Ulfen Raider

Bjoern Ghostbear's page

799 posts. Alias of Helikon.


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Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

I am quite happy to join again.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

I love scottish whiskey. But only to smell it. Can´t drink at all.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Excellent. This will make a lot more easy.
Swiping his hands on a rag Bjoern nods to Tairin.
"Mylady, just give me a moment."
Running to his room Bjoern quickly prepares for a sortie and adds an extra dagger to his boot. He then quickly joins Tairin.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Seeing that Tairin returns for the moment Bjoern started to walk the perimeters of the house. Checking all doors and noting improvements for their safety. A block of wood to strenghten the door, Shutters for the windows, and a dozen other minor things.
Where do we supply our water for the house?

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

No worries, I am still here, just hit hard by the quarantene

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Listening to the priest explain his words Bjoern just presses his lips together for a second when he hears the words "Bargain".
He heard to many slime worms use this when they came to his village.
But for those who believed to much in "Bargains" there was always a simple solution. An Axe into the head.
But it was not his turn to make any decisions.
As long as he was allowed to swing it.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bowing slightly Bjoern moves forward to lead the group out of the vicinity of this snake. He had known people like him in the past, slave owners, who felt safe in their power, but lived only by the illusion of it. People who thought they were a lot more clever than they really were.
He would ask Tairin later. And keep an eye out on their new servants.
The man would for sure try to bribe or blackmail someone.
Or get a beggar to watch their house. Most likely booth.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern keeps his eyes on all the movements and politely denied any food or drink. A guard that was drugged was no worth to his mistress.
There were many guards, maybe too many, but then, the group had been in the city for some time and there had been a few deaths.
While the others were more concerned about the charade that was unfolding, he was more interested in the defense of the priests.
Perc to gauge how well trained the guards are: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
But then the discussion took a quite sinister turn.
With an inward smile Bjoern was just too happy he was just the thug of the group and could keep his silence.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern will enjoy going through the town checking the different armorers and watching in amezement as Tairin haggles down each and every merchant, giving it a cacaphony of words, a dance of gestures as each one tries to outdo the other for the best price.
He then will follow her wherever she goes, ready to defend her with his body and pushing the carriers following them, laden with packages sacks and more.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

I read all this, but Bjoern was using a totally different type of armor before. And you all contribute so wonderfully in your expertise, I thought it was time that I could contribute a bit from my side :-)
A half-plate usually has a helm, but helms are... special.
You want something cool and great looking.
No https://www.mytholon.com/ruestungen/helme/offene-helme/8905/baldric-nasalhe lm?c=1473
https://www.mytholon.com/ruestungen/helme/offene-helme/8846/jupp-eisenhut?c =1473
More like something
https://www.google.com/search?q=ritterhelm+fantasy&tbm=isch&ved=2ah UKEwjFzoLHwdjnAhWB_4UKHaCQDdYQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=ritterhelm+fantasy&gs _l=img.3..0.42772.44290..44480...0.0..0.96.708.8......0....1..gws-wiz-img.. .....0i67j0i24.apQideGWGZE&ei=73xKXoWbK4H_lwSgobawDQ&bih=969&bi w=1920&rlz=1C1GCEU_deDE850DE850#imgrc=gHHsv1zGl-2m5M

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Will have to ponder for the armor.
In any case Bjoern will need a custom made armor for himself.
I am rather big and to be honest, well padded, and I need my armor custom made, too.
The people here in this city are most likely also less muscular and a lot smaller. He will want most liekly a half plate and for sure a helm.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern stands up and looks at the messanger.
"I will join, Mylady!"
Looking down at his little robes and shrugs his head.
"Will take a few moments, let me get presentable."
Bjoern quickly moves into his room and dresses more practicable, in breeches and a tunic, with laced sandals that will give him good grip and metal bracers and a heavy belt.
Finally he slings his sword over his shoulder and adds a dagger and a pouch with slingstones to his belt and finally makes his hair into a ponytail using a sling as band to keep it together.
Hasting down he grimly smiles.
"I am ready to go!"

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Finally finished Bjoern looked up and nodded at his mistress.
His grumbly voice replied to the beautiful woman in front of him.
"Yes. You fight with words,"and you do it with such grace that if your words were movement you would make a leopard flush in envy "I with iron! My old armor is broken."And I can´t guard you as good anymore. I gladly step in blade and claw for you, but I am better at it with armor!
"Please maybe help with the bargaining!"
You will get it for a trifle for what those dogs would want from me.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern will check for ways to better migate the damage. Either try to find a better, more protective armor or shield.
If he can´t find either he will move to change his style to all out attack.
(Change sword and board to 2handed)

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern woke up, feeling each and every slash, stab and strike from the day before. His whole body was a mess of freshly sewn cuts and bruises.
Slowly standing up, he began his morning routine of pushups, squats and pull ups until his whole body was coated in sweat and the pain was gone.
For the moment. It would come back later, but for the moment he was fresh.
Filling a copper basin with water he started to wipe the sweat from his body to clean himself, even adding some of the essence to the water found from the previous owner of the mansion. And why not, he wouldn´t need it anyway anymore.
Carefully dressing in breches and a tunic he added some sandals and made his way downstairs, keeping his iron in his hand.
Smelling the divine odor of freshly baked bread he quickly sat down and after a shy smile to Tairin started to wolf down bread and honey and cold cuts. After the exercise and yesterdays battle he was famished and his body craved for food.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Could you please link the discord server. Thanks

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Take your time!!!

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Moving forward draws his blade and attacks the master.
Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 131d10 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Same. Bjoern feels a bit drained.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Do you think it is wise? A well!
With this words said Bjoern attacks the captain. Whirling his blade at the corrupt officials head.
Attack: 1d20 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 4 = 261d10 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Take care of RL first!

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Fort: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (9) + 7 - 4 = 12
Fort: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 7 - 4 = 6
Looks like Bjoern will die from Poison

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Fort: 1d20 + 7 - 2 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 7 - 2 + 4 = 17
Fort: 1d20 + 7 - 2 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 7 - 2 + 4 = 17

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Fort: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 7 - 2 = 6
Fort: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 7 - 2 = 12

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

SOrry for the double posting. I totally agree on the combat expertise and yes bjoern was hit by the poison. I have at the moment some strange issues with postings. Hope this works.
Bjoern quickly moves into the bodyguard and attacks him.
Attack: 1d20 + 10 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 10 + 4 = 211d10 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Ok third try to post. Bjoerns AC is 16 +1 for Dex, +2 for shield, +2 for combat expertise.+1 natural armor So just 2 hits
Fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Bjoern looks down at the puny wounds and swings his blade again.
Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 301d10 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6
Dain GM wrote:

Edit: Bjeorn, I'm not positive what your AC is at this time; I believe you have +1 for your Dexterity, +2 for your Shield netting you a 13? I'm not positive, though, so if you could confirm that, it would be helpful as it may mean she may have missed you with the last strike...

If she hit all four shots, you take 40 - 4 damage for your shield's DR for a net of 36 (I believe you have a DR of +1 for the shield?). Also, I will need a Fortitude Save at this time for the poison that...

Bjoerns AC without armor is 10 +1 Dex +2 shield +2 Combat expertise = 15

So three hits. Damage reduction /1 means 21 damage
Fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Knowing that his armour would not protect him, Bjoern still has his shield.
Moving forward and using his blade he attacks the woman.
"Poison is for wimps!"
Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 191d10 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

I gladly will lead with Bjoern, but as I said Bjoern is not silent.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Ini: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Hearing this words Bjoern carefully stays still, hoping he will go unnoticed for the moment.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

I will be out of bounds till sunday. Please bot me as needed!

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern nods and follows Paten inside letting Yasala take point and taking rearguard.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Perc: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Bjoern looks at the others and loosens his blade in its sheath.
"Shall we investigate?"

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

”It is not out of the realm of possibility to produce a map of the surrounding area. Yet such things require time; and the more details I have on what you wish to incorporate, the easier it would be for me.”

He frowns a bit, then studies you thoughtfully.

”Even so; to produce such a map requires a certain amount of work. Why should I do this work for you?” he asks.

His tone is not mocking or rude, but more a reserved caution, as if he is suddenly curious why he should be required to do any work for free for strangers – he may even agree to doing such a thing; yet he is certainly wondering why you believe this should be so.

Bjoern shrugs and replies.

"Because we will of pay for it. Just tell us how much you need?"

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

have a good time.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern nods to Paten and replies.
"Well the area around the city of course. There should be hamlets, orchards. Ravines. Areas where there is no law!"

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern scratches his beard and replies."Is there someone who knows the desert well and who is able to provide us with maps?"

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern will join with Paten.
After Paten was healing his wounds and he scrubbed himself clean and also his equipment Bjoern joined the Paten and Yasala.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

With whom is Bjoern at the moment. Don´t want to post an action without knowing now!

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern nods to the man and to the others.
"I for one would like to return home. I need a good nights sleep and a lot to eat!"

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Looks rather posh for you.
We get whittled down rather fast and this is truly dangerous for us all!

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern looks at the scimitar and the sheath and shrugs.
"I have heard of a very brutal fighting style using two long blades. But I think I am content with my iron and for worse cases my gladius. I am not really interested in it!"

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

By the way, I take my daughter to disneyland tomorrow, so my posting will be spotty for a few days!

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Sorry, but you would carve out the heart of this campaign if you leave.
Especially for such a minor reason.
There are soo many things you could do in the background and still return easely after your journey.
I mean you could make a pilgrimage, have a few days in prison, have an illness, bear a child, learn a skill, have an affair... the ideas are endless!

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern nods."Everything of value, and scrolls could give us some insight on them!"

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Sorry, but start of August is Birthday season. First my daughter, then me then birthday parties. Back in the saddle again.

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

This makes a lot of sense.
I mean the only other idea would be to disguise some of us as animal traders. :-)

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Bjoern listens with interest and shrugs in the end.
"Well it seems that we made some big enemys."

Male Human (Tharag Thulan)
hp 74/74 AC 21|T 14 |FF 18, F +7|R +2|W +4, Init +2, Per +10
Gladiator 6

Working diligently Bjoern collects the coins and the valueable weapons and ties the beasts together for easier transport back to their camp.
"We are ready to return!"