So, as treat deadly wounds has been mentioned in several threads I thought I would check my assumptions on it as I have never seen it used at a table and remember thinking "Well, that is useless" after reading it. So a couple of points. 1.) Using the heal skill or in PF2 the medicine skill for level appropriate healing is good in my opinion. 2.) The line D20PFSRD wrote: You must expend two uses from a healer’s kit to perform this task.You take a –2 penalty on your check for each use from a healer’s kit that you lack. I always took to mean, you must use 2 uses of a healers kit to use treat deadly wounds and that if you did not have enough uses left in your kit, i.e. 1, or did not have a kit at all you took the -2 for each of the 2 uses you did not use. I had never read it as "your healers kit is at 6/10 uses so you take a -8". 3.) Treat deadly wounds in PF1 takes an hour. 4.) Treat deadly wounds heals either creatures level on a DC20 check or creatures level + your Wis mod on a DC25 check. This means with taking 10 you are able to use treat deadly wounds at DC20 at around level 1 if you invest skill ranks, have it as a class skill, and have a 4+ wisdom mod. You can start taking 10 to beat the DC25 check at level 6, with the same investment. 5.) This means at you are taking an hour per patient to heal each patient for 1-5 damage, at levels 1-5, when you can make the DC20 check, and 10-32, at levels 6-20, when you can make the DC25 check. 6.) You may only do this once per day, per patient. 7.) At level six when you change over to the DC25 check you are at the greatest % total HP healed. It scales down from there as the scaling on TDW is very very slow. If this is on a D10 martial with average HP a two con mod and no con belt or level up bonuses spent in con, you are healing ~22 % of his/her 49 HP at 11 HP healed. 8.) Actual average % healed over all levels is 13%. This is assuming a user of TDW has a starting 4 Wis mod and uses all level ups for Wis along with buying a Wis headband and a Wis Tome +5. The D10 martial is buying a con belt starting at level 7, and keeping it upgraded but making no other concessions to con. 9.) The cost of TDW is the same as a CLW wand in HP/GP at level 4. It is more expensive before, and less expensive after, becoming much less expensive once you can make the DC25 check. Conclusions: A.) Treat deadly wounds is only a level appropriate amount of healing at ~levels 6-9, and then only with a specific and large investment. B.) At once per patient per day the periodicity of TDW is punitive. C.) At an hour per patient the use time of TDW is punitive. So, I would argue that TDW is effectively useless in PF1 due to its low effective healing, long periodicity, investment required and use time. If we change it to alleviate these issues I believe we should have it do the following. I.) Heal 20%-25% of a D10 martial's HP, at every level, not just at its peak, with similar investment from the martial to what I described above. II.) Have a periodicity of 1/encounter. III.) Have a use time of from 3 actions to a maximum of 5 minutes. I personally prefer closer to the lower end. IV.) Do not require any investment beyond Skill ranks and a healers kit, so that more classes can use it. Effectively lower the DC. Tl;DR: TDW is a great thematic vehicle via the heal skill to defeat the "It's your turn to play the healer" syndrome, it just needs a complete rework, which hopefully we will get. Math!: Yeah!
KingOfAnything wrote:
I was aware that channel could be used for healing spells. I was just unclear with what you meant, my apologies, if I came off as gruff or rude. Now this still leaves the "Who's turn is it to play the cleric" issue.
KingOfAnything wrote:
Just to be clear are you suggesting something like, Lvl 1 Cleric has 2 general spells and 1 healing spell? If so I would say this still would leave some players asking, "Why do I have to have healing spells? Why can't I just have another Divine Favor?" It would also still leave healing in the hands of a subset of casters which I feel would be bad. This is why I believe that we should have available, level appropriate, healing for all classes through means such as the heal skill, short rests, or some other form.
KingOfAnything wrote:
If the resonance system is as described, to combat the needed healer problem, the "Well I know the town is in danger but we are out of resonance and no one has any healing spells, as we all played martials/arcane casters so lets rest" issue, or the "But I don't want to use my cool powers to patch up Bob, I want to use them to be a raging engine of divine justice" problem I would recommend making healing more easily available via the heal skill, short rests, or meditation. Something like this, available to all classes, would be needed. To combat the "sell all consumables as who has spare resonance for those" problem I would make resonance not apply to potions/scrolls and change wands and similar wondrous items to simply use one resonance per use but not have charges. This would mean the main difference between wands and staffs could be, due to the announced spell scaling changes, that wands use a DC based on the minimum DC for the wand and staves use your DC. Also since HP is going up and apparently the amount healed from potions is going down, the ratio of damage to health to healing will need to be very tightly scrutinized. This does create the issue that potions/scrolls become more desirable as they do not use resonance, but their cost would be GP and actions and could be tuned to the new PF2 WBL system. They are already changing costs of everything as shown by the iconic fighters purchases with his 15 starting GP. When you get down to it however resonance actually makes the "Big 6/Best items only" issue worse. Now you do not have room for fun or fluff items or utility items until you have all of your +X items accounted for with resonance. Depending on how may they leave in the game this could be levels 5+ or levels 8+ for non charisma based characters. This also makes martials more MAD as now you need Str, Dex, Con, Wis, Chr. Maybe things are different in PF2 and you don't need Dex for a Str martial at all or you don't need Wis for saves anymore, but at this point we do not know and it is a concern. In short resonance needs substantial changes as does WBL, healing, HP, how all magic items work, MAD issues, and others I surely missed.
WormysQueue wrote:
I can respect that is your preferred play style. In my preferred play style magic should = the sword and street level should = low level. I understand that you want to make use of the Paizo AP's, however if PF2 and PF2 catered to a more E6 style game which in my opinion you are describing, I at least would simply not play them or PF2. I feel that most of my characters really start coming into their own levels 7-10 and are comfortably what I want to play around levels 11-15. This is one of the reasons I tried 5th edition and immediately switched to a different game system, not enough growth for me. I personally would love if we could cut levels 1-5 out PF2 and start at about the power level of PF1 level 6, but I realize that there are quite a few people that like those levels so if I was making the design decisions about PF2 I would leave them in so those who like levels 1-5, or 3-12, or any other ranges still have available play space. That is why I hope we can leave the level 1-20 range as a true level 1-20 range rather than a 1-6 or 1-10 in disguise, as it allows more people to find their comfortable range. Now High level play in PF1 at 13+ has issues and I hope they address those, but most of high level plays problems in my opinion is based on either LFQW or math not working, so if they fix those two issues by hopefully bringing mundanes up and magic down I would like that. I would also not mind having more level appropriate options for lower levels, but at no point, in my opinion, are options such as Hold Breath or Raging Leaper level appropriate. Things like One of those faces or Auspicious mark are much more appropriate for low level and low power games in my opinion. TheAlicornSage wrote:
While I agree the rules will never cover every corner case and a GM will have to make some rulings on the fly, one of the main things I like is that PF1 has a large rule set that covers most cases. I strongly disagree with the statement of your I bolded above. Unless a rule says something, I am of the opinion that realism or narrative milieu adjustments adjustments are bad for the game. I want the GM to be a narrator and facilitator, and only act as a referee in the most corner of cases. If it is not clear I strongly feel that a player should be able to come in and say "these are the rules and they work this way" with confidence 99% of the time. I do not like games where you have to ask the GM "OK, how can I do X this time?". It is my opinion that a consistent and math based rule set is beneficial as it leads to less looking things up at the table or issues as since the rules just work one way people know what their abilities do.
WormysQueue wrote:
On mundane classes we will have to cordially agree to disagree. On casters I agree they need to be lowered in top end and have some abuses reined in. I think from the limited amount of info that we have been provided though that we are going to see mundanes come up and casters come down. I just do not want to see any realism cause some concepts to be limited to only realistic things such that they get "cool powers" like jump an extra 10 feet or hold your breath for an extra few rounds, while others are getting the ability to instantly cause enemies to fall unconscious or create protective fields of force from level one. Selective realism in a game is in my opinion crippling and causes chasms in ability between different concepts, and since this is a game with magic, all concepts should be able to compete regardless of how magical and mundane they are. Magic should not be a free pass to wear the "better than you" hat, and being mundane should not equal wearing the "only useful until you can get better summons" sign. I would be fine with name changes to make history enthusiasts more pleased. That is a small and to me insignificant change, but all mechanics for classes/feats/spell/weapons/armor/everything, should be based on a balanced system grounded in a mathematical game framework that makes the game fun and flowing. In my opinion none of that should be constrained by any historical truth. Tl;DR: Historical naming system = fine. Any constraints to realism that affect mechanics = bad, in my opinion.
Just chiming in to say "Sorry OP you and I disagree." I would very much like to see Champions of "X" alignment for each alignment, as a class. Calling the LG one "Paladin" as a nod to legacy would be great, in my opinion. It should be one class with different options based on your alignment, and the portfolio of your deity. Any defining features like *Cough* Divine Grace *Cough* should be on all of the champions. Any other abilities should be part of a common pool you choose from. Having some be "X" alignment or "X,Y" alignment only would also be fine.
Please: Make a game where the math is elegant, informs all things, and avoids things like characters easily making all situations deterministic, "Rocket-Tag", or LFQW. Basically the entire game should be built around the math and making it work first as a game. Eliminate the need for the "Big Six". More power in the character less in the magical "Bling" that anyone could wear. Let your game design mojo run free and truly change things for the better. Include familiars as a valid, and useful thing. Rather than a wand buddy/item retrieval buddy, or a gimmick due to DR/Fast healing/Damage sharing. Clarify mounted combat. Clarify Hand Vs Hand and wield/hold. Use tags/call outs to define things. Such as a spell could be [1rst Level], [Fire] and [Evocation] Make Clerics different based on God/Religion. A base limited spell list and then gaining access to spells with certain keywords based on your deities domains would be great. Fix mundane crafting so that it is useful for PC's. Fix Magic item crafting/Purchasing/Spell casting services such that the right answer to all things is not to have an encyclopedic knowledge of items/spells so you can make/buy perfect magic bullets for any situation. Make casters more narrow such that you are no longer a wizard, you are a master conjurer or a sage of abjuration. Basically beguiler. Make spell schools equally desirable. No more Conjuration > everything. Make Evocation viable and good as it is sometimes fun to just blow stuff up without having to jump through a bunch of weird hoops. Give pure martials ways to have narrative power. Skills would be a good place to do this. Eliminate long feat chains, and buff feats. No more +2 to two skills or +1 hit or AC feats. Give a good solid explanation for all skills especially things like stealth, in the skills chapter. Do not make players hunt through the environment and other rules chapters. Buff skills to grant more narrative power. Give solid lists of Skill DC's that show appropriate tasks 1-20. Make the system setting agnostic. Gods for clerics as examples are as setting informed as I at least desire, and I would prefer just having domain lists and example builds. Making setting specific feats/classes/spells or anything else is fine in a setting book, great even, just not in the core book. Make alignment only required for those that draw their powers from being said alignment, and eliminate much of the alignment restrictions. Allow non-lawful monks, lawful barbarians, or Champion of "X" alignment in place of paladin for example. Please Don't: Make any concessions in the quality of the game for backwards compatibility. Include anything for "realism", "feel's right", or "World building". Use different systems to build PCs and NPCs/Monsters. All characters should use one coherent build system. Padded Sumo. In other words inflate hit points and reduce damage, such that a fight lasts much longer than it should, and also long after it is clear who will win. Some hit point increase at lower levels to combat swinginess would be fine and some damage moderation to combat rocket tag is desired even. Just please do not go overboard. Make healing ineffective/onerous, or have any class where what they are "good" or "The best" at healing. Sliding Skill DC's, the same 10 foot wall should not have a higher DC just because a character leveled up. Balance mechanical power with role playing restrictions. Would be Nice, personally: An eventual mythic book. I admit I love mythic, and this would be a perfect opportunity to include it in a form where the math for mythic is just an extension of the math for the core game.
Can we please please please not ask for more "nested sources" FAQ's? Honestly what is next, "Well a character only gets +1 to hit from Weapon focus and greater weapon focus, due to the fact that they are both feats/both possessed by one character/both target one weapon, so "Feats/the character/the weapon" is the source!" Please, if you have a problem with something house-rule it. If you only play PFS I am sorry if someone is making the game un-fun for you, but please do not get more content nerfed or worse "Re-printed" so we get a weaker version of the same content rather than getting new and useful content. Grr, I admit you kinda hit my berserk button as the nested sources FAQ is something I revile.
Lady-J wrote:
*Mourns Crane Style and MoMS*
Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Thank you for the reply, I appreciate the info. However, wow that is terrible. *Shrug* Another reason not to buy Paizo stuff.
Coming into the Holiday season, best wishes to all who have gathered here to warm besides the fire of shared joy and brilliance. While the hearth is banked this season, rember the good times, hold cheer in your hearts, and perhaps we will all meet again somewhere for revelry and rivalry in bittersweet mixture.
So, I am going to be playing the new AP Ruins of Azlant, and I am putting together a character. Basic idea is a crafting focused wizard. So I have the following picked out. - Race
Arcane School Traits
Stats (15 PB)
Arcane Bond
Favored Class Bonus
Items to acquire: Gloves of Elvenkind Headband of Int Int Tome With the above in mind I have some questions. 1.) Is this how my various crafting abilities work? Say I am crafting a a wondrous item. This item costs say 40,000 GP so requires 20,000 gp of crafting materials. However due to spark of creation the cost is 38,000 gp so requires 19,000 gp in crafting materials. Normally I would be able to craft 1,000 gp per 8 hours but due to the resourceful trait I craft 1,500 gp in 8 hours or if I take +5 to the DC and hurry 3,000 gp per 8 hours. If I have the full 10 dwarven favored class bonuses I am planning on taking that would be 3,500 gp per 8 hours or 7,000 gp while hurrying. These numbers are then doubled by my valet familiar meaning 7,000 gp normal and 14,000 gp hurrying. Then I craft 25% faster due to Arcane builder which means 8,750 gp normal or 17,500 gp hurrying. This means that instead of the normal 20 days it would take to make this item while hurrying I instead take 3 days, correct? 2.) Any recommendations for any other magic item crafting, feats/items/stuff etc? I know about the amazing tools of manufacture but do not plan on using them due to the fact that they are for crafting with the craft skill and seem to only be for normal items I do not plan on using them.
So I am just coming back after taking a little Pathfinder break. I have decided that I want to try my hand at making a theme I like work, so as to shake off the build-fu rust. Build Theme: A character that eschews the crutches of external power and seeks enlightenment via perfection of self. A Ki using martial artist. Build Must haves: A.) No weapons B.) No armor C.) No magic items (We will be using an intrinsic bonus system similar but tweaked to the one published in the Mythic Hero's Handbook) D.) At least 80% of the damage of a Two Hand Full BaB Weapon User E.) At least 15 + level AC. F.) At least 60% chance to resist attacks against any save with DC's equal to those of an at level wizard who started with an 18 int and is using their highest level spell. G.) Not a Caster. (Refluffing some buff spells as Ki use is fine, I just do not want to play a primary caster whose main focus is spells or a ranged character like a blast based Kinetisist.) H.) Has ways to address common threats such as Incorporeal foes, Flying foes, ETC... Build Nice things to have but not absolutely necessary. 1.) 90+% of the damage of a Two Hand Full BaB Weapon User 2.) 20 + level AC 3.) At least 75% chance to resist attacks against any save with DC's equal to those of an at level wizard who started with an 18 int and is using their highest level spell. 4.) Wis Based 5.) More than 4 Skill points per level (All classes except int based primary casters are 4+Int in our game) 6.) Some narrative power besides "Punch Good" 7.) Human Feel free to offer any and all advice I am off to ruminate on this. Thanks!
Hello everyone, So I have some questions about the Absorb Blow ability from the Guradian path in mythic adventures. Absorb Blow:
Absorb Blow (Su): As an immediate action, whenever you take hit point damage from a single source (such as a dragon's breath, a spell, or a weapon), you can expend one use of mythic power to reduce the damage you take from that source by 5 per tier (to a minimum of 0 points of damage taken). If you have another ability or effect that reduces damage (such as protection from energy), reduce the damage with the absorb blow ability before applying any other damage-reducing effects. For every 10 points of damage that this ability prevents, for 1 minute you gain DR 1/epic and 5 points of resistance against acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. The DR and resistances stack with any other DR and resistances that you have. 1.) When I designate a source I assume it is meaning on one attack from that source, so if say an NPC strikes a mythic character with this ability for 20 damage and he is at tier 4 then all 20 damage would be prevented if the player choose to expend a mythic power. However if the same enemy struck again with the same weapon for again 20 damage, the only benefit the mythic character would receive would be the DR2/epic and Resistance 10 granted by the second part of absorb blow and thus would take 18 damage if the damage can be reduced by DR or 10 damage if it can be reduced by the resistances or even the full 20 if none of these apply, say in the case of force damage, correct? 2.) Multiple hit spells such as say magic missile or scorching ray, does absorb blow apply against the total damage from the spell or just against the damage from one hit? 3.) DR stacking, well it is obvious it stacks with itself but what happens if say a character is wearing adamantine heavy armor and thus has DR3/- and gains DR2/epic from absorb blow? Does he have DR5 against any non-epic weapon and DR3 against epic weapons? What if the original DR was say DR5/evil from a level 17 paladin's aura of righteousness ability? Does he have say DR7 against all non-evil, non-epic weapons, DR2 against evil non-epic weapons, and DR5 against non-evil epic weapons? I find this confusing so some help is appreciated.
Derklord wrote: Also, the Warpriest GWotC build can have the highest crit chance in the game (51%). Do you have a link to this or could you summarize? Is this what you mean? I am assuming Keen + 18-20 weapon, getting a 30% chance to crit. Then using GWotC to roll twice so (70*70)/(100*100) = 4,900/10,000 = 49/100 or 49% chance of no crit or 51% chance of triggering a crit?
So, I really dislike your "Improvisation" rule. To me it feels like it would be very easy for a convincing player to get a whole ton of benefit from it and punishes anyone who really likes playing the build game. I would nix that. I do not like the adjusting skills rule for the same reasons as above. For races I would be specific, with what is allowed and add the caveat of if a concept requires a certain race you would work with the player on it as long as it is not disruptive. When spending vigor to get back Ki or Lay on Hands, how many uses do I get back per point of vigor? Is it one point per one use or one point for all uses? Death saves are unclear to me. Is it a fort save, an unmodified D20 roll, or what? I hope this helps and happy gaming.
Maybe something like this? Class: Vanilla fighter for advanced weapon and armor training Traits
Armor: Adamantine Full Plate Shield: Darkwood Heavy Wooden Shield Weapon Enchants: Benevolent. Maybe Fortuitous depending if your GM lets you use it with Bodyguard. Armor and Shield Enchants: Benevolent.
Human Animist shaman with channel energy, a thrush familiar, the asmoden advocate feat and authorative vestaments = no combat pure diplomacy all the time unless the GM says "No diplomacy for reasons". Throw in silver tounged human racial and a diplomacy trait for giggles. When that happens you are still a full nine level caster that can poach the cleric and sorcerer/wizard list for the best buffs, condition removals and heals.
Arbore Vitae
On the next sunrise the dead creature is returned to life, arising from the small patch of the first world into which their prior body transformed. The returned creature flush with life, color and vitality gains the fey creature type in addition to its original type, DR/2 cold iron, vulnerability cold iron, and two permanent negative levels. A creature with only one or two hit die is subject to four points of constitution drain instead of the negative levels. If this drain would reduce the creature to zero constitution the arbore vitae is wasted and fails to function. All conditions and unconsumed spells or abilities of the returned creature are handled as reincarnate. Arbore vitae is consumed upon use.
I put together a war priest build that was a good "tank". In the link above. Just trade out weapon specialization or Swift Aid for additional traits. Hope it helps. Could work with other classes too, you need phalanx fighter, combat reflexes, bodyguard, shield brace, and additional traits to get the half lung racial trait helpful via adopted and fool for friends. Basically hand out around +9 or +10 AC via Bodyguard along with being a reach blender and getting to use a shield.
If you are having fun with the blasting then maybe go whole hog and ask for a rebuild? Something like Evocation admixture wizard 6\ Crossblooded Orc\Draconic (Copper) Sorcerer 1 Rabbit Familiar for +4 Initiative Stats (20 PB, or just use what you have)
So you can throw out 3 {[(9d6 + 18)*1.5]+3} = 77.25 damage on a failed save or 38.625 damage on a successful save acid balls a day + what ever pearls of power you buy. Next level you get another due to int increase. The DC for these will be nice too at 20. If you are a human you can have both spell penetration and improved initiative. Use you 2nds for "easier" fights, and save the big ka-boom for when you need to win. Hope this helps.
Ratfolk + Menacing enchant + Outflank? Add Butterfly sting or sneak attack to taste? Reach builds that use the helpful trait along with fool for friends and battlefield disciple for a +5 or 6 on attacks? All of this could give a +11 or 12 total before bard song. Add this and you could have +12 to 17, with master performer grand master performer, depending on level. Only thing that costs money here is the menacing enchant. Add bodyguard shenanigans for fun.
N. Jolly wrote:
Thanks for the link. *Urge to treat self to kineticist focused PDF binge rising* I am looking forward to this and Happy Holidays!
N. Jolly wrote:
*Hug* Thank you N. Jolly! So looking forward to this. BTW, I apparently missed legendary Kineticist I, could you if you have the time post a link for that? I love me some Kineticist. :-)
I agree with Chris that things have changed, and there are people I miss. I am posting and lurking here much less. Ah, well. All good things... P.S. Happy Holidays everyone. selfish whining: Can we please please please have RPG superstar back? Even without prizes, please? I miss that spirit of competition and camaraderie that those parts of the boards had along with cheering and kibitzing, in a respectful way of course, for your favorites. It always re-energized me to get back on the boards as my interest was waning.
I know, it is a busy year and no time, I just miss it. Thanks nice Paizo people for the constant positive interaction. Best of luck and happy holidays to you too of course.
TrustNo1 wrote: WOW! Your sorcerers are going to be blowing stuff up big time. I feel like sorcerers are balanced as is. They cast loads of spells, that is why they are behind wizards in spell progression. I really wouldn't mess with them too much or they will start steamrolling your game. On the bright side I really like your custom bloodline. Thank you for your feedback! Did you see that I had reduced the sorcerers spells per day? A sorcerer and wizard should now be just about even at every level in total amounts of spells castable per day. Thank you as well for the praise on the bloodline, is there anything you would change? Wheldrake wrote:
Thank you for your time and feedback! I would agree that most casters are already very very powerful. Would you be willing to give me examples of ways that my changes would be unbalancing? I am not trying to be confrontational I really am just looking for honest and constructive criticism so I can improve.
Kirth Gersen wrote: Anecdotally, I give sorcerers their bonus spells when a wizard would normally get a spell of that level (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.), and also give them the eldritch blast stuff from the 3.5e warlock, and also amped up their bloodline powers... and they're still not quite as good as wizards and clerics. Thank you Kirth! I appreciate the feedback, especially from someone who wrote something like Kirthfinder. I did in return for the extra two feat, extra bloodline power, and earlier spell access change their spells per day to start at 2 rather than 3 and end at 5 rather than 6. This puts the sorcerer at most 2 spells per day ahead of a wizard without a bonded item, and at most 1 spell ahead of a wizard with a bonded item. Do you feel this is too much of a weakening of the class? My thoughts were that a sorcerer would have the advantage of metamagic on the fly and the ability to mix and match from his limited spells know, while the wizard would have the advantage of being able to use any spell from his spell book meaning he would if given time to prepare or retreat be much more likely to have a "silver bullet" spell. The Chort wrote:
Thank you again for taking the time to comment and share your opinion. I do appreciate it. There will be other full casters in the game yes. Drahliana Moonrunner wrote: I definitely would not bother playing a wizard in your game. I respect your opinion, but may I have a more thorough breakdown of why you feel this way? I am very open to feedback and willing to consider multiple viewpoints. Amanuensis wrote:
Thank you for your detailed feedback! May I ask why you feel the 12th level power is too much? I based it on the 15th level power from the arcane bloodline, but bumped to 12th as I would reduce the level of that power if I rewrote the arcane bloodline. Full disclosure: The last time my player played this character she was arcane. I see what you mean about the bonuses to familiar spell the possibility of a player not taking it. I did deliberately give benefits besides the boost to familiar spell at those levels so a player who took other things would not be "punished" for not taking it. I was trying to leave it flexible enough to allow several builds, but I do see what you mean. For the familiar body sharing the theme was more of a collaboration rather than a one over the other, but I did include both of the share skin spells. I did avoid teamwork feats due to them being more geared towards martial activities, while there are some decent teamwork feats for casters they are mostly martial focused. Standouts would be Allied spell caster, shake it off, and possibly spell chain. I did not feel this was enough to make it an integral part of the bloodline. Thanks again. Shikaku Kyouryuu wrote: I feel like your familiar being treated as four levels higher is a bit too much, considering what else the arcana gives. Other arcana give a +1 bonus to damage per damage dice if a spell does a certain energy type, or a +1 to the save DC of a spell you use a metamagic feat on. The arcana does way too much. First thank you for your feedback. I see what you mean. I am slightly worried about this and may end up stripping it out, however all of my players are extremely good natured and have no problem with the fact that any homebrew may need to be adjusted in between sessions if there are issues. It was mainly to allow a familiar to be smarter so that my player always had a cognizant companion.
kyrt-ryder wrote:
First, thank you for your feedback! I will of course change Oracles to something similar if not identical when and if someone at my table wants to play one. Do you feel the sorcerer is a viable option to wizard with these changes even with the reduced spells per day?
The Chort wrote:
Thank you for your feedback! So, you feel that even with reduced spells per day a sorcerer should not get the same spell progression as a wizard? For skills we have a house rule that as long as you are not an int based full caster you get 4 + skills minimum, however we leave int based casters at 2 + skills. Thank you again!
So, as I am starting a new game I am thinking about adding some house rules to my repertoire. First is I am adding a sorcerer bloodline to allow one of my players to realize her concept of master and familiar growing together in magic. It is here Second I am eliminating the increase in casting time for sorcerers using metamagic. Third I am toying with the idea of giving sorcerers wizard progression in spells. While also adjusting spells per day. Table is here. Fourth I am adjusting the rate at which sorcerers gain bloodline powers and feats. This will result in sorcerers getting two more feats and one more power over the course of their career. Lastly I am going to give sorcerers their bloodline spells at the level where they gain the ability to cast that spell level. Please check out at least the table under the "new sorcerer" tab and feel free to give me feedback, as it is both welcome and wanted. |