
DM Zotsune's page

79 posts. Alias of Zotsune.


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I'm inactiving this in 2 days. If you have any more ideas about what could be improved for next year please post, if not then don't post.

Thought I had banned those classes but after looking over all of my posts I didn't... Oops, fully meant to ban those classes. Thanks for not taking either!

Yeah I'm thinking that when I do this again I just ban invisibility and give everyone at least shuriken's and not have them count against weight.

"Azoth forfeits leaving Dakar the winner!"

The stage is cleaned and set up for the final match: Hercule vs. Dakar.

Please forgive me for not doing this sooner.

"And here you have it folks the final match: Mr. Hercule vs. Dakar!"

The Crowd roars as the contestants take to the stage.

Good luck being a father and I understand fully how much work a kid can bring. (Just one week with my cousin's 5 month old was enough for me for a while.)

You failed the first perform by 4 but succeeded the second so you are now Helpful status Azoth.

GM Ruling:
This is what I found on the subject:
RedDogMT wrote:

If the character cannot perceive the invisible wizard, the wizard's movement does not provoke.

The Perception DC to detect the unmoving Wizard is 20. If the wizard is moving at half speed, DC15, and at full speed, DC 10. The Wizard could choose to use Stealth for an additional bonus as well.

I would give a +2 bonus to Perception to the character whose square the Wizard is moving through. I think this is reasonable since it should be easier for the character to detect someone moving through his square as opposed to an adjacent one.

If the character does not succeed at the Perception check, the wizard skates by without notice. If the character makes the Perception check, he can attempt an AAO with a 50% miss chance. If the AAO hits, besides doing damage, the Wizard's movement is stopped.

If the Wizard were to use Acrobatics, the character would be considered to be flat-footed and could not apply his dexterity to his CMD. I would also say that using Acrobatics would also make the Wizard easier to detect...maybe a -5 to the Perception DC.

Now granted this is a different subject as this pertains to an invisible wizard moving through someone's square so add 5 to the perception checks given here if that makes any sense.

Okay the concealment checks do they have to be higher than the number or lower than the number... Like a 25% chance of success would be rolling 75 or under or would it be that you have to roll 25 or higher to succeed? Never had to deal with it before. Also Dakar you weren't the only ranged person but TMR got out early.

The crowd looks a little displeased with Hercule after he threw Bob out of the ring but they cheered anyway knowing that the next fight would be starting soon.

"Well a ring out is a ring out so Hercule is the winner. Next Fight: Azoth vs. Dakar!"

You didn't honestly expect me to allow ring outs and not take advantage of it did you? I even suggested it...

Grapple is a combat maneuver not a performance combat check therefore you can't use it to gain automatic success with grapple. If you were to grapple Hercule and then use the victory point to gain automatic success on the performance check that would be allowed RAW.

you take a -2 to hit when grappled so that 22 was actually a 20.

EDIT: Straight from the PRD: "Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple."

And: "Clever Wrestler (Ex)
At 7th level, an unarmed fighter takes no penalties to Dexterity or on attack rolls while grappled, and retains his Dexterity bonus to AC while pinning an opponent. The unarmed fighter can make attacks of opportunity even when grappled and even against creatures attempting to grapple him if the opponent has the Improved Grapple feat or the grab ability.
This ability replaces armor training 2"

As per your victory points you have another one after spending the one to make me re-roll. (That one was for winning the previous match)

Bob you are now 5ft. away from being thrown out of the ring.

-2 to attack rolls because you are grappled... So neither hit. You can try to break the grapple with a grapple check or an escape artist check. DC=CMD

CMD(to resist grapple)=28 CMB(to grapple)= whatever the plus modifier was...

Sorry must have skimmed over that... I wasn't making a barbarian after all so it didn't stick.

The crowd is thrilled of Hercule's grappling of Bob!

You gain the crowds favor then lose it immediately after...

You do gain a victory point but then you are knocked down to friendly status.

Going into Rage doesn't proc a check last time I checked...

The crowd boos at Bob's attempt to dazzle his opponent You are now knocked down one notch.

After several minutes of this fighting Glor drops unconscious. The crowd is a little disgruntled but cheers all the same.

"And with that ends the preliminary rounds of the 1st annual Tournament of Gorum!"

Dakar gains one victory point and any consumable items Glor had if you so choose.

"We will clean up the arena and continue to the semi-finals! Bob vs. Hercule is our first match!"

And the crowd roars as Jaron hits the floor hard after Azoth's last flurry of attacks!

Azoth has one victory point. Oh and you can choose any of Jaron's wands to have in the next match as they are consumable items. Though they only start with as many charges as they started your fight with.

"We will clean the stage of any blood and have the next match for you in a bit!"

Glor vs. Dakar.

DM ruling:


I'm rereading you character sheet and your math for the wands are way off... Its 375 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster. A CL 11 wand would cost 16500 not what you put. Sorry I didn't catch this earlier and I was wondering why no one else was using wands... Also considering that in order for someone to create an item at CL 11 they have to have 11 levels in a magical class you shouldn't have anything higher than CL 7. Sorry for not catching this earlier.

Its an excel sheet, click the link and you can edit however you want, just like a normal excel sheet.

Thank you Jaron for updating the map for your turn! Makes my job a lot easier!!

Updated the map for movement.

The crowd roars as Arsok if knocked out.

Hercule is awarded 1 victory point.

"We are going to clean up the arena and then the next fight will start."

Jaron vs Azoth

The crowd roars as Hercules punch it hard! He is now Friendly

Before the maneuver.
The crowd hates Hercule as he missed his punch.
After the maneuver.
The crowd no longer hates Hercule for succeeding in the grapple maneuver.

The crowd roars as both attacks hit their target.

You gain one victory point.

The crowd is ecstatic now that Arsok freed himself!

You are now at Helpful status with them congrats.

The crowd has now forgiven Hercule for grappling Arsok now that he is pinning him.

The crowd boos and hisses as Hercule is now grappling Arsok.

He is unfriendly... And I just reread greater grapple I was supposed to have a +18 to the roll... Not that it matters because the first one would still have missed but just so you know for future reference. DC 30 to break free.

"Let the match. BEGIN!"

Please excuse my tardiness for posting, I was cooking dinner."

"Now for the next match, Arsok vs. Hercule!"

The crowd cheers at the contestants take to the stage.

Yep my bad... I misread my own bracket...

Because that was the first fight there was no pre-buffing. And the waiting area is an anti-magic zone so no buffing there. On the stage you are allowed to draw your weapon(s), potion(s), wand(s), rod(s), or any thing else really but no time to buff.

Post them here, I'll put it up tomorrow (I have to reformat it from the way my crazy character sheet is made up) And the loser doesn't lose the equipment in his inventory but the winner can now select to gain the consumable items that the loser had. For instance the 180 arrows, TMR used 4 arrows in the match yet you can still choose to pick up 180 more.

He only had 60 health.

"After we clean up the blood stains and take the body to an infirmary we will start up the next match. In the mean time please enjoy this piece of entertainment!"

A group of bards start performing in a section of the arena that was untouched by the battle.

As soon as Azoth is ready I'll start the next fight. And when Azoth posts again the bards are done with their performance and are leaving the stage.

Take a +5 bonus for winning the fight

The crowd is going nuts! They know who to look forward to during the next rounds.

You are now friendly for your next fight.

Please check the links to see the updated information.

The crowd roars as they see Bob's final blow knock TMR unconscious.

"Bob the Barbarian, congratulations for beating your opponent. You move on to the next round."

The magical screen updates by crossing out TMR and moving Bob up to the next round.

TMR's inventory only had Arrows as consumable items (180 total).


Then it missed and you don't take the 21 damage from it. As for currently you may charge at TMR and continue your assult.

Sorry about all the damage... I never realized that this guy was this potent... I haven't even buffed his stuff yet... (Sunblade and Lead Blades are prepared.)

You are a gnome right? If so then I don't get to add the Favored Enemy bonus...

(Favored Enemys are Humanoid (Human) and Humanoid (Orc))

Your turn. And I figured there was enough stuff on his back... Oh and AC to beat = 20.

The crowd roars as The Mysterious Ranger's arrows fly and most hit their target. His attitude with the crowd is now friendly. And sorry about all the damage, maybe I shouldn't have used a Switch Hitter...


The crowd quiets down and waits to see how the fight turns out.

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