White Dragon

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber. 7,046 posts (7,413 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 aliases.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

so... One of my players is going to try to play as an Order of the Nail hellknight and another is going to be playing a Wild Order druid.

The Hellknight is looking to advice on why he wouldn't murder the Wild order Druid, eventually. I am by no means an expert on the Measure and the Chain is there a way that they could potentially get along?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

i've tried to wrap my mind around it a few times, but i can't seem to figure out when actually does your poison stop working.

this finally came to a head today as i'm reading the Envenom Fangs ancestral feat for Lizardfolk.

You envenom your fangs. If the next fangs Strike you make before the end of your next turn hits and deals damage, the Strike deals an additional 1d6 poison damage. On a critical failure, the poison is wasted as normal.

my first reading makes it look like only the next fang attack you make, but the time limit and the critical failure effect seem to say this isn't the case. can i just get a clearly written example of when and how poisons work and don't.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

This was put on pending due to a "card declined" error, but my bank shows as the transaction as having gone through. I haven't heard anything from customer.service@paizo.com even though it's been a week. To make matters worse an item(separate order 8187912) was added to my sidecart even though I specifically click to not have it(i wanted it mailed separately since i can't be sure when the order will be handled).

can i get an update on this, please?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

is there any problem with this? I don't have the books yet as we're starting off with fall of plaguestone, but i know a group of hellknights is at least somewhat antagonistic in book 1, are there any long term problems that a hellknight philosophy would bring? he's going to be LN as well.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I've started work on it so far, haven't gotten everything planned out, but I need to sleep.

a few things I'm worried about, Is dragon scale armor too good, or should it not have a prerequisite?

should the ancestry feats gained from the archetype only allow you stuff from half your level ago

should I maybe have level 17 feats?

is the Draconic element system to hard to understand?

what's the easiest way to give them the dragon trait and explain that they can still be slept and paralyzed?

Breath weapon? i feel like it should either be on the archetype or a 5th level ancestry feat. If i move all the crazy activatable abilities over to the archetype I can give the "class DC" to that thing and remove it from dragon's racially.

So far I only see breath weapon and frightful presence as candidates for using a DC, any other things?

I plan on size feats to give 1 size, and then additional natural attacks and traits on those natural attacks, such as reach. then also a slowly increasing status bonus to melee damage.

where the hell do i fit in the elemental damage on jaw attacks? i'm thinking a 9th level feat with primal dragons gaining it on all natural attacks. I want more feats that behave slightly differently for the different heritages.

what should possibly go into the flavor text at the top?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I was thinking about Aasimir and Tieflings, and realized maybe instead of a standalone race, they could be heritages that could apply to almost any given race with a few race specific feats like half-elves and half-orcs.

I wonder if this would be a better option over having their own race? It would potentially make any potential heritages for tieflings and aasimir (such as beastblood or angelblood) instead be pushed back into feat territory, but at the same time it would easily allow for people to be either more or less of their original species than getting that general feat for ancestry. ALSO, it'd make it easier to say (eventually in the far future when we have more races) they you're a Tengu Tiefling. I've noticed if you're a strange race other than human with the various blood people often forget you're not a stereotypical tiefling and have to mention it again and again.

on the other hand, you'll be hard pressed to get very deep different blood types. like if the various Heritages are for a base Tiefling, you can get more diverse stuff going.

could also see this working for the various half-elemental races.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

In a thread a bit ago, there was some talking about how negative and positive energy aren't inherently tied to alignments and this made me start thinking about exactly what the 2 energies actual do support and oppose.

Negative energy seems to support stagnation, as many of the creatures who "live" on it are obsessive and immortal(ghosts, ghouls, revenants, etc). It wants to kill life and stagnate a world continuously exposed to it, make something that never changes. It kind of wants to convert all life into this specific immortal non-changing ordered creatures, assimilating things slowly.

meanwhile, positive energy support life, which constantly goes through a process that makes it change to favor it's environment and thus favors and support creatures who can change. All the sentient creatures using this energy seem to vary widely in their beliefs and can even change their beliefs over time. Creatures powered by positive energy are generally not immortal and on average most creatures have life spans less than 5 years. This makes me believe that positive energy inherently favors an adapting and changing ecosystem.

Because of these, I came to the conclusion that if I HAD to hook up an alignment to the 2 energies, positive would be chaotic good, and negative would be lawful evil.

NOTE: this isn't what i believe the alignments of the energies are in the rules, just what I think they relate to the most after careful consideration.



Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Say i'm 10th level

what and how do I magic jar, transform, or whatever my way into a suitable shape to do melee in?

I want the full suite of how to effectively do this. Like if I magic jar where do i put my body.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

so, I'm really tired right now but I think it's given me the stupidity courage to check for interest for this idea I've been having for the past few days and refining with some friends.

For anyone not aware Space Station 13 is a game in which you and several crew mates are aboard Space Station 13 to mine plasma and sell it to the Evil Corporation, however something amiss is happening on the station.

what's amiss, who knows, maybe several people are trying to steal some stuff and escape the station or some people are changlings and are there to eat people AND steal stuff, or the AI believes oxygen is poisonous to humans and is trying to "save" everyone.

If you're not a traitor or a ling or a psycopathic clown, or a wizard, or etc, and are just there to gain a wage, you just try to do your job and stop the station from falling to pieces. Each person has a job to do on the station, even if they're a traitor

How the game would work is mostly actions would be handled via PM with a cycle happening once per (real life)day(or so, don't really know what schedule I'll end up running) to do various tasks for their job or just to relax, the discussion thread would be the who ever is in the bar can chat here thread, while gameplay would be me posting global events(such as a boom and shake rocking the station) and posting the intercomms.

If two people started a fight, they get 10 or so rounds of fighting before the next global round can happen and the traitor trying to steal the quarter master's brain might be discovered.

If you die in a "shift" that is the time in which the traitors or what ever can do their tasks, depending on the round you'll, if you so choose, be added to a list of people waiting for side roles. Side roles are like playing as someone's pocketAI, newly created robot janitors, hive workers for a queen alien eating the ship, etc. I'll try to make people aware if theres people waiting so that can create demons or robots if they can. Oh, also you can be cloned.

If people go silent for a round or 2, that's okay, space does weird stuff to the brain and those brain chips that remove the need for sleep might be having strange side effects, however if someone is out for several rounds, they'll fall over and it's recommended they be moved to medical so that they can be watched over before the next shuttle arrives or they recover.


so basically the idea is, I want to see if people would be interested in a PvP-ish "campaign", with hopefully most of the characters on the ship being actual players and not me. I think the warhammer 40k system Dark heresy would be best for this, however, if people would be interested in this only if using the pathfinder system I could make it work.

So, yeah, I want to know if this is a horrible Idea or not, now I know a lot of this is vague and... it is, because I don't have many of the rules laid out yet, if people ARE interested that's my sign that I should actually lay out the rules and run it.


Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So I was thinking a bit and I was wondering about people opinions on a certain aspect of alignment.

So, say your character has had particularly bad/good experiences with goblins or orcs or some other place holder race. Is it okay to act out of alignment in regards to these cases.

Like to be less racist say you have a fascination with knights and people who've been knighted, but you're chaotic whatever, but you will almost always respect the commands of a knight.

Now, the question isn't if this is okay at your table, but more along the lines does the alignment system allow for this complexity or do they fundamentally break down at this point?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

as in stages, with areas that do double damage or the boss wades through lava and can only be attacked from platforms(at least in melee) and smash down limbs and stuff on the platforms. this all can be fairly easy to do county the boss as a pseudo-swarm or squad.

also, when he hits certain HP you just swap the boss out with different mobs.

i'm thinking of doing this because i'm thinking of doing a VERY darksouls Esque game and we have already replaced pathfinder's gold-exp with kirthfinder's mojo and I plan on replacing that with souls.

so, I don't want the fights to be the by the numbers they tend to be and plan on making them more boss like by doing this by making them stage like and using "traps" and "swarms" with multiple mobs using the same health pool.

Darkness, A vastness, darkness it seems to have always been to never have had a beginning to simply have always been. It seemed to have no ends and yet...


that's the first thing to fill you, the first thing to make you, you...

that fact, that you... exist. what... should you be?


Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

this is a home game

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I kinda just really like the set up here and have a few pathfinder games going but my group is starting an only war campaign and I was wondering If It was Okay to play it on these boards?

Anette Leonis, you find yourself outside "The End", the last halfway house between Murkwood and Skyfortress. It is of decent size and houses several guards, the guards are paid for and under the jurisdiction of the Murkwood Townguardship.

One week ago you were given a mission by the Knights of Artoria to confirm and explore a ruin.

Mission breif:
An Independent Hunter/forager in the wilderness has take up one of our standing bounties for information on events and locations in the wilderness.

We have assigned Anette Leonis to this mission with the objective of locating and confirming these ruins. Thereafter a cursory exploration of the ruins should be done to locate any dangers(traps, combatants, dangerous terrain), which should be taken care of if possible. Dangers which cannot be solved should be recorded.

The "Ruins" are supposedly located 100 miles east and 50 miles north of Skyfortress, this is far away from any civilized land, caution is advised.

No additional personnel have been assigned to this mission however, a budget of 10,000 Sovereigns has been assigned to this mission as a mercenary budget.

Anette Leonis contacted an associate, Seifer Elsuran, through magical communication from Skyfortress and has come to an agreement that she find people to partake of this mission which the 10,000 Sovereigns would be split between them on acceptance of the contract.

Anette Leonis stands just outside "The End", the 10,000 sovereigns weigh heavy in her pack. The day is late several of the people Seifer contacted may have arrived already.

Anyone unusual or obviously not human, elf or dwarf, must convince the guards of your friendly intentions. otherwise the Tavern portion is open and inviting in the cold night.
Order does not matter to me, post as you please.

Everyone has 1 week to finish their character crunch and 1 week thereafter to finish their contacts.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

how exactly do you think gestalting SoP classes should work? do you gain more sphere talents, or still only gain 1 every time you gain CL?

discuss here

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Sorry if you clicked here expecting something, but this is for a group of friends, so if you're not one of them you're not going to be accepted.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Just been kind of bored about the forums lately and thought i'd try to spice it up a little.

Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough

I THINK we can assume both of them are large sized and become huge sized when the other is destroyed.

they're not human(or at least not likely, there is some debate on whether or not size is related to race or just power level).

I feel like when one dies the other gestalts with whatever class he had and regains full health, but beyond the fight mechanics what would be the best way to construct the base Ornstein and Smough?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

so I think we need a separate thread for all the things that are still broken and not about things they broke.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So an idea came upon be in another thread.

Basically, to make a "quick fix"(in that you don't need to adjust spells and what not) for the versatility of casters implement the following house rules.

implement limited magic from unchained. This involves spells always being cast at lowest CL and DC possible.

then implement overclocking to restore these to normal CL and DC. except remove spellcraft and turn it into 7 skills one for each school. you use those skills in the same way as spellcraft but only for spells in schools tied to that skill. item creation is tied to the items aura.

this way the wizard has to focus his skill points down into various schools of magic to be competent at them.

sorcerers and other non int casters would be bumped to 4+int mod skill points. (or effectively all non-int casters gain 2 extra skill points.)

casters can still focus down that one thing they were good at before, but now they're simply not as versatile.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So with all the mumbo jumbo on the martial caster disparity relating to narrative power, I decided to make badassary, it's kind of like mythic tiers but comes in 20 levels to make the ability progression a bit smoother (like spell resistance).


what i would like are more ideas that allow martials to do crazy mundane things without them turning into completely unrealistic nonsense, everything has to be buyable, so as long as it can be explained in a way that allows the fighter to function without it becoming supernatural. these abilities should also mitigate the parties reliance on certain magic items or spells somewhat, such as fight through it reducing the need for wands of cure light wounds.

I would also like ideas for how certain class abilities of martials or half casters could be improved by being badassified.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

what penalty do you use? -2 or -4? i mean my player is throwing darts, I don't feel like this should be -4...

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm kinda bored right now and was thinking of interesting build.

what build has any of you done that usually is called sub par but made work through some manner of third party or simply to good effect in actual play.

I'm talking about using your weak bloodlines or trying to TWF, or a gunslinger only using 1 pistol.

mine I'd have to say was a kobold multiclassed monk and unchained rogue, dex to damage on fists and making all my stats the save stats i had wonderful saves and AC, while getting dex to damage on fists made me par for the course in damage output. the hampered condition allowing me to keep the pain on from flanking.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

say i'm a dragon, and my bite attack has the reach of a creature one size larger, can i try to hit with a touch spell using that reach? or do i have the hold the charge and try to attack normal AC with the bite?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So i made another class, this one is a hybrid class having the parents as the unchained rogue and the fighter.

looking for input on what people think.

Specific things i'm worried about are:
free exotic weapon proficiency, good or no
Being able to finesse two-handers(even hammers), is the limit on x1 dex to damage necessary, right now I limit the weapon to still requiring two hands to wield but counting as being one-handed for feats and effects.
6+intmod skill points, I want it to be useful outside of combat but are 6+int necessary with already a focus on int.
the amount of bonus feats and rogue talents on top of a deed system. I know it's probably stronger than a swashbuckler but the swashbuckler is pretty weak.
Canny Pacing Deed - good or should i tone it down slightly
Weapon-Meister Training and Weapon training, should I tone them down, combine them, etc?
Canny Positioning, too strong? I don't imagine the class will ever get amazing int unless you specifically go for defense, but a possible 10 dodge bonus to AC can be substantial(but that requires 30 int so...).

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

so it's a hybrid class between an unchained rogue and the fighter. so far i have duelist but it doesn't fit well.

It's like a swashbuckler that focuses heavily on specific weapons and uses their intelligence modifier as their off stat. 10d, full BAb, 6+int skill points. IT starts proficient with a single exotic weapon.

Also think of making a reverse power attack mechanic, trading damage for to-hit, does a complete reverse seem balanced or should it be toned down a bit(in either direction, less BAB or less damage loss)?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

so I got invited to a kingmaker campaign and I've had a little character idea for a while.

So first of all my character has some house rules that make it work.

I'm a kobold who plans on finessing a two-bladed sword, GM allowed it to be finesse-able since exotic prof and weapon finesse are already steep. We start with 1 mstwrk weapon & armor, essentials(this was vague, but he put it as whatever your character needs to function within reason), and 200gps.

I plan on first level taking a level of two-weapon fighter or lore warden (haven't decided yet, but rolled for stats and they were good so I can do the int fine), then 3-4 levels of unchained rogue to get dex to damage. haven't decided on traits yet.

The problem is, and what i'm asking about, what can i do in the interim to make sure i'm at least somewhat effective during this time and that i live until level 4? (i'm thinking a bow, but is bowing worth it without feat investment?)

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


A Lance multiplies damage by 2 or 3 with spirited charge, do you multiply things like precision damage or powerful charge, while charging with a lance?

and where in the rules does it specify the differences or connections between multipliers and critical hits.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

so... can you apply effortless lace to one end of a double weapon to make both ends finesseable?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

playing a eldritch Scion magus maybe, and was allowed to get ranged spell strike at the same time. what bloodline actually could turn out good for a ranged character?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

ignoring enhancement bonuses ignoring certain DRs, does DR/- apply to fire damage, how about DR/-silver or DR/magic.

does the fire apply damage to DR/magic if it's from a magical source? or is everything covered by resistances already go through DR?

does DR/whatever apply to each damage type one at a time or just removed the listed amount from the total amount

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


If I cast with the hand that has a buckler equiped does it lose it's bonus?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I was wondering if anyone used the unchained loyalty system and had ran a paladin, I'm going to be doing so soon and was wondering how it went. (where your highest loyalty does not need to be good)

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

does this have to persist? or after you cast the spell is the effect fine for the duration.

basically if someone walks more than 30 feet away, does the effect end?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

otherwise it's very cheap.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Bandw2 wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Is that a challenge?
I think it is, quickly we need to come up with ideas.

Oh oh!! I got one!

--> Do PCs need underpants when wearing armor?

so do they?, and if so how much do they cost? what are the penalties to not wearing underpants?

Do you get a bonus if you pants them?

also, will a paladin fall if they face an opponent without underwear?

do rogues gain sneak attacks against underwearless opponents.



7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Challenge: Whenever an order of the dragon cavalier issues a challenge, his allies receive a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls against the target of his challenge whenever he is threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.

Does this circumstance bonus also apply to yourself. making it a VERY good way of increasing your accuracy while being a cavalier.

I understand that normally you're your own ally, but it feels like RAI is that it doesn't(but know full well it probably by RAW does). Was wondering about people's opinions and if anything official has been said on it. If you think it is FAQ worthy, FAQ it (in that it is at least questionable one way or the other).

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


is this just an amulet, and gains natural armor? or is it a weapon and adds enhancement bonus? or is it both and it's price is multiplied by 4 after adding 2k, or before? this feels really weird, and I was wondering how people think it is RAW and how they would do it in their own games.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

... and so one of my player's is carrying around ghoul dust in his pocket, do you think touching this stuff would/should be enough to have him roll fortitude saves?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I've seen some posts that made me think that I had it wrong how combat works while mounted.

so questions

A) do the mount and rider work on the same initiative
B) does the rider still get all his actions if his mount moves, if so how much can the mount move.
C) can a mount and a rider both perform full round actions in the same round.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Active Fighter

I posted this a while ago looking for input, but I updated it a bit and cleaned it up, fixed some mistakes. Was thinking I might get so different input since it's been a while, new faces and all.

Thing of note: this is supposed to be a general improvement to the fighter, and stack with most other archetypes, so it should seem better than the fighter, even slightly so. so that's the goal to raise the fighter's ability to do things in combat other than full attack.

Also, wonder if limiting it to melee(to regain vigor) is too restricting or since most abilities that require a use of vigor are for melee that it should be fine.

feel free to comment in the document itself.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

do you think making a feat with a prereq of weapon focus, so that you can use any one weapon as if it were a one-handed piercing melee weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon?

except perhaps swashbuckler finesse or other abilities to apply dex to hit.

honestly what would be the best cost for a feat? allow dex to-hit, allow it for all purposes other than changing what stat can be used for to-hit, or would it be too powerful(I highly doubt this)?

two-handed weapons wouldn't work with precise strike, but it would allow you to use them to regain panache.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


Do they still gain increased damage on close weapons?

the ability isn't replaced and it says of a "brawler" 4 levels lower.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

as i'm looking at it, not THAT bad, not much reason to go beyond 4rth level though, as most everything after that is restricted to one-handing for a good bit.

But say you wanted to make a good light armored person who uses two-handers, is there a better option? what would multiclass well for this if you wanted to take a few levels of swash?

man though, that bad save progression does make this a lot harder on anyone trying to do this.

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