Cornebre |
I think I know why this kind of "discussion" came to be.
Like the whole "infernal healing don't make me bad because I don't care about coherence of the univers, just about rules (except that one book because I find it stupid)", or the bladed dash thread just below...
It's whole arguments came from 3 simple letters: P F and S
Because of PFS, RAW become LAW. Some PFS players are not here to play a social game to write an interactive story with the GM. They are here to play a game with a precise set of rules, coherence be damned! Worst: FUN and Rule of Cool be damned.
The arguments on this forum are the same than in other fandom... "Leia used a power that was not in any books!" Yes, but the Star Wars GM was more interested by telling an interesting story (or tried to...)
"Alignment is a guideline! I can play however I like!"
Yes, but you are missing out on the interesting aspect of corruption and redemption. Infernal healing is like the One True Ring. It change your alignment slowly but surely. Even if you are good at heart, evil spells corrupt. Good spells try to redeem you, but like the force, Dark side is a fast and easy way.
Someone on this forum once told me that "they don't want to feel like playing a video game". You know what the argument above is? Exactly that. Treating Pathfinder like a system before an univers.
This remind me of WoW paladin that stacked effects over a long period just to be able to OS bosses. Was it RAW within WoW? Yes. Was it fun and interesting in a story? No. Take any story with a villain that the hero must kill. Would it be interesting if the hero was doing rules exploits to OS the last boss?
Pathfinder is a story generator. Rules are guidelines.
Does allowing the Magus to strike in the air a bad thing? I think not, because it's a creative and COOL way of doing it a few times per day. And the day the party will face an other magus that can do the same kind of tricks, they will be quite surprised!
It's also why PFS create that kind of arguments. What do you do if players go off the rails? What if they kill the villain on the first encounter per pure luck? Or point out to the ruler with a clever thinking that "mister big bad second in command" want to be "First in command"? Or even worst! The players don't follow the plot at all and do their own things? In a home game, it's easy. In PFS? ...
Well, what your thoughts on this?
P.S.: I was supposed to post in the bladed dash thread, but I thought it would be better in its own thread.