Knight of Ozem

Calin Milotti's page

185 posts. Alias of Eletido.


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Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Ah! I misunderstood. I believe Cristo is right. While I understand your position, Anapa, there is always danger around the next corner. If the protection of Ravengro is solely up to us, we'd never be able to leave."

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Yeah, my misunderstanding of the party positioning.

"Yes, we should burn the bodies. In my experience, that's the best way to keep the undead dead." Calin starts to move the bodies into a pile, sure to watch out for any remaining spores.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

After guarding Drake during the fighting, Calin helps with the looting. "We likely want to carry as much as this equipment as we can. Even if no one has a use for it, we can trade it away in town. I'll carry as much as I can."

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

To the party: how do we want to handle loot? Split gold evenly? Have a party inventory spreadsheet? Definitely open to ideas.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1
GM Wolf wrote:

Calin: questions for you;

Melee +1 Keen Longsword +10; (1d8+10/17-20) (w/ Power Attack)

You should have it without power attack too:
Melee +1 Keen Longsword +11; (1d8+6/17-20)

Then with power attack:
Melee +1 Keen Longsword +10; (1d8+8/17-20) (w/ Power Attack)

I am not sure where the other 2 points of damage is coming from.

I'll update Calin's profile with the non-PA attack.

I'm pretty sure +10 is correct. [url=]Power Attack takes -1 to hit for +2 dmg. At level four, the penalty is -2 and +4 dmg.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Round 5

Calin attacks the closest creature.

+1 Keen Longsword w/ PA: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 Critical threat
Slashing Dmg: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

To confirm crit: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 HAHA

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Heads up from me: Family vacation starts Friday, back home Thursday, 3/20. I expect to be available, but might be slower than normal.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Hope your family is doing well!

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

@GM Wolf: are either of those Round 4 attacks at Calin coming from the zombie that he used Smite Evil on? If so, then those miss since Smite Evil boosted his AC to 25.

Calin continues to focus his attacks on the zombie that he used Smite Evil on.

+1 Keen Longsword w/ PA & SE: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
Slashing Dmg: 1d8 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

DC 14 Fort Save: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Calin doesn't get his shield readies in time to block an attack from the zombie, but he is able to withstand the toxin that tries to invade his body.

Calin calls upon his connection to Iomedae for her aid in culling the undead scourge. "Guide my blade against these undead."

Smite Evil on zombie that attacked Calin

+1 Keen Longsword w/ PA & SE: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Slashing Dmg: 1d8 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 24

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Calin draws his longsword and moves near Drake, positioning himself to defend the elf if the zombies make it into range.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

The evening before, Calin asked around town for information about Lepidstadt. He ends up only learning basic information like the travel distance and that the old Mountain Road is their best option.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Calin sees no signs of anything until Cristo points the undead out.

Kn. Religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

"Yes, definitely Deathspore Zombies! We must cleanse this area of the undead!"

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

In response to Drake's question, Calin answers with his usual serious tone. "As a knight of Ozem, I have extensive training and experience in the eradication undead. In my service and dedication to Iomedae, I have also been blessed with some minor healing and magical abilities. In combat, I am mainly a melee combatant. But you are likely familiar with my fighting prowess by now!"

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Before leaving the Lorrimor estate, Calin makes arrangements with Kendra for a map of the journey from Ravengro to Lepidstadt, some rations, horses - only borrowed, of course.

As the group approaches Drake, Calin nods in appreciation that Drake is accompanying them. "Thank you, Drake, for joining us to Lepidstadt. I've never made the journey, and your keen senses will be a boon. I know that there is work to do yet at your tower, so let us not waste any more time."

Assuming no other conversation, Calin leads the way out of town towards Lepidstadt.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Sorry for lack of posts from me earlier in the week. Work travel meant catching up on all my games was a struggle.

@GM Wolf: hope you are feeling better after some rest as well!

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

"Yes, a wise choice, Cristo. Being righteous of mind and having even an inkling of what these books contain will embolden us to see this task to its end."

Calin also retrieves a glass for some refreshment. "We should retire early tonight so that we are ready to leave promptly in the morning. Does anyone require additional provisions or preparations before leaving?" Calin turns to Drake. "Are you willing to accompany us? I have come to rely on your prowess both in battle and in tracking. Plus, with our dwindling numbers even after reinforcements from these fast friends, we could use your help."

GM Wolf: I just realized I forgot about Calin's new items. I'll hopefully have time to figure that out over the weekend.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Whoops, my post yesterday kind of assumed that Calin led everyone to the library. I'll retcon that quick.

With Kendra's blessing, Calin leads the group to Professor Lorrimor's library, and shows Anapa and Cristo the specific books that the professor asked to be brought to Lepidstadt.

"I've examined them before, but haven't been able to glean much. Maybe we'll have better luck this time."

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

"It seems the Professor wills us to go to Lepidstadt. I've never been there before. Have any of you?"

Calin examines each book in turn, taking his time to absorb the material and read Professor Lorrimor's notes particularly close.

K Religion for On Verified Madness: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
K Religion for Serving Your Hunger: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
K Religion for The Umbral Leaves: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

K Local for Judge Daramid: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Upon seeing the locking clasp on the Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye, Calin shrugs and sets the book back down. "I certainly can't open that book, at least without ruining the lock."

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Calin leads the group to the Lorrimor estate. After politely introducing the newcomers to Kendra, Calin inquires about the books.

"After a well-deserved respite and once again strengthening our numbers, I believe we are ready to complete the task mentioned in the books. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the details during the time away. Can we look at the books again? Plus, our new friends may see previously unseen connections or information within."

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Calin looks up and down the rows of items in the vault. And makes his selections. Handling in OOC

"I haven't seen the books since leaving the prison. Yes, I have to imagine that Kendra is still holding. Where do we need to deliver the books?"

@GM Wolf, looks like you accidentally cut off at the end of Drake's statement.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

@GM Wolf: Making sure I understand the details before I do an in-depth look at equipment.

* 'Christmas Gift' from Drake from module 1; up to what value?
* 2,500 gp in cash from level up
* Two selections from Drake's vault
* magical item of 3,000 gp
* a lesser or least augment crystal

Is that correct?

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

"Like my new friends, I am more than willing to help fight back the undead scourge. I am ready ready for that fight!

Calin exhales in surprise at the arsenal that Drake stores in his vault. "Drake, you are most kind. If you don't mind, I need a few moments to look over your wares. There are too many options to choose from!"

[ooc]I'll get Calin's equipment figured out tonight or tomorrow.[/b]

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Glad that everything turned out okay. Scary situation!

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

"This is quite an impressive building. How did it come into being? And, what happened to the prison?"

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Thanks for popping back here to let us know. Best of luck, Fatima! Keep an eye on this game. Who knows, maybe we'll need reinforcements again!

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Since he is wearing his customary full plate armor, Calin settles into a chair and enjoys a bit of rest.

"I doubt any of you can carry me while flying. I'll be here when you get back. Imrik, please inform me of what happened when you are back."

Calin uses this time to enjoy a bit more food, and then enjoys conversation with Lectrum.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

"Drake, as Cristo and Anapa have said, the new mayor of Ravengro and the townspeople are very thankfully that the situation with the prison has been handled, while also being a bit apprehensive at the sudden appearance of this tower. By meeting with the mayor, you can receive the town's appreciation directly and address any concerns she has. Plus, it's important to know one's neighbors."

Calin pauses momentarily to take a sip of his drink. "You also mentioned the books. Do you have possession of them? What of the other items that were tied to the spirits in the prison? Were they cleansed? Destroyed?"

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

After Calin and Drake share a greeting, Calin is puzzled at finding a red crystal in his hand. He examines it closely before accepting Drake's offer to teleport to the Tower.

Perception on crystal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Calin also shares a quick greeting with Lectrum. "Good to see you again, Lectrum. I'm glad you made it out of the prison alive. My memory is a bit fuzzy on some parts of that fight."

As the group settles down to enjoy the food offered by Drake, Calin allows the others to ask questions first, and listens intently to Drake's answers.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

As the newly formed party enters the prison grounds, Calin looks around for Drake, assuming that he is currently here. "Drake, it's Calin. I returned with Imrik and a few new acquaintances. We are here to learn more about the tower."

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Calin gives an appreciative glance at Cristo's vote of confidence. Turning back to Mayor Sensuleti, he replies. "I don't speak for Imrik. But yes, I am willing to go to the tower, figure out its origins, and its purpose."

Calin looks to the faces unknown to him previously - Cassandra and Fatima. "Forgive me, I don't believe I've met you two before. If you don't mind me asking: what is your connection to Professor Lorrimore and why are you here today?"

Calin clearly has a hard time trusting new people and is hesitant about Cassandra and Fatima being included on a trip to the tower. Through all of this emotion and trepidation, it is also clear that Calin is very deliberately being polite and giving each newcomer a chance to speak for themselves.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Calin returns Anapa's warm greeting with a nod, as he is clearly focused on the task at hand. Conversation more than a welcome will have to wait.

"Yes, the prison had been condemned since the fire brought its destruction. Undead of all kinds lurked in every corner and in most rooms. Even now after weeks have past, memories of that place bring nightmares."

Calin stares blankly for a moment before continuing. "I have not visited the tower yet. I needed time away. I count Drake as a friend, so I have to assume the tower will serve a good purpose for the town."

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

FYI: I've left Calin's 'intro to module 2' post intentionally vague about if/how PCs are connected to Calin since we haven't sorted that 100% yet.

Since I'm struggling to focus at work today, here's a few ideas on connections for the new PCs. NOTE: don't feel any pressure to use these ideas. Just my thoughts.


As a fellow paladin, a straightforward connection might be a joint venture between Anapa and other Anubis paladin and the Knights of Ozem, including Calin. Something like a task force to defeat a band of undead near Gallowspire.


My thinking is that Calin is not directly acquainted with Cassandra, but knows of her through conversations with Professor Lorrimor about the many people the professor met on his travels.


Similar to Cassandra, I think Calin only knows Cristo through reputation as his healing prowess would like be noticed by the Knights of Ozem. An alternative would be something similar to Anapa: a joint effort of Pharasmans and Iomedaens to fight back undead.


Struggling to find a direct connection and the profile doesn't have any backstory at the moment.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Following in after Imrik, a heavily armored male enters the room. His armor is in the fashion typical of a Knight of Ozem - golden hued metal decorated with the sword of Iomedae on the chest. A sword is immediately noticeable in its sheath on his belt. And, a shield is strapped to his back likely has the same Iomedaen heraldry. Besides his garb and equipment, those in the room are immediately drawn to his eyes, which are almost a gleaming yellow and give off an angelic feeling.

The knight answers in a stern and serious voice. "Well met, all. I am Calin Milotti. Imrik and I answer Mayor Sensuleti's request for an audience."

Looking around the room, Calin notices a few familiar faces and nods. "Ah, I see some of you have answered my request for aid. Others of you are new to me. In any case, welcome to all of you."

With proper introductions over, Calin folds his arms and waits for the mayor to continue.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1
wanderer82 wrote:
Thinking further on it, I could also respec any of them to gain some Arcane casting ability, as I just noticed there is not a Wizard/Sorcerer/Summoner/Bard/Witch in sight. Any feedback??

IMO, any of those concepts would work. As you note, we are fairly heavy on martial characters & most characters have some sort of divine casting ability.

Arcane magic could be a boon to the party, BUT I say play what you want!

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1
GM Wolf wrote:
Someone please make a list of the current players, their races, classes and role!

Characters Continued from Module 1

Calin Milotti
Male Angelkin Aasimar Paladin 5
Role: Striker w/ a bit of Healing

Imrik Farstrider
Male Half-Dragon Angel-blooded Aasimar Omrataji 3(?)
Role: Striker & Healing (in equal portions?)

New Characters

Male Half-Celestial Agathion-Blooded Aasimar Paladin 4
Role: Striker w/ a bit of Healing

Cassandra Blackpoole
Female Changeling Oracle 5
Role: Healing & Buffing

Cristo Galdana
Male Human Cleric 3 (what template??)
Role: Healing & Buffing

Fatima Eisen
Female Half-Elf (Drow) Alchemist 5
Role: Ranged DPS & Buffs(?)

wanderer82's character TBD

Note: all of this information is likely wrong. It's just what I could glean from a 30 read of each profile.

Rolling HP for Calin. Looks like I was using average w/ max 1st.

Level 2 HP Roll #1: 1d10 ⇒ 1
Level 2 HP Roll #2: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Level 3 HP Roll #1: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Level 3 HP Roll #2: 1d10 ⇒ 8

Level 4 HP Roll #1: 1d10 ⇒ 8
Level 4 HP Roll #2: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Level 5 HP Roll #1: 1d10 ⇒ 8
Level 5 HP Roll #2: 1d10 ⇒ 10

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

:wave: Back home after a week of international travel, family time in the sun, and less than ideal internet at the resort.

@GM Wolf: I'll get Calin leveled up to 5 this evening. Plus, I will get Calin aura updated as well.

Question on the transition to module 2: What do Imrik and I know about how the prison fighting was wrapped up?

RE connections for the new party members with Calin and Imrik: I think it's definitely reasonable for the new folks to know Calin from his days in Lastwall. After the party dwindled to just him and Imrik, he'd definitely send word asking for aid. BUT, connections directly to Imrik are completely reasonable as well!

Count Calin in

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Sorry to hear you are closing this game, but makes sense. Sorry for the poor timing on my travel. I’ll be back home in a few days. I’ll consider submitting Calin for the next game.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Hey all, I’m traveling for the next week and the internet situation isn’t that great. I’ll post as I can.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Calin follows behind Drake, letting him take the lead. As he casts Detect Evil, Calin can almost feel the evil radiating back to him.

When Drake starts attack, Calin looks around for enemies.

Are the stirges on the map? I don't see them currently.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

I'm not sure who is carrying the holy symbols. I know Calin has the book.

Calin follows Drake deeper into the area, casting Detect Evil as they make their way. He whispers a prayer to his deity, and hopes for her blessing. "May Iomedae guide us!"

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Rolling some bash attacks just in case the lock picking doesn't work

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

When Calin sees that Visayn didn't have any luck with the more quiet approach, Calin draws his mace and joins Drake in the attempt to break the door. During that time, Calin clearly is trying to ignore the cursed sword that's talking through Drake.

Rolling a bunch of attacks...

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Attack w/ Mace: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Bludgeoning Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Calin puts the sword back down. "I don't see any religious significance to help determine the cause of the curse. It may be something arcane."

Calin responds to Imrik. "I agree. It's hard to trust Drake. But, we may not have a choice. As long as his aim is true, he can continue with us."

"Visayn, are you able to pick the lock on the door?"

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

"A cursed sword that's taken over Drake? Something is afoul." Calin rushes over to Drake. "Drake, can you hear me? Are you in there?"

Calin then takes a close look at Drake's new weapon.

Religion check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

"No one else touch one of those weapons we just found!"

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1
GM Wolf wrote:
When we get to the 25th in gameplay have a magical item under 4,500 gp in mind!!! You can post your ideas, that would be awesome!!!

I need to take a look. Will do that ASAP!

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1
GM Wolf wrote:
GM Wolf wrote:
The door does not open. It seems to be a particular door that remains quite stout and locked (hardness 5, hp 20, Break DC 25, Disable Device 30).

How are you getting through the door?

You are welcome to pick on Drake more!

Oh, that's my fault. I missed that part of your description and saw that Visayn was deeper into this floor.

"Is anyone skilled with a lockpick? I'd prefer the quieter approach and avoid banging the door down if we can."

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

"Ah, Imrik, glad you were able to determine what these magic items are. I'll take one of the augment crystals if no one else wants it.

Calin follows Visayn deeper into the area. "Lots of rooms to check here. Let's slowly sweep and stay together."

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Dec 23 is it!

FYI: I'm on a short trip with the family for the next 2-3 days.

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