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![]() Hawkmoon269 wrote:
The CAKE is a lie. ![]()
![]() Hey there awesome Paizon Customer Service! I'm reaching out to you regarding Order 3465829. I seem to have decided to purchase both the Iconic Heroes sets #2 and #3. And that's cool. The uncool part is that I rather foolishly put them in the same order, the aforementioned Order 3465829. I'm assuming that the reason the Iconic Heroes Set #2 hasn't processed is because both sets are in the same order and it cannot be fulfilled until the #3 set is available. Is there any way to separate the two and bill me for each? Or will I need to cancel this order and then reorder them again, only separately this time? Thanks in advance for the help with my derpitude! Regards, Cliff ![]()
![]() Some of the comments here about ship battles kinda makes me wonder what exactly players were expecting? This is a game where a bog standard fight (lets say a Fighter versus an Ogre) is reduced to one roll of the dice (maybe two if you're using a spear). Why would ship to ship battles be any different? Admittedly, I probably would've liked the game to include more ship to ship battles (FOR THE PLUNDER, ARRRRRRRR!), but that begs the question of balance. Too much ship/crew time and the individual heroes will begin to feel neglected. And as this is a game of heroes, I feel the creative team did a pretty bang up job keeping the focus where it needed to be. And I'm betting with the adaptation of the AP for Wrath of the Righteous we're going to see characters able to do things that we've never seen before with weapons and spells that threaten the heavens. I think a better question is "Why wouldn't I spend my money on this game?" ![]()
![]() Sara Marie wrote: For international customers it can be quite expensive for shipping. For Skull and Shackles it looks like for a lot of the international customers that did have it shipped from us, shipping was between $30 - $60 USD. Some choose to ship anyway due to lack of local availability, or because local prices are even higher than shipping, but for many of our international customers, shipping on the base set is a deal breaker. Okay, I get that, but to be honest, It's the nature of international trade. Mcfly gets relatively cheap awesome beer and sausages, but has to pay a bit more for an awesome U.S. game. I get charged quite a bit extra here in the U.S. when I buy delicious imported German beer and sausages, but PACG is a bit cheaper for me. And the replay value of imported German beer and sausages is decidedly low compared to PACG. Trust me. ![]()
![]() So I had read about the Gholdako/Obelisk issue a couple of weeks ago, but it kinda just nestled into the deep recesses of my brain and hid. So on Sunday night the girlfriend and I finally got into the Island of the Empty Eyes and set up the first scenario. The info about Gholdako and the Obelisk simply kept quiet. Didn't pipe up at all. So we proceeded to clear the six locations of 5 Gholdako and an Obelisk (that we encountered last meaning the only open location was the one it was in) and completed the scenario. It wasn't too bad, but only because, with the exception of using Lirianne, every other character is focuses on melee. So we'll probably go back and give it another run through, set up properly this time. ![]()
![]() Myfly wrote:
Chicago has a market based on the Nuermberg Kristkindlmarkt. I have a friend who has had a booth there 10 years now, and I help out on die wochenende. They even serve Glühwein imported from Nuermberg. It's very delicious, but not as powerful as Glögg. ![]()
![]() That's it. Don't underestimate just how many cards you will be banishing starting at Adventure 3. In the group I've been play with, the only Basic cards we're NOT getting rid of are Allies that grant additional explorations and Blessings. Pretty much everything else is getting banished as fast as we can. We're banishing BASIC trait cards as we close locations in addition to ones we encounter during exploration. By the end of the Hook Mountain Massacre we had filled up the Character Expansion box with the banished cards. ![]()
![]() I think the one thing we haven't clarified is when damage from failing a check is applied. I was assuming it was in one of the last two steps, but according to the S&S rulebook page 13: "If you fail a check to defeat a monster, it deals an amount of damage to you equal to the difference between the difficulty to defeat the monster and your check result." And it's part of the "Attempt the check/checks" step(s). Since it all the hack & slash happens in one step you cannot change from your one-handed weapon to the Main-Gauche. Sorry if this seems pedantic, but talking it out this way helps me understand it better. ![]()
![]() Sorry! I forget that we are a truly international community and American text abbreviations sometimes don't translate. smh/smdh = shaking my head/shaking my d@mn head I appreciate your enthusiasm for a plunder dice and sincerely applaud all the work that you've done to put one together, market the need for it, and get folks excited about it. I just don't see the need for it (beyond the "rule of cool" of course.) which makes me shake my head in a little bit of wonder, curiosity, and a smidgen of exasperation. And birds are okay, I suppose. I do love a good Chinese Fried Duck! ![]()
![]() Ah. Thanks Hawkmoon! I guess I was considering the resolution of damage from a combat check as a different step because you could play another card (armor) to address it. But in your #4 example, if you use the Main-Gauche to avoid damage before you act, you wouldn't be able to use a card of the same type in the following combat either would you? Isn't it considered a "card of the same type"? ![]()
![]() Now that we've had the Goblin Pegleg around to play with for a bit, has anyone else decided that the only thing it's missing is the "Magic" trait? I've got Valeros running around with it, beating the ever-loving tar out of stuff. 3d10+5 (two skill bonuses to strength) without any other bonuses is just mean. Drop a Blessing of Gorum or Besmara and it's kinda shameful. Put this thing in Oloch's hands and you've got a weapon of mass destruction. I was lucky enough to pick it up early in The Wormwood Mutiny, and I beat the hell out of The Whale AND The Brinebrood Queen twice last night just because we couldn't temp close a location. We had plenty of blessings left in the blessing deck and the other location had just two cards in it. So Valeros beat them out of one location, we took the round to set up and load up our hands, then Valeros went after them again and beat them like red-headed stepchildren. Yeah, I've had one close call with the reroll, but in the last scenario Plugg's Uglies, once all the bonuses were thrown in I smacked Mr. Plugg around and was wound up rolling a 38 and a 50 for damage. Oh darn, Mr. Plugg only took 38 points of damage. The Goblin Pegleg is freakin' terrifying. ![]()
![]() Orbis Orboros wrote:
Ah folks with my sense of humor. Welcome to the handbasket. Next stop: Hell! And how is this thread still alive??? smdh. ![]()
![]() So the basic uses for the Main-Gauche (as it currently stands) are: 1. I'm gonna get stabbity with this (because reasons) for some pretty minor damage.
Did I miss anything? ![]()
![]() I think for clarity's sake I would also add: "To win the scenario, defeat any villain while the other two villains are in the same location deck AS THE VILLAIN BEING ENCOUNTERED." The other could be interpreted as so long as 2 of the three villains are in the same location deck when the other villain is encountered at a completely different location deck, the scenario is defeated. Additionally, I read the FAQ entry for this fix, and it's a bit confusing. Is there any way to clarify it? ![]()
![]() I think the easiest way to clear up this sort of potential misinterpretation is to not play with people that bend the rules that hard for a benefit. Unfortunately, they don't wear a sign and by the time you figure it out, it's usually too late to do anything without looking like a jerk. Don't get me wrong we all sometimes wind up with "that guy" at the table. Perhaps a friend brought their little brother. Perhaps you met him at the FLGS. Regardless of how he wound up at the table, it becomes quickly obvious that he's only interested in having the best and the most. Inevitably, the game comes to an end and everyone is miserable. This is the time to say "Thanks for dropping by! By the way, have you ever considered playing Munchkin? I think you'd really like it." ![]()
![]() In 1917, Lord Fisher sent Winston Churchill a letter with what is the first document use of OMG, used well before it became a shorthand chat/text staple. Google "OMG Churchill". Temporal considerations are less important than contextual ones. The phase "...is why can't have nice things" (or some variant thereof) has been around since at least 1990 when Paula Poundstone used it in an HBO comedy special. Since we all understand the meaning of the individual words in the phrase "...is why we can't have nice things" it is then incumbent on the context the phrase is used to establish it's meaning. In the example of Wrathack, we're presented with a character who is smart, violent, and evangelical in her belief that good things suck. Life is pain. Might makes right. Better to be the owner of the booted foot than the neck. Wrathack has no place in a civil society. She barely has a place in a sociopathic one. With this sort of set up (very very grimdark) a soupçon of levity doesn't relieve the tension, it ratchets it up. It's the self-deprecating joke before you get your @$$ kicked. It's the whistling past the cemetery. When Wrathack shows up, bad things are going to happen. May as well get a laugh out of it before the screaming starts. ![]()
![]() Ah Valeros, ya cunning bastich, we hardly knew ye. A heart of gold beat in that well-armored chest, and ya took on not just adventure and monsters, but noobs as well. Noobs who thought that it was all a game, and DIDN'T DAMN WELL LISTEN when Valeros told them that without healing he would die soon. MORTIFIED LOOKS AND EMBARRASSED SILENCE aren't worth a grindylow's fart in a windstorm when Valeros slumped over bleeding out from dozens of wounds after protecting you all. So let Valeros' lesson be one for ye all. Noobs will kill ye faster than any monster. ![]()
![]() NOG the Demoralizer wrote: Anyone know if the battle mat style ultro pro products can be quarter folded and stored in the box without breaking them down? I guess Magic players keep them rolled up, but it would travel so nicely in the game box if that won't damage it. A buddy of mine did this and added the character play mats into the big box for storage. The result: Bad idea. He wound up with a lot of bent cards. Personally, I'd be a bit wary of doing this as the plastic tray in S&S is A LOT thinner than the one in RotR. I understand trying to manage production costs, but the organizational tray feels ridiculously flimsy. The S&S adventure decks have a hanger tab that is significantly longer than the ones for RotR, meaning that if you don't trim them or tape them down, it's going to put even more pressure on the plastic tray. I bet we see a lot of future complaints about the tray cracking. TL;DR Battle mat in the box is a bad idea. ![]()
![]() I'm pretty much of the mind that there are no "OMGTHATCHARACTERISSOOOOHORRIBLEI'LLNVEVERPLAYIT!" sort of characters. Only because I'm pretty sure that Paizo would never let them make it into the final cut. That being said, I think that there are some folks that always try to fit the square peg in the round hole, have very mixed results, and blame the character for being broken, when it's really an ID-TEN-T error. Half a session in, and I picked up on the fact that even though Oloch can hit really hard, he's really a dedicated support character. And that's cool. If I go long term with him, I'm definitely going to hit the reset card power feat first, and then the boost to 2 with the second power feat boost. Then I'd maybe consider worrying about hand size. |