Cort Odekirk Private Avatar

Cort Odekirk's page

Organized Play Member. 461 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters.

Technology Manager

We have an opening on our software development team. Details can be found on our job listings page.

You can ask here if you have any high level questions on the position. I'll see if I can answer some of the easy ones right off the bat.

1. Position is at our headquarters in Redmond, WA. It is an on-site position, so we're not looking for work from home candidates.

2. Position is full time regular staff.

3. To apply send your resume and a cover letter to (or my email, either works).

4. Being a gamer isn't required, but it's a plus!

5. Must be goblin friendly (you are not required to be on friendly terms with the warehouse raptors... no one is on friendly terms with the warehouse raptors...)

Development Manager

Sorry about the long outage guys, we lost fiber to our site hosting (early side effect of the Big Storm hitting the coast) and it's been a long night getting everything connected again.

The brunt of the storm is expected to hit today (12/11/2014) and while we are as prepared as you can be, nature is a powerful thing. If we experience anymore accessibility flickers please be patient with us, we are just as anxious to get back online as you want us to be there :).

Also, tell the Druids to practice weather magic on someone else's lawn....