PFS Doom Comes to Dustpawn -- GM Hmm (Inactive)

Game Master Hmm


Doom!Leeara's Hideaway

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Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male N Half-Orc Skald 11 (songs) | AC: 24 (12 Tch, 22* Fl ) | DR: 1/- | CMB: +11, CMD: 21 | F: +14 , R: +10, W: +12 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +20 (GM: +5) | Speed 30ft | HP: 85/85 | Raging Song: 31/36 | Glorymane Attacks: 3/3 Spells: 1st- 6/6 2nd- 3/5 3rd- 5/5 4th- 2/3 | Spell Kenning 2/2 | Active conditions: Heroism(Extended)

"Wise as always, dear Kiku. You hold on to the wand." After a quick flourish, Grigorii hands the wand of magic missile (CL 5) to Kiku.

Grigorii reveals his own amulet, scrutinizing the design.

Grigorii seems to brood over the cultist's amulet for a moment. He turns the talisman over in his hands several times before explaining, "The Dominion's work on Golarion is tended to by cultists and the insane—pawns who rarely, if ever, actually know why they do the things they do. I doubt any cultists we might encounter would have any insight at all into the Dominion's goals or nature." Grigorii's look of pity and regret lasts only as long as his wisful sigh.

Sovereign Court

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Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)

We're already down one Halfling. Would be a shame to lose the other one. Such skills are so hard to find these days.

"The amulet. If nobody else wishes to repurpose it, I am ever on the lookout for new pieces of jewelry. It's a shame I left my evening dress at home. It would match this perfectly."

Azara's AC is already decently high at 29 (33 vs movement AoOs), plus the whole parry/riposte shenanigans, so if anyone else needs it more, feel free.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

"If Yojimbo can put the amulet to better use, I have no objections to that, or Shel or Kiku. As noted, I already have one of my own. As far as the blade goes, does anyone see that as an equipment upgrade? I already have a half-dozen weapons plus BEING a weapon, so I'm willing to defer to someone not as well-equipped."

The tengu pauses and considers Grigorii's words about the DoHminion. "There are strange times when the ripples of actions intersect with another, and results produced are both expected and not. This may be one of those situations..."

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

GM Screen:

Perception, Azara: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Perception, Biter: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Perception, Grigorii: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 2 = 16
Perception, Harsk: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
Perception, Kiku: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Perception, Shel: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 14 + 2 = 35 17 if a trap
Perception, Wei Ji: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (5) + 22 = 27
Perception, Yojimbo: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Perception L: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Perception, W1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Perception, W2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

So now that you know that there is a secret passage behind that canvas sheet, how are you proceeding? Is Shel stealthing ahead again?

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

"Shel, why don't you recon ahead, I'll come up in a little bit so you can still get light but have ample shadow to work with? Sound like a plan?"

With that sort of set-up, to get Shel some nearby support is my thought, any other ideas?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku frowns and shakes her head at the mention of the shortsword.

"I would be honored to use the weapon of Jaidz, the Fearless Claw; Kelinahat, She of Ebon Wings; and Thisamet, The Blithe Spirit, especially one of such great make and magic. Alas, I must admit that I have not trained in the use of such blades."

She nods at Wei Ji's suggestion, then turns to Shel and bows, holding her staff horizontal at waist height once more.

"Shel, you are ever so good at scouting ahead. We would be honored if you would do so again. If you would prefer not to, I can send Yojimbo a little ways ahead. He can stay with fifty feat of me without me needing to strain and risk losing our connection for the day."

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

"Thanks for the offer, Kiku, but I'd feel better checking things out myself. Yojimbo could certainly follow behind me if he wanted, though.". Shel moved forward, nice and slowly, making sure there was a bit of light to guide her path.

Stealth (I think Heroism would probably still be active) 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 18 + 2 = 28

Silver Crusade

Male dwarf Ranger 14 | HP 1118 | AC 30 (34 vs giants); Touch 18; FF 24 | F +12; R +16; W +11 | CMB+16; CMD 34| Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Perc +24 | Stealth: +15 Ranger 14

Harsk smiles which is very uncommon and turns to Shel.

"I'm not too bad at sneaking myself. I'm sure you could use a pair of dwarf eyes in a tunnel."

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Since her companions have light at the Secret Door entrance, Shel can travel a ways up the tunnel without any other light source until the path bends. It opens up into a large cavern that Shel can only see partway inside.

If Yojimbo and/or Harsk are accompanying Shel, I'd like stealth rolls please.

Silver Crusade

Male dwarf Ranger 14 | HP 1118 | AC 30 (34 vs giants); Touch 18; FF 24 | F +12; R +16; W +11 | CMB+16; CMD 34| Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Perc +24 | Stealth: +15 Ranger 14

Harsk points towards Biter.


Then he follows just behind Shel.

Stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

The tengu will carry the short sword for the time being, in the event it proves necessary to use it. If no one expresses interest in the daggers he'll shove them in his haversack -- leave no gear behind, one never knows when it might be useful.

Wei Ji looks at Shel, considers the concealment and how well it was done.

"Shel, watch your step. Remember--"

He breaks off when he's about to mention the basement at the temple, that was a fiasco, aggravated in part from... two of the team members getting too far ahead of the rest of the party and becoming compromised, and then everything going to an exceptionally dark place.

"If there were traps here..."

Going to try and do something here, if it works, cool, if not, cool too.

Seeing how the light plays down the tunnel from his Wayfinder, Wei attempts to move up slowly and angle the light so that it doesn't appear to change while still providing ambient light for the scouts to see.

Stealth Assist(Harsk): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31

EDIT: Also with that roll, if it looks like he can't pull it off, he'll hold up.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Both of you hear the sounds of someone softly sobbing.

Harsk notices that this wide cavern has an unusually low ceiling, only twelve feet high. Tangles of roots protrude from the southern ceiling and walls, and the entire chamber feels damp and moist. A large nest of leaves, furs, straw, and blankets is heaped to the northeast in which a small figure with long dark hair lays prone, back shaking as it sobs. Near it are two watchful animals, a wolf and a wolverine. As Harsk steps behind Shel, he stumbles for a second, then catches himself. The wolf’s ears prick up, for a moment appearing to sniff at the darkness, but then settles down.

Distance perception modifiers were your friend.

Sheets of canvas, painted with scenes of frogs and other animals, have been pinned to the northern walls, onto which numerous pockets have been stitched. A small firepit sits near the entrance to the cave, but it is currently unlit.

Silver Crusade

Male dwarf Ranger 14 | HP 1118 | AC 30 (34 vs giants); Touch 18; FF 24 | F +12; R +16; W +11 | CMB+16; CMD 34| Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Perc +24 | Stealth: +15 Ranger 14

Harsk points his crossbow at the ground.

"Hello there..." he says trying not to startle the figure. "Whats wrong? Have you seen Leera?"

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

The girl leaps up like a startled housecat. Her tear-streaked eyes blink up into the darkness, but she does not see you.

Her eyes are those of a great cat and much of her body sprouts a thick layer of spotted fur. You can see a picture on Slide 4.

Do you want to try a diplomacy check?

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

Diplomacy w/ Heroism 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 16 + 2 = 32

Shel wasn't sure if she was ready to speak up, but Harsk had already made that decision. "My gruff friend is right. We are here looking for a friend. She liked drawing pretty pictures of frogs,too. Have you met Leera? She's from town."

Scarab Sages

AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Concerned by the sounds of crying, Kiku walks up behind Shel, a light cantrip on her staff. The wandering priestess sees the woman's tears and her strange countenance. She considers the information, her eyes popping as she realized the most likely situation.

"Um...are you Leera? We are here to help you."

Diplomacy (assist): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

"How do you know about the... You can see ME?" Harsk sees the girl dive behind one of the canvas panels. "You don't sound like any friends I know. What do you REALLY want?"

Sense Motive 15:
Shel's words calmed the girl down quite a bit until she realized she could be seen.

Another diplomacy check?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male dwarf Ranger 14 | HP 1118 | AC 30 (34 vs giants); Touch 18; FF 24 | F +12; R +16; W +11 | CMB+16; CMD 34| Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Perc +24 | Stealth: +15 Ranger 14

"Yeah we're here to help you. What's wrong?

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

Sense Motive 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 2 = 11

Diplomacy 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 16 + 2 = 19

"Dalviss sent us. He's worried about you. He's half starving to death you know," Shel adds trying to add some levity to the situation. "He showed us your journal, and we tracked you here. He was worried something horrible happened to you. He'll be glad you are fine."

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Kiku dismisses her light immediately, realizing her mistake.

"I am so sorry. I did not mean to presume. We were sent by your friend from town, Dalviss. He wanted us to check up on you and see if you are okay."

She pauses, biting her lip as she tries to think of what else to say.

"If you need help of any sort, I am a healer, and I would be happy to do whatever I can for you."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

The tengu will slowly advance into the room, no weapons drawn.

"Your path is a hard one, and there is no shame in accepting help along the way. In helping one another, one grows as a person. Please, let us grow together."

Diplomacy Assist(Kiku): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

So... we're back in darkness, right?

"I am NOT fine!" The girl says, sniffling. "Stay where you are! Guard!" The two animals back up to guard the canvas where the girl is hiding, growling and sniffing the air. Then there's a pause, her voice calmer. "Everyone knows I work for Dalviss. If he really sent you, if you're not with THEM, tell me something only he would know."

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

Wei follows Kiku's lead when her light goes out, turning off his wayfinder with a murmured Tien word.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

"I told you. He values you as a friend and a worker. he told us that he caught you running a confidence scheme in the tavern a few years back, and you reminded him of Calisro. He put you on at the tavern. He also called you "Lee,"
And said you were a valuable security source about rumors about town for him."

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

"Dalviss used to travel on the ship of a Venture-Captain of ours, Calisro Benarry, as her lieutenant. He wanted to settle away from the sea because of a bad encounter with some Sea Hags."

Realizing such a story was probably common knowledge, she turns to his history with Leeara, hoping that his colorful vocabulary would provide the necessary evidence. Her breathing steadily increases in pace as she gets more-and-more nervous to spell every detail.

"He said that you are, um, a 'minx' but also said you were a cook, a, um--forgive me for the language--'damn good one.' He caught you doing a confidence game, but he reminded you of his old captain."

Kiku breathes in deeply, twitching nervously as she tries to remember any other small details from their interactions with Dalviss. All she can think of is that limp green bean he ate.

"He, um, wrinkles his nose when he tastes something he doesn't care for much?"

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

"Yeah, that sounds like him!" The girl sniffles, and then breathes deeply. "He said I reminded him of Calisro? He loves her! You wouldn't believe how many stories he..."

She breaks off, and then she says dejectedly, "I won't remind him of her now. I'm... changing. Inside. Outside. They hit me with something. I used to be pretty. I used to be smart. Scary bright, you know? And now it's harder and harder to think. I'm losing myself. What's happening to me?"

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

"We are here to help you. Who did this to you? If you show us where they are, I'll promise you that we will make them stop and get you right back to Dalviss."

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

The sniffing and growling cause Wei to pause for a moment as he waits for the situation to either calm down or break out into fighting.

The moment of respite gives him a chance to remember a previous mission he was on for the Society.

"Was the item you were hit with a piece of bark or a shard of something strange? It may have been an Atavistic Splinter. Have you been feeling like you're becoming a bit more... primal... more like an animal? How long have you felt like this?"

Wei waits for a response and then attempts to do some math in his head, based on his experiences on that expedition...

K: Arcana(DC??): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

"You are still you. We will figure this out and we will get it fixed."

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

"No, it wasn't a splinter. It was a bolt. Those four prospectors, I was suspicious of them. They didn't seem right, no matter how much money they're paying Dalviss. I watched them and they were so weird. I make GOOD food with fresh ingredients. All they wanted was empty bowls. Then they'd take turns eating from the same spoon that they brought with them that generates oatmeal or mush or something. They don't even wipe it off between people. Gross!"

She laughs, slightly hysterically.

"They were always so furtive. So I got curious and I followed them straight to the old Nesher mine. They spoke some language I didn't know, and then they met with a tall lady in a sparkly robe. And there were all these strange orbs and crystals on the table, and so I grabbed one and then they saw me and I ran. I ran, but they shot me." And then there's a deep breath. "And two other men wearing those creepy robes came here and attacked me. I think... I think I killed them. Never killed anyone before, but it was me or them and..." She breaks off again and chokes off a sob. "This is my safe place but they somehow found me."

"I could feel the change right after they shot me. I felt enraged. My thoughts grew fuzzy... heck, I grew fuzzy. And everything hurts. Everything. It's like a sharp pain, right in the middle of my bones, and my skin itches and I have claws now. Yeah, I think I'm like a cat or something. My vision's all weird. And I can smell you guys. One of you's wearing some kind of fancy perfume." She comes out from the canvas. "If you think you can help me... I guess you'd better see it."

Those of you with darkvision can see the picture on Slide 4, except she's clearly wounded in multiple places.

Heal DC 24:
You've heard of curse-inducing poisons. Perhaps there was one on the crossbolt bolt that hit Leeara?

Knowledge Arcana DC 24:
This is some kind of curse effect, and if it's not removed in the next few days, it will become permanent.

"If you guys are Pathfinders like Dalviss was, you've seen weirder stuff than me, right?" The question is plaintive, and a bit hopeful.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male N Half-Orc Skald 11 (songs) | AC: 24 (12 Tch, 22* Fl ) | DR: 1/- | CMB: +11, CMD: 21 | F: +14 , R: +10, W: +12 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +20 (GM: +5) | Speed 30ft | HP: 85/85 | Raging Song: 31/36 | Glorymane Attacks: 3/3 Spells: 1st- 6/6 2nd- 3/5 3rd- 5/5 4th- 2/3 | Spell Kenning 2/2 | Active conditions: Heroism(Extended)

Until now, Grigorii has listened from behind the turn of the cavern, not wishing to frighten the girl with his fearsome visage, or that of his intelligent shield. At her words, he reveals his presence to the distraught girl, approaching her with light in hand.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 15 + 2 = 33

"Child, I once helped a woman who had been stitched together with the parts from several demons. And I had the satisfaction of revenge on the traitorous experimenter who did it, too. And I bet Shel could read you the report of that accursed museum. You, my child, are far from the strangest things we have seen. Now, let me get a better look at you."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 15 + 2 = 30

He examines the girl with surprising tenderness, humming a soothing tune as he works to understand her condition.

1/day take 20 as standard action
Know(Arcana): 20 + 10 + 2 = 32

Grigorii glances at Kiku, his tone tinged with anger, "ສາບແຊ່ງ ! ນີ້ ຈະກາຍເປັນ ແບບຖາວອນ ຖ້າຫາກວ່າ ມັນບໍ່ໄດ້ຖືກ ປະຕິບັດກັບ ທັນທີ"


"Curses! This will become permanent if it is not dealt with soon..."

He settles himself with a breath, then assures Leeara and his fellow adventurers, "This is some kind of curse effect." He looks the spirit guide in the eye before asking," Kiku, can you help her? I won't be able to try until morning."

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.
AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:

Kiku smiles and nods, all of her earlier trepidation gone as she now knows she can help.

"Yes. I have a scroll that may be able to help. I only have one. Let us pray that it works."

She glances away, her smile fading.

"At least there is something we can do this time." The memories of that poor ettin, Pahg-Var, who she was unable to save lurk in the back of her mind.

She holding up the scroll before Leeara.

"Leeara, please listen, I think I might be able to help you. This scroll may contain the power to remove your curse and return you to normal."

Should Leeara say it's okay

Kiku breathes deeply and closes her eyes as she recites an invocation.

"Irez, Lady of Inscribed Wonder, empower this scroll with your blessing."

She completes the spell on the scroll, hopeful that Irez heard her prayers.

Remove Curse Scroll: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ifrit Swashbuckler (11)

Azara sniffs the underside of her wrist.

I haven't put on anything since yesterday...

Walking slowly into the room, Azara makes her presence known with a polite tone in her voice.

"Essential oil. From the Elysium Red Lotus. You have quite a skill, there."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

K: Religion(On description of the spoon/empty bowl thing): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Is there a religion out there that has this particular belief pattern, or is it the workings of paranoid folks that don't want to get poisoned eating local food/don't eat swine/etc? EDIT: Factor in what Grigorii and the rest of the party related about the Dominion of the Black, as well.

Spellcraft(What kind of magic/item would create that kind of food effect?): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

"They may not have been looking for you, but the thing you took from them. It's a really rare kind of thing, but I've seen it done once or twice, and it's pretty spooky when it's done. Either that, or they are really good trackers... and don't worry on that regard, you have at least one of the best trackers in the Society here in Mr. Harsk, if memory serves?" He doesn't mention that he's not too shabby in that regard himself, better to keep the child calm and relaxed.

Wei will step to the side to let folks past.

"I've seen folks with similar afflictions and we were able to restore them back to full health. It's going to be very hard to do given the experience the expedition I was on had with it, but try to think as much and as hard as possible, and don't stop talking even if you get growly in your voice or you're afraid that you sound weird. If you stop thinking and communicating you lose a very important element in keeping yourself strong against the curse, okay?"

The tengu looks on hopefully at the use of the scroll. Master of Masters, please don't let this turn into the fiasco at the temple again.

His feathers ruffle as he remembers the debrief from that hot steaming mess and how many scrolls the party burnt trying to free him from an enchantment...

There's another pause.

"You're a very good artist. I mean, an insanely good artist. Do you think you could sketch pictures of the woman, the men, and any other noteworthy things while we work on getting you taken care of? It doesn't sound like it'd be a lot, but given your eye for detail I think you could help us a lot that way. Oh, by the way, Eagle Knight Wei Ji, student of the Master of Masters."

Producing artwork might also help keep her sense of self strong, too.

The tengu tilts his head at Azara's sniffing of her wrist.

Elysium Red Lotus? Isn't that used for--

He gives a bit of a shrug. What fellow Pathfinders do in their personal time is their choice, and that freedom is a core tenet of his own belief paradigm.

Silver Crusade

Male dwarf Ranger 14 | HP 1118 | AC 30 (34 vs giants); Touch 18; FF 24 | F +12; R +16; W +11 | CMB+16; CMD 34| Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Perc +24 | Stealth: +15 Ranger 14

Harsk turns to Wei. "Yep I'm a pretty good tracker! And Biter's good a good nose!" He turns to Leeara "Where did the prospector's come from? And did you see the strange lady leave? Maybe we can follow them and see what they're up to? And if you're hurt maybe we can heal you? I got a wand that might help."

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

When the Grigorii approaches with the light, it momentarily dazzles the girl. Her eyes widen when she notices the amulets on Azara and Harsk, but Grigorii and Kiku's words soothe her.

Sense Motive DC 15:
Had you guys not been so diplomatic, the sight of you wearing the same amulets as those who had attacked her might have seriously panicked her.

The wolf and the wolverine pop out of existence.

"They never last." The girl says sadly, then turns to you. "Yes, please. Please help me!" She reaches out a furry hand to Kiku.

As Kiku releases the curse, the girl curls up in a fetal ball, screaming as she changes again. "Aaaaaaggghhh!" The fur, fangs and tail retreat and her face and limbs reform. Her muscles shift, limbs becoming more slender. When she looks up again, she's panting and covered with sweat, but her face is human once more.

And yes, she's very pretty -- especially now that her face is lit with a lively intelligence. She squeezes Kiku's hand once more. "Thank you. I think I owe you all a serious debt. You carry scrolls of Remove Curse on you? Are Pathfinders always this prepared?"

She laughs as the barrage of questions come in from Wei and Harsk. "Give me a moment, I'll get them all answered for you once I've caught my breath!" She grabs pen and paper, and starts writing them down. "Oh and if you want to look at the crystal I stole, it's over there."

She points to the nest behind her.

Perception DC 15:
The crystal is buried under the blankets. It's a 1 inch sphere of colored basalt, painted with tiny craters.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

The tengu breathes out a slow sigh of relief.

"Forgot to stock up on one when I was in Absalom last, but yes, most try to keep at least one, and a couple of others on hand. Saved my tail feathers when a mummy decided to get a little bit too close to my personal space in the desert of Osirion. Pretty sure the rest of us can relate similar situations."

Wei will take a careful measured look at the sphere as Leera catches her breath.

Perception(Take 20, if allowed): 20 + 22 = 42

Perception(Take 10, if allowed): 10 + 22 = 32

Perception(If neither Take 10 or 20 is allowed): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (15) + 22 = 37

Will be without Internet at work for next nine hours, will post when I get home. EDIT: HAH, the die roll fell perfectly between Take 10 and Take 20...

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male dwarf Ranger 14 | HP 1118 | AC 30 (34 vs giants); Touch 18; FF 24 | F +12; R +16; W +11 | CMB+16; CMD 34| Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Perc +24 | Stealth: +15 Ranger 14

Harsk takes a look at the nest.

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15

"Its under those blanket's"

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

"Do you mind if I take a look at that crystal, Lee? There might be a clue to it somehow."

Shel is willing to pay for a share of the expended scroll.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male N Half-Orc Skald 11 (songs) | AC: 24 (12 Tch, 22* Fl ) | DR: 1/- | CMB: +11, CMD: 21 | F: +14 , R: +10, W: +12 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +20 (GM: +5) | Speed 30ft | HP: 85/85 | Raging Song: 31/36 | Glorymane Attacks: 3/3 Spells: 1st- 6/6 2nd- 3/5 3rd- 5/5 4th- 2/3 | Spell Kenning 2/2 | Active conditions: Heroism(Extended)

"Glad you are feeling better, tadpole. What could they want back so badly?"

Grigorii casts detect magic and examines the crystal Shel retrieves.

Know(arcana): 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 2 = 28
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 12 + 2 = 34

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

Likewise on board for sharing cost of replacing scroll/buying scroll. No idea how much that may or may not have saved us, but worth the price of admission for Wei, at least. Player idly wonders what it'd do to a tengu, though... =p

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps


Ye Olde Scroll Mart

Leeara or Knowledge Local DC 15:
There is a Church of the Dawnflower in town. [Location 2 on Dustpawn Map] You saw it when you traveled through Dustpawn en route to the Mineshaft Tavern.

Why a Spoon, Cousin?

Wei Ji or Knowledge Religion DC 25:
You know of no food taboos associated with the Dominion cult. You know that their gods are evil; they would not hesitate to consume most creatures, including sentients. Why a group of their cultists might confine themselves to gruel, you have no idea.

Mysterious Sphere

DC 20 Knowledge (geography):
The sphere is painted to resemble the planet Aballon. The planet Aballon (also known as the Horse because of its rotational speed around the sun) is the closest of the planets to Golarion's star. Close inspection of it via divination magic and telescopes show that it is dotted with the ruins of ancient cities that poke through its shifting sands.

Detect Magic:
You are near blinded by the overwhelming magical aura on this sphere. You detect a present aura of transmutation, combined with a lingering aura from all schools.

Spellcraft DC 18, Mysterious Sphere:
The sphere currently contains one charge of Haste.

Grigorii or Spellcraft DC 34, Mysterious Sphere:
The aura is puzzling. Why would an item with one charge of haste have a lingering overwhelming magical aura from all magical schools? The only theory that makes sense at all is that this might be one part of an artifact. You think that the artifact, whatever it is, needs all of its parts to function.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male N Half-Orc Skald 11 (songs) | AC: 24 (12 Tch, 22* Fl ) | DR: 1/- | CMB: +11, CMD: 21 | F: +14 , R: +10, W: +12 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +20 (GM: +5) | Speed 30ft | HP: 85/85 | Raging Song: 31/36 | Glorymane Attacks: 3/3 Spells: 1st- 6/6 2nd- 3/5 3rd- 5/5 4th- 2/3 | Spell Kenning 2/2 | Active conditions: Heroism(Extended)

Knowledge(geography): 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 2 = 26

Grigorii flinches as his magical gaze lights upon the stone. "This crystal is steeped in strong magic. It retains enough power for haste in itself, but seems to be but one piece of some greater artifact."

"Interesting. It is painted to resemble the planet Aballon, The Horse, known for it's speed revolving around the sun."

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | HP 84(87)/84(87)| F +13 R +10 W +17 (+4 to all vs. undead, +1 vs death effects) | Init +3| Perc +9 Human (Half Varisian, Half Tian-Min)
Spells Per Day Remaining:
3-4/5 2-5/6 1-6/7
Spells Active:


Delight fills Kiku from top to bottom as she sees the magic of her scroll banish the curse. She blushes as Leeara squeezes her hand, but she does squeeze back, cradling the girl's hands in her own.

"It was the least I could do. We Pathfinders travel far-and-wide and encounter many diverse dangers, so I try to be prepared as best I can."

As Leeara rushes over to her writing utensils, Kiku joins her companions in analyzing the sphere.

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

"Thank you all so much for offering to help pay for the scroll. While there is a temple to Sarenrae back in town, I would not think to ask for such generosity, though. It is merely part of my job." I also think you technically can't buy items for other players

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Knowledge (geography): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Kiku looks on in fascination at the sphere, trying to follow Grigorii's lead. She comes to the same conclusion as him about the haste charge.

"If you would prefer, I could hold onto this item to make use of the haste, if it is needed."

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

Wei winces a bit as he starts to look at the sphere with his mind open Detect Magic and then closes his eyes and stops doing that.

"Why would strangers in town not want to eat any of the local food? It's not as if the Dominion would even care what they eat. Unless..."

The tengu shudders a bit.

"Leera, how long have the strangers been in town?"

At the mention of smaller pieces being part of a bigger artifact the tengu grumbles.

"Really? REALLY??" The expression 'mad enough to spit nails' might come to mind.

"Stupid egg-sucking rocks falling on Golarion with strange *several expletives deleted* things messing up everything!"

"First it was the Sky Key, but oh, hey, that's okay, we're just going to put it together to see what it does. Now we've got some Horse-artifact that does Master knows what that ALSO has all kinds of fiddly bits!!" He looks up at the ceiling, apparently offering the challenge to the heavens... "Golarion is NOT your dumping ground! CUT THAT CRAP OUT!!"

His feathers slowly smooth back down as he takes deep breaths and forces himself to calm down from the anger.

"Ahem. Sorry. I'm still a bit sore about being used for one of the Society's 'research projects' recently. I'm good now. Just needed to vent some."

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

Shel was unnaturally quiet. She was trying to wrap her head around the story the young lady had told them. "I think that part about the eating from the same spoon might be important. I doubt they are natural, if our food isn't appealing to them, or has some detrimental effect. Lee, if we take you back to safety in the town, will you map us out where you had the run in with those strangers? We have to solve this mystery."

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Everyone’s compliments and nicknames make Lee blush, but her face positively lights up when she sees Biter. “Oh! I love animals!” She kneels down, offering Biter her hand to sniff. The badger enthusiastically nuzzles it, and allows her to pet him all over.

Harsk, Shel:
From the way Biter reacts, you’re pretty sure this kid has wild empathy.

“Um. How old do you have to be to be a Pathfinder? I turn seventeen next month.”

Sense Motive DC 27:
Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

She does not turn seventeen next month. She’s probably added a full year or more onto her age.

Then she frowns and stops short as she looks at the nest she made. “I tore my camp bed apart?” She shudders. “I fluctuated between moments of lucidity when I knew what was happening, and times when this feral half-beast raged inside me. If you guys hadn’t lifted the curse...” She meets Kiku's eyes, then looks at each and every one of you. “Thank you.”

Then she takes a deep breath and pulls herself together, consulting her notes.

“The strangers arrived two days after the meteor fell, right after the whole town went nuts searching for ‘star metal’. They claimed to be Drumish prospectors, but how did they arrive so fast? I told Dalviss I suspected they were trouble. However, with the whole meteor mania going on, most of Dalviss’s regular business from the tavern dropped way off, and they offered him a wad of money to rent the common room for a month.”

“I followed the prospectors from the Mineshaft, out into the hinterlands, and then to the Nesher Mines.” While Lee talks, she sketches. “Maybe a few maps would help?” She draws a map of the Dustpawn hinterlands including the location of the old Nesher mine [Slide 2], a detailed map of Dustpawn itself [Slide 5], images of the prospectors [not shown] and the lady she saw [Slide 6]. “She towered over everybody, skinny and grim with long white hair and crazy eyes. And no, I didn’t see where she went afterwards. I was too busy running.”

Then she looks up at you, brows furrowing. “Wait a minute. They don’t know I’m back, right? I want to go home, make you all a real meal, see Dalviss, be back in my own room. But can we get me back without them seeing? For now, you’ve got the advantage on them. They think they got rid of their witness, right?”

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu
Channel Positive(2d6): 3/6 rem.;Lore Keeper (At will, Touch Attack/learn DC 21 about target), Rebuke Death 6/day(1d4+1),.;Studied Target 2
Sla7Cl3|HP:47/93|AC: 31(35)/T:16/FF:28|F: +12(13)/R: +10(11)/W: +11(12)(13)|BAB: +9|CMB: +12|CMD: 28/26FF|Spd 30|Init: +4|Perc: +23| Stealth: +21|Acr: +7|S.M.: +8| Surv: +10(15 to track)|Dip: +10|PFS#145296-1

"I've never heard of a particular age restriction, though we tend to frown on people that are a bit younger than adult human for safety reasons. That being said, I started doing missions on behalf of the Society when I was seventeen, so that's not too far-fetched a thought. The big important things are Explore, Report, Cooperate... and one I add on there because it's just as important *LEARN*."

Sense Motivation(DC27): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

The tengu looks at the 'nest' and Leera's reaction to it, and then the continuing logic path.

"All sound logic, but what would be the best way to sell that you're no longer a threat to the rumor mill and public eye? I think using your bedding there and maybe bringing back some bloodstained clothing might be the best option, and we announce publicly that we weren't able to save you.... and then let Dalviss know quietly on the side that you're really okay and we're trying to flush out the nasty folks?

Anyone got a better idea? I'm not used to this kind of subtlety."

Silver Crusade

Male dwarf Ranger 14 | HP 1118 | AC 30 (34 vs giants); Touch 18; FF 24 | F +12; R +16; W +11 | CMB+16; CMD 34| Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Perc +24 | Stealth: +15 Ranger 14

Harsk turns to Lee.

"Yeah it sounds like it. We'll check this out for you. I don't know how old you have to be a Pathfinder but we can put a good word in for you. I'm keen to check out that mine. It will be good to be back underground and FAR away from any damm boats."

Dark Archive

Male N Half-Orc Skald 11 (songs) | AC: 24 (12 Tch, 22* Fl ) | DR: 1/- | CMB: +11, CMD: 21 | F: +14 , R: +10, W: +12 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +20 (GM: +5) | Speed 30ft | HP: 85/85 | Raging Song: 31/36 | Glorymane Attacks: 3/3 Spells: 1st- 6/6 2nd- 3/5 3rd- 5/5 4th- 2/3 | Spell Kenning 2/2 | Active conditions: Heroism(Extended)

"I agree with Harsk. I'd like to find that mine and those cultists. If they aren't there now, we can likely track them down."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 15 + 2 = 19 Humans all look so small!
Grigorii eyes Leeara, "That does leave the question of what to do with you. If you stay here for the night, I can work out a disguise for you in the morning. Disguise Other lasts for more than an hour; enough time to get you back to the inn. Otherwise, Kiku has a scroll that can make you invisible for a few minutes. It's riskier, but that could get you inside as well."

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