I'm trying to track down a character background system I read somewhere but can't remember. The basic ideas is that there were, I think, 6 categories and each category had 6 options in it. You rolled a bunch of 6 siders and then then characters picked one dice at a time that let them choose that corresponding entry from one of the categories. So you might have something like (this example is pretty lame): Family: Both parents living, Father Dead, Mother Dead, Orphan, Adopted, Demon Spawn
If I grab the "1" die, I can take the first entry from any category. That ring a bell for anyone? Where'd I get it from?
Just a note to say that the RandomTableWiki has been integrated with DM's Familiar now. So in addition to the stuff above that DMF does, it can only give you random table results right in the program.
DM's Familiar - a Windows program to help a Pathfinder GM run a better game - is now free. You can download it from this link. DM's Familiar features -- Combat Board to keep your combats organized and running smoothly. Initiative roller, hit point tracker, roller for attack/damage, and lots more. Reference Library that puts all the rules at your fingertops for quick lookups. Codex Tree for tracking all your game related notes. A video overview of DM's Familiar on the website as well..
The Random Table Wiki is a new, free tool. It has a wiki for all sorts of random tables and then a website that let's you roll on those tables and get results. And the website that does the rolling here. Everyone is welcome to use the roller and/or contribute some tables to the wiki.
Some new tables have been added to the RandomTableWiki. You can roll on this tables at this link (http://randomtablewiki.paladinpgm.com/RollTable.rtw) by entering the items in the brackets below. The new tables are: [Character/Personality] : 1,000 personality traits, from the Roleplaying Tips blog [Monster/WanderingMotivation] : Wondering why that monster is wandering? This table gives you some reasons. Also from the Roleplaying Tips blog. Roll away!
The random tables for magic armor & shields has been added. On the request page enter: [Treasure/Pathfinder/ArmorShield] You'll find it on the wiki here.
My new Kickstarter, the Random Table Wiki, has launched! You'll find it here:
The RTW (random table wiki) has two parts: A wiki where anyone can contribute random tables or enhance existing ones and then a website where you can request rolls on those tables. This is already working! You can view the wiki here:
And you can roll on those tables using the website here:
If you back the project at the I Can't Wait level or higher, then you can start adding to the wiki right now. Thanks for taking a look!
Doesn't seem like my bar is that high - pay attention, make a minimum amount of effort. This player is definitely not paying attention. It is kind of the standard MO for this player - very excited at the beginning, steadily loses interest as the game goes on. We're running shorter campaigns just for him. He's been in the game for a few years now. How do I find players? This one is a friend. Others, we generally play with a few times online to see if we want them in the group. It's mostly the one player at this point. Sure, everyone could be keeping track of the treasure, but that's a minor thing. The rest of the party knows what is going on, why they are where they are, etc. -------
I went online because I got feed-up with the players locally. Online I figured I had a whole world of good players to draw from - in theory. I do have one great player, who lives on the other side of the country, so going back to local really isn't an option. (It's not a Pathfinder game so, yeah, the treasure does sound a bit skimpy.)
Sigh. I'm once again totally feed-up with players and ready to quit gaming. Why is it so hard to get a group of good players together? I've got one player, for the last two weeks, who's paid no attention to the game other than to complain. Last night he disappeared for about 30 minutes (we play online) which was annoying, but when he returned all he did was complain which was more annoying - the rule system sucks, the other players aren't playing smart. He's the party face and on meeting some new allies his comment was "Hi, we're uh, those guys. We're looking for - insert name of person we're looking for, we're here for something, I forget." When you'd rather a player not be there, that's a bad sign. The group complained that there was little treasure. Nevermind they were handed two potions about 12 sessions ago that they forgot. Or the magical spearhead they needed to research but forgot about. Or the mummy they were going to dissect that they forgot about. It doesn't matter what you do as a GM if the players won't pay attention or make an absolutely minimum effort. I'm totally feed-up with what I call the "XBox Mentality" - players that show up, press the On button, and then expect me to entertain them for 4 hours with no effort on their part at all.
DM's Familiar has all the Pathfinder data in a Foxpro database. Grab the free 30-day demo and yank the data out of it for free.
The TablesmithOnline Kickstarter is in the home stretch! To help push things over the finish line, we're offering some new features to the project: Personal Account At TablesmithOnline.com, you'll be able to log-in to your own personal account. From there you can mark favorite tables which you'll be able to easily roll and you can mark tables as hidden so that you never see them as an option. You'll be able to use TSO easily, seeing just the tables you want. Developer API We're going to make the functions of TSO an open developer API library. Any programmer will be able to call the TSO website to log-in, get table names, get names of favorite tables, and to request table rolls with results. Anyone will be able to use TSO to make their own website, mobile website, iPhone app, Android app, or anything they want. If you haven't pledged yet, I hope that entices you to do it. If you have already pledged and those added features make you really want this project to happen, consider upping your pledge.
Kingmaker would work like your group does. There's meant to be a significant break between each of the books. Assuming you could finish a book each weekend, that would work well - adventuring, deal with a threat, and then the PCs retire happily to their kingdom. A year later they have to gear up to deal with another threat.
How long do E6 groups keep playing at level 6? If you continue on with the PCs earning more and more feats, don't the fighters become overbalanced to the other PCs? Why have an E6 at all? Why not have campaigns that end around 6th level? For our group, low level and high level play both cause problems. I'm considering running an AP but having it be levels 3 - 8, one level per book of the AP. There are enough bestiary's and NPCs out there that it seems easy to substitute in monsters/NPCs.
I think you're off on the wrong foot. If they want a "free-form non-linear" game then the worse possible thing would be a "megadungeon". Megadungeon is the opposite of free form. You also don't want "major plot events". Take your town folk, decide what has happened to them, and leave it at that. As the players learn about things that have happened, they decide what to do about it.
All the power of Tablesmith's random tables.
My latest Kickstarter - TablesmithOnline. |