Christofer Arroyo's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts (42 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


I'd like in if there is still room. I can play a rogue 4, healing oracle 5, toppling wizard 4, or a reaching shocking grasp wizard 5.

The Doctor will cut loose with another healing burst for all but the goblins (except for our friend Ekkie).
2d6 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5
Once combat ends, the Doctor will Create Water on anyone on fire, starting with his dog.

The good Doctor intends to healing burst all but the goblins. If he needs to move to get everyone, he does so. If not, he uses his move action to order his attack dog to attack, tapping the handle animal check.
Healing burst: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

How many frickin 20s are the dice going to give me? Am I doomed later?

Gameplay tab inaccessible for the last two hours. I am Jack's Disappointment.

Got my faction mission too.

GM Derek wrote:
”Please, sir,” the guardsman says to Dr. Remulac, ”if you would leave your companions here. Lady Heidmarch has recently had the floors cleaned.” He gestures to a set of water bowls, freshly filled, setting upon the Manor’s patio.

"Why of course. Girls, plotz." Both dogs sit and recline. Handle Animal check tapped.

The Doctor follows the rest of the group inside and shakes the Venture-Captain's hand.

"Venture-Captain, thank you for your hospitality. I agree with my companions; identification of any threats or secondary goals would be helpful while we run errands. Furthermore, what would be your wish for how we handle evidence of infiltration should we encounter them? Would you prefer we merely observe and report or take action to apprehend the perpetrators? Do you have any standing orders for us while we are on rotation here? Lastly, in what ways do you think we can make a name for ourselves as Pathfinders while here? Where might that potential lay?"

"I apologize if I ask too many questions, it's just I appreciate your guidance and I'm afraid it may be part of my nature."

The Doctor sports a self-deprecating smile and bows shallowly.

Let's try that die function again:

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 201d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Opening of the argument is [ d i c e ] less the spaces
Closing of the argument is [ / d i c e ] less the spaces
In the middle I typed: 1d20 + 3; 1d6 + 2

This is straight from the FAQ.

Clearly, this is how we can do our to hit and damage at the same time. Love it.

My out of character posts will be from this profile, my in character stuff will be from Doctor Remulac.

I'll put my PC up there soon, hopefully by tonight (Friday).

I can view the map on Google Docs, but I cannot move the icons...but this is to be expected. I don't have a supported browser, I need to upgrade mine at work. For now, consider me to have adequate access and if I can't get it to work I'll pipe up.

I am going to test the dice function now. *dice

Is this the page we use for everything?