Ulfen Raider

Bjoern Ghostbear's page

799 posts. Alias of Helikon.

Current Campaigns

The Spider God's Bride -

Know, O Man, that the world lays at thy sandaled feet. If thy would take it then stretch forth thy hand and seize all which lays before thee, but be warned – it shall not bend to thy will alone; rather, it shall yield only to the strength of thy arm and the fury of thy blade.

Map of the known world - Here -

Combat Map: - Here -

The Spider God's Bride is Dead...

Any bloody-handed reaver may grasp a crown if he first slays the one who wears it; better, then, to grasp thy blade...

BWatford's Mummy's Mask Table #2 (inactive)

Second table for my Mummy's Mask PbP AP

Mazra’s Giantslayer Campaign (inactive)

Trunau is truly a town on the frontier. The frontier between the world of Humans, Elves, Dwarfs and the like and the world of Orcs and Giants. It will take a brave and hardy group of adventurers to defend Trunau and the region from what is about to come.

Cathedral of Minderhal
Minderhal's Valley
XPs and Treasure Giantslayer Campaign