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Azarius2010's page

**** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Frederick 37 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters.

Lantern Lodge

It is my interpretation that injury poisons made with Quick Alchemy are potent until the beginning of your next turn, i.e. they are potent until the beginning of your next turn if not applied to a weapon. When an injury poison (normally not from Quick Alchemy) is applied to a weapon it is activated to apply its effects until (the duration) the weapon bearing poison hits and does piercing/slashing damage or until the weapon bearing the poison critically misses (at which time the poison affliction begins or does not). Thus the duration of the poison starts when it is applied (i.e. the Interact actions are taken to apply it). With Quick Alchemy, that duration (starting after the Interact action), would be 10 minutes not the open ended duration described above. So, Action #1 to use Quick Alchemy to make, let's say, Giant Scorpion Venom (which is now potent until the beginning of your next turn), Action #2/3 to apply (i.e. 2 action interact) the Giant Scorpion Venom (Infused/Quick Alchemy) to a weapon (which now will last on the weapon for 10 minutes). If you were a toxicologist, you could Action #1 Quick Alchemy the poison, Action #2 Apply the poison with interact to the weapon (which will now last for 10 minutes on the weapon), and Action #3 attack with the weapons.

Does that sound kosher?

Lantern Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Frederick

302 and 303 appear in my digital content but only show files that are 22bytes in size and cannot be downloaded. Is there an issue?

Lantern Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Frederick

Does a boon exist that gives PFS2 characters access to this feature from the Lost Omens Character Guide? I cannot find it.

Lantern Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Frederick

Any updates on when this will be legal for Pathfindere Society/Guild play?

Lantern Lodge

I was going through the steps for a paladin and mounted combat.

I noticed the wording for the Mount animal companion/Support Benefit on page 216 of the Core Rulebook.

I also noticed the wording of Jousting on page 283 of the Core Rulebook.

My interpretation is that on a mount (not the companion) the base lance damage would be 1d8/1d6+1+Strength.

Whereas, on a Horse Companion (with the Support Benefit) the base lance damage would be 1d8/1d6+3+Strength.

Does that seem correct to you all?

Lantern Lodge

Can one apply a skill increase to advancing weapon/armor/perception/saving throw proficiencies? I don’t really see that defined clearly in the Sill Increase description.

Lantern Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As always, here is my honest and refreshingly candid opinion. Resonance needs a great deal of work, I.e. it down right sucks. My main reasoning for that is this, several items , like Slippers of Spider Climb, must be invested and then only ever give a benefit after another totally separate RP is spent; no primary benefit. IMHO, these items are not worth much and seem like the Pathfinder developers were nerfing for the sake of nerfing. Lastly, the Alchemist should be completely severed from dependency on RP. Another nerf for the sake of nerfing.

Lantern Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Frederick

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We will be running a full Pathfinder Society Convention on 5-6 November 2016 with 20 Table/Events. All events are free (courtesy of the Historic Haven; thanks Gene and Steve). The big highlight of this Con is that we will be running 6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords, a convention special, as well as, many exclusive 4/5 Star/VO run scenarios.

Sign up in Meetup for the slots available on 5 and 6 November 2016. Slots are going fast so sign up early.

Any questions, please contact me at my account (via the messenger). Also see the following link: or

Lantern Lodge

The spell Aqueous Orb (APG) states: "Creatures within the orb MAY attempt a new Reflex save each round to escape into a random square adjacent to the aqueous orb."

The use of the word MAY implies a choice or perhaps an action to be taken. Is this true or should the wording be changed to "Creatures within the orb shall attempt a new Reflex save each round..."

Lantern Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Frederick

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that we are running games at the Historic Haven in Frederick, MD, usually 3 Sundays/month. So far, we have run 8 games in the last 2 months (not bad for beginning) with full tables for every game. We are always looking for new folks to join in from around the area. We get players from PA, Baltimore, Frederick, DC Metro area, and VA. Here is a link to our website:

Any questions, get in contact with me.


Lantern Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Frederick

How many XPs are the Sanctioned Mods worth? When I download the additional rules, all I get is the chronicle sheet.

Lantern Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Frederick

I am fairly new to Paizo and PFS, having tried the whole 4E LFR experiment (Arghhhhh) (but was a veteran LG gamer). I have but one question, why was 12th level chosen for character retirement?