
Avlar's page

279 posts. Alias of Mrdarknlight.


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Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

I stopped getting updates for this how odd.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

"Patrolling and looking for trouble." Avlar says to the two dark elves.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

"Well that explains why he might of just tried to kill us." Avlar says after hearing Brigitte.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One
"Stop attacking us than."

Attack and Damage Roll:

in case I need it.

Attack:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Damage:2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 6 = 11

Crit Confirm:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 112d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 = 15

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One:

Avlar just grunts as the zombie hits him before taking a swing back.

Attack and Damage Rolls:
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 92d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9

dice roller does not like me today.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One:
Avlar moves up to a zombie and takes a swing at it.

Attack and Damage Rolls:
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 132d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 1) + 6 = 9

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One
"Going to ignore that I have my weapon at the ready are we? As for more contributing let them come to us."

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

Avlar turns and watches as Meredian creates a pit. He than draws his sword shaking his head at the undead.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

"You mostly see just the men why they all look the same to you."


She was going to take us somewhere or something.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

"And no dwarven females do not have beards."

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One
Shakes his head at the two cousins.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Well if that is not cool, damn dice roller.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Was a Dhampir.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit 1

Follows Meredian.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

"Did it really just say bad juju?" He than nods as Kalmafiein speaks.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit 1

Avlar stares at the little ettercap for a bit before saying "Well lets keep it for a bit than, if it does not know anything or is unwilling to help, we can lock it up."

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit 1

"What is it first?"

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

I had to look up what Rothé was.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

Avlar looks at Kalmafein and Meredian "What do you two suggest?"

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Do not worry Meredian, he will start looking more dragon like soon.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One
Avlar follows behind Kolm as he heads down the stairs.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One
Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

After hearing about the fresh rats Avlar says "Wonder if they seasoned them."

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter
narrator wrote:

The halfling spit on the ground. "Well, ain't that just like the big folks, sticking together. Just assumed these a$!~~$~+s were telling the truth. Well, I didn't pay them because I don't owe them anything. I already gots a protection racket I has to pay. I can't afford them let alone these yahoos."

Unit One

"A protection racket, that is a different matter. On top of this you say that the one you already pay is to much?" Avlar thinks for a bit on the situation.

Group, unless someone says something Avlar is going to try to arrest them after he is done thinking.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

"That is troubling indeed." Avlar says to the lizard folk before turning to the halfing "So my good sir, why is it that you have not paid the lizard folk? Did they not do the job as you wished it?"

Diplomacy:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit One

"I see. Might someone lose money or have lost money due to the business you are discussing? I have seen many a men get emotional over lost coin." Avlar says to the lizard folk that spoke to him.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

"Let me try" Avlar says to Meredian. He walks up to the lizard folk saying "Hello what seems to be the problem?"

Diplomacy:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Unit 1

Avlar follows the rest of the group silently thinking on the crime that just happened as well as how it seems to be a very common occurrence.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter
Akhil wrote:

experiment 2


I did not even know that was possible.

Now I know what not to do.

How it looks when you reply.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Avlar walks over with a odd look on his face. Looking down at the man he says "If he gets up again I am going to make sure he wished he did not." He than turns to the rest of his unit "Are we suppose to bring him in or put him up somewhere as an example?"

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Avlar goes to gear up after hearing that Unit One was off to patrol. Once done he goes to get Regulus for the patrol. He than waits for the others seeing them he follows with Regulus at his side.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

It is indeed.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Half-Dragon this time around would of been a bit much sorry Kolm.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Avlar listens to all that is said carefully, knowing from his years with the Company that everything may prove important.

His eyes are the color of lava which is very odd. He seems lean but noting from his clothing that he is not frail or weak. The last thing that is unique about Avlar is the badge he already wears, which has a skull without a lower jaw surrounded by flames with red eyes. He than moves to look at which unit he was to be in.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Was suppose to be Meredian, Kalafein, Kolm and I.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Checking in.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Was what I had so for the back story alright?

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Here is what I have so far for the back story.

Back Story:

Avlar was found by the Company when he was a baby. The Captain decided that they could not let a baby be left alone in a war zone. Many of the men did not wish to keep the child because of how his eyes glowed like magma. The men took this as a sign that the child was evil and would bring bad luck. The Medic known as checked over the child not finding anything wrong with him other than his odd colored eyes. Finally the matter was dropped and the Company raised the child.

Avlar grew up among the band learning everything the Company could teach him about warfare. Many of the men were not the sort to be teaching a child anything about morals or life but they kept their darker nature from Avlar at the request of the Captain. Thus Avlar grew up the child of all of the Company. Finally he was old enough to go out on the field with the other of the Company. He was a very good solider because of all he had learned. The one who taught him the most was the Captain who Avlar called father.

The Company went from battlefield to battlefield, with Avlar learning at a great rate. Finally he was able to be come of the Company. He was giving the badge to prove his member ship, which was A a badge with a circle of silver surrounding a silver human skull with large canine teeth and no lower jaw. Gold and bronze "flames" come down from the mouth, the eyes are set with red garnet stones. All this is set on black onyx. Avlar was happy with his life for years, until the Captain died while defending the what was left of the Company from a mage that was attacking them. With his sacrifice the Company was able to flee from the mage. With the loss of Lieutenant in an earlier battle the Medic became the new Captain of the Company.

Many of the older members of the Company had died in the war that the Captain was lost in. The Company recruited new members which did not know about the dead Captain's wishes of keeping darker part of war be held back. Soon Avlar was disgusted with the new members of the Company, believing that they were savages that did not measure up to the old Company. Finally he went to the new Captain, to ask him to help keep the new men in line. The new Captain than explained everything to Avlar, about the old Captains wishes as well as how the men use to hold back. He than went on to explain that he could not ask the newer men to resist their urges because they do not have the respect for him as the old members did for the old Captain. After much thought Avlar decided to leave the Company. With the blessing of the new Captain he left to travel the world.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

She did link

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Yeah than cannot really say, guess work on the how many ranks are in each part.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

No clue how many ranks you put into each but I think Disable device is off by 1 if you put full ranks into it.

Here is most of the stuff I have done for Avlar, back story will put up after talked to Monkeygod, Kolm and Meredian.

I also had a question. I was wondering if my mount could look like this Mount,Mount. It just for look going to still use lion stats for it.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

If everyone thinks it is time, than should end it instead of dragging it out.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

The hope in Avlar's eyes goes away after hearing the ghost speak. He than decides to wait for the ghost to speak to him again, so he could at least ask to be made to look the way he use to.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Avlar turns to look at Meredian with something akin to tears in his eyes "He can turn me back to the way I was?" He says in a hopeful voice.

Yeah I missed it as well.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Avlar shrugs "Fate is fickle."

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

Shakes head at Pinky.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter


Avlar is that color.

Male Half elf. 3 Cavalier(Beast Rider)/Fighter

I suggest going with either the Bard or Ranger.

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