
Cavaler Traleth's page

652 posts. Organized Play character for Scottybobotti.

Since we now have two free replays available to use, how do we report when we use them when we get our chronicles?

How do replays of SFS scenarios you already played with a different PC work now? I know there used to be a boon that SS Jadnura champions could get, but I don't think it's available anymore.

Does a mechanic's drone's Expert AI allow it to take a move and standard action during its turn without needing the mechanic to use one of its actions to control it?

Limited AI (Ex) - 1st Level
Each round on your turn, after you have acted, your drone can take either a move action or a standard action to attack (your drone doesn’t make a separate initiative roll). You must be able to issue simple commands to your drone, but you don’t have to spend actions to issue these commands. To receive these commands, your drone must be able to see or hear you or be within range of your custom rig. If you become unconscious or otherwise unresponsive, or if your drone is ever out of range, your drone cannot take any actions until you are again able to command it or it is once more within range.

Expert AI (Ex) - 7th Level
Your drone’s AI has grown more sophisticated, giving it a more robust combat routine when not under your direct control. Each round on your turn, the drone can take a move action, take a standard action to attack, or make a full attack (this last option allows it to shoot more than once if it has the necessary weapons to do so). The drone takes a –6 penalty to full attacks made without your direct control instead of the normal –4 penalty. Like limited AI, you must still be conscious and within range.

Are there rules to determine distance to target if you are flying and then decide to shoot at or throw a weapon at something at ground level. Say for example you are hovering 15' off the ground and you want to throw a knife at a monster 15' away at ground level.

Is the bonus to damage on the second successful attack in the round +1 or +2?

SFS Legal Punishing
Source Starfinder Armory pg. 65
Item Level 5
Subsequent wounds from a weapon with the punishing fusion have greater effect. When you damage a creature with the weapon, you receive a +1 bonus to damage against that target with this weapon until the end of your turn. If you successfully damage the same creature with this weapon multiple times in the same round, the bonus increases by 1 on each additional attack. If you damage a creature with this weapon when it isn’t your turn, such as with an attack of opportunity, the bonus lasts until the end of your next turn after the attack.

Can my mechanic rig a jetpack on his combat drone if he takes the armor slot mod for it?

When you attach an operative weapon such as a syringe stick to the bayonet bracket of your rifle can you use your dexterity bonus to make attacks with it or do you use your strength bonus?

Can you use a gear clamp to attach a flashlight to your armor and use it hands free?

My mechanic will reach level 5 soon and I was thinking of giving him the feat technomantic dabbler so I can try to pull off the following maneuver.

First of all I'm going to give my combat drone improved combat maneuver bull rush and the armor upgrade juggernaut boosters. My mechanic always rides his drone during combat. The plan is to have my mechanic cast supercharge weapon on his greataxe (standard), use his photoenergenic node to set it on fire (move), and double his strength bonus to damage by using his early stage adaptation (swift). Then I'll have his drone bull rush the enemy. If it succeeds in the bull rush the target is then moved 5' or 10' and both the mechanic and drone get AOO's. For the Barathu mechanic his AOO would include the bonuses from supercharge weapon, the photoenergetic node, and early stage adaptation which would total 5d6+4 on top of his weapon and normal strength bonus damage.

So is this legal?

If my PC is riding a combat drone and the drone successfully uses the combat maneuver reposition to move the foe they are adjacent to, does my PC get an AOO?

Can the same be said for Bull Rush.

Does the drone also get an AOO?

Can you stack the bonuses from a Plasma Scabbard and a Photoenergetic Node at the same time?

If you are the pilot of a starship and decide to take the glide minor crew action so you can fly and fire your ship's weapons during a round are you vacating the pilot role when you do the glide?

In the text for the rule it doesn't say you leave the pilot's position to do the glide so why would you have to take the automatic 0 on the pilot's initiative roll. The rule says:

"If a starship has no one in the pilot role, that starship acts as if its pilot had rolled a 0."

The pilot is still in his role as pilot and he is using the ship's computer to assist him flying the starship and also firing the ship's weapons.

I consider the tradeoff for being able to do this is you can only fly at 1/2 speed and you add 2 hexes to your turning ratio.

Can a vanguard make an entropic strike on one enemy and then cleave into another next to him with a different weapon?

I guess this also brings in to question if you can cleave with a different weapon since the text of the description says.

"You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing."

If you are within the AOO range of a creature and trick attack it does that mean the creature is now flat footed and if you have the shot on the run feat you can move and not provoke an AOO?

Or does the action of trick attacking actually provoke an AOO?

Can an operative draw a weapon as part of the action you take to trick attack? Also, can you be flying and trick attack at the same time?

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Can you activate reflecting armor once you start taking stamina point damage or do you have to wait until you are taking hit point damage? Here is the text from the CRB.

You create a shimmering skin-like coating of mystical force that covers your body, allowing you to reflect damage you take back against your attacker. At any time during this spell’s duration, when you take Hit Point damage from an attack made with a weapon by a foe within 100 feet, you can choose to dismiss the spell as a reaction. If you do, the armor crackles with energy as it disappears, arcing through the air to strike the attacking creature, which takes an amount of force damage equal to the damage dealt to you at the time this spell was dismissed (maximum 10). The target can attempt a Reflex save for half damage.

If you have a fusion on your weapon that adds a critical hit effect such as bleeding and you are using explosive rounds; when you critical hit do you get to apply both the fusions critical hit effect and the knockdown effect from the round?

From Armory:

If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, the knockdown critical hit effect is added and considered part of the weapon’s normal critical hit effect.

Can you combine Tumble with Shot on the Run? I'm assuming no since Shot on the Run is a full action and Tumble is a move action. The way I read it is if you use Shot on the Run you have to use your normal movement as part of the full action.

Just wanted to hear opinions on this one since I'm playing in a SFS game where it happened. If you get hit by the enervation spell and suffer level drain the CRB says, "You are also treated as 1 level lower for the purpose of level-dependent variables (such as spellcasting) for each negative level you have." What is considered a level-dependent variable? Does that include class abilities such as trick attack? Lucky for me my GM said it only affects spellcasting.

My character has a gravitational harness mk. 1. When he activates it his movement is affected as if he is in a low gravity environment. So, if he runs 10 feet and then attempts to jump horizontally 20 he will actually jump 60 feet and the athletics skill check DC to succeed is 20. My interpretation is that he is attempting to jump 20, but going 60 because of the low gravity so the the DC is based on the first number. I might be wrong on this. I'd like to hear opinions.

Now if I fail the skill check, my question is where would my character land? Do I fall short of my intended landing point? Would I go past it? If I fail by 5 or more I also fall prone.

If my drone has two melee weapon arms can I put a battleglove on one, but still use both to use a pike? Also, if I want to use a swift action to take one hand off the pike and attempt a grapple maneuver with the battleglove hand; is that allowable?

If my mechanic is riding his drone and has a reach weapon, and the drone also has a reach weapon, can they both make AOO in the same round?

If its says you add half your level when trying to calculate a target's save DC for an effect your character created do you round down? What if you are level 1?

Can an envoy use his standard action to do a dispiriting taunt and a move action to use stealth to hide in the same turn?

Has Paizo made any mention of if the rules for mounts in the upcoming Alien Archive 3 will also apply to drones that are ridden by mechanics?

If my character gets caught in an AOE ability and is told to save for half succeeds and the total number of damage is uneven do I round up or down? Say for example the damage is 13 does my character takes 6 or 7 points of damage?

If you fail your trick attack roll can you then decide to full attack instead or can you only attack once since you tried to trick?

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Do mechanic's drones get attacks of opportunity?

Alien Archive says you can use this ability every 1d4 rounds. Does that mean if I roll a 1 I can use the adaption in the first round of combat or I wait one round and can use it in the 2nd round.

If I successfully execute a Fly By can my gunner do a Broadside for the free attack on one of the enemy ship's quadrants that I get to take?

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Explosive ammo from the Armory (p.55) says that it deals half fire damage if you load it in your weapon. However, it also has the fiery special property which says it doesn't do half fire damage (p. 28) Which one is right?

Any ideas on what technological item I should put on an easy access kit armor upgrade that is useful? At the moment all I can think of putting on it is a fire extinguisher. My character is currently a level 4 soldier.

If I was a combat medic maybe I would put a sprayflesh on it, but I'm pretty sure you can draw a sprayflesh as part of a move action as you could a fire extinguisher so really what is the easy access kit good for?

My soldier uses the sharpshooter fighting style and likes to set up his heavy bipod and full attack with his rifle. Any thoughts on how efficient it would be to full attack with Deadly Aim since with the bipod set up the penalty would be -4 as opposed to -6. Is the trade off in damage worth it as opposed to full attacking at a -2 penalty?

Am I missing something here, but I was told if you choose the minor action to glide in starship combat you automatically have to move first in the piloting phase. Is that correct?

The Quick Draw feat states that you can:

"Additionally, when making an attack using a thrown weapon as an attack or full attack action, you can draw a weapon as part of the action of making a thrown attack with it." CRB p. 160-161

So how would you be able to take advantage of a full attack in this way? Would you need to have a thrown weapon in your hand already and that allows you to Quick Draw another thrown weapon and throw both?

If you have more than two gunners and the enemy starship is in one of the hexes that can be targeted by weapons in two different arcs are they allowed to fire weapons in different arcs on it?

The attacking starship can fire a weapon against only ships in the same arc as that weapon; see the diagram on page 318. If the targeted starship is in a hex that lies in two arcs (the shaded hexes in the diagram), the gunner decides which arc’s weapons target it; it can’t be targeted by weapons in two arcs. CRB p. 320

I want to know if it is possible to take 3 shots on an enemy starship during your turn. For example gunner# 1 fires turret and forward arc weapon and gunner #2 fires port weapon when the enemy starship is located in the hex that can be targeted by both forward and port arcs.

Say you only have one gunner can you just Fire at Will?

Fire at Will (Gunnery Phase, Push)
You can fire any two starship weapons, regardless of their arc. Each attack is made at a –4 penalty. CRB p. 324

Actually maybe this rule is just intended to allow you to fire your turret weapon and another weapon in a different arc and not say your forward arc and port arc weapon at the same time.

Also, bonus question do you have to have someone fill the pilot role every round? Say for example you decide not to move during your turn and you want your pilot to fire a weapon.

If my Exocortex Mechanic has a weapon that has the boost property and uses his standard action to overcharge and his move action to boost it can he use both bonuses when he attacks?

So for an Exocortex Mechanic with Combat Tracking the CRB p. 79 says it is a move action to establish your target lock for full BAB. Does that mean you have to use a move action every turn to establish the lock or does it mean once you've established it and continue to have line of sight you don't have to use a move action to continue the lock. This would allow the mechanic to say make a full attack with full BAB in his second turn after establishing the target lock the turn before.

"As a move action during combat, you can designate a foe for your exocortex to track. As long as that target is in sight, the exocortex feeds you telemetry, vulnerabilities, and combat tactics, allowing you to make attacks against that target as if your base attack bonus from your mechanic levels were equal to your mechanic level." CRB p. 79

Do weapons like the scattergun that use blast not benefit from weapon specialization? In the description for blast it states that feats that increase damage don't apply to weapons that use blast.

"A blast weapon doesn’t benefit from feats or abilities that increase the damage of a single attack (such as the operative’s trick attack)." CRB p. 180

My gaming group will be starting the Dead Suns adventure path in the new year and I want to know what flip mats or tile sets are used in all 6 books. I already have the Sunrise Maiden. Can someone give me a complete list of all maps that are used?

Can a Contemplative use a long arm weapon and circumvent its racial penalty of taking a -4 to use weapons that require two hands if using a tactical staffold?

The staffold is an armor upgrade from the Starfinder Armory rule book that allows you to use a two handed weapon with one hand.

How do I figure out the DC for the fortitude save the intimidation effect from the Ominous fusion applies when it scores a critical hit? Is is 10 + 1/2 fusion's level + Dexterity bonus?

Can a combat drone with two melee weapon arms with battlegloves on each grapple?

I'm making a character who rides his drone in combat and their primary combat tactic is to have the drone grapple their opponent and its rider then attack it.

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I wanted to get clarification on how some of the weapon accessories in the Armory work.

1. Light and Heavy Bipod, Does it take a full round of two move actions to extend it and stabilize your gun before you get the bonus to the full attack in your second round? p. 58-59

2. Sight, what does "The reduction in penalties due to aiming with a sight applies only to the next attack roll you make with the weapon before the end of your next turn." p. 61 mean.