
Damion of the Enlightened Minds's page

24 posts. Alias of Dementia Walker.

Ok so I’m looking for ways to completely negate attacks. I know of the feat Deflect Arrows. I found a spell, the name escapes me at the moment, that allows you to instantaneously turn insubstantial, but it only gives DR 10/magic which is lame. I know Crane Style used to allow you to negate melee attacks but got errataed. Is there anything else that I’m missing? Thanks in advance.

Male Mostly Human Expert Lv1

Open for business.

Male Mostly Human Expert Lv1

As everyone knows, since the collapse of the Thieves and Assassins guilds, there is no protection for the shops and richer houses anymore so everyone has hired their own men. Some hired are just common thugs, but others have training. It pays well enough but you have to be willing to put up with the gangs that try to break in and kill you in order to steal everything. This is the reality of Freeport currently, law only exists if you can back it up with muscle.

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My idea is for whoever I pick up to tell me their characters goals and then make a adventure around that. I am looking for 1-3 people of like mind who would be willing to role play almost as much as they roll play.

Adventure Premise:

Whatever your goals are, you should have low, mid and high level goals. On top of that if you hear a rumor about a sweet haul at a nearby lords manor and want to hit it up feel free.

Low, look for a way to gain magic item X
Mid, control a small town
High, Become a god

Character Generation:

Level: 1
Alignments: Any non-evil.
Stats: 25 pt. buy
Sources: Any Paizo
Gold: Standard
I am going to throw a curve ball here, as well as your first normal level, pick up one NPC level (Adept, Aristocrat, Commoner, Expert, Warrior) this will be your "zero level" it will represent what you were before you became an 'adventurer' as well as give you some extra spells if you are a caster and some extra HP otherwise as well as some extra skill points.

Backgrounds:I expect whatever NPC level you take to make sense in your background, go in depth if you want to work with other people who submit ideas as to how you know each other put that in too, make it interesting. Make me want to tell your story.

I am more looking for fluff right now over crunch but I at least want to know your classes, alignment and the basic purpose of your character (i.e. the face rogue vs the trap finder rogue, sword and board fighter etc.)

Also I am planning on using some ideas from Weapons of Legacy and Mythic Adventures so make sure you like your main weapon and character.

Feel free to ask questions for further details.

So, I was tossing around the idea the other day of making a wizard that was sneaky with a friend of mine. We both agreed that trying to make a gish wizard was bad due to low BAB and health of the wizard along with loss of caster levels. So I started throwing this together just to see how far I could get, just putting it out there to see if anyone else has ideas.

This is what I have come up with so far.

Traits to gain some rogue skills as class skills and bonuses(I Know there are others that let you gain stealth and what not I just listed a few as examples)

Vagabond Child:
(urban): You grew up among the outcasts and outlaws of your society, learning to forage and survive in an urban environment. Select one of the following skills: Disable Device, Escape Artist, or Sleight of Hand. You gain a +1 trait bonus on that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.

Dangerously Curious:
: You have always been intrigued by magic, possibly because you were the child of a magician or priest. You often snuck into your parent’s laboratory or shrine to tinker with spell components and magic devices, and frequently caused quite a bit of damage and headaches for your parent as a result. You gain a +1 bonus on Use Magic Device checks, and Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you.

Extremely Fashionable:
: You really know how to make a good impression when you’re dressed well. Whenever you are wearing clothing and/or jewelry worth at least 150 gp (and not otherwise covered in gore, sewage, or other things that mar your overall look), you gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. One of these skills is a class skill for you.

With Int maxed due to being a wizard even with a 2+Int skills/level progression you get at least 5(depending on point buy), then if you factor in that you are trying to stay out of the fight you can put your point from favored class there as well rather then health. If you decide to go human that would give you another +1 skill point/level. Netting you up to 9 skill points per level. That should be enough to buy quite a few rouge like skills along with the wizard ones.

Now you would want to have Dex as high as possible to maximize stealth, at least until you gain invisibility, and it also has the benefit of making you harder to hit if someone does find you.

Are there any good Alternate class features, builds that already exist, or just general tips out there that could help me actually go somewhere with this idea? Most of the stuff I have been able to google has been advice for 3.5 classes and as such has been no use.

I am looking to build a non-caster, animal handling, archer as a villain for a campaign that I am creating. I am debating between straight archer, straight fighter, or a combination of the two but I don't really know what else is out there.

My original Idea was this. Ranger, with a wolf animal companion and three trained wolves/war dogs. The wolves/dogs would run interference on the party and trip them while the ranger attacked from afar. I had planned this as a reoccurring character so if a few wolves took a lot of damage/died and they took damage as well they would flee. Was possibly thinking of using Guide, Urban Ranger, and Skirmisher templates.

Just looking for outside input or if anyone else has made a similar character?

I have been tossing around the idea of a Changeling Factotum/Chameleon for a while now but have never had the chance to test the character in a game setting. I was thinking that it would fit well into a hi intrigue moderate combat game. Any games like that running right now? Or anyone willing to start a game to fit this character?

Male Human

Welcome, welcome make yourself comfortable in front of the fire, the stories are about to start soon. Pull up a chair, sit on a blanket, and prepare to hear of wonders from forgotten ages past...

Male Human

Here is your OOC discussion for our new adventure; brain storm, have fun and most importantly always keep your mind on a leash when you let it wander, you never know if it wont come back.

Hey everyone I used to DM tabletop DnD but haven't for quite some time I am willing to try my hand at DMing a PbP I am looking for 3 people that are willing to play a character driven game. Basically what your characters want to do I will set up for them to do (I figure it will be far easier doing it via PbP then at an actual table top game) I will use your goals to make the campaign around you. If you want your character to become a god (and your character and the campaign last long enough) then he will become one. If you want to create your own city from nothing, then you can. Just give me your character ideas and what your short, med, and long term goals are for that character and I will pick a few that seem to mesh well for the campaign.

Bump :/ no one is even slightly interested?