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CajunAtx's page

Organized Play Member. 36 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

The Harrow you get comes on a Blessing card.
Does it REPLACE the ability of the blessing card?
I mean, is it no longer a blessing while it's your harrow?
So in Scenario 1*star* -
My harrow can be played ONLY for the 1d4 bonus to non-combat dex check?
My harrow can be played as the Blessing card it is PLUS the bonus 1d4 non-combat dex check (if applicable)?

Sovereign Court

Can we trade and share Arueshalae's loot?

The way I understand it from reading around these forums and bgg, because it says she is the owner, she can build her deck with them as if they were BASIC cards.
So, can she trade them to someone else so they can play with them? Or - when we get to Adventure Deck 5, can they be picked up to fill holes in a deck?

Thanks everyone!

Sovereign Court

My group is about to begin playing Skulls & Shackles with all class deck characters. But, I was thinking about using Jirelle for my character (I've been enjoying playing her solo). Does anyone out there have experience mixing character sources like this?
My thoughts without experience...
She almost seems like she might be overpowered at first in comparison to the class deck chars, due to her benefits from swashbuckling and ship bonuses... And then she might be at a disadvantage at late game, because while class deck chars are getting cards geared specifically to their class, Jirelle would have to get lucky with cards acquired from the box.
Would appreciate your thoughts...

Sovereign Court

Is there any chance we'll be seeing a downloadable set of Community Use Graphic files for the characters that come in the Class Decks?
I'd really like to make stand-up cardboard representations of them!

Sovereign Court

I was playing the first scenario in S&S and killed a hammerhead shark henchman, and the rule was to put it under another open location.

Here's 2 questions that have arisen:
1. If you defeat the hammerhead and it moves to another open location, then you defeat it in the new location, can you attempt to close that location? (I know that the original henchman in this location was the ship.)

2. to randomly choose a location to put that shark under after I defeated it, I took blessings from the box to make a stack of blessings + shark equal to the number of open locations, shuffled that stack, then added one to the bottom of each... was this correct?
