DM Variel |

As stated in the title I am looking for 1-2 replacement characters for my Reign of Winter campaign. The current characters are 8th level and will likely be that level when the replacements enter. We are a third of the way through the third book. I ask for 1 post a day during the week and once on the weekend unless told otherwise.
Character build guidelines:
8th level
20pt build with a floating +2 to 1 statistic after the 20 pt build/
2 traits
2 free bonus skills that must be placed in a profession or craft to represent your life before adventuring.
Most content released by Paizo for pathfinder is available but nothing 3rd party.
I am also looking at the wealth right now and will post soon to keep you in line with the rest of the party.
The party consist of a winter witch, paladin/oracle (with a fighter henchman), rogue/wizard/arcane trickster, and archer fighter.
Any questions please ask. I am hoping to find a replacement by the 6th of March.