I'm rolling up a sorcerer for an upcoming RotRL campaign, and will be the only arcane caster in the group. I know nothing about the module, and wondering if I should focus more on combat spells when picking 1st level spells and beyond? Utility? A mix of both? Since we don't have an arcane caster that prepares spells, are there any particularly good ones my party would be screwed if I didn't have access to? I'm likely going with the Fae bloodline, so guessing that Sleep is a good combat starter, but not sure where to go from there.
The PFSRD wrote: Wooden Weapon (Su): You can create a wooden club, quarterstaff, longspear, shortspear, or spear that lasts for 1 minute for every oracle level you possess. This weapon is appropriate for your size. You are considered proficient with the weapon Not according to the SRD it doesn't. So has the Wooden Weapon ability been errata'd somewhere to function like the powers from the Metal and Ancestor mysteries, or does it just give you access to a simple weapon you already had proficiency with?
The Wood Bond power from the oracle's wood mystery says that "you gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls when wielding a weapon made of or mostly consisting of wood (such as a bow, club, quarterstaff, or spear)." So in terms of martial weapons, how much wood counts as "mostly consisting of wood"? Since spears are listed in the description, should most polearms fall under that category too? What about weapons like greataxes or longaxes, which have long wooden hafts, or weapons like the tetsubo, which are wood "shod in metal"? (And in terms of simple weapons, if bows are fine, would crossbows also work with the power?) Is this totally up to GM fiat, you think, or is there some reasonable category of weapons that could fall under the wood bond power?
If you want the character to be profoundly deaf (i.e. 100% hearing loss), they're going to automatically fail hearing checks unless it's a nearby, fairly low-pitched voice. You can sense vibrations for those sound to some extent, and should be able to at least pinpoint that SOMETHING has made noise, along with the general direction. Should be an interesting thing to GM, actually. I'd talk to your GM about completely removing the 20% failure rate on spells due to being deaf, and at least halving the initiative penalty (if not removing that completely. What about being deaf makes you react slower to a known threat, exactly?)
mplindustries wrote: Uh, Sound Striker is amazingly awesome. Weird Words absolutely can hit one enemy multiple times, which can deal a tremendous amount of damage. Depends on GM's fiat - the description says "each sound affect[s] one target within 30 feet," which to me reads that each attack has to hit a different enemy. That's probably the RAI, too, given that using a round of Performance to inflict 10d8+40ish points of damage to a single target way, way outclasses any other use of Performance in the game (all at level 10, to boot!).
With my Elf Grenadier I just dropped the weapons from Familiarity, went with the Fleet-Footed trait instead, and picked up a comp. longbow prof. with the Grenadier's bonus martial feat. The Grenadier features (namely getting a free discovery with the bonus Precise Bomb and dumping poison for alchemical weapon) just meshed better with what I wanted out of the character.
About Dasheel KaiFavored Class: Ninja OFFENSE:
Sneak Attack +2d6
+1 Wakizashi +7, 1d6+1, 18-20/x2
Shocking Grasp +6 (touch), 4d6 electricity Shortbow +6, 1d6, x3, 60ft range, 20/20 arrows
+1 any lvl from bonded object 0 lvl - Unlimited Detect Magic Mage Hand Message Ray of Frost Read Magic 1st lvl - 7/7 Feather Fall Identify Shocking Grasp Silent Image SLAs:
CL=HD Disguise Self 1/day DEFENSE:
Persuasive, Cosmopolitan, Improved Initiative, Combat Casting, Extra Ninja Trick: Fast Stealth, Eschew Materials TRAITS:
Magical Knack +2 caster level, caps at character level
Dirty Fighter +1 damage when flanking Fast-Talker +1 bluff SKILLS:
Acrobatics 1 +4 +3 = 8
Appraise Bluff 1 +5 +3 +1 = 10 Climb Craft Diplomacy 1 +5 +3 +2 = 11 Disable Device 4 +4 +3 +2 = 13 Disguise 1 +5 +3 +1 = 10 Escape Artist 3 +4 +3 = 10 Fly Handle Animal Heal Intimidate 1 +5 +3 +2 = 11 Knowledge Arcana 4 +1 +3 = 8 Dungeoneering Engineering Geography History Local 1 +1 +3 +1 = 6 Nature 1 +1 +3 +1 = 6 Nobility Planes Religion Linguistics Perception 5 -1 +3 = 7 Perform Profession Ride Sense Motive Sleight of Hand 1 +4 +3 = 8 Spellcraft 1 +1 +3 = 5 Stealth 6 +4 +3 +2 = 15 Survival Swim UMD 5 +5 +3 = 13 CLASS FEATURES
Poison Use
Sneak Attack +2d6 Ki Pool 6 (1/2 ninja lvl +cha) Ninja Tricks: Fast Stealth, Vanishing Trick No Trace +1 SORCERER:
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you apply a metamagic feat to a spell that increases the slot used by at least one level, increase the spell's DC by +1. This bonus does not stack with itself and does not apply to spells modified by the Heighten Spell feat.
Arcane Bond: Bonded Ring Metamagic Adept (Ex): At 3rd level, you can apply any one metamagic feat you know to a spell you are about to cast without increasing the casting time. You must still expend a higher-level spell slot to cast this spell. You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level and one additional time per day for every four sorcerer levels you possess beyond 3rd, up to five times per day at 19th level. At 20th level, this ability is replaced by arcane apotheosis. GEAR:
Magic Gear and Weapons:
Ring of Protection +1 (bonded object) +1 Wakizashi Shortbow 20 arrows 10 Shuriken Wand of Mage Armor 47/50 Cloak of Resistance +1 Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 MW "Dragon's Fang" Dagger Alchemical Items:
Mundane Gear:
+2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 WIS
Type: Native Outsider Shadow Blending (Su): Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance. Shadowy Resistance: Fetchlings have cold resistance 5 and electricity resistance 5. Skilled (World Walker): +1 knowledge (local) and knowledge (nature), +2 stealth Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A fetchling can use disguise self once per day as a spell-like ability. He can assume the form of any humanoid creature. A fetchling's caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice. When a fetchling reaches 9th level in any combination of classes, he gains shadow walk (self only) as a spell-like ability usable once per day as a spell-like ability. A fetchling's caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice. When a fetchling reaches 13th level in any combination of classes, he gains plane shift (self only, to the Shadow Plane or the Material Plane only) usable once per day as a spell-like ability. A fetchling's caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice. Darkvision, Low-light vision STAT BREAKDOWN:
STR 10 (0pts)
DEX 18 (15+2race+1lvl) (7pts) CON 14 (5pts) INT 13 (3pts) WIS 8 (10-2race) (0pts) CHA 20 (16+2race+2headband) (10pts) BACKGROUND:
Dash's family is a group of fetchlings who specialize in trading between the material plane and the plane of shadow. About five years ago, Dash was with his father on an excursion to the material plane, which included a stop by the school. He was immediately entranced by the bastion of magically learning. Lucky for him, one of the professors took an interest in the young fetchling's strange ki abilities, and his inherent shadow magic. Dasheel was offered a chance to enroll in the school with a partial scholarship, with the condition that he allow the staff to research his abilities. Dash's parents put up a portion of his tuition, and his other expenses are covered through a workstudy, wherein he acts as a sort of handyman (using his disable device skill to bypass broken locks, and deal with accidental magical traps). He rooms with his friends, and keeps a makeshift tent formed out of blankets around his bunk, as the shadows make him feel more at home. After about 3 years at the school Dash started exhibiting some sorcerer powers, possibly due to the staff's magical poking and prodding. Now that he has some real magic of his own, Dash intends to stay with the school as long as he can, in order to make the most of his talents. APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY:
Dash is 5'10" and all of 130lbs. He looks like most other fetchlings, with gaunt gray skin, and stark white hair. However, he keeps his hair fashionably spiked, and is usually wearing a confident smirk on his face. He has got a fetchling's pupil-less eyes with a faint blue tinge to them. He is quite personable, though some find his quiet, wispy voice a bit disconcerting at first. Dash is known for playing small pranks on his friends and sometimes the staff as well, but he usually isn't actually caught unless he wants to be. |