Scottybobotti |

My character has a gravitational harness mk. 1. When he activates it his movement is affected as if he is in a low gravity environment. So, if he runs 10 feet and then attempts to jump horizontally 20 he will actually jump 60 feet and the athletics skill check DC to succeed is 20. My interpretation is that he is attempting to jump 20, but going 60 because of the low gravity so the the DC is based on the first number. I might be wrong on this. I'd like to hear opinions.
Now if I fail the skill check, my question is where would my character land? Do I fall short of my intended landing point? Would I go past it? If I fail by 5 or more I also fall prone.

C4M3R0N |

So resurrection here because this is basically my exact question I can't find a clear answer on.
The low gravity rules say you can jump 3 times as far. So normally, if I'm able to hit a 30 on athletics, I can jump 30 feet. 3 times as far would be 90 feet.
So low gravity allows you to move farther than your normal move speed by jumping... Correct? Since this would be specific overriding the general that you can only jump to your remaining speed.
Then for failure, if I tried to jump 30 feet and failed the check with a 26, it simply says I fall. Not where on the journey though. I assume this would be house rules territory, but would I still make it 26 feet? (Rounded down to 25 presumably) and then hit the ground if there's ground under me or fall if there's nothing. Failure by more than 5 of course means also prone, and presumably 5ft fewer traveled for every 5 below the DC.

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So low gravity allows you to move farther than your normal move speed by jumping... Correct? Since this would be specific overriding the general that you can only jump to your remaining speed.
The question has always been exactly what that statement means. Do you jump "three times as far", but are still limited by your Speed, or do you jump "three times as far", exceeding the normal limitation.
On a low-gravity world, where the gravity is no greater than a third of standard gravity, PCs can jump three times as high and as far and lift three times as much. (Movement speed, however, stays the same, as moving in great bounds is awkward and difficult to control.)
Personally, I believe your jumping distance is still limited by your Speed. It's just easier to reach that distance by jumping.
But I've encountered plenty of people who interpret it both ways.