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Hello, I have a weird request...then again we are talking about a game with talking dragons, zombies, and magic so weird is relative I guess. I have a grippli rogue character who has fallen in love with a half elf cleric and the feeling is mutual. In the game we make it very plain that we consider our bond as strong as that of a standard husband and wife and we even refer to one another in those terms. We see beyond the physical to the heart of each other and ultimately we feel that's what matters most. However I would like to surprise the other player by being able to change form into a half elf, human, or elf and essentially make our union formal before a priest as well as have a true "marital" relationship...you know where I'm going with that. I've looked everywhere for any kind of magic item that could supply that and so far I have found none. Does anyone out there know of an item that would help me do this? I'm not talking a scroll or similar item that would be very temporary but rather perhaps a ring, bracelet, bracer, headband, ect that could provide a longer duration or be turned on and off when desired. Any help would be appreciated. This is quite literally the princess finding her true love turned into a frog...kind of. Signed - Blink N'Gath ( my character PC name ) ![]()
Hello, I want to create a Kitsune mesmerist and I want to make my save DCs against my enchantment spells really high. I have spell focus and greater spell focus enchantment/charm feats set up. My question is that the Sorcerer bloodline of fey says that you add a +2 to the DC to your spells of the compulsion sub school. I looked at the spells on he Mesmerist spell list and many of them are enchantment/charm and the compulsion sub school as are the spells in the Enchantment school of sorcerer magic. Since both classes use Enchantment/Charm spells with the compulsion sub school would that part of the Fey bloodline with regards to the +2 DC work for ALL my Enchantment/Charm spells or would it only be for my Sorcerer level spells? I'm still level 1 and I want to take one level of Sorcerer and the rest as Mesmerist. Otherwise I will go straight Mesmerist if the abilities don't stack. Thanks ahead of time. ![]()
Greetings, So I was playing a mod yesterday and I had a tiefling multiclass samurai 2/paladin 5 with a katana score a successful critical hit on an evil outsider that he had chosen as his smite. The paladin reads that if the chosen of your smite is an evil outsider and you score a hit on the
Strength - 16
So with this in mind what would be the correct calculated damage? ![]()
So I have been pouring thru as many sources as I have access to because I really want to create my shovel-fighter type PC. He will be a half-orc with his main weapon being a shovel. My issue is that I really want him to crank out the damage so I came up with a combination of fighter / barbarian. My issue is that I am looking for archtypes that will help me maximize damage. I am going to give a trait that gives him Use Magic Devise as a skill so I can buy wands of Enlarge Person and Lead Blades. I chose Titan Mauler as one archtype (for when I get an oversized shovel) and at first the two handed fighter archtype...but here is where the issue begins. One of my feats will be catch off guard, one of my traits will be surprise weapon (+@ to hit with improvised weapons), and later on I will take improvised weapon mastery. The problem is that in the equipment books it says if a shovel is used as a weapon then treat it as a ONE HANDED improvised weapon that does damage equal to a club of its size. That makes the two handed fighter archtype with my shovel usage pointless. HOWEVER, in the Pathfinder Roleplaying reference document it mentions two types of shovels. Shovel This tool lets you dig a pit at a rate of 2 cubic feet per minute. If a shovel is used in combat, treat it as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a club of it's size. But here is the second type of shovel mentioned... FOLDING SHOVEL: A folding shovel is a FULL-SIZED shovel with a study sectional handle that folds into pieces no longer that the shovel blade, allowing it to fit into a smaller space such as a backpack. Converting the shovel from its folded state to suable (or vice versa) is 2 full round actions. So my question to all the Pathfinders stat crunchers and bright minds out there is how can I take my shovel concept to a level where he will do good damage? What archtypes and feats would you suggest? His stats will be - Strength - 18, Dex - 14, Con - 14, Int. - 8, Wis - 12, Cha - 10 (yes, I want him to be a bit slwo witted but still moderately likable ). ![]()
So based on a previous thread discussion this idea cane into play. I was contemplating creating a PC that I lovingly refer to as "the Freak". Essentially I want to mix classes of fighter, ranger, and alchemist to create a 4 armed two weapon fighter. I plan to use the sawtooth saber weapon, one in each of my two hands and use my alchemist levels for defensive buffs like shield or enhancements like expeditious retreat. My first question is in the PHB it says that you do half strength bonus damage with the offhand weapon but strength modifier damage x 1.5 with a one handed weapon wielded two handed. So if I am holding each saber with two arms what is my bonus dabage based on strength? Secondly, I chose the aasimar-Garuda race as my race for this PC. See invisibility once a day is pretty neat. With the build I have in mind what suggestions do any of you have to enhance this build, including suggested archetypes, feats, alternative race, ext. I am open to suggestions. Thanks. ![]()
Hello. I've been looking the feats available in the game and I was curious about a good combination of the feats listed above in conjunction with the available classes, archtypes, and the sawtooth sabre. There are so many combos to come up with but I was hoping I could get some advice on some that would be the most efficient. I'd prefer to use a race that gets a DEX bonus to their stats and small size if able but this is not required. Since the sawtooth sabre is treated as a light weapon for purposes of two weapon fighting how efficient would the build work with me wielding two of them? Any advice to enhance this concept would be great. Thank you. ![]()
I was running a game for some friends of mine the other day and we have a player who is playing a paladin with the oath of vengeance. We also have a player in the party who is running with a diabolist and has an imp animal companion. Well the diabolist did take great precautions to hide the imps true evil nature (non-detection and invisibility just for starters. During a mod that shall not be named the bad guy put up an invisibility purge and the familiar has shifted out of it's animal form for some reason or another. The paladin with the oath of vengeance sees it, makes his Knowledge: Planes check and knows that it is and he makes the conscious decision to follow his oath and attack the imp. As he was about to do this an argument erupted at the table that attacking the imp was the same as attacking the player because the imp was an animal companion. After initially considering letting the paladin PC attack the imp I stepped away from that decision and told the player with the paladn that he could not attack the imp as it was a animla companion HOWEVER because he was put in such an awkward position not of his own choosing that I would not put a strike against him for his working in tandem with the imp seeing as though the over all goals of the paladin and the imps master diabolist in the mod were the same, albeit for different reasons. The player with the diabolist PC clearly took great pleasure in seeing the player with the paladin PC squirm and fume while the player with the paladin PC felt like he had been forced to betray his oaths. As a DM I really hated it. As a person I understand that the world is not black and white when it comes to morals and ethics. I'm more of a classic hero mentality when it comes to my D&D PCs, hence why I never play Scarzini or Cheliax PCs - one is essentially the Mafia and the other serves the interests of a nation that worships a devil lord/god. The oath of vengeance is pretty clear - it is like a paladins code against evil but on steroids. The paladins code says they can work with evil in extreme situations only and it should not be repetitive. The players involved in this situation play together alot. I really think it is unfair for the paladin because ALL of the ethical burden is on him and from the perspective of his paladin class and his oath of vengeance repeated alliances...albeit awkward ones like these that form during the course of an adventure...it IMHO against the paladins code and would probably have some sort of negative ramifications for him. Meanwhile the diabolist and his imp get to sit back and enjoy...with surely a hint of sadistic gleeful irony the fact that the paladin is helping to keep the diabolist and his evil devil imp alive. How do the rules adjudicate something like this? Should I have allowed the paladin to follow thru with his oaths and attack the imp? Would it have been considered PVP which is against the rules unless a charm effect is in place and the persons actions are beyond their control. If I can get an official ruling that would be great but I would not mind getting opinions in general about this. I am sure I will run a game for this tandem again and now that the paladin knows that the diabolist has this imp at his side constantly it will no doubt cause friction and conflict in the future. ![]()
So in the clutches of boredom yesterday I started pondering weird ideas for PCs. I remembered William H Macys character "the Shoveler" from the movie "Mystery Men" - if anyone has not seen it I highly recommend it as it's a lot of fun. Anyways, this B superhero has no powers other than what he calls "God's gift of shoveling well..very well actually". I started looking at all sorts of weird feats and combinations like Catch Off Guard. Improvised Weapon Mastery as well as races suitable for something like this like a half-orc (I want him to be brutish, a bit slow thinking with an 8 intelligence and mildly abrasive with a 9 Charisma ). Total stats will be Str - 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int - 8, Wis 13, Cha - 9. I gave him a point in Profession: Shoveler (or Ditch Digger / Grave Digger if I have to be more specific) and started him out as a Ranger. I'd like him to two weapon fight with a Medium sized shovel if possible with a smaller shovel as a off hand attack or a normal weapon in primary and a smaller shovel in the off hand but two shovels is my ideal scenario. I got plans for a mix of fighter, barbarian, and ranger levels to give him a variety of skills and still have him be fairly combat effective. He genuinely believes that his great shoveling skill is a divine gift and has decided to take his mighty shoveling skills into the life of an adventurer and hero, using his shovel to protect and inspire the downtrodden/forgotten of society and generate hope to those who need it and crush the forces of evil. His back story is even wackier but that's not pertinent to the thread. Suffice to say he's adopted...and a mamas boy. If anyone can give me ideas on how to make this craziness somehow work with classes, feats, skills, traits, ect. please post here. For those who post thank you ahead of time. ![]()
I have a grippli rogue who is going the way of scimitar with Dervish Dance and the weapon finesse feat. My question is this. I know that Dervish Dance lets me add my Dexterity modifier to damage but would the Agile enchantment qualify for application to my scimitar for purposes of adding my Dexterity modifier again to my damage? They replicate the same effect but one is from a feat and the other from an enchantment. I have to ask because I know you cannot stack the keen enchantment with the improved critical feat. I have a similar situation with my swashbuckler from The Advanced Classes document. Thanks ahead of time. ![]()
Hello. I was doing research on building an aasimar ranger with a couple of fighter levels to assist in feat progression and I came across this post around the middle of last year. It stated as follows - "I like Ranger with Sawtooth Sabres. No need to pump dexterity, and the Sawtooth Sabre counts as a light weapon for the purposes of two weapon fighting penalties. This also means, that when not making a full attack, you can two hand the sawtooth saber for extra damage." The poster also mentioned that the Freebooter ranger archtype was great for campaigns with varied opponents and in looking at it I agree, epsecially for team work based tactical combat. I am confused however about something he mentioned. He stated that there was "no need to pump into Dexterity". However, I know that for the better versions of the two weapon fighting feats and associated feats you need to have a higher Dexterity score. Currently my plan is to play a Aasimar - Garuda bloodline ranger to progress up to 15 ranger/2 fighter. The Garuda are cool because they get Wisdom (which is good for spellcasting) and Dexterity (for getting the Dex scores needed for the higher two weapon feats). So am I missing something here? Does me taking the Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sawtoothed Sabre feat and the description of the weapon and its mechanics make it even easier to wield than I think? Don't I still need to pump up my Dexterity score to get the better two weapon fignting feats? As it stands here is my projected build - feel free to look it over and let me know if it is decent. Also, I want my Garuda to be able to fly eventually which is whyt I have Angel Blood and Angel Wings in the feat progression. St: 16
Feats: Ranger 1: Exotic wpn Prof: Sawtoothed Sabre
I plan on wielding 2 sawtoothed sabres.
Anyways, thanks ahead of time and have a good day. ![]()
Just wondering if anyone knows about or if there are any feats that help a multiclass player get special class abilities that are level dependent for one of their classes. Example - a multiclass fighter/ barbarian with 10 levels of fighter and 6 of barbarian wants to get a rage power that requires barbarian level 10. Is there a feat that would allow me to use my total character level or part of my fighter level classes added to my barbarian levels for determining my effective level in being able to chose barbarian rage powers. If anyone knows of something like this can you post it here. If it does not exist then let me know also. Thank you. ![]()
Hello, I am working on setting up my feat progression for my witch and I wanted to get some advice about it. I have the following so far: Extra Hex: Cackle - so I can extend my curses
I have the following feats in mind but feel free to make other suggestions: Rime Spell
I'd like to really make my curse ability crippling to my foes but anything
My friends give me a hard time because I am a BIG fan of the grippli race and have been since 2nd edition. I used to have one in a home game a long time ago and I was very happy to see them featured in the Races book as well as the ocassional boon handed out to allow access to play one. Hopefully they will open the race up for play across the board..fingers crossed. Anyways, I want to test build a grippli rogue for the Pathfinder campaign using the campaign rules and resources. I am looking to make him utterly stealthy and able to dish good damage. I have been looking at some of the rogue tricks and feats as well...of particular appeal is Dervish Dance which makes my high Dexterity score a huge advantage but this also means I'd have to find a way to get access to Weapon proficiency scimitar. I was thinking that taking a level of fighter might be the way to go and I was also thinking of taking a level of monk to get the Ki access for some ninja feats and a boost in saves, special skills, and the ranks I need in Perform for Dervish Dance. If anyone has any ideas they can offer on making a peak build then it would be appreciated. The stat build I have in mind is as follows: Str. - 10
Some people tell me that I should sacrifice Charisma but I'm not the kind of player that kills his dump stats solely to power game / number crunch. I also enjoy the roleplay aspect of the game and I want my grippli to be moderately likeable on those rare occassions when he speaks for than a few sentences. I want to play his quiet, reserved, and aloof. ![]()
Reading about the Aasimar bloodlines I came across the Garuda. In the Garuda description is states the following: "Garudas are noble but impetuous birdlike celestials, and most garuda-blooded aasimars grow graceful feathers during puberty. The majority of these aasimars have shimmering wings; the wings can be of virtually any shade, ranging from metallic colors to muted hues to pure white, or rarely, glossy black. Plumekith are sometimes born with taloned fingers or toes, and occasionally amber eyes like those of an eagle." If also gives the Garuda the Fly and Acrobatics skills as racial skills. I know there is a feat that specifically allows the Aasimar to grow wings but apparently based on the "Blood of Angels" book and the Additional Resources document it says the following " All heritages and associated traits on pages 21-23 are legal." So my question is this. Considering all of the above IF I chose to play a Garuda-Blooded Aasimar would I automatically have wings and if so would I be able to Fly without the feat associated with doing so. I aks because it specifically says that "the majority" of these aasimar have wings - it does not say "all" have wings. Furthermore, if they are able to Fly without the feat because of this heritage/bloodline would their base Fly speed be their standard movement speed? I am considering an aasimar as a PC and I want to know what all my options are. Thanks. ![]()
![]() So I created a Teifling witch PC with what I think is a very unique quirk. She was once married to a human Osirion archeologist. One day, while studying the some strange ancient heiroglyphics on a newly discovered crypt was he awakened somethign very evil and powerful. If manifested from the text itself and in a burst of raw power caused him to spontaneously combust in front of his tiefling wife. All that was left of him was his skull, clean of all flesh and blood on it, which rolled to his wifes feet. In that moment of terror and madness she picked up the skull and fled the crypt screaming - it was in that moment that her sanity snapped like a twig in a hurricane. Currently she suffers under the insane delusion that her husband Betram is alive. She carries around his skull and talks to him all the time, cuddles with him when she sleeps, and even introduces him to other people, often creatinf delusional conversations in her ind that he is having with others or herself. Any manner of healing, be it grief counseling or magic will fail because the realization that he is truly dead forces her to relive the trauma and snaps her back into insanity. This is a roleplay thing I have come up with - to the point that I am buying a skull prop to carry around at games where I play her. The only cure to her insanity is that someday she will amass enough Prestige Points to pay for a resurrection since she has his skull. I plan to have it that she begins to experience brief moments of lucidity and during one of those moments she asks that the spell be cast. Currently she is C/N alignment - she was N/G when Betram was alive but the trauma of his death shifted her alignment. Can I use my Prestige points to eventually pay for a resurrection for Bertram? The way I see it I have a little over 9 years to get it done before the alloted time runs out. Please advise. Thanks. ![]()
![]() Okay so I just got the Advanced Races book and it says we can play Aasimar, teiflings, and tengu. However, it also states in the Guide to Pathfinder Play that additional class and race options from sources like the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players Guide, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic, PAthfinder RPG Ultimate Combat, PAthfinder Advanced Race Guide, and Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide are generally available with few or no alterations as well. With this in mind, does this mean if I wanted to play something like a grippli, cat folk, or ratfolk that I could do it? What races can we play or not play specifically? It makes it sound like I can play any of the special races listed in the Advanced Race book since it uses the term "GENERALLY AVAILABLE WITH FEW OR NO EXCEPTIONS". Can some one please clarify for me? Thanks ![]()
![]() I got the Bestiary and I was very happy to see that they standardized
Example: Looking at the Bestiary the Otyugh is still a CR 4 monster
![]() I have confused about the potion purchase ability. I understand the