![]() I know of nobody from my local Lodge who will be purchasing this book, given the near universal condemnation it's received online. Will there be a changelog posted somewhere of everything that's getting nerfed? I imagine someone sitting down to their character's retirement game and being blindsided that "Oh, that doesn't do that anymore". ![]()
![]() Dervish Dance wrote: You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield in your off hand. Buckler wrote: This small metal shield is worn strapped to your forearm. Slashing Grace FAQ wrote: Slashing Grace does not allow most shields, but bucklers work because they don’t occupy the hand. Seems pretty clear that Dervish Dance and Buckler works just fine. Most of the arguments you probably saw were before the Slashing Grace FAQ, which really put the last nail in the coffin. ![]()
![]() kaisc006 wrote: Does someone know if this has been clarified for society play? It's not handled any different in Society. If the Swashbuckler successfully parries, the attack misses. Same for Snake Style, Deflect Arrows, and other similar abilities. If your GM is saying that you cannot parry a Natural 20, the burden of proof would be on them. ![]()
![]() Jurassic Pratt wrote: Sorry I offended you. That's quite a leap of logic. No offense has been taken (and I did not interpret your post as a personal attack). I think if anything my posting history shows that I am more annoyed with the mentality and oxymoron of "rules as written". Nothing about this FAQ invalidates my build. I read the Swordsmaster's Flair as working just fine with Slashing Grace. And I'll often post with aliases when the topic at hand is directly related to that character (my Necromancer for Undead threads, my Gunslinger for ammunition threads, and so on). You'll see that the majority of this alias's posts are in Swashbuckler-related threads (other than her PbP activity). ![]()
![]() Good question. There are a few points to consider: 1) Flavorwise, probably not. The style of the class revolves around fighting with a single weapon in one hand. 2) The Bastard Sword FAQ makes it seem like a weapon wielded in one hand counts as a one-handed weapon, while a weapon wielded in two hands counts as a two-handed weapon. 3) That FAQ may apply only to the Bastard Sword (plus other one-handed exotic weapons that may be wielded in two hands), and may have no relevance to this discussion. 4) The Swashbuckler abilities specify "light or one-handed piercing melee weapon". Regardless of how a Rapier is wielded, statistically it falls under that category. 5) There have likely been other discussions concerning this exact same question, which may or may not have involved guidance from one of the higher ups. So, barring further evidence, I'd say ask your GM. If this is for PFS, then I'd say ask your GM and expect table variation. ![]()
![]() You don't want to wield an inappropriately sized weapon. Unless you're Strength based. Weapon Finesse only works with weapons sized for you. You could go with a Katana, and Slashing Grace. Only costs you 1500gp. ![]()
![]() Murdock Mudeater wrote: Regarding the piercing, was wondering with regard to the amateur swashbuckler feat (also on that wizard). Was just thinking that the CHA to AC once per session or that parry attempt might be worth the investment. Ever since the errata you can't select Opportune Parry and Riposte with Amateur Swashbuckler. ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() Hey, everyone. My sincerest apologies for not posting this last week. I'm going to have to bow out. I was already barely able to post as it was, and life hit me kind of hard this week. I don't see myself able to continue any of my PbPs any time soon, so I'm sending this message out to each of them right now. For the GM: however you want to handle my Chronicle is fine with me. Even if it's 0xp. If you could email it to Nefreet@Yahoo.com that would be best. Otherwise just a PM with a link would be great, too. Again, my apologies to everyone. This isn't something that I've had to do before, but I wish you all the best of luck and happy gaming! ~ Eric ^ that's the generic message I sent out to each of my other PbPs. For this one For I'm especially sorry about =(. I was really looking forward to this, and playing with all of you. Thank you for the awesome opportunity and the awesome experience. Maybe it will happen again some day. <3 ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() Wei Ji wrote: Have to say, thus far despite being a late entry I've gotten more role-play in this one than I did in Feast of Ravenmoor. I suspect that the characterization and environment are a lot more conducive to such... There's some background behind this group and why we're heavy on roleplay. Myself (Nefreet) and Juniper (TheFox) had never done a Pathfinder Play by Post before last year. We'd both tried PbP long ago with different systems and had terrible experiences. Then, in September 2015, when we both realized our similar backgrounds, we started PMing each other, discussing whether we wanted to give PFS PbP a shot. It was obviously very popular, and we were open minded to the possibility that this could be fun. So TheFox created this thread, asking for a GM to help out a couple of newbs. GM Hmm was the first one to reply. TheFox and I are very descriptive people. With Juniper being a Helpful Halfling, and Azara being a slave-owning Chelaxian, the RP poured out. The other people in this group made similar comments as yours, that they hadn't RPed this much in a while. And with our posting rate we finished in just 3 weeks (still the fastest I've ever played a scenario online). So, when that scenario concluded, we all promised a follow up together, and this is that follow up. TheFox and I are now in numerous PbPs (too many for both of us), and we've started GMing some, too (with "eh" results). I think we both realize that Hmm's first PbP set the bar really high for us, and we've been looking to reach it again ever since. For me, I'm especially sad that Juniper couldn't be here, since we started this online excursion together (both OOC and IC), but I also understand that we both have a lot going on IRL, too. Glad to have you aboard, though =). ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() Azara sniffs the underside of her wrist. I haven't put on anything since yesterday... Walking slowly into the room, Azara makes her presence known with a polite tone in her voice. "Essential oil. From the Elysium Red Lotus. You have quite a skill, there." Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26 ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() We're already down one Halfling. Would be a shame to lose the other one. Such skills are so hard to find these days. "The amulet. If nobody else wishes to repurpose it, I am ever on the lookout for new pieces of jewelry. It's a shame I left my evening dress at home. It would match this perfectly." Azara's AC is already decently high at 29 (33 vs movement AoOs), plus the whole parry/riposte shenanigans, so if anyone else needs it more, feel free. ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() Azara's warm demeanor towards the new arrival transitions to one of professionalism. She puts away her gnarled wand and searches through her pockets, bandoleer, and finally her haversack before taking out a slender wooden case. Dusting it off, she pulls out a pearlescent wand that looks practically brand new. "Here," she says to the Tengu. "This should feel a bit more... familiar. I believe its command word is 'Boo'." Wand of Cure Light Wounds. Then, looking across the river, she adds, "I do hope we find Deeana in there. And alive. We're going to need a proper meal prepared tonight after all this trouble." ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() Less than 10% of my characters use Infernal Healing. Only Azara (a devout Asmodeus-worshiping Chelaxian), my Dhampir Necromancer, and my Abyssal-Blooded Bloodrager. I know it's the popular thing to get, because lots of people believe 10hp > 1d8+1, but it has to fit the flavor of my characters. ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() "Oh, excellent! I trust you've studied a wide range of the healing arts, then? Here..." Azara pulls out a slender wand made from a gnarled black and green horn. It smells slightly of sulfur. "I acquired this from a dear friend. Although I am in no need of its curative magics at this time, accidents are always inevitable. It's command word is 'Beg'." Wand of Infernal Healing. "I am Baroness Azara Emberkin, of Egorian. You may call me... 'Baroness'. Although I prefer dining on frogs legs to fending off actual frogs, my time with the Chelish Navy hunting down pirates lends me more towards the thrill of swordplay during these sorts of missions." A bright, gleaming gold unholy symbol of Asmodeus adorns her neck, and despite the recent combat her noble clothes are impeccably clean (sleeves of many garments). ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() Azara gently stuffs the tip of her scarf into her collar and sheathes her scimitar after washing it off a bit in the water. She then pulls two vials of an iridescent blue liquid from a belt pouch. "I've been holding on to these in case of emergency. An alchemist crafted them for me years ago. Touch of the sea, I think he called it." Taking one for herself, she continues to hold out the other. "I can always have Dalia make an errand to pick up more when I return to Cheliax. Would anyone like this one for now? The taste is... tolerable." ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() "I suppose there is enough here to provide the town with a banquet!" Begin round with 5/5 Panache. Maintaining Raging Song.
Attack on (blue): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27
Spirits on (blue): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Potential Parry/Riposte on (brown): Parry: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 16 + 1 = 35 (Panache at 4/5) If Parry is successful, Riposte: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 16 + 1 = 28
If Riposte is successful, Fortuitous Riposte: 1d20 + 16 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (1) + 16 + 1 - 5 = 13
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() Gosh, how does this character work again? Lol Let's do the Raging Song for a change =)
Smoke begins to billow around Azara as the air around her gets increasingly warm. To the frog, she declares, "No means no!" In a flash she leaps over towards [red], passing right in front of [green] as she does so (provoking). [dice=+1 Fortuitous Viridium Scimitar]1d20+16[/dice]
Confirm Crit?: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34
Spirit Slam on (green): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Potential Parry/Riposte:
(Includes +1 to-hit from Pirate Duelist Trait)
Parry: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 16 + 1 = 28 (Panache at 3/5) If Parry is successful, Riposte: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 16 + 1 = 28
Confirm Crit?: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 16 + 1 = 33
If Riposte is successful, Fortuitous Riposte: 1d20 + 16 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (3) + 16 + 1 - 5 = 15
Confirm Crit?: 1d20 + 16 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (18) + 16 + 1 - 5 = 30
That is a MOUTHFUL! Three possible crits! ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() I really try to make my characters do different things. For the most part I play different classes, races, personalities and primary weapons. For example, out of 35ish characters, Azara is my only one with 1) Swashbuckler levels, 2) a Scimitar, 3) a dominatrix persona, and 4) Viridium as a special material. So, yep, only one Tengu. There are so many other things still to do! ![]()
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)
![]() Leaning on her hip, Azara looks amused at the appearance of the smoky horse. "Looks like Asmodeus finally decided to send me that Horseman I've been praying for all these years..." But then, as the form of a Tengu rider becomes clear, she sighs. "Silly me. I should have better stipulated his race. When we're done here I really need to go back and finish up my studies on contract law."