Darius Finch

Son of Atrau's page

22 posts. Alias of CucumberTree.


HP: 9; Move 40'; DarkV 60'; Init: +5; Perception: 7(9); F: +3 R: +3 W: +5; AC 16 T13, FF13

About Son of Atrau

Class: Inquisitor(Santified Slayer)
Alignment: N
Hitpoints: 9
Str: 12
Dex: 17 (+2 Racial)
Con: 12
Int: 13
Wis: 16
Cha: 7

Init: +5
Fort: +3
Ref: +3
Will: +5

Speed 40'
Darkvision 60'
AC 16 Touch 13, Flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor)
CMD 14
CMB +1
Base Attack Bonus +0
Longbow To Hit (Bab +0; Dex +3; PB +1; [ST +1]): To Damage (PB +1 [ST +1])
Longbow +4[+5] 1d8 +1[+2] x3
Longspear +1 1d8+1 x3

Starting cash: 240 gp

Longbow 75 gp
Studded leather 25 gp
20x arrows 1 gp
Longspear 5 gp
Kit, Pathfinder’s Price 12 gp
This kit consists of a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, a week’s worth of trail rations, and a whetstone.
Tools, Thieves’ Masterwork 100 gp
This kit contains extra tools and tools of better make, which grant a +2 circumstance bonus on Disable Device checks.
Tools, Artisan’s (Bow) Common 5 gp
These special tools include the items needed to pursue any single craft. Without them, you have to use improvised tools (–2 penalty on Craft checks), if you can do the job at all.

Race: Human

Racial Traits:

Dimdweller: Whenever characters with this trait benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks. Humans can take this trait in place of the skilled trait, also gaining darkvision to a range of 60 feet.

Languages: Common, Draconic


+2 to init

Fate’s Favored

Benefit: Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.

Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disable Device checks, and Disable Device is a class skill for you.



Something from your past—or a dark secret you presently hold—makes it difficult for you to ever be at peace, and your chronic worry that you might fall to evil influence has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Effect You take a –2 penalty on saves against spells with the evil descriptor.


Point-Blank Shot (Combat)

You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.

Precise Shot (Combat)

You are adept at firing ranged attacks into melee.
Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot.
Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.

Class Skills (6 Ranks + 1 Stat Ranks + 1 FCB = 8 Ranks)

Perception: 7(9) = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat (+2 Racial in darkness concealment)
Survival: 7 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat
Sense Motive: 8 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat, +1 Morale
Stealth: 7(9) = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat (+2 Racial in darkness concealment)
Disable Device 10 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat, +1 trait, +2 Tools
Knowledge (Arcana): 8 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +1 Stat, +3 Stat
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 8 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +1 Stat, +3 Stat
Knowledge (nature) 8 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +1 Stat, +3 Stat

Background Skills (2 Ranks)

Craft(Bows) 5 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +1 Stat
Sleight Of Hand 4 = +1 rank, +3 Stat


*Create Water
*Detect Magic
*Read Magic

1st level (2 slots)
*Divine Favor
*Shield of Faith

Class Features

Sanctified Slayer Archtype

Studied Target (Ex)

A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The slayer then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A slayer can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the slayer studies a new target.

If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target as an immediate action, allowing him to apply his studied target bonuses against that target (including to the normal weapon damage roll).

At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks and to slayer DCs against a studied target increase by 1. In addition, at each such interval, the slayer is able to maintain these bonuses against an additional studied target at the same time. The slayer may discard this connection to a studied target as a free action, allowing him to study another target in its place.

At 7th level, a slayer can study an opponent as a move or swift action.

Travel Domain

You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.

Granted Powers
Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought.

Monster Lore (Ex)
The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.

Stern Gaze (Ex)
Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).

Cunning Initiative (Ex)
At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to her Dexterity modifier.

Detect Alignment (Sp)
At 2nd level, at will, an inquisitor can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time.

Track (Ex)
At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds half her level on Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Solo Tactics (Ex)
At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus.

Teamwork Feat
At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The inquisitor must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.

As a standard action, the inquisitor can choose to learn a new bonus teamwork feat in place of the most recent bonus teamwork feat she has already learned. In effect, the inquisitor loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. She can only change the most recent teamwork feat gained. Whenever she gains a new teamwork feat, the previous teamwork feat becomes set and cannot be changed again. An inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier.

Sneak Attack (Ex)

At 4th level, if a sanctified slayer catches an opponent unable to defend itself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot to deal extra damage. The sanctified slayer’s attack deals additional damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether or not the target actually has a Dexterity bonus), or when the sanctified slayer flanks her target. This additional damage is 1d6 at 4th level, and increases by 1d6 every 3 levels thereafter. Should a sanctified slayer score a critical hit with the sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (such as a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a sanctified slayer can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, even with the usual –4 penalty.
A sanctified slayer must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A sanctified slayer cannot use sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.
This ability replaces the later iterations of the judgment ability.

Bane (Su)
At 5th level, an inquisitor can imbue one of her weapons with the bane weapon special ability as a swift action. She must select one creature type when she uses this ability (and a subtype if the creature type selected is humanoid or outsider). Once selected, the type can be changed as a swift action. This ability only functions while the inquisitor wields the weapon. If dropped or taken, the weapon resumes granting this ability if it is returned to the inquisitor before the duration expires. This ability lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to the inquisitor’s level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Discern Lies (Sp)
At 5th level, an inquisitor can discern lies, as per the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action.

Talented Slayer (Ex)

At 8th, 16th, 17th, and 20th levels, a sanctified slayer can gain a single slayer talent, including those from the list of rogue talents that a slayer can take, but not an advanced slayer talent.
This ability replaces second judgment, third judgment, slayer, and true judgment.

Stalwart (Ex)
At 11th level, an inquisitor can use mental and physical resiliency to avoid certain attacks. If she makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely. This ability can only be used if the inquisitor is wearing light armor, medium armor, or no armor. A helpless inquisitor does not gain the benefit of the stalwart ability.

Greater Bane (Su)
At 12th level, whenever an inquisitor uses her bane ability, the amount of bonus damage dealt by the weapon against creatures of the selected type increases to 4d6.

Exploit Weakness (Ex)
At 14th level, the inquisitor learns to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. Whenever the inquisitor scores a critical hit, she ignores any damage reduction the target might have. In addition, if the target has regeneration, the creature loses regeneration on the round following the critical hit and can die normally during that round. Creatures whose regeneration always functions are immune to this ability. Finally, if the inquisitor deals energy damage to a creature with vulnerability to that energy type, she deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.