Brandon Huber's page
Organized Play Member. 21 posts (48 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.
We have a few players looking for the long haul. Looking to start a campaign of any variety. Pre-written, homebrew, whatever.

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Galnörag wrote: What about implementing a 'meta' prestige/fame system similar to the one for player characters, but in this case make it for players.
Allow players to accumulate points similar to the way you count GM tables for GM stars, then allow players to spend there prestige to buy boons that have been unlocked by their fame tier.
So maybe the Kitsune boon becomes available after 20 life time points, and it costs 10. Limits the total number of the varied races by making it an expendable player level resource, but makes it open and fair.
If you do X you get Y, not you "might" get Y.
You can still give away the same boons that they might buy, so con attendance gets a chance at a perk, but a perk you can still earn.
I think this whole thing could quickly become a management nightmare for folks who don't report online, but I guess it could be a perk of online reporting?
Additionally, it would be good if a player forced to replay a scenario for no credit (do to shortage of players to fill extra tables) still gets the player fame so that they are incentivized to stay and fill out the table.
As a final though as a local organizer always challenged to find GMs, perhaps GMs get 2 per module?
I think something along this line would be great. You could still stick to the 10% guideline and take out the blind luck aspect.
Create a star system like the GMs have. 10 sessions gives you one star. Which gives you access to tier 1 star boons.
This requires people to put in the time and effort to get the boons yet takes away from the luck. It gives something else for people to strive for and something else for people to collect. It rewards people for being consistent contributors to society.
Everyone wins.
Avianfoo wrote: Firengineer wrote: According to the Smoke Bomb page, the smoke bombs and stink bombs still do damage.
Stink bombs still do damage? I completely missed that.
Regardless, with dispelling bomb it wouldn't do any damage but it would still have its cloudy/stinky effect. Which is still nasty. Wait, that doesn't make sense. Dispelling bombs don't do damage, but Stink bombs do. Why wouldn't there be damage?
Why would dispelling bomb rid stink bomb of it's damage? They're separate entities. The dispelling portion of the bomb isn't doing the damage, the stink bomb portion is.
I'm not sure why dispelling bomb would override that?...
Wow, that's even better than I thought. So at level 6, The bombs thrown could easily be Nauseating, dispelling, on top of the normal 3d6+X damage along with splash on top...?!
For some reason HeroLab doesn't list damage under Smoke/Stink bomb.
I've seen in many places that there is no save.
Some people say it makes confusion bomb overpowered, some say that due to being a single target rather than a group (the original spell), it's only good.
It says it puts the target under the effect. If there was a save, he may not be under the effect. There is a save for all of the other bombs. I would imagine with two printings, if there was a save for it, they would have put it in there.
Again, I'm just going off of what I've read because due to seeing this question asked multiple times.
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The alchemists bomb description says that the bomb dispels, but doesn't do any damage. Yet, doesn't have an asterisk. So does this mean that it can be combined with Frost Bomb for example to both damage and dispel?
Pretty simple question.
Is there a way to raise an Alchemist's Bomb DC aside from Headband of Intelligence?

kinevon wrote: Brandon Huber wrote: SCPRedMage wrote: Eric Clingenpeel wrote: Here's a question for you guys that don't think it would apply.
How is the Alchemist making money if he's not making items to sell? That's how I assume they're making their money with their check.
I'm not saying I agree with it; I'm saying the RAW doesn't support it.
In the base Pathfinder rules, without any PFS crap, you can already make a Craft check in order to earn money for a week's worth of work, without having to track the creation of individual items. The bonus from the Alchemy class feature does NOT apply to this use of Craft (alchemy), because it's NOT a check to "create alchemical items"; it's a check to "earn a living" as an alchemist. If you can't use the bonus for that, why do you think you COULD use it for a PFS Day Job check? Because you are earning a living as an creating alchemical items.
Isn't that what all of the day jobs checks are doing?
Craft (armor): You're earning a living as an crafting pieces of armor.
If you 're making your Day job check with Craft (Alchemy), what are you making if you aren't creating alchemical items? It doesn't make sense to me personally. In short, not really.
Craft (Alchemy) - Maybe you got hired to identify existing potions.
Craft (Armor) - you may have gotten hired to repair existing armor, so any bonuses to making armor wouldn't apply.
If a bonus only applies to one part of a skill's usage, then it cannot be used for day jobs, because there is no guarantee that the day job roll is actually going to be for the portion of the skill that is bonused. You can do this with any skill. You can use craft (armor) as a day job and make money repairing armor. But, if you get a bonus that applies to repairing don't get the repairing armor.

SCPRedMage wrote: graywulfe wrote: Eric Clingenpeel wrote: Here's a question for you guys that don't think it would apply.
How is the Alchemist making money if he's not making items to sell? That's how I assume they're making their money with their check. Identifying Potions for intrepid adventurers... Purchasing/reselling alchemical items from/to murder hobos, identifying different reagents, selling raw materials, getting that green color out of that poor apprentice's skin after that last experiment blew up in her face...
Look, I get what you (not YOU, graywulfe) are saying, and yeah, it WOULD make a lot of sense to apply the bonus to Day Job checks, but PFS is a RAW campaign, and the rules are that the bonus applies ONLY to checks made to create alchemical items, and a Day Job check is NOT a check to create alchemical items; it's an abstraction of working as an alchemist. Unless and until we get an official ruling that says otherwise, it does NOT apply to Day Job rolls.
Brandon Huber wrote: If you 're making your Day job check with Craft (Alchemy), what are you making if you aren't creating alchemical items? It doesn't make sense to me personally. Because you don't seem to have realized that the Craft skill can be used for more than just crafting; like I said, the base rules allow you to use it as essentially a Profession check (the basic Pathfinder equivalent of the Day Job), and I've seen it function as a Knowledge check, as well, too (and not just for an alchemist to identify potions).
Just because you're rolling Craft, doesn't mean you're actually crafting something. I realized that a long time ago.
When you using the Craft to skill for day jobs, in that instance you are using it to craft things. No? You craft the items to sell and make a living...
Is that not what's going on for a day job check?
CWheezy wrote: I will say there have been some terrible scenarios I would never ever run for new players.
"Severing Ties" and "Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment" is another. There are some terrible things that low tier players honestly can't deal with
Sorry to jump this comment a couple pages.
But, I want to attest to the Temple of Empyreal Enlightment.
I go on the boards often enough to have a good handle of optimizing characters.
My level 2 died with little-to-no chance to save by walking into a room.

SCPRedMage wrote: Eric Clingenpeel wrote: Here's a question for you guys that don't think it would apply.
How is the Alchemist making money if he's not making items to sell? That's how I assume they're making their money with their check.
I'm not saying I agree with it; I'm saying the RAW doesn't support it.
In the base Pathfinder rules, without any PFS crap, you can already make a Craft check in order to earn money for a week's worth of work, without having to track the creation of individual items. The bonus from the Alchemy class feature does NOT apply to this use of Craft (alchemy), because it's NOT a check to "create alchemical items"; it's a check to "earn a living" as an alchemist. If you can't use the bonus for that, why do you think you COULD use it for a PFS Day Job check? Because you are earning a living as an creating alchemical items.
Isn't that what all of the day jobs checks are doing?
Craft (armor): You're earning a living as an crafting pieces of armor.
If you 're making your Day job check with Craft (Alchemy), what are you making if you aren't creating alchemical items? It doesn't make sense to me personally.
But, I assume I can still use Craft (Alchemy) without the class bonus?
"power build" as in strength-based magi or optimized?
I don't have a ton of characters and this particular one is for an ongoing home campaign, so I should have him barring death for a long time. I'd like to know from an optimization point of view.
Obviously, haste. Shield seems to be one since most of my characters don't use shields...
Why have multiple people said those stats would make a great Summoner. Isn't Summoner spells, DCs and everything else based on CHA? His charisma is 11.
I'm sure I'm missing something; What is it?
Thanks for the clarification.
I know this should be an easy to question to figure out, but I just want to make sure.
If I have a Cleric (Travel,Liberation) who's base speed is 40 ft. He is wearing a medium armor and has a medium load. Is the speed in the chart his max speed or is it always penalized? What would his speed be in that circumstance?

Hello, I've just started playing pathfinder this month and still rather new.
So, my party completed the all day module "Midnight Mirror" yesterday. I was supposed to be level 3 and committed to playing for the day a couple weeks ago as spots fill quickly in my area. Unfortunately, due to some circumstances, I missed one of my sessions and was unable to use my character.
I used a level 4 PreGen fighter which is all good and well. But, after playing for the entire day, my character died at the last boss fight.
So, I did some searching to see what my option were in this instance and came across: nd#1
I would like to apply the chronicle sheet to a fresh level 1 character and wanted to clear some things up.
- Would the character still die at level 4 when applied to a fresh character?
- When applying to a fresh character, what would be the gold allotment? It says 500g, but I'm assuming that the ruling was based on a normal adventure were the average adventure haul is 500g, bringing it on par with what the character would have gotten if he were level 1.
Thanks for any advice. I should have noted that this is a society character in case it matters.
So assuming I survive over the weekend's special , ill be level 4. I haven't spent any gold. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to buy or what to keep an eye out for ? I should have about a bit over 5k.
I've seen a bunch of people mention boons and I have the general idea of what they do and how they work. But, I was planning on buying a novel or two for fun to read and I was curious if there was anyway to find out what the boons are beforehand?
Is there a list of boons anywhere? Where they come from...or even just what each one does?