had just ended; dead soldiers from both sides of the conflict rose from the battlefield and began indiscriminately attacking the surviving soldiers and civilians. Since then, undead gunslingers, hostile Indian spirits, strange cults, and deadly creatures have begun terrorizing the world. The American Civil War drags on thanks to the machinations of the Reckoners, and the country remains divided into U.S. and Confederate sections along with "disputed territories." Federal agents (called the Agency; Cross lands hunting individuals)and Texas Rangers struggle to deal with the eldritch menaces while hiding the awful truth from the general public. Seismic upheavals have pushed much of California into the ocean, creating a badlands area known as "the Great Maze." In the Great Maze, miners discover "ghost rock," a mineral that burns hotter and longer than coal and is used as the basis for most Deadlands technology as well as alchemical potions and semi-magical materials.

The unleashing of the Reckoners has had a number of important side effects. Magic was revealed to be real. Scientific progress rapidly advances as the Reckoners support experimental designs that normally would not work through the power of Ghosts possessing or influencing others. This progress drives the technological level of Deadlands from historical levels to a "steampunk" setting. Players take on the role of various mundane or arcane character types, including Gunfighters, Lawmen (such as U.S. Marshals or local sheriffs), Hucksters (magic users), Shamans, Blessed (those of faith), and Mad Scientists in an attempt to learn about the Reckoning and the mysterious beings behind it.

Changed summaries of the adventure Path -

Haunting of Ranvargo (1 of 6): When Reckoners (lead by The Mistwalker) seeking to free the imprisoned lich Warlord Raven violate the ruined prison of Ranvargo ; a small town south of El Paso, the long-quiet ghostly inmates rise in undead revolt! Brought together by the death of a common ally, the heroes unite to save the residents of a tormented town and lay the spirits of desert city to rest.

Trial of the Beast (2 of 6): When the reign of terror of a savagely cunning flesh golem comes to an end, the enlightened folk of Tombstone insist that the creature face a lawful trial. While on the trail of the Reckoners, the heroes find their fates entwined with that of the beast when they are enlisted to guard it against infuriated townsfolk, scholars of the macabre, and the slaves of its mad creator!

Broken Moon (3 of 6): The mysterious murder of Arizona's lord of werewolves triggers a war in the nation's grim plains that soon spills onto the streets. The forlorn land's desperate people begin a hunt to scour the nation of its deadly shape-shifters. Entreated by the lord of the werewolves to help unite his savage people, the heroes must risk becoming tainted by the curse of lycanthropy as they race to find an outcast lair.

Wake of the Watcher (4 of 6): When the heroes learn of an unholy bargain between the Reckoners and the drowned gods of the wretched town of Los angels, they must journey through a wilderness gone wrong to prevent the terrible union. But an eerie eye has fallen upon LA, and the community's deep lords are the first to fall! Can the heroes discover what foulness festers in the minds of Los angels? And will they be able to withstand the whispers of an insanity from beyond the stars?

Ashes at Dawn (5 of 6): A murderer stalks the streets of San Francisco, a slasher who only hunts a particular type of victim: vampires. As the heroes track the cultists of the Reckoners, they lose their quarry amid the mazelike alleys of California's crowded capital city. But from the shadows, a dark patron rises with offers of aid and insights into the cult’s ultimate evil. All he asks in return is that the adventurers put an end to the murderer terrorizing the city’s vampires. This leads the heroes into an underworld of endless night, where they must explore the vampires’ deadly society and indulge its blasphemous traditions if they’re to discover who’s murdering the undead.

Shadows of The Dark Tower (6 of 6): The deadly plot of the reckoners comes to its terrifying climax in the shadows of the tower imprisoning the Great raven himself! There the cultists plot to conduct a ritual to resurrect the notorious villain, using their collected relics to transform an innocent into a new undead body for the imprisoned lich warlord. Can the heroes withstand the ageless evil in the Dark Tower to finally defeat the Raven? Or will the Raven, one of the greatest villains of known history, be unleashed upon the world once more?

This is a sneak peek at the Rules-
Carrion crown/Deadlands supplemental