The Tournament of Gorum (Inactive)

Game Master Zotsune

The annual Tournament of Gorum is taking place and you have been selected as a participate will you accept?

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Please give me some time to actually start this, I'm behind because I have been told to make some changes to a back story for a really obscure campaign that I really want to get into.

I will post Hercule's and TMR's stats and stuff after they have been defeated.

Is it possible to start another thread in the Gameplay section? If it is possible, we could have one thread per fight (thought that might make it harder for you as DM) and get them all done at once. If not, I would prefer to post chronologically (i.e. wait until everyone has an opening post before starting the next fight).

Also, jumping the gun a bit, but how are we handling consumables? If we drink a potion during the first fight, can we assume it's replenished/replaced before the second fight (or is it just gone)?

All consumable items will be replenished before the fighters next fight. Also whatever consumable items the loser had can now be chosen by the winner to take with them into their next fight.

Competitors start at 70ft. away from each other

And how do I make a new thread?

I'm new to these boards, so I don't know if or how you could make a new thread. Sorry, it was just a suggestion for if it were possible.

Check the Arena link, in campaign info, to see where you start.

I'm taking a look at the map and it looks like there are no features on the battlefield whatsoever. Is it just a flat thing or will there be walls and pillars and such? If there aren't any, I need to replace a 5,000gp magical item...

Dragon Ball Z's World Tournament Stage, only without the wall.

Okay, going to be replacing my slippers of spider climbing then.

Ok, there's just one PC that hasn't posted. If you want to post them getting their number and the setup of the first round of the toruney, I'll be more than happy to get this started.

initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Lets give him till 4p.m. eastern, if he hasn't posted his picking of number than I will post it for him.

Navasi, Human, outlaw Envoy 4 | SP 24/24; HP 28/28 | RP 4/4 | EAC 17; KAC 18 | Fort +1; Ref +6; Will +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5; Perc. +7

should we have our stats public? or wait until defeated first.

Whichever you prefer.

DM, you won init, just waiting on you!

Navasi, Human, outlaw Envoy 4 | SP 24/24; HP 28/28 | RP 4/4 | EAC 17; KAC 18 | Fort +1; Ref +6; Will +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5; Perc. +7

not to be nit picky but unless you were very tall I don't see how one could possibly carry a great sword in a waist scabbard. across the back yes, but the waist?

I know its fantasy who cares I just thought it interestingly humorous.

AC currently 24, so Hit, Hit, Miss. Roll damage so that I can apply it and describe it?

Your turn. And I figured there was enough stuff on his back... Oh and AC to beat = 20.

You are a gnome right? If so then I don't get to add the Favored Enemy bonus...

(Favored Enemys are Humanoid (Human) and Humanoid (Orc))

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

Wait, quick edit

Just changed the weapon that he drew... man, never realized just how crappy 20' movement is...

Sorry about all the damage... I never realized that this guy was this potent... I haven't even buffed his stuff yet... (Sunblade and Lead Blades are prepared.)

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

hey, hold up a sec. I forgot about that the Big Game Hunter trait gives a +1 to AC vs. opponents larger than me (which you are). So that first Manyshot, instead of meeting my AC, should've missed it by 1.

How do we want to handle that. I'm sorry. That's why it's taking me a bit longer to post, I'm trying to verify all my bonuses in each circumstance.

Then it missed and you don't take the 21 damage from it. As for currently you may charge at TMR and continue your assult.

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

Cool, thanks. Assuming that you're not moving out of the threatened square at half speed, because then he gets to whack you twice.


AoO and charge... twice. If you'd moved at 1/2 speed you would've made the acrobatics check and he'd only been able to whack at you once.

Please check the links to see the updated information.

So this means that I get a +1 morale bonus next round, correct?

And I'll leave the bum all his arrows. I got enough of my own.

Man, that was over quicker than I thought. I had no idea that I'd done that much damage!

Oh, and where are we posting the sheets of the defeated combatants?

Post them here, I'll put it up tomorrow (I have to reformat it from the way my crazy character sheet is made up) And the loser doesn't lose the equipment in his inventory but the winner can now select to gain the consumable items that the loser had. For instance the 180 arrows, TMR used 4 arrows in the match yet you can still choose to pick up 180 more.

He only had 60 health.

Reading through the battle, and just thought I'd point out that your bonus to damage is multiplied on a critical too. Also, what is the minimum duration for us to reasonably say that we already cast a spell before the battle started?

Because that was the first fight there was no pre-buffing. And the waiting area is an anti-magic zone so no buffing there. On the stage you are allowed to draw your weapon(s), potion(s), wand(s), rod(s), or any thing else really but no time to buff.

Male Human Ranger 7

Items in Inventory:

+1 Mithral Shock Greatsword
+1 Adaptive Composite Longbow
+1 Mithral Breastplate
180 Arrows, Common
Traveler's Outfit
Trail Rations (1 day)
Masterwork Backpack
Efficient Quiver
Robe of Needles

Ability Scores:

Str: 20
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Cha: 8


Quick Draw, Power Attack, Rapid Shot(Combat Style Archery), Furious Focus, Deadly Aim, Many Shot(Combat Style Archery)... Forgot another feat...

Skills with ranks in them:

Acrobatics (7 ranks total: 13), Escape Artist (7 ranks total: 10), Intimidate (7 ranks total: 9), Perception (7 ranks total: 11), Perform Comedy (7 ranks total: 6), Sense Motive (7 ranks total: 11), Use Magic Device (7 ranks total: 6)

Updated Jaron now that I know that spider climb is not useful here. Ready for battle!

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

I was looking at the wrong result when I put DC 19 for the second. He started the match at +1 from last round, got knocked down for the dazzle, but regained it with the rage. So he's still at +1. Darn crowd size modifier...

Going into Rage doesn't proc a check last time I checked...

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

According to this: html

Raging: The first time a combatant enters a rage in a performance combat, he can make a performance combat check as a free or immediate action.

Those are the rules that I've been going by... if there are a different set of rules that I should be using, please let me know where I can find them.

Sorry must have skimmed over that... I wasn't making a barbarian after all so it didn't stick.

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

What's your CMD & CMB?

CMD(to resist grapple)=28 CMB(to grapple)= whatever the plus modifier was...

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

When you charged, your AC was 20, so it should normally be a 22. If that's the case, the second attack hit.

Also, you said I had a victory point. I'll make you re-roll that maintain grapple while moving action.

you take a -2 to hit when grappled so that 22 was actually a 20.

EDIT: Straight from the PRD: "Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple."

And: "Clever Wrestler (Ex)
At 7th level, an unarmed fighter takes no penalties to Dexterity or on attack rolls while grappled, and retains his Dexterity bonus to AC while pinning an opponent. The unarmed fighter can make attacks of opportunity even when grappled and even against creatures attempting to grapple him if the opponent has the Improved Grapple feat or the grab ability.
This ability replaces armor training 2"

As per your victory points you have another one after spending the one to make me re-roll. (That one was for winning the previous match)

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

Yes, you are correct. I forgot about that when looking at my rolls.

Now, for my next action, I want to make sure I can do this...

The rules for spending victory points states:
A combatant can spend a victory point to gain an automatic success at a performance combat check, but cannot spend the victory point to succeed at a performance combat check while the crowd has a helpful attitude toward that combatant's side of the performance combat.

To the best of my calculations, the crowd is still just friendly (+1), not helpful (+2). As such, I was wanting to spend this victory point to succeed in a reverse grapple and move Hercule 10' to him being out of bounds. I'm not quite as familiar with grapple as you are, so I wanted to make sure that this would work before I posted it.

Grapple is a combat maneuver not a performance combat check therefore you can't use it to gain automatic success with grapple. If you were to grapple Hercule and then use the victory point to gain automatic success on the performance check that would be allowed RAW.

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

So much for winning or loosing a fight.

You didn't honestly expect me to allow ring outs and not take advantage of it did you? I even suggested it...

Male Lava Gnome Level 7 Titan Mauler

Bob had ranged weapons as well, just not specialized training in them, or means to find an invisible opponent.

Shouldn't Dakar get to fire two rays at 7th level? Or is he not a single classed caster I wonder...

He did fire two rays. Double 11s...

Ah, missed the second roll.

I've got one more thing to point out though: Azoth is holding his Katana and it is thus not "unattended", so he gets a reflex save to avoid having it affected by grease at all. Then, only when he tries to use the Katana does he have to make a reflex save.

Male Human (Varisian Paladin | HP 15/15|AC 17|T 10| FF 17|CMD 14|Fort +4|Ref+0|Will +2|Perc +0|Init +10|
Smite Evil 1/1

I must apologize for my absence. My wife went into labor Saturday afternoon, and delivered our son yesterday morning. I think I am just going to forfeit, I don't see myself having the time I wanted to drag this out till fly wore off and you ran out of spells... Good match. Learned a lot in my first PVP. Thanks GM!

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