Wild Elf

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Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

so after running my players through RotRL, they were really excited about the entire background of Thassilion (sp?), the Runelords & Champions, the Blades/Swords of Conviction/Sin, etc. They looked up stuff on their own and want me to make a homebrew AP (basically) where their characters are destined to wield the Blades/Swords for whatever reason, and go through the motions of awakening the artifacts.

i LOVE the idea.

basically im thinking the PCs find the weapons on "accident" during a standard dungeon foray, and the weapons are curse. Ill use some stuff for making the weapons scale as they level/complete tasks before they "awaken", causing the PCs to have a Mythic moment of ascension and discover their destinies.

they basically will choose to restore weapons to the Blades of Conviction, and do the whole "good guy" thing, OR allow them to revert to the Swords of Sin and be "bad guys". essentially book 1-2 will be set and books 3-6 will have 2 divergent paths - "good & evil".

Any ideas to help me give some body to this? Ive already written a number of homebrew adventures and 2 or 3 AP-esque adventures, id just like to crowd-source a bit for some extra inspiration.

ALSO and info on PF materials that will be helpful or input from developers on the subject would be AWESOME! im planning on keeping the story in Golarion.

#1 question actually is what do we know about the war between Nex and Geb? my group usually plays homebrew settings, but i really liked the small bit of info i read (dont remember where) on this time period in Golarion's past. has paizo really talked about this much? if so, where can i get the information?

after that question, i thought about other instances mentioned throughout PF books as teasers and "incomplete" ideas, and i wondered what other instances in Golarion's past would ppl be interested in knowing more about?

im running a homebrew game and one of my players is wanting to run a vishkanya. i was wonder what we actually KNOW about the race, other than the small amount of information in the ARG. anyone know if theres something written up already?

Ok, so here's what's up:

I know all dodge bonuses stack with each other.
I know deflection bonuses do not stack with each other.
I know shield bonuses do not stack with each other.
I know armor bonuses do not stack with each other.

Natural Armor is my issue. It a character has natural armor, does an Amulet of Natural Armor stack with it? What about a druid that wild shapes? Does the Amulet stack?

When GM'ing, my group uses a gridded dry erase board. It makes the game more fun (in my opinion) and makes things simpler for everyone. But Ive hit a snag with using a labyrinth in my upcoming session. Im seeing a few way to do this:

1) Only show them what they see at the given moment and erase what theyve already walked through.

2) Show them what they see at any given moment and require regular Int/Survival checks to remember what theyve already walked through, using the roll to determine how far back they remember.

3) Keeping everything theyve explored so far visible on the board.

I dont want to make it too easy by just showing everything, b/c that will ruin any instance of the party going in circles, but i still want to use the board for simplicity of combat and puzzles i have in the labyrinth.

Help? :)

I just started a game with evil PC's and i need some help. They started in a prison and a voice in their minds (spoiler: totally a Unique Devil) offered to help them escape as long as they 1) prove they're worthy, and 2) sacrifice the soul of the Warden. They completed all this and they were transported to meet with the devil (which they don't quite know is a devil yet).

Here is where i need the help. The devil wants the party to gather the Seven Swords of Sin (lol, i know - im so creative) and bring them to him. Now, I've already stated up the swords as artifacts, but what I need is some flavorful Boss themes for each sin.

For those playing at home, the swords are as follows:
-- Garvok -- Wrath -- Greatsword
-- Shin-tari -- Sloth -- Short Sword
-- Tannaris -- Envy -- Bastard Sword
-- Chellan -- Greed -- Scimitar
-- Baraket -- Pride -- Rapier
-- Ungarato -- Gluttony -- Falchion
-- Asheia -- Lust -- Longsword

Any ideas would be helpful. While the PC's are evil and working for a LE devil, the Bosses can be any alignment, but keeping in theme with the "Swords of Sin" concept.

Im building a Javelin Fighter for a game coming up and was looking through the rules for making magical items when i came upon a question i cannot seem to find an answer for:

Javelin are considered a Simple Ranged Weapon, so when giving my Fighter magical Javelin do i have to spend starting gold for making each javelin magical, or does it work in bunches? Example -- do i spend 2000gp for a SINGLE +1 Javelin, or would i spend 2010gp for TEN +1 Javelin?

Thank you in advance for the clarifications.

BTW, if you are wondering why im even doing this, my DM is letting me us a Weapon Style feat from Drow of the Underdark called Tormtor School. Effectively, it removes the melee penalty when using a Javelin, gives you a +1 on damage rolls with Javelin, and when you deal melee damage with a Javelin you can use a swift action to throw the Javelin at another target within 30ft at you highest BAB. Its nice and makes for a fun Spartan-esq character.

Im currently in the process of making a homebrew PF base class called "The Tinkerer". It is, in essence, an Artificer of sorts who's 'big thing' is the creation of a mini-homunculus/construct army (with roughly 5-7 individual constructs at 20th level depending on desire and build) and/or making various other items. My questions deal with this: crafting constructs.

In 3.0 and 3.5, to craft something, the crafter had to pay a gold component, an xp component and replicate the appropriate spell(s) associated. How does this crafting occur in PF? Also, i am aware of the "Craft Construct" feat in the Bestiary, but i am still fairly fuzzy on the crafting process within the new system of PF.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, Ill be posting my Tinkerer on the Homebrew forums once this is cleared up. --*cough*JasonLookAtItForANewClassConcept*cough*-- =D

I fully understand that Pathfinder has been made with the ability to function with material from 3.0 / 3.5 source books. This thread is purely for a DM to DM to DM (etc.) conversation discussing the implications and consequences for allowing such a large number of feats, spells, PrC's, and such in your Pathfinder game.

As a player, i love the ridiculous versatility of character creation when combining 3.0 / 3.5 material in a Pathfinder game, but as a relatively new DM, i find it incredibly difficult to stave off power-gaming and hinder the creation of broken PC's. Im not a power-gamer, i just make silly and unconventional builds, so DMs tend not to mind me. =P

Thought? Opinions?