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![]() I would definitely suggest going with the Beginner Box first. Read through the books and find a couple of friends to run Black Fang's Dungeon (the included adventure). Things might start out a little slow and fiddly, but just relax and go with it. If your experience is anything like mine, your friends will be clamoring for more by the time you reach the end. I cannot encourage you enough to play Pathfinder Society at your local game store (if you are lucky enough to have a game store that offers it). Doing this is really what taught me how to play Pathfinder (and become a better GM). Just start out as a fighter or similarly simple class and absorb all you can from your fellow players and GM. It will really make a lot of stuff in the Beginner Box more clear to you (and believe me the Beginner Box is already very clearly written). Last, use these boards to ask for advice and find additional resources. The Pathfinder community has been one of the most welcoming groups I've ever come into contact with, especially in the niche culture of tabletop gaming. Welcome! ![]()
![]() @Twigs - I have really enjoyed playing a halfling bard. I realized that I pretty much just like rolling dice and being a bard lets you do that more than any other class. What you've said about bardic performance has me all mixed up now. I don't think I've ever come within four rounds of running out of bardic performance and I've spent all of one round in five sessions unconscious (because I stupidly solo-stealthed my way into what was obviously the BBEG's lair). Plus, lingering performance just doesn't have the kind of flavor that speaks to me. That said, I don't know if I want to commit to the ranged combat route of feats to become an actual threat with my crossbow. I see myself as much more of a caster bard than combat bard. Perhaps getting a familiar and then hitting up Spell Focus would be the way to go. @XMorsX - Can all familiars use wands, or just ones with hands (like monkeys)? ![]()
![]() @Dieben and Calybos1 - That makes sense. Right now I am leaning toward Lingering Performance at 3, Skill Focus (Knowledge - Local) at 5, and Eldritch Heritage (Arcane Bloodline) at 7. Then I'll pick up a rabbit familiar for the +4 to initiative. That leaves me with two more feats at 9 and 11. Any further suggestions? Also, I've been thinking about getting a riding dog. Are they worth the money and skill point investment in PFS? Beyond liking the idea of riding around on some mongrel for the sheer absurdity of it, Julyan is really slow compared to the others in my usual group so the increased mobility would be nice. ![]()
![]() Lingering Performance was something I considered, but in five sessions of PFS I don't think I have ever run out of rounds of bardic performance. I didn't say so in my OP but starting bardic performance (inspire courage) is the first action I take when entering combat. Does seem like a feat I would take inevitably, though. You're saying sooner is better. Good advice on the knowledge selection for the Skill Focus. ![]()
![]() After next session my halfling bard Julyan Dimbleningel will become level 3 and I am quite undecided as to what feat I will select for him. I've really enjoyed playing a face/skillmonkey character, and it is those roles on which I intend to focus for this build. In fact, I rarely do more than grease and heal during combat. That said, here are the feats I'm currently considering: Arcane Strike - I don't usually attack during combat, but having a magic-weapon-on-demand seems like decent utility for my usual group. Skill Focus (Knowledge - Arcana) > Eldritch Heritage (Arcane Bloodline) - The idea of having a monkey or squirrel familiar appeals to me, though it seems like a lot of feats to burn for something that is basically 100% flavor. Skill Focus (Perform - ???) - I've been using my "extra" skill points building my Knowledge skills in anticipation of Lore Master, so this would be a good way to jumpstart my second Versatile Performance skill. Martial Weapon Proficiency (halfling sling-staff) - I really love the idea of this weapon, though a halfling with 8 Strength that rarely fights seems better served by a crossbow. Spell Focus (Enchantment) - This seems like the most practical feat choice since I use charm person and hideous laughter pretty regularly and intend to select plenty more enchantment spells. If there are any other feats out there that seem like they'd fit my play style, by all means put them out there. Thank you in advance for all your helpful and insightful responses! ![]()
![]() Just wanted to let you fine folks at Paizo know that my PFBB players and I are waiting with bated breath for the new Bash adventures. We play for an hour twice a week during lunch at work and they absolutely loved the Bash adventures when I ran them. Those one-shot shorties really fill a need for us. Can't wait to see them! ![]()
![]() I would add Use Magic Device, but my OCD dislikes that there's no option for it on the provided character sheets or Hero Lab. Plus, we'd then have the continued problem of Spellcraft being too weak or vague to be considered useful. Would the existence of UMD or Spellcraft-as-UMD horribly unbalance a BB game? ![]()
![]() I am about to start a new BB campaign (using the 0one Games module "Fangs from the Past") and want to pitch a house rule I've been developing - What if Spellcraft in its BB form was used more akin to Use Magic Device in the CRB? Here's how I see it working: Identify a potion, scroll, wand
Identify other magic item
Identify a spell being cast
Use a scroll
If another class ...
Use a wand
If another class ...
In your collective opinion, would this application of Spellcraft horribly unbalance the game? I feel as though non-casters at 1st-2nd level wouldn't be able to invest heavily enough in the skill to reliably use scrolls and wands in combat. The main unbalancing factor, in my opinion, would be wizards and clerics potentially having the entirety of the game's magic system at their disposal. Even so, at 1st-2nd level, it still wouldn't be combat-viable, right? I'd appreciate any and all comments, suggestions, and alterations to what I've developed. Cheers! |