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Organized Play Member. 27 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Mixing/Consolidating Sets, Storage Solutions?

Don't get me wrong, the boxes are perfect to keep it all organized, and really allow the game to flow along quickly, with a place for everything and everything in its place.

Having said that, with two big boxes and another on the way in April, and the characters (and to a large extent, all of the content) being compatible, I would like to consolidate them all into some sort of carry case.

Ideally, I was thinking of keeping all the character building cards together, and then maybe even reorganizing the monsters according to type (undead, goblinoid, human, aquatic, ect), to better suit the locations.

I've looked at some on Amazon and at Walmart and Hobby Lobby, but really just haven't found anything that is modular and perfect for a large number of cards.

Any suggestions?

This is just pie in the sky, and there may be a hundred reasons that this wouldn't work, but...

The upcoming Wrath of the Righteous, and Mythic Roles got me to thinking.

The only thing you find in many other similar card games, that I sort of miss in Pathfinder, is special moves or techniques or manuevers.

I was thinking, it would be really cool if, down the line, they include a box set with Fighting Styles (Jade Reagent??) that would be add-on character cards similar to (presumably) Mythic Roles, that would allow players to add special manuevers, in the form of cards, to their decks.

Like I said, there may be a tone of reasons this would not work, or would upset game balance, but I'm just spit-balling here.

When Heggel uses his ability to add 1d4 to any roll by revealing an ally, am I correct in assuming that he may only use this power once per role, or can he use multiple ally buffs on a single roll?

Thanks in advance!

I know we are still salivating over Skull and Shakcles, but has has anyone heard what the next Base Set will be? Has Paizo released any statements?

Does anyone have any thoughts or theories on what we can expect from the Gunslinger and Swashbuckler, in terms of how they'll play?

Not specifics, of course, but just a rough idea of how the classes will work?

Thanks in advance!

Hey, Pathfinder ACG has been a huge hit with my game group, but being old school RPGers, they want to substitute painted miniatures for the token cards and, while using the existing character stats and progressions, want to write in their own name/sex/race.

Now, obviously I can just print out the character sheets, cross over that information with a black marker and write it in, but I was hoping for a more elegant solution.

Has anyone created or seen a word doc, excel file or writable PDF that would allow me to do this?

Thanks in advance!