
Claw of Terendelev's page

27 posts. Alias of Neltji.

Here is the thread link.

As stated in the title I am looking for 1-2 replacement characters for my Reign of Winter campaign. The current characters are 8th level and will likely be that level when the replacements enter. We are a third of the way through the third book. I ask for 1 post a day during the week and once on the weekend unless told otherwise.

Character build guidelines:
8th level
20pt build with a floating +2 to 1 statistic after the 20 pt build/
2 traits
2 free bonus skills that must be placed in a profession or craft to represent your life before adventuring.
Most content released by Paizo for pathfinder is available but nothing 3rd party.

I am also looking at the wealth right now and will post soon to keep you in line with the rest of the party.

The party consist of a winter witch, paladin/oracle (with a fighter henchman), rogue/wizard/arcane trickster, and archer fighter.

Any questions please ask. I am hoping to find a replacement by the 6th of March.

For current characters that want to participate to have fun and expand themselves and their kingdom.

Looking for a character as a replacement for a Wrath of the Righteous campaign that is 2/3 through the first book. The group is currently 4th level.

Character creation guidelines:
Only paizo material, no third party sources
20 pt build
2 traits, 1 of which must be a campaign trait as it ties in to the mythic campaign
Average starting wealth
1 hero point gained per level max of 3 that will be lost upon gaining 6th level when you become epic.
1 bonus skill point upon creation that must go into a profession, craft, or perform which represents your ability to make a living.
No gunslingers
Must be able to post at least once per day

As a request from some of the players here is what they are looking for...
No tieflings

What we have so far...

Aasimar oracle of metal
Aasimar inquisitor of Iomedae
Aasimar paladin shield knight of Iomedae
Human cleric
Dwarf wizard

A little bit about me. I work at a hospital and have some long hours. I post from my iPad and check updates during the day. Map updates occur once I am at home usually around 2100-2300 CST unless I get called back into the hospital. If this happens I try to make a quick ooc post informing you that I am at work and no map update will be available.

To try and help with the pace of PBP combat we run combat as a group. This way it does not matter in which order you post I will try to take the most favorable situation in your actions. Of course this allows your foes the same opportunity. This occurs at the same time as the map update.

Role playing posts I try to respond to during the day and will post as I can as I prefer the RP posts.

campaign thread link

new discussion thread as well

Not able to get the old thread switched over so I can access the campaign thread for updates. Instead I am creating this thread so I can use that tab.

Looking for a skill character as a replacement for a Wrath of the Righteous campaign that is in the beginning stages of the AP. we have made it through the first couple of encounters and are still level one.

Character creation guidelines:
Only paizo material, no third party sources
20 pt build
2 traits, 1 of which must be a campaign trait as it ties in to the mythic campaign
Average starting wealth
1 hero point
1 bonus skill point upon creation that must go into a profession, craft, or perform which represents your ability to make a living.
No gunslingers
Must be able to post at least once per day
we are a group that likes RP and character interactions as much if not more than the combats in some instances.

As a request from some of the players here is what they are looking for...

A character willing to be the front scout and trap expert. This is to replace the master summoner who used summons to clear traps and the eidolon who scouted.
No tieflings

What we have so far...

Aasimar oracle of metal
Aasimar inquisitor of Iomedae
Aasimar paladin shield knight of Iomedae
Human urban barbarian
Dwarf wizard

The last few months were a grueling ordeal fraught with danger, blood, and sweat. It was a time filled with training and testing of both the mind and body for those new members willing to join the crusade against the demons of the Worldwound. Today was the last day of your training and on the morrow you all are to be instilled in the ranks of those willing to fight the holy fight and protect Kenabras, Mendelev, and the world, for if the first should fall, then the next would follow soon after and then the last eventually. To this end each of you have dedicated yourselves in some part to doing what you can to aid in the effort. The final tests passed, whether in sword, sorcery, or skill craft leave you all feeling drained and ready for a night of relaxation, as much relaxation as can be given in the military state that is Kenabras. The best place to enjoy a mug of ale, hear a bard, or talk with veterans is at the Defender’s Heart. By an unspoken agreement you all arrive there.

However it can’t last forever as you must arrive at Clydwell Plaza at noon ready to be presented to Lord Hulrun, ruler of Kenabras, himself for the ceremony. Not only is the ceremony for the new recruits, but tomorrow is the 16th of Arodus, Armasse Day. After the acceptance of new recruits in to the war, the day is filled with jousting tournaments, food, drink, fables, battle reenactments, and other festival activities. Indeed it is a day to celebrate and one of which lifts the spirits of its people for the rest of the year, for people will talk about the past festival for 6 months only to turn around and speculate on the upcoming festival in 6 months’ time. It is also a chance to see the elite of the city present and interact with them on an individual basis. Rumor has it that Terendelev, the ancient silver dragon and guardian of the city, was to make an appearance even. All this and more you hear as you arrive at the Defender’s Heart.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Alright, hoping this works an will fill it up with pertinent info later. Good luck everyone.

So I am the GM for a 6 party campaign and have allowed only the rules from the core rulebook and the APG. Along with those rules I have also allowed the traits from the back of the APG. Everything was going great during character building when the party druid and wizard each took separate traits that when combined I wasn't sure how to incorporate. The druid took the trait magical lineage and for his feat reach spell. This way he always prepares a cure light wounds at reach to cast on his animal companion. (The druid is more ranged support anyways.) Now the wizard is planning on taking almost nothing but item creation feats, so he took the hedge magician trait. After comparing their characters, they decided to have the wizard start scribing the druids cure light wounds spell with the reach and magical lineage. My question is this then:

Does the scroll then cost 11.875 gp to create? If so, what is the cost if they would sell the item, 12.5 gp or 75gp (2nd level spell 3rd level caster to normally create this scroll)? I am guessing that it should be the 11.875gp to create since they expended the feats and traits to do so.

However, I can't imagine that an enterprising cleric, who could do this by himself (without the hedge magician), would not try to sell his level 1 scrolls (to create) at a higher cost since they perform as a level 2 spell.


*edit* The cost discepancy goes even higher with the higher level spells. For example, the wizard has the magical lineage trait with the widen spell and starts scribing scrolls of widen fireball for only 2 levels higher. I know this is a bad example of use of this spell but for the sake of argument. What would the cost be to create and then sell this scroll?

Currently we have a group of 4 characters who are looking for a new DM. Our past DM had to resign due to time constraints. Dialogue and roleplaying have been great and we wish to continue on. Our group has been through the first encounter and is currently ready to tackle the second encounter. We have a Paladin of Erastil, a cleric of Erastil, a witch and a bard. A ranger was also going to accompany us but has since withdrawn. Here are the links to the OOC discussion thread and the campaign thread .

If there is any DM willing to run the Kingmaker AP please consider this group. We are willing to accomodate different rulings and recreate our characters if necessary.

I have a fighter that just completed his 3 scenario to level up to 2nd level. I was wondering if I could incorporate one of the fighter archtypes into my character now after character creation since I haven't actually used bravery, weapon training or armor training class features yet? If not that is fine, just curious.

We are starting a home campaign next month and I was looking at making a character outside of the normal stereotypes: elven wizard, dwarven fighter, gmone illusionist, etc stereotypes. That got me wondering which class/race pairing is the most unusual. I am particularly curious about which class(es) I would pair up with both a half-orc or a gnome. I want to be effective in the campaign but I am not looking for particular builds.
My first thought was for a gnome paladin due to the gnomes affinity to illusions and a paladin's "stricter honor". All ideas would be great even outside of half-orcs and gnomes. Thanks ahead of time.

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Does the armor training ability granted by the fighter work with shields as well? Normally I would say no since it is not titled 'armor and shield training' but one of the guys I play with thought it would since both are included in equipment chart under armor? Thanks for the help.

I have always liked the idea of being able to climb onto the back of a collossal sized creature. Are there any rules or suggestions for how to implement this idea in Pathfinder. Would this be an exception to the grapple rules of size limitation, or would a climb check be more adequate? Any thoughts would be helpful thanks.