DM WaterSprite |

This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. The illusion does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect.
The wording says "move" only, not "change/move". Also, it creates one image. A wall and two people would be three images.
Also, the quasit would have noticed a new wall suddenly appearing in the room.

Manx Serimus |

I prefer to keep OOC convo's out of the IC.
In every game I have ever played in, role playing will always have an opportunity to assist the roll.
Roll or role, I started talking to the creature on round two, it's now round 9. Influencing attitude takes 1 minute of conversation, which is 10 rounds. Conversation is a free action unless stated otherwise.
So I made an intimidate check early, sue me.
If the GM chooses to ignore or delay the result of an action until appropriate or correctly placed, that's their choice. With pbp, posting intents and future actions keeps things from getting bogged down.
We don't sit there and wait for each person to declare actions in initiative order, the GM is smart enough to figure out who should have went first and post the round in order.

DM WaterSprite |

When using Intimidate you will need to specify if you are attempting to force your opponent to act friendly to you (1 minute action) or to demoralize her/him (standard action). I do not want to have to guess your intent and end up being wrong.
In the games I've played in, people roll the dice and then role play out the results.
Making checks early is ok in the interest of saving time, though you should specify in which round the effect will be taking place.

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Erodel is on the way back to get the bow from Manx... I just don't remember if it came with arrows (although I would suspect it did!)
Also... although we have been 'in outside the game time' been fighting this thing for about a week.' It's really been about... a minute? of 'fighting' with about half of that the quasit either flying around or cutting itself/summoning what appears to be random summon monster 1 minions that get 'pulped' the following round.
So unless it does... something extremely deadly (for some reason, Elransil's statement has me remembering Monty Pyton and the killer rabbit "If we make it so cross, it may make a mistake!") we are standing pretty good, with Elransil the only party member actually down on HP (although Manx is at his spell limit, but we do have Pik's magic eyes!)
Although... this is just a mere fighter's perspective. Would probably be better served to have one of the melee types grapple the dang thing (since Elransil has a higher attack roll with that bow of his anyway.)
Anyone have tanglefoot bags?? Probably be a good idea to pick some up.. assuming we get paid (Although I would say Erodel get less $$, as he has gotten the vast majority of loot!)
Erodel has gotten:
+1 Longsword
+1 Ring of Protection
Free Room and Board
Composite Longbow +1 (STR) (?)
All the candies he can eat!

Elransil Farseer |

Nope, no tanglefoot bags for me. And yeah, we're not in any real danger. My character is just getting frustrated and angry, that's all. This just seemed like a good way to roleplay that out. Once he's tried to grapple it or he learns that his arrows actually work, he'll try his bow again.
Elransil has fired 13 of his 40 arrows. He's only hit three times (IIRC) because of poor rolls for something like 26 damage. Whatever regen it has probably has undone the damage by now.
There are more in the quiver on his back, and the arrows fired are littered around the room. Erodel can pick up those or just stand beside me and grab a handful from the quiver.

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Maybe... we can get a scroll of detect secret doors? Or something to aid us? From the description listed there seems to be ALOT of ground covered by the party in our exploration.
That being said there HAS to be some secrets in here.. else how did the goblin's get in? Besides the 'sinspawn' and the demon.. (who for all we know are immortal!), the only other creatures in here were zombies. So SOMETHING had to have modified that goblin.. and that goblin had to get in somehow, considering that the door was barred.
(I guess that upper part should have been in character... but I may be mistaken on the fighting goblins after we unbarred the door).

Elransil Farseer |

This might be skipping ahead a bit, but I don't want to forget that I have the Favored Son (Ameiko Kaijitsu) trait. That means we can get more money for the treasure we sell off. From the trait: you're guaranteed a place to eat and sleep for free. She's got lots of great contacts with merchants as well, and she'll sell any of your loot for you—as a result, you gain an additional 10% over the amount of gp you normally would get from selling off treasure.

Pik |

Awesome. Then we'll have to put you in charge of selling off loot. :)
Speaking of loot, is anyone tracking it? I know at one point Manx was carrying most of it, but Radoslav also still has the loot from the goblins that attacked the town. Someone should probably keep a list in a central place so we can easily check what we have. (I suggest someone keep track of it on their character sheet in a separate section.)

Elransil Farseer |

I do remember Radoslav saying he would loot the goblins, but I can't seem to find a list of the loot from that.
Manx has a tab on his sheet called group loot. It listed items found in the underground complex and on Tsuto, including the journal. I would assume that's all the group items we've found in the glass factory and underneath the city.

Radoslav Ochenko |

I do remember Radoslav saying he would loot the goblins, but I can't seem to find a list of the loot from that.
Manx has a tab on his sheet called group loot. It listed items found in the underground complex and on Tsuto, including the journal. I would assume that's all the group items we've found in the glass factory and underneath the city.
The loot that I have is under "stored gear" on my sheet. Manx is welcome to take that to put with the other gear though.

Elransil Farseer |

Ah, I should have checked your sheet. I was looking for a post and couldn't remember where it was. We can wait until we get back up top to sell off everything. I'm not exactly sure who will buy horsechoppers and small weapons. Maybe our friendly innkeeper can find someone who likes curios.

Manx Serimus |

when the markets open, we can sell off the loot and split the gold. Manx will be looking for a charm person scroll to add to his spell book, and he will be memorizing one less spell to make room for it in his daily spells too.
Does anyone want the dagger of returning? If not, Manx will take it, though if people want the gp, I have no problem selling it.
In addition, should we keep the silver dagger?

Pik |

when the markets open, we can sell off the loot and split the gold. Manx will be looking for a charm person scroll to add to his spell book, and he will be memorizing one less spell to make room for it in his daily spells too.
Does anyone want the dagger of returning? If not, Manx will take it, though if people want the gp, I have no problem selling it.
In addition, should we keep the silver dagger?
The dagger of returning is Tiny. Not only can you not use it, but it does 1d2 damage which makes it strictly worse than any cantrip you prepare. Sell it and get yourself a Charm Person scroll. :)

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Pik: Was this comment:
But certainly, let's not have someone who has already upset merchants in this city to get a good price.
Directed at Erodel (and his Black Sheep trait)?
Black Sheep
You were born and raised in the town of Sandpoint. You
know many of the region’s secrets and the locals already
know who you are. You aren’t quite hated in town, but
folk seem to think you’re a troublemaker and a bastard
and not to be trusted. The town’s tougher folk respect
you, but the law-abiding citizens don’t. You gain a +1
trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks, and Knowledge
(local) is a class skill for you. In addition, you can choose
any one notorious citizen of Sandpoint from below as
an ally; depending on the person you pick, you’ll get
different benef its.
If so, I'm all for it!! And hey... I just found out I get knowledge local as a class skill!!

Pik |

Directed at Erodel (and his Black Sheep trait)?
** spoiler omitted **
If so, I'm all for it!! And hey... I just found out I get knowledge local as a class skill!!
No, though that would have also made sense. Pik does have a way of being annoyingly cryptic. But it was meant to remind people that Manx has already upset Ameiko once (though she might forgive him since he helped save her) and has upset the daughter of a local merchant (and possibly the merchant too). So sending him to sell things alone to people he's already upset would seem to be a poor choice.

Elransil Farseer |

Makes sense to me, Pik. So, are we dividing up the loot into five shares, six shares, what? I have no special preference, really. I was just wondering if we want to set aside funds from the start to handle restorations and the like, or just spend that gold when the time comes.

Elransil Farseer |

I'm adding up the value of items now and I'll post a list soon with a total breakdown and how much money we gain. However, I do have some quick questions for DM WaterSprite. I'm pretty sure I know the answers, but I want to be certain to avoid confusion.
One, would any of the following items count as a trade goods for the purposes of selling them: masterwork thieves tools 100g, masterwork flute 100g, tiny crown 50g or silver earrings 25g. As per page 140 of the CRB, trade goods are sold for 100 percent of their standard price (examples being gems, pouches of gold dust, horses, etc.)
The next question I have is about the magical dagger. It's magical and returning. According to RAW, a weapon must have a +1 to hit and damage before you can add other magical properties. So, I'm assuming the weapon is worth 8,302 gold because it has a total magical bonus of +2. Am I correct in assuming that?
Also, my trait adds 10 percent to the value of all sold treasure. By RAW, that means Elransil would gain 110 percent value of trade goods (such as selling a horse). Does that seem correct to you or would you prefer it top out at 100 percent?
Dragon Inn): Ameiko is one of Sandpoint’s most
inf luential and beloved nobles. Her inn/tavern is the
most popular in town, and as one of her friends, you’re
guaranteed a place to eat and sleep for free. She’s got lots of
great contacts with merchants as well, and she’ll sell any
of your loot for you—as a result, you gain an additional
10% over the amount of gp you normally would get from
selling off treasure.
price, including weapons, armor, gear, and magic items.
This also includes character-created items.
Trade goods are the exception to the half-price rule. A
trade good, in this sense, is a valuable good that can be
easily exchanged almost as if it were cash itself.

Elransil Farseer |

At the moment, I'm assuming no one wants the silver dagger since no one has said anything since Manx asked. If someone does want to claim it, speak up soon. :) I won't put up the treasure list until I have confirmation from DM Watersprite about my assumptions since the value of the loot changes a great deal if I'm wrong. Still, we're looking at a pretty good haul no matter what.

DM WaterSprite |

One, would any of the following items count as a trade goods for the purposes of selling them: masterwork thieves tools 100g, masterwork flute 100g, tiny crown 50g or silver earrings 25g.
Half price for the tools, full price for the other things.
Correct on the dagger.
110% is fine since that is allowed by the trait.

Elransil Farseer |

Thank you very much, DM WaterSprite!
First off, let me list the items someone in the party has claimed so I don’t sell them by accident and we don’t lose anything. Please let me know if I’ve left anything out or need to change something.
Party: Tsuto’s personal journal
Manx: Scroll of Burning Hands, scroll of Flaming Sphere, wand of Shocking Grasp (28 charges), Abyssal prayer book of Lamashtu
Erodel: +1 longsword, +1 ring of protection* (see note on Tsuto below)
Here are the items no one wanted so they will be sold.
Weapons, armor and tools (sold for 60 percent of value)
masterwork ranseur 310 gold
masterwork handaxe 306 gold
silver dagger 22 gold
tiny +1 returning dagger 8302g
15 small arrows 0.75 gold
Small shortbow 30 gold
Small wooden shield 3 gold
Small studded leather 25 gold
Small masterwork horsechopper 310 gold
Total permarket value: 9,308.75 gold
After market one-fifth share equals: 1,147 gold and 5 copper
Trade goods (sold for 110 percent of value)
tiny crown 50 gold
Total premarket value: 50 gold
After market one-fifth share equals: 11 gold
Total share of gold per party member: 1,158 gold, 5 copper
Trade goods found on Tsuto (might be stolen, have not been sold for 110 percent of value)
6 pouches of gold dust worth 50 gp each (300 gold value)
8 pouches of silver dust worth 5 gp each (40 gold value)
10 pp (100 gold value)
masterwork flute 100 gold
silver earrings 25 gold
Weapons found on Tsuto (might be stolen, have not been sold for 60 percent value)
shortbow (+1 Strength) 150g
ring of protection + 1 (given to Erodel)
masterwork thieves tools, 100g

Elransil Farseer |

Sorry guys, I couldn't get in to fully change the above post on loot because it was past the hour mark. Please refer to this post for the updated and accurate account. The correct number for each person's loot is now 1,128 gold, 5 copper and there might be more once we sort out what belonged to Tsuto and what he stole.
First off, let me list the items someone in the party has claimed so I don’t sell them by accident and we don’t lose anything. Please let me know if I’ve left anything out or need to change something.
Party: Tsuto’s personal journal
Manx: Scroll of Burning Hands, scroll of Flaming Sphere, wand of Shocking Grasp (28 charges), Abyssal prayer book of Lamashtu
Erodel: +1 longsword, +1 ring of protection* (see note on Tsuto below)
Here are the items no one wanted so they will be sold.
Weapons, armor and tools (sold for 60 percent of value)
masterwork ranseur 310 gold
masterwork handaxe 306 gold
silver dagger 22 gold
tiny +1 returning dagger 8302g
15 small arrows 0.75 gold
Small shortbow 30 gold
Small wooden shield 3 gold
Small studded leather 25 gold
Small masterwork horsechopper 310 gold
Total permarket value: 9,308.75 gold
After market one-fifth share equals: 1,117 gold and 5 copper
Trade goods (sold for 110 percent of value)
tiny crown 50 gold
Total premarket value: 50 gold
After market one-fifth share equals: 11 gold
Total share of gold per party member: 1,128 gold, 5 copper
Trade goods found on Tsuto (might be stolen, have not been sold for 110 percent of value)
6 pouches of gold dust worth 50 gp each (300 gold value)
8 pouches of silver dust worth 5 gp each (40 gold value)
10 pp (100 gold value)
masterwork flute 100 gold
silver earrings 25 gold
Weapons, magic and tools found on Tsuto (might be stolen, have not been sold for 60 percent value)
shortbow (+1 Strength) 150g
ring of protection +1 (held to Erodel)
masterwork thieves tools, 100g
If I had to guess, I'd say the weapons, combat gear and tools were his, while the coins and dusts were from the safe. The flute and earrings could be from either. We'll have to ask around or find a manifest to make sure on those items. The rest were found in the underground complex or on the goblins. There should be no legal issues with those items.

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Can we post our attempted purchases here (And have them validated) and.. then handle it in character at the shopping district? (in case anything fun/exciting happens?)
Any GP restrictions off the bat? (nothing magical more than 800gold etc etc?).
Edit: Sooo close to full plate!!!! Erodel can almost taste it!

Pik |

Pik will be looking for the following:
Wand of Cure Light Wounds [50 charges] (750g)
Scroll of Comprehend Languages (25g)
Scroll of Share Language (25g)

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If people have extra $ to burn.. Erodel will gladly pay you tuesday, for full plate today!All though very torn about whether or not to upgrade past medium armour right now, (at level 3 gets full move in medium..)
Hammer: = .5 GP (2Lbs)
Pitons (x20) = 2 GP (10LBs)
Signs point to the Thistletop goblin's being the ones in charge, and... didn't Shalelu tell us they are on some sort of skull island? Should we consider investing in a rowboat? (50gp) Possibly a potion/scroll of water walk?
Elixir of truth? Get 100 questions (for 500gp)
Trying to think of what else may need... tangle foot bags? (50gp a pop.)

Elransil Farseer |

Elransil is looking for:
Masterwork chain shirt (250 gp) 25 lbs -1 Armor Check Penalty
Tent (10 gp) 20 lbs
Silk Rope (10 gp) 5 lbs
Much like Radoslav, I'll have plenty of extra gold to share with Erodel even after these purchases. Together, we can easily chip in enough to get Erodel some masterwork plate.

Elransil Farseer |

May be better off getting a bag of holding/handy haversack (as that benefits the group), rather than just Erodel, if only to hold a bunch of the parties random gear/tents/supplies.
None of us can afford any of those types of items just yet without combining our shares anyway. And if we find a large amount of items at the goblin camp, they will be small and weigh less than normal. It's up to the group, though, if we want to look for something like a Bag of Holding.
But I'm willing to bet the goblins are within a day's journey of town because they aren't really organized enough for a long march on the city. That means it should be too hard to bring items back, even if we have to make two trips or travel encumbered.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the nobleman give us horses? I'll buy some saddlebags if there are any in town, and a military saddle, to help with carrying mundane items like tents and such.

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Aldren Foxglove was the noble I believe, seemed very interested in certain party members.
As for the Thistletop goblin conspiracy theory, I present the evidence!
Quoted from Campagin thread:
And finally, there are the Thistletop goblins, who live on the Nettlewood coast atop a small island that some say holds a passing resemblance to a decapitated head. Ripnugget is the current leader of the Thistletop goblins and controls what the five tribes agree is the best lair. And then there’s Bruthazmus, an infamous bugbear ranger who lives in northern Nettlewood and often visits the five tribes to trade things he’s stolen from caravans for alcohol, news, or magic arrows.
(Post 177+179 Page8 of Campaign)
Which means, may be running into this bugbear ranger if we go after the thistletop. Also, that bringing horses across the water could be difficult (although with the goblin's hatred of horses.. could be a benefit?).
Next evidence Erodel reproduces is... Ameiko's testimony of Tsuto's offer:
Leader of the goblins? Not if what he told me is true. Tsuto didn't plan to kidnap me, he wanted to recruit me. Tsuto told me that he and several other mercenaries were led by Nualia, who is somehow still alive, and hinted that she’s got big plans for Sandpoint’s future. Tsuto warned me that I didn’t want to be in town when those plans came through, and offered me a chance to join his group at Thistletop. I can't hardly believe it. I mean, Nualia? She's been alive this whole time and hasn't told anyone? I don't understand why she would want to cause harm to the town. It just doesn't make any sense."
(Post 510 of Campaign thread)
So.. it looks like Thistletop is their base of operations, and its on an island off the nettlewood (close to one of the other tribes, and territory of the bugbear ranger) coast.
Although, I could be mistaken.
Aldren FoxGlove: Noble,
But on the boar hunt..
Aldern seems to have focuses his questions on Erodel, asking various questions regarding his training, his favorite weapons, what does he think he'll end up doing with his life?
(Post 204 of Campaign)
Now this could be just... honest interest.. or something more sinister!!
This is the last post we had with Aldren (I think he was going back to his manor in a few days.)
The return trip to town is uneventful the lot of you take you horses back to the stable where Aldern informs the stablemaster that he will take care of the cost of stabling all the horses. He then orders his manservants to carry the boar to the Rusty Dragon so that Ameiko can begin preparing it for dinner tonight. Aldern then takes his leave of you, saying how he must go and freshen up before the dinner tonight.
(Post... 214ish)
Then we had the guy who had his face half eaten by goblins.
Nothing really about horses, except that he would pay for stabling.. but they might all still be his? Maybe we could ask to rent some of them?

Pik |

That reminds me, Pik will also be getting:
Military Saddle (20g)
Saddlebags (4g)
Animal Feed [7 days] (3s, 5c)
If the horse that we were given was not combat trained he'll also be looking for a horse.

DM WaterSprite |

The horses were yours to keep and are light military horses and came with regular riding saddles, no saddlebags.
Yes the Thistletop goblins live atop a small island. Though it is close enough to a coastal cliff that there is a long rope bridge connecting the two and is about 20 ft above the waterline.
So far you can find everything that you have asked for.

Manx Serimus |

Okay, buying and selling...
saddle +5g
Military Saddle -20g
Saddlebags -4g
Animal Feed (14 days) -7s
materials scribe scroll -40g
Ink (2) (1 oz vials) -16g
Inkpen (2) -.2g
Parchment (20) -4g
Vial, empty (10) -10g
Waterskin (2) -2g
Everburning Torch -110g
Alchemists Fire components (2) -24g
scroll of charm person -25g
Total spent:255.9g
Would I be safe in assuming that converting coin/gems is flat rate?
Spellcraft checks for scrolls:
Flaming Sphere DC 17: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Burning Hands DC16: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Charm Person DC16: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Okay, so I can scribe the flaming sphere to my spellbook, will have to wait a week on the burning hands.
Craft:Alchemy - Alchemist Fire(2) DC 20 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
-cost 24g
2 successes