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strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The commanders nod as one and go about seeing to the wounded paladins. Due to their own skill at healing themselves though the healres have little to do other than to clean and set broken bones. Quite soon the stores that Garith was looking for were found. All manner of weapons, shields and breastplates were located in a warehouse for use by the cultists. Along with the equipment was 15 stores of food and 6 units of goods. With these supplies it is possible to equip the Freemen of Drezan and outfit them for service immediately. Also the supplies are enough to keep this army and the paladins going for another couple f days should the paladins need to rest before taking on the undead or the citadel proper. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Garith you took the -1 penalty for lay on hands so I have you at 3 hp for the army prior to this turn. As that is your ACR you need a moral check Morale 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 success 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 2 + 2 = 20 Pushed to the brink and only by their ability to heal themselves are they still in the fight the Paladins make one last surge to eradicate the cultists. Carrying the light of Iomedae into the dark hearts of the cultists the Paladins swept the last vintage of the army before them with chants and praises. The cultists tried to counter but finally the fear of the demon slayers before them was too much and they broke ranks and got ran down. I have the army at 6 hp right now garith. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The cultists continue their assault on the paladins and hope to inflict as much pain as possible. 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 6 + 2 + 2 = 27 +3 damage Indeed the cultist are able to rally significantly even being outnumbered 5 to 1. Perhaps the paladins on mounts were not nimble enough to actually bring their numbers to bear as the cultist start hacking through them. 8 damage to paladins. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The cultist army advances into the teeth of the paladins with chants and praises to Baphomet and Deskari on their lips. It helped them not as the knights of the 5th crusade began to hew them down leaving very few left to continue the fight. 1d20 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 23 +3 damage 8 damage total With all of their posturing and supplications they are unable to defend themselves yet they are able to strike a solid blow to their enemies. This only happened as the knights were moving forward the cultists threw vials of grease beneath the horses hooves causing the to slip and slide around. Taking advantage of the situation the cultists drove deep and inflicted massive wounds. dirty fighters tactics, +6 OM 1 time only per battle With the majority of their forces depleted the commander tries to rally the last chosen few. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 the commander is able to hold them in place to prevent the rout but the tide of battle has turned against them and the end seems inevitable. 1 hp left but that is enough if I can get mutual destruction. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Garith treis to give orders for the army to changed tier tactics. However it seems the individuals know best as they unload their volley of arrows at the approaching cultists. The arrows cut down just under half of the forces as a large cheer goes up from the army. Surely Iomedae herself is with them now as they seek to purge the battlefield. Wow Garith, just wow. without ranged weapons of their own the cultists close in fast to tear at the knights and drive them away. Only then would they be able to gain help and support form the demons who they worship. Perhaps if enough paladins are killed they will be turned into demons themselves... Go ahead with melee phase Garith. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Unless invisible then no Nasira as there is no cover to get to the aurochs themselves. The riverbed is open and the tieflings in the towers have an unobstructed line of sight. As for Pakak using knock I would allow that to work with 1 spell on each auroch as they are too far away from each other and separate 'locks'. I don't think Pakak has 4 of them though. Garith you keep rolling like this and you are going to be down and the bridge won't even have started yet. :) 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 2 + 2 = 24 The paladins take the lackluster flight of arrows as a sign as they charge into the tiefling ranks The battle fury of earlier comes crashing down around the paladins but they hold themselves in check this time. No longer are they as careless about their flanks and in fact pay much more attention to what Aravashinal told them before they went on the march. That paid off huge dividends as the paladins were able to adjust in the saddle as spells where tossed in their direction. Narrowly avoiding such spells the paladins closed in quick and engaged in melee preventing the spellcasters from being able to cast freely. The tactic worked great but still a few spells landed as paladins were unable to avoid them in time. Swiftly the judgement came and went as the tiefling army broke and ran literally for the surrounding hills No more would they be able to threaten the paladins and more than likely they would be picked off by random demons looking for carnage or undead looking to feed. Tiefling army dead but paladins took 2 damage but healed from LoH. all in all a positive. By switching from flankers to spellbreakers you added +6 to your defense which was really noticeable in this 1st round. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() that is fine Maelchar. Garith, sorry I didn't get a response back sooner but thanks for making the ranged attack. I believe strategy does apply to both. Tiefling army ranged attack 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 2 + 2 - 2 = 15 -3 damage As the armies near each other there is a palpable feeling in the air. It seems as if the paladins are hesitant to approach as they remember the morning combat. They rushed in and while delivered a solid blow they were severely damaged as well. Not sure of what to expect from the tiefling army the arrows released fall short of their targets or plink off of the hastily erected defenses. The return volley was likewise woefully ineffective as the tieflings were more concerned about finishing their defenses and biding time till reinforcements could arrive than dealing damage to the opposing army. Just a heads up if I don't have positions by tomorrow night I will go with where you are currently on the map to get the bridge combat underway. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Garith the report from Anevia will grant the battle field terrain bonus. however the time it took allowed the armies to get basic defenses up. Let me know tactics and strategy. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Leading the way to the vrock's command center all that is found there is a chest of Morgrym's items. Perhaps the demons were wise enough to keep gear away from the slaves should a revolt happen. Is there a name that you wish to denote for the freed slaves once they become another army should you find gear for them? Yes you can use the potions out of combat round GArith to heal. I am going to assume you do so and alter the stats of the army. The slaves give a resounding cry in exaltation once they are truly freed. As most of them were crusaders themselves and familiar with combat they follow Garith's orders with alacrity in helping shore up defenses and treating the wounded. All in all as Garith looks at the slaves they seem decently fed and healthy. While demons are known for being evil and favoring torture, they are smart in that a healthy slave is a valuable and production slave. After a night's rest to remove the nonlethal damage the slaves would seem to be in excellent health. A quirk in the rule set for armies, 1 size smaller army that is 1 level higher has the same stats. I am going with this mechanic for flavor right now so nothing mechanically will change for the army. Garith looks around at the battle field and sees that almost half of his force had died in the first assault taking the trenches and breaking through the defender's lines. It was a sad day indeed for the army yet those that survived held their heads high in victory as all knew the cost of coming here. That was the price of war and one that was gladly paid by the fallen. By their deeds and acts of valor the army was successful and a large portion of the city itself was claimed. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The shcirs, convident in their position and the fact that they damaged the paladins again while adjusting their ranks surge forward to end the paladin army. They failed to notice though that the paladins were in the midst of their own defenses and thus thier attacks were blunted upon their own devices. 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 aggressive strategy +3 damage Calling upon the energy stored within himself Garith let it go in a burst of energy partially blinding the demons. The paladins lost no time in taking advantage of the situation and with a cry of victory on their lips braced for the coming storm of demons. Leading the way was the vrock casting aside both man and horse. Yet even with that carnage being wrought blades pierced the infernal hide and blood started to flow. Through sheer number of attacks the paladins of the 5th crusade were beating back the demons and the vrock until at last there was only a small gathering atop Paradise Hill. Stepping to the fore the vrock challenged the commander of the paladins to single combat. Send out your general and I will face him myself. The victor between the 2 of us shall win the day as the other will conceed the field of battle. Looking around it is clear that the vrock does not know what he is talking about as he and only 10 of his schirs are left to face the army of paladins before him. From the flank though came an unexpected surge of men. The slaves that were held had been released as a small contingent of the army had snuck around to free them as ordered earlier in the day. With the weapons dropped from schir and paladin alike they swarmed upon the vrock and the remaining schirs obliterating them to a demon. The battle was fierce and bloody with no quarter being given on either side. The paladins had taken the hill and freed the slaves and with it now command a large portion of the eastern half of the city of Drezen. The schir army was beaten by your roll Garith but wanted to add in the slaves for fun. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The army of paladins watched in horror as the numerous casualties were made on both sides. What was alarming though is how the schirs were able to keep fighting after having sustained such heavy losses. Stunned into inaction they only half listened to Garith and executed the move haphazardly. As such no damage was inflicted upon the enemy yet they were able to heal some of the wounded that had fallen. schir attack 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 The schirs themselves were still reeling and fought with more a defensive process than going for the killing blow. They postured themselves for rearranging the ranks and preparing for the next assault. Still they were able to inflict enough damage to keep the paladins on their heels. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The horses spring forth with the paladins hoisting their longbows. A cloud of arrows are released and head towards the center of the schir defenses. The arrows found no weakness in the barricades but that did not matter ot he holy warriors. the flight of arrows was there to only provide a distraction until the army could cross the field and engage in melee. To that end the tactic worked well as the Paladisn moved so quickly that the schirs were not able to prepare for the onslaught that was coming. The vanguard, lead by Irabeth, smashed into the front lines as the horses leaped over the trenches. Lances split apart as they impacted steel, sinew, and bone. The hole was made and the rest of the army poured in afterwards. Garith at the fore sought after the vile Vrock with no luck yet was still able to command the army efficiently. Orders were given after the breach was filled by paladins for the wings to encircle Paradise Hill. schir attack 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 (10 damage to the army) Unfortunately that is where the breakdown occurred. As the paladins began to encircle the schirs a spur of the defending army broke free. Setting a wall of pikes in the paladins way nearly the entire left flank was lost as the paladins were sandwiched between pikes and the trenches. The right flank was able to complete the maneuver as the surroudned schirs on that side were crushed to a demon. There were still enough demons though that the fight was not over yet. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() With Garith at the lead and Irabeth nearby, the paladins of the 5th crusade march out to meet the enemy at the location named by Aron as Paradise Hill. Once a place of entertainment for the residents of Drezen it is now a slave pen for the demon's subjects. Arrayed before the marching army can be seen an expansive line of demons, schirs to be precise, crouching behind trenches with what looks like hastily built defenses. This was to be no easy fight as Garith can recall the last time they fought schirs back at the Grey Garrison. Then there was only 1 of them and it proved a mighty test for the group of crusaders then. What was a whole army of schirs going to do when behind defenses. ranged phase 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 From out of nowhere a large boulder cam crashing down not 20ft away from where the army of paladins stood awaiting last minute orders. Looking to the west Garith can only hope that the rest of his brave companions can silence the siege engines before they decimate the army and himself. Looking across at his counterpart Garith can see a vrock hovering over the schirs issuing commands as its subordinates separate to their individual units. Go ahead with the tactics, strategy, and ranged attack Garith. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Arles looks from one to the other and you can see the weight fall off of his shoulders at your acceptance of him and the situation. Thank you so very much for giving this opportunity. I promise to you that this endeavor will not fall by the wayside. I will clean this temple that you speak of and protect it to the best of my ability. I hope that your words are true and that I find my faith again in the quiet and solitude of the temple. I have but 1 request if allowed. Please allow a few of the followers that wish to stay here along with me to do so. I could use their help in any repairs that need to be done and I am sure that there are some followers who feel the same as I do. They would appreciate a chance to do something other than head deeper into the worldwound and still contribute to the war effort. The negative impact to morale is removed as Arles will stop his doom and gloom campaign. ------------------------------------------------------- Garith and Maelchar take a quick trip through the army. They can see that the loss of the potions has had a great detrimental effect on the army. Going from such highs to such lows was worse than if some other calamity would have befallen. The talk is that no matter what the army does the demons are there to counter it seemingly with impunity. No one noticed when the supplies were contaminated before, no one noticed now with the crate of potions. What else have the demons done that hasn't been detected yet? Yet for every low Garith reminded them of the successes and progress made. No army in the recent past has made such progress. No army has won two consecutive battles against the demonic host and survived to tell the tale. As Garith continues to extoll the success the army quits grumbling and pays attention. The time that Garith is done and Melchar has the pennon raised the army is in a frenzy and ready to continue forward. The camp is struck and everyone is ready to continue on into the teeth of the enemy defenses. The word also got out, from Aron, that their final destination was a day away. With good luck and no major interruptions the army will be at the city of Drezen at the end of the day. With this news, the army, already riled up from Garith's speech, bangs swords on shields and mounts their horses. Garith for your speech and Maelchar raising the pennon the morale of the army is increased by +1 permanently. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() With arguments on both sides for the way forward a decision was finally made to take the safer route in hopes of preserving the army. It was not an easy decision but decision in times of war are never easy. Fortune was with everyone though it seemed as there were no signs of treachery or sabotage in the night. The sun rose in a red haze which was quickly lost from view as the army started up the Ahari riverbed, the sides of the canyon blocking the sun's rays from shining on them. As the army marched onward the landscape that Reiko and Zeriax described held true to their word. Colors melded into the land here and there could be seen as a testament to the corruption of the Worldwound. Mirages or what appeared to be mirages distorted the landscape yet nothing hindered the army other than the difficult terrain of the river bed. Still the army made decent time and near the end of the day the they neared the location where the building should sit on top of the ridge to the north. a half hour farther marching would put it in view around a small bend. Leaving the army back for safety the forward scouts advance to witness what may be transpiring ahead and above them. Aron joined them to try and dertermine what the building may have once been from a distance. They return to report that there was no movement that could be seen. The building sits atop the cliff, 120 feet above the Ahari gorge below. A narrow flight of stairs winds up the cliff face to the building above, but these stairs look treacherous. ARmy at 30/50 stores. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Garith go ahead and make the morale check for the next day. The morning after the battle at the ford dawns and the outlook is much the same as it was the day before. The army is still injured and nursing the wounds from the day before. As of now the supplies are sufficient but the more astute among the army realizes that they must press on soon to reach Drezen and still have enough supplies to assault the city itself. The question remains as to what the defenses of Drezen hold in store as if this was just 2 armies camped out here surely the forces in Drezen will be more formidable. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The carnage of the battle was overwhelming as the dead and dying were strewn about the battlefield. Horses screamed in terror and agony while paladins cried out to Iomedae for mercy and healing. Mercy was granted for those that could se it by the quick demise and rout of the dretches by the vanguard led by Irabeth. The timely arrival of the forces kept the army from being obliterated but was too late to save some of the soldiers in the army. All around paladins were channeling and LoH to those that could be saved. Many were kept from perishing completely but it would take a long time to heal the damage that was dealt to both mind and body. At least they had time as both the tieflings and dretches were no more. How long they would have to heal though was a question that could not be answered for they were at the doorstep of the Worldwound and anything could happen. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The tight formation of Terendelev's Claw easily burst through the defensive ranks of the tieflings. The tight knit soldiers made it easy for the knights to slash at one foe while the war trained mounts attacked another. In short work the vanguard hacked its way clear of the defenses bulwarks and turned to make another pass. What they saw was a sight that brought the song of victory on their lips silent. Halfway through the knights lance formation an army of dretches were pulling brave knights from their horses and tearing into them with claw and maw. The screams of the dying and injured knights and horses filled the canyon till nothing else could be heard. Orders were being shouted by Irabeth to those that could hear her. Regroup, charge through again against the foe. Unleash the righteous fury of Iomedae on the demons. Keep your shields high and swords ready. Steady now and as one!!! Sosiel can be seen in the thick of the fighting avoiding combat directly but using his powers of healing to save as many paladins from death as possible. It wasn't nearly enough to repair the damage the dretches were doing but every bit counted. The paladins themselves were slashing at the dretches but only as a means to create space to LoH those that had fallen. The sheer ferocity of the attack by the dretches meant that once a counter attack was possible they would certainly fall quickly, but would it be quick enough. Nurah tried to raise the morale of the troops but the carnage was too much and the din overpowering her efforts. Those nearby gained some heart but would it be enough. Aron could be seen trying to keep some of the dretches distracted from reaching the supply train as he lead them on the chase on the outer ruins. They knew the area better than he did and it would only be a matter of time till they caught him. Anevia had climbed up on a ruined building and was placing shot after shot into the dretches but the sheer number meant her effort was like stopping flood waters with straw. --------------------------------
Wow these guys are brutal. Good thing you can LoH in the melee phase to heal this round as well. You indicated that you are smiting so don't forget to add that bonus as well Garith. The status bar should be updated for you. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Garith go ahead and roll for the paladins in a separate post for the melee phase. it has to be against the tieflings unless a DC 20 morale check is made to change targets to the dretches. No change of strategy though as you are effectively committed to the aggressive track when surprised by the dretches. Mass combat melee phase... The tieflings continue to hold their defensive posture taking penalties on inflicting casualties in the hopes that the dretches can do the damage for them. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 -6 damage No damage dealt The dretches swarm upon the flank with relentless brutality doing everything they can to wipe out the paladin army. 1d20 + 3 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 4 + 4 = 19 +6 damage 9 damage dealt Don't forge to use the LoH that you mentioned. You might need it. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Deliberation took longer than expected as it was clear that the presence of the dretch was alarming to all but the reason for its presence was confusing. Some thought it mattered little while others held that it was just a representative of a hidden army. Regardless tactics were bandied about ranging from an all out assault ignoring the dretch to withholding some troops to defend the flank should there be a second foe. In the end a compromise was worked out that meant that Irabeth was to lead the army. The heroes of Kenebras and Knight of the Fifth Crusade would move along the flank by the ruins to hold that area against anything less than a full army. The terrain dictated that s astealthy approach would do no good as they would be seen in the canyon and still have to travel past the ruins to the mouth of the river bed. Horses are mounted and banners raised. Trumpets sound as 100 paladins of Iomedae give voice to song praising Iomedae and the glories of victory in combat. Rounding the bend past the ruins the tiefling army is presented before you. Short rows 5 deep with shields out in front of them the tieflings are ready for the assault in a defensive stance. Irabeth raises her arm signaling the army to ready their bows. Dropping it swiftly the arrows are released as the cavalry charges forward. ranged combat 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14 The arrows rain down among the tieflings but the shields and poor aim prevent many casualties from taking place. 1 damage Then things go horribly wrong as from the ruins an army of dretches comes pouring out aiming at the exposed flank of the paladins. Not only do the paladins have to worry about the tieflings now but the dretches in their flank look more vicious and skilled than most. The heroes run to intercept the dretches to buy time for Terendelev's Claw to react when from the rooftop f one of the buildings flies a darkly handsome humanoid with bat-like wings, curving horns and bestial legs. The heroes can tell that this is the leader of the army and a foe to be reckoned with all on its own. It lands in front of the dretches as it summons a pair of demons to its side. Come puny mortals and let us join in this dance of death as my armies obliterate yours. init for PC's vs Exorius and 'pets':
Samantha 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Maelchar 1d20 ⇒ 15 Pakak 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Zeriax 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Reiko 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Sir Garith 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Exorius 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
The demon flies forward and engulfs everyone in a cone of despair sapping the will from the party. DC 21 will save or suffer the effects of Crushing Despair spell: -2 to attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks and weapon damage rolls. The 2 schirs charge forward and attack Garith and Maelchar attack on Garith 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 for 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Know planar DC 18:
The flying creature is an incubus demon. Its favored attack is a fly over using its scimitars to deliver vital powerful blows on archers and spellcasters first. Every 5 above DC 18 you can ask 1 questions about it. second know planar check DC 14: These 'pets' are schirs and yo uhave fought them before. Nasty demons that use halberds that have a disease on them. They hit hard!! ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The lowered sun in the sky is blood red as those wilderness savvy among you realize you have about 2 hours before nightfall. Concluding the quick war council it is decided that an aggressive attack preceded by a withering rain of arrows would do much to prevent the opposing army from mustering a solid defense. Irabeth would lead the Vanguard itself while Reiko and Zeriax accompany her with each a small squadron to go after primary targets. Garith will remain back with the main army to better direct its actions and to counter the opposing generals orders. Aravashinal is looking for enemy spellcasters to try and neutralize their threat while Pakak is drooling over the artillery support he can provide with his arcane powers. Maelchar takes ownership of the rear ranks as that is where the majority of the army followers, healers and reserves are. Anevia hangs back along with Maelchar while Sosiel is with Garith to protect the general. Aron moves along with Pakak helping spot tactically viable targets. Nurah slits around the army as she does showing up unexpectedly and then leaving again. ranged OM against army 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
The army marches forward silently keeping bows in hand and shields away strapped against their bodies to muffle the sound of their approach. Using only their knees to guide the horses it is a silent determined army ready to seek out revenge against their foes. Just before they crest the top of the hill the signal is given and all along the line of cavalry the men shout. The opposing army is taken completely by surprise as arrows rain down among them causing massive casualties. The army, almost decimated by the first attack reels with the losses but quick orders from commanders keep the army in line. Without the benefit of time to prepare they move into a hasty defensive line as the thundering hooves of the knights crash forward into them. The vanguard rushes in with songs of praise to Iomedae from multiple lips. As it meets the enemy you can tell that this is an army of tieflings. Two detachments split off as they see primary targets that need to be taken out. Zeriax heads towards a group of tieflings fighting behind spiked trenches that pose a major threat to cavalry. They are lead by a hulk of a tiefling wielding a rapier and whip. Reiko moves off the other direction towards what appears to be a storage of supplies being lead by a creature whose head lies hidden by a horned helm wielding a dire flail. Pakak, with the aid of Aron, spies a group of horses near the right flank of the tiefling army. Clearly the scouts and messengers of the army Aron indicates that silencing them and keeping any word of the attack would throw off the enemy. Unfortunately 1 of the tieflings already seems to be mounted and making ready to leave. Maelchar finds himself without a direct opponent to face or a threat to worry about until a very small flight of arrows comes thudding down near him. Clearly 1 small detachment of the enemy has bows ad is targeting the healers. If the squadron leader could be removed then the ranged attacks should cease and the healers be able to do their job. Melee phase up but wow what a first ranged attack. Only 1/4 of the army is still there. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() The 3 men salute you Garith and head out to follow your orders quickly and efficiently. There is a straightness to their backs as they walk with pride feeling good that their talents are being put to good use. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:
Bruno, Dain and Uthgart are quite the capable horsemen sir. All of us know how to ride quite well but they are more accomplished at it than most. I would suggest they lead the scout parties on the flank and rear a if something should happen they will be able to ride the quickest to alert the main army of what is happening. Most of the men seem to approve of where you position yourself in the army but there is always a few that want a commander to lead from the front. Nothing rebellious but you do hear it reported from a squad commander. ![]()
strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5
![]() Garith the army is moving nicely and you think that you should be able to reach Vilareth Ford about and hour before nightfall at the given pace. Garith: As you are the commanding officer and in charge of the army where to you envision yourself in the army while it is on the march? Ae you leading in front just behind the Vanguard, in the middle of the army to create more cohesiveness and a better command radius, or in the rear to protect the officers as 'if the officers are lost, the army is lost'. It is your choice but curious as to where you see yourself. |