Danse Macabre

Dark Vicar's page

50 posts (52 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


james loveland wrote:

Well last night 6 out of 8 players walked out on our DM. Had a boss fight that took out everyone but 3. The other 5 were unconscious. One of the party members came up and killed 2 out of 5 stating he didn't like them and took their loot. They only reason the 7th person didn't walk is because they are related to the murderer out of game.

2 people tried to stop him but the DM told us that he gets to act first because he said he wanted to kill them. (both unconscious characters were over 50 feet apart and were killed before we could react).

Our levels are from 5 to 7 but characters are extremely overpowered. IE: sorcerer with 18/18/18/17/17/17 stats. They want to keep their characters and play them in the new campaign but I want them to make new ones at a 15 or 20 point buy... they dislike this because they don't feel "powerful" anymore.

I don't have the experience to set up a game with uber min/max characters... how do I convince them to make new ones?

First of all hat's off to you and the rest of the players who left, smartest thing you could have done.

As for the players who want to bring in characters with 18/18/18/17/17/17 stats, just tell them that it's your game and everyone "who" wants to play creates a character using 15 or 20 point buy. If you have mixed feeling, you can maybe allow 25 point buy but that's of course is totally up to you. No way would I allow this (18/18/18/17/17/17) stats though.

Mystically Inclined wrote:
Yes. I was offering alternatives. I didn't mean to say that the current build wasn't viable. Sorry for implying that.

No I didn't take it that way at all, and thank you all very much for the build suggestions. :)

I'll be playing this coming Sunday. I'll play a few sessions to get familiar with the basics.

Jiggy wrote:
Dark Vicar wrote:
I'm really not to interested on playing this game now, seems to be pointless to play a dex based fighter if everyone's pointing out that it's not going to be any good.

For some people on the internet, anything less than the absolute most possible is completely worthless.

They are wrong, and you shouldn't listen to them. An elven DEX-based fighter with an elven curve blade is a perfectly solid choice.

After looking at all the feats, it seems everyone agrees on taking the same ones, so I know it's not just one persons take on it.

All you really need is Weapon Finesse and Power Attack. Do as you please with the rest of your feats and you'll still have a solid character.

I'm also wondering why the dm isn't allowing for tiefling or aasimar to be played but he wants us to sign up to the Pathfinder Society.

If he's hosting a non-public, invitation-only game in his home or other private venue, he can add extra restrictions (if I remember correctly). If it's a public game, though, he shouldn't be doing that.

One thing I'm definitely not happy about, is all the money I've spent on all the books I have now.
Don't give up so quick; the internet is dumb. ;)

Sorry Jiggy new to this, I should have stated this, It's public. He's pushing that everything has to be official/by the book.

Thanks for all the advice from everyone, I appreciate it.:)

I'm really not to interested on playing this game now, seems to be pointless to play a dex based fighter if everyone's pointing out that it's not going to be any good. After looking at all the feats, it seems everyone agrees on taking the same ones, so I know it's not just one persons take on it.

I'm also wondering why the dm isn't allowing for tiefling or aasimar to be played but he wants us to sign up to the Pathfinder Society.

One thing I'm definitely not happy about, is all the money I've spent on all the books I have now.

Mystically Inclined wrote:

First, just so you know, you're starting out with one of the more complex type of melee characters. It will be easier to learn the game mechanics if you go with the strength based character. :) With that said, dex based melee classes are totally doable. The Agile weapon property will be essential, which means you have to buy the splat book that Agile comes in. I forget which book that is, but I know it's one of the Pathfinder Society books. (Pathfinder Society Primer, Pathfinder Society Field Guide, or possibly Seekers of Secrets.) All three of those are great to have regardless, because they tell you more about the Pathfinder Society as it exists in the world of Golarion (as opposed to Pathfinder Soceity Organized Play campaign that exists in the real world). They also have some key items that you'll want to buy later on, so it never hurts to start early!

As to your build... There's an archetype of Barbarian called "Urban Barbarian" that might serve you better either as a 4 level dip or the whole way. It means buying "Ultimate Combat" in addition to your other purchases, but it will help a great deal. As an elf, you'll have lower Constitution. Barbarians have higher HP, and even a dip in the class will help you survive. The real reason I'm recommending Urban Barbarian though is that it has a unique feature. I can modify ("control") its rage bonuses so that you can a +4 to Dex or Con (or +2 to both) instead of Str. You don't get the will bonus when using the controlled form, but adding a +4 to dex would increase your attack and damage WITHOUT decreasing your AC (because the Dex increase counters the AC loss).

Barbarians also have 2 more skills (which helps give you something to do outside of a fight), and some unique raging abilities. By doing a two levels in fighter, 4 levels in urban barbarian, and the rest of your levels in fighter, you will have a good mix of feats and abilities while dealing an impressive amount of damage.

Of course, you'd almost have to go with the Elven Curve Blade for this...

Well thanks for the heads up on this, I'll be perusing thru the books and reading up on this.

Shisumo wrote:
Dark Vicar wrote:

The calculator says 24 points spent to have abilities at:

STR 13
DEX 18
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 14

So I'm not understanding why this isn't acceptable?

Str 13 = 3 pts

Dex 16 = 10 pts (+2 racial)
Con 16 = 10 pts (-2 racial)
Int 10 = 0 pts (+2 racial)
Wis 14 = 5 pts
Cha 7 = -4 pts

3 + 10 + 10 + 5 - 4 = 24 pts, including the points you were refunded for having Charisma 7. You're double-counting those, basically.

Thanks for breaking it down for me.

Okay, so this is what I came up with

Str: 12
Dex 18
Con: 10
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 7

24 points.

The calculator says 24 points spent to have abilities at:
STR 13
DEX 18
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 14

So I'm not understanding why this isn't acceptable?

Paz wrote:
Dark Vicar wrote:

Str: 12 (10, 2 points spent to raise it to 12)

Dex: 18 (16, spent 10 points & +2 Elf Racial Trait)
Con: 14 (8, -2 Elf Racial Trait, spent 2 points to get to 10.
then another 5 to raise to 14)
Int: 14 (10, spent 2 points & +2 Elf Racial Trait)
Wis: 14 (10, 5 points spent to raise it to 14)
Cha: 7 ( Lowered it to 7 to get 4 more points)

This is a 25 point buy. You have to buy a CON of 16 (10 points) to get your 14 after the racial penalty. You might find this page helpful.

Thank you very much Paz, that calculator is very useful. :)

I'll switch to Weapon Finesse and change my stats to below, using the calculator it comes to 24 points.

STR 13
DEX 18
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 14

Jiggy wrote:


Dark Vicar wrote:
Dm for the Society game, is allowing...

Er, if this is Pathfinder Society Organized Play, then the character creation rules come from the Guide to Organized Play, not from what the GM says. That said, the PFS rules are indeed a 20pt buy and 150gp starting cash. Other races and classes are allowed, but only if you have the appropriate books.

Str: 12 (10, 2 points spent to raise it to 12)

I highly recommend either buying (at least) a 13 STR or getting it there soon with your 4th level increase or a magic item, so that you'll qualify for Power Attack.


Con: 14 (8, -2 Elf Racial Trait, spent 2 points to get to 10.

then another 5 to raise to 14)

Uh, that's not how that works. You buy your stat, then apply the racial penalty. So to end up at 14, you would have to buy a 16 (which costs 10 points) and then the racial penalty knocks it back down to 14. If I'm following you right and you spent a total of 7 points on CON, then you bought a 15 and your racial penalty takes it back down to 13.



Agile Maneuvers (so I can use my Dex instead of Str and have a better chance to hit and also for the +4 to initiative and AC bonus)

Um, that's not what Agile Maneuvers does. Agile Maneuvers lets you use your DEX instead of STR in your Combat Maneuver Bonus, which you use for things like Grappling. That feat has no effect on your normal attacks, or your initiative, or your AC.

You want your first feat to be Weapon Finesse, to use your DEX instead of your STR on attacks made with light weapons or with certain other special weapons, such as your Elven Curve Blade.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for breaking it down for me,that did help a lot!

I'll readjust the points for the Con.

I'll have to ask the dm why we're not allowed pick from the other races.

Dylos wrote:

I think you want Weapon Finesse, not Agile Maneuvers.

Also, flagging for movement to advice.

So Weapon Finesse instead of Agile Maneuvers so I can get the +4 to attack.


Hello all,

The reason I'm posting this is I'm wanting to know if I did this correctly (Abilities,feats,points...etc.. I'm more partial to great initiative and to hit, then I'll work towards more damage.

I've been invited to play in a Pathfinder Society game. I'm new playing Pathfinder, currently just starting playing a monk in another non Society campaign a week ago. So a lot of the game mechanics/jargon are still new to me.

Dm for the Society game, is allowing 20 purchase points, pick core races/classes out of the Core Rulebook, 150gp starting money.

So I've decided to play an elven fighter. I've 24 points to work with because I lowered my Cha to 7.

Str: 12 (10, 2 points spent to raise it to 12)
Dex: 18 (16, spent 10 points & +2 Elf Racial Trait)
Con: 14 (8, -2 Elf Racial Trait, spent 2 points to get to 10.
then another 5 to raise to 14)
Int: 14 (10, spent 2 points & +2 Elf Racial Trait)
Wis: 14 (10, 5 points spent to raise it to 14)
Cha: 7 ( Lowered it to 7 to get 4 more points)

Agile Maneuvers (so I can use my Dex instead of Str and have a better chance to hit and also for the +4 to initiative and AC bonus)
Improved Initiative (Because I want an even better initiative)

Curve Blade, Elven 80gp.

Studded Leather 25gp.

Just tell him to either straighten up or hit the road.
Why let one person sour the whole group because he has issues.

Sissyl wrote:
The DM has every right to ban, limit or change any class, race or other element used in a campaign. The players have every right not to play it. Simple as that.

I couldn't have said it any better.

As for the table flipper which you've mentioned this guy before in another post. If I'm not mistaken he's also the hangover guy too you've talked about.

First of all why dm a game with a person who acts like this. The thing to do is pack up your gaming material/books and explain to the players that your here to have fun by dm'ing a game not dealing with a idiot.
Let the shop owner and players deal with him.

XMorsX wrote:
Dark Vicar wrote:
XMorsX wrote:

An optimised stat array with your rolls would look like this:

STR 18
DEX 16
CON 16
INT 11
WIS 18
CHA 10

Avoid a race with penalty to Str and Wis, have a bonus if possible in these stats. From the ARG, there are special variations of Aasimars and Tielfings that are great, as are Oread, a favorite of mine, which also have a flavorful and very solid archetype.

Also, with so high stats the finesse route is not recommended, it is essentially a waste of a feat.

The temple sword and the Sansetsukon are the best monk weapons for melee, and shurickens are fine for a ranged solution.

I looked at a few races that would be top pick for a monk but to me it's more entertaining to play something nobody expects to stomp the crap out of the enemy, not to mention role-playing it.

I've already started working on a history for this character, he was adopted by a monastery, his parents/parent left him on the door step because he was so ugly even by goblin standards.
So he grew up around different humanoids (humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halfings), but not goblins. He's totally unlike any goblin, clean cut,has table manners, dresses nicely etc. That's one reason I wanted him to have a decent intelligence.

I see. Well another idea that will put your goblin stats to better use and keep your monk theme is going as a Maneuver master monk 2 / Lore Warden 18. Use your high Dex for qualifying for the TWF feats, pick up a light weapon (no need to be monk weapon this time, I suggest one with the trip quality), take Weapon Finesse, take Improved Trip and Improved Dirty trick as your bonus feats and go to town. You will feel like and play like a Monk, but with the superior combat capability of the Lore Warden fighter. And hey, what is more fun than a small goblin tripping and doing dirty tricks to his enemies?

For such a character, I would probably use the stat array you proposed:



Interesting, I'll be reading up on what you posted, thanks!

XMorsX wrote:

An optimised stat array with your rolls would look like this:

STR 18
DEX 16
CON 16
INT 11
WIS 18
CHA 10

Avoid a race with penalty to Str and Wis, have a bonus if possible in these stats. From the ARG, there are special variations of Aasimars and Tielfings that are great, as are Oread, a favorite of mine, which also have a flavorful and very solid archetype.

Also, with so high stats the finesse route is not recommended, it is essentially a waste of a feat.

The temple sword and the Sansetsukon are the best monk weapons for melee, and shurickens are fine for a ranged solution.

I looked at a few races that would be top pick for a monk but to me it's more entertaining to play something nobody expects to stomp the crap out of the enemy, not to mention role-playing it.

I've already started working on a history for this character, he was adopted by a monastery, his parents/parent left him on the door step because he was so ugly even by goblin standards.
So he grew up around different humanoids (humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halfings), but not goblins. He's totally unlike any goblin, clean cut,has table manners, dresses nicely etc. That's one reason I wanted him to have a decent intelligence.

Well I could switch it to this.

Str:16 -2(14)
Dex:18 +4(22)
Cha:10 -2(7)

I figure that he can wear a hood, he's one ugly looking critter.

KainPen wrote:
Dark Vicar wrote:

So is the sai a "monk" special quality weapon ?

yes, you can flurry with it and you only need one of them. two offers you no kind of bonus other then having another one you hand. You actual don't even need the Sai. you just uses unarmed strike as backup weapon, it should actual be your primary. weapon as it will do more damage and go thru more damage reduction then the weapon sooner and do more dice damage.

Okay thanks, I'll stick with sai's and shuriken's.

Tinalles wrote:

The following are monk special weapons: brass knuckles, cestus, quarterstaff, knuckle axe, kama, nunchaku, sai, siangham, shuriken. Their entries on the weapons table have the "monk" special property.

So treating the dogslicer as a short sword gets you proficiency with the weapon. But it won't let you do a flurry of blows with them (unless your GM handwaves that too). If you want to wield two of them, you'll need Two-Weapon Fighting.

If you take Weapon Finesse you'll have a very high attack bonus with your dogslicers. Without it, your attack bonus will be lousy.

Neither Weapon Finesse nor Two-Weapon Fighting is on the monk bonus feat list, so right at the start you'll have to choose: do you want to hit more often, or do you want have more attacks?

With TWF at level 1, you would get 2 attacks at -1 (0 BAB, 0 STR bonus, 1 masterwork, -2 TWF). If you hit with both attacks, you'll deal 2d4 damage (2-8, average 5 damage).

With Weapon Finesse, you would have one attack at +7 (0 BAB, 6 DEX bonus, 1 masterwork). It would still deal only 1d4 damage (1-4, average 2.5). But you would at least hit fairly often.

Let's say you make it to level 8, picking up a pair of +1 dogslicers, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (dogslicer), and belt of STR +2. Your attack sequence would look like this:

6 DEX bonus
1 magic
1 weapon focus
-2 TWF


You'll probably be landing hits fairly often. But at 1d4+1 each, it won't matter a whole lot. If you hit with all four attacks, you'll be doing 4d4+4 damage (8-20, average 14). Of course, anything with DR 5/cold iron will totally ignore you.

By a staggering coincidence, a CL 8th Magic Missile does 4d4+4 damage, which bypasses DR and works against incorporeal creatures. So at that point, you will have spent 4 feats (TWF, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Improved TWF) and lots of cash on magic gear in order to be almost as good as a first-level spell.

Dumping STR is a bad idea.

Okay, kind of getting what your saying. Thank you for explaining it to me.

So dm said I can switch ability score points around.

Str:16 -2(14)
Dex:18 (22)
Cha:10 -2(8)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay, now I'm considering just picking up the Hello Kitty RPG. lmao

Cap. Darling wrote:
Dark Vicar wrote:

Thanks for all the replies.

Did a lot of reading this weekend and also talked with the dm.
I decided to stick with the weapons master monk, the only thing that I changed was the race, after reading thru the Advanced Race Guide, I decided to go with playing a goblin, so with that I changed the ability scores around.

Ability Scores:
Str:12 -2(10)
Dex:18 (22)
Cha:11 -2(9)

Tangle Feet (Combat, Goblin)

2 x master work Dogslicer's (short swords). DM's starting out gift.

You have exelent stats but i Think you are gimpnig your self with goblin and low str. Dogslicers is gonna leave your figthing skills in the gutter unless you GM Will Fiat Them to monk weapons, and then you only need one.

Actually the DM considers Dogslicers as short swords, so okay for a monk.

Monk Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Monks are proficient with the club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shortspear, short sword, shuriken, siangham, sling, and spear.

Thanks for all the replies.
Did a lot of reading this weekend and also talked with the dm.
I decided to stick with the weapons master monk, the only thing that I changed was the race, after reading thru the Advanced Race Guide, I decided to go with playing a goblin, so with that I changed the ability scores around.

Ability Scores:
Str:12 -2(10)
Dex:18 (22)
Cha:11 -2(9)

Tangle Feet (Combat, Goblin)

2 x master work Dogslicer's (short swords). DM's starting out gift.

Aziraya wrote:
Dark Vicar wrote:

I want to attack at least twice a turn with both sai's, are these the feat's I need to take?

Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)

By the way, you won't be able to take Improved Two-Weapon fighting until level 8. It requires a BAB of +6 which you don't get as a monk until that level. Improved Two-Weapon fighting will actually get you 3 attacks. One from your main hand, one from your off hand, and a second from your off-hand at a -5 bonus.

Thanks Aziraya, still trying to make sense on what some of these terms mean and for feats/skills if you need a prerequisite before you can get them.

Sorry when I was typing out the post above there was a lot of lagging so some of the stuff came out messed up. Dam Comcast!!!!

Okay so far this is what I've came up with. Also I included Kasatha player & Weapon Adept info.

Race: Kasatha
Class: Monk
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Kasathas, Common, Orc and Dwarven.
Weapons: 2 x Sai's, Shuriken's

Ability Scores:
Dex:14 (16)
Wis:16 (18)

Bonus Feat taken: Combat Reflexes (Combat)

Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).

I want to attack at least twice a turn with both sai's, are these the feat's I need to take?

Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)

Also would it benefit me more if I dropped my str. to 14 and raised my dex 14 (16) to 18(20) or just leave the ability score the way I hasve it set up now?

Also would these benefit the character when using sai's?
Weapon Finesse (Combat)
Agile Maneuvers (Combat)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay so far this is what I've came up with. Also I included Kasatha player & Weapon Adept info.

Race: Kasatha
Class: Monk
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Kasathas, Common, Orc and Dwarven.
Weapons: 2 x Sai's, Shuriken's

Ability Scores:
Dex:14 (16)
Wis:16 (18)

Bonus Feat taken: Combat Reflexes (Combat)

Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).

I want to attack at least twice a turn with both sai's, are these the feat's I need to take?

Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat)

Also would it benefit me more if I dropped my str. to 14 and raised my dex 14 (16) to 18(20) by taking Weapon Finesse (Combat) & Agile Maneuvers (Combat) or just leave the ability score the way they are now?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kasatha Characters

Kasathas are defined by their class levels—they do not possess racial Hit Dice. They have the following racial traits.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom: Kasathas are nimble and perceptive.

Defensive Training (Ex)
Kasathas have a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class.

Desert Runner (Ex)
A kasatha has a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue, exhaustion, and other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.

Desert Stride (Ex)
A kasatha moves through non-magical difficult terrain in desert environments at normal speed.

Jumper (Ex)
A kasatha is always considered to have a running start when attempting Acrobatics checks to jump.

Multi-Armed (Ex)
A kasatha has four arms. One hand is considered its primary hand; all others are considered off hands. It can use any of its hands for other purposes that require free hands.

Stalker (Ex)
Perception and Stealth are class skills for a kasatha.

Languages: Kasathas speak Common and Kasatha. A kasatha with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Dwarven, Draconic, Gnoll, Orc, and Sphinx.

While all monks train in both unarmed combat and with weapons, the weapon adept seeks to become one with his weapons, transforming them into perfect extensions of his own body. Through such training, a weapon adept seeks to attain perfection by becoming a living weapon himself. A weapon adept has the following class features.

**Perfect Strike (Ex) At 1st level, a weapon adept gains Perfect Strike as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 10th level, the monk can roll his attack roll three times and take the higher result. If one of these rolls is a critical threat, he can choose which one of his other two rolls to use as his confirmation roll.
-This ability replaces stunning fist.

**Way of the Weapon Master (Ex) At 2nd level, a weapon adept gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat with one of his monk weapons. At 6th level, the monk gains Weapon Specialization with the same weapon as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
-This ability replaces evasion.

**Evasion (Ex) At 9th level, the monk gains evasion.
-This ability replaces improved evasion.

**Uncanny Initiative (Ex) At 17th level, a weapon adept does not need to roll for initiative. He always treats his initiative roll as if it resulted in any number of his choosing (from 1 to 20).
-This ability replaces timeless body.

**Pure Power At 20th level, a weapon adept forsakes the ideals of the perfect self to become a bastion of the physical and mental virtues monks hold dear. The monk gains a +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom.
-This ability replaces perfect self.

Well I've really have to read up more, I still have 2nd D&D mode thinking stat wise. lol

Thanks for the replies.

Just received an e-mail from the dm, he said it was okay for me to adjust points around if I wanted.

So something like this would work?


Is there a benefit for a monk having a high dex?

Rub-Eta wrote:

First, check with your DM if it's okay that you play that race.

Ability Scores I'd say something like this:

Str:16/18 (16Str and 18Dex or the other way around, depending on how you want it)
Int:11/12 (depending if you want skill points or Cha)

TriOmegaZero got it down good aswell.

He's okay with the race, that was the first thing I asked about.

Thanks for the replies.

Thanks, that's what I was wondering.

Also I'm not sure if I've left something out info wise, that you need to know.

The other night the group I'm in met briefly just to roll stats for our characters, this is for a new campaign.
I rolled 4d6 re-rolling ones, the bonuses haven't been added in yet.

+2 to Dex.
+2 to Wis.

two x 18's
one x 16
one x 14
one x 12
one x 11

Race: Kasatha
Class: Monk
Archetype: Weapon Adept
Weapon: Sai's

I'm fairly new to Pathfinder and I don't want to let the other players in the group know anything about what my character's race or class is going to be.

So what I'm wanting to know is, in your opinion how would you assign the ability scores?.


There was nothing wrong with 2nd Edit. D&D.
Only reason Hasbro quit making it was they thought old gamers like myself where going race out and buy it, guess that was a failed bet.

And we see Hasbro's track record with Rpgs, that's why Pathfinder's so popular.

I for the most part either played a Dwarf (Duergar) or an elf, never a human (because I play one in real life).
But to be honest playing the same races over and over gets boring, playing something different sets yourself apart from the rest of the party characters.

The best thing you can do is walk away, you and the other players look for another DM/Game.
It's one thing for the guy being a idiot, but it's even worse when the DM allows it.

Let the DM and this guy keep each other amused.

Remember you're there to have fun.

Thanks for the suggestion pres man, but I finished attaching the arms last-night to the figure I have. Tonight I'll do some sanding and then cover it with a base coat of paint.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

If you think it looks close enough, then I think it looks close enough. :)

If you want to kasatha them up even more, add a little greenstuff to elongate the head, and to cover the mouth (or even tie or glue a tiny piece of fabric to the mini instead of sculpting it).

That's actually a good idea.

I've got some piece's I can use that would work.

I'm going to be either playing a Kasatha Monk or Oracle in an upcoming campaign.

So I was going thru some miniatures the other night and came across 2 githzerai monks that I had picked up somewhere a long time ago.
Anyway I was thinking of taking both arms off from one and gluing it on to the other, then painting the skin pale white with some blue face tattoos like the pic in the Bestiary 4.

Question, do you think the githzerai looks close enough to the kasatha to work?

Almost forgot figures are clean shaven and bald.

DesolateHarmony wrote:

The selecting of positive and negative energy for a cleric is for channeling, the class feature, not for spells. Clerics and oracles can both learn the cure and inflict spells.

Cleric Channel Energy

An oracle adds all of the cure spells or all of the inflict spells as bonus spells known. This choice is made at first level. However, oracles can learn the opposing spell with their normal spells known.

Oracle spells

Oracles can definitely learn channeling feats. Life oracle channel positive energy is the same as cleric channel energy if you choose positive or are a cleric of a good god.

Long post from Sean K Reynolds on class features

Thanks for answering that, I was wondering that myself.

Thanks I'll grab this one then, for $10.00. Someone got it as a gift but doesn't play nor ever wants play Pathfinder.
Since my copy that I bought back in 2009 still looks brand new, I can give it to someone as a gift.

I was wondering if there's any difference from a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook that I bought back in 2009 versus one now?

Reason I'm asking is I have a chance to get one that is a recent printing for a song and a dance, but I have one that I bought back in 2009.

Are they both the same or are there corrections in the newest printing?

Thanks ahead on time!

I don't know if this will help.
I did this when I played 2nd Ed, D&D.
I bought some different colored plastic recipe holder boxes, they hold 3x5 cards.
One color used for Cleric spell cards and the other for wizard ones.
I'd hand print a list of favored spells on a few 3x5 cards with a quick description of the spell plus what book it was out of and page number.

Thank you all!

I was wondering if there's a clerical version of a sorcerer?
And if there is what book is it in?

Thanks Liz I'll do that.
One other question, under what heading would you find it on here?

Thanks MMCJawa,

I'm thinking that might be the smartest thing to do for now.
I was thinking of rolling up a cleric, but to be honest I don't want to buy a bunch of stuff that I really don't need.

I was wondering which books have a more complete list of gods in them that your character can choose from such as if you're going to play a cleric for instance?

Reason I ask is because I don't want to buy something that another book already has in it.
Also should I just wait for the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods to come out before buying any other "Gods" book/books?

So far I've picked up:
Faiths of Corruption

Thanks William!

Thanks for all the responses.
Waiting for my books to be delivered, once I get my hands on them, I'll be reading all the reply's I get from here and looking the classes up. It'll at least cut down on reading/research time. :)

I"m speaking from playing 2nd edition, hopefully soon getting into a Pathfinder game. I'm sure there are classes somewhat like the ones below.

My three favorite classes:

Elementalist from "Tome of Magic". I'd take water/earth/air (fire was barred from casting)

Specialty Priest. Various ones to choose from depending on Campaign world playing in.

Assassin from Al-Qadim

Alignment: Neutral Evil (never harmed nor stole from a party member)

This question has been asked since role playings been around.
I myself explain it's the same as playing a card or board game with a group of friends, then I invite them to sit in on a game and let them see for themselves.

Old player (1st/ 2nd D&D) newbie to Pathfinder.
Looking to get in a Pathfinder group, that allows for the use all the books should you own them.
I live in South Sac so open to Davis area also.