Eagle Knight of Andoran

Ashweather Ackroyal's page

30 posts. Alias of Shadowtail24.

Come quickly, I need your help... they've taken it, and I cannot get it on my own... they are twisted, foul, cruel... how could they have done this... but Talga says she can find them... she want them dead... I want them dead... can you come?.... I had heard you were nearby

Fragments of the message still resonate in your mind as you finish the journey to Magnimar. Keleri Deverin, an aristocrat and scholar, had sent for your help. It must be important, for she had not even trusted the words to be written, but instead via messenger. You had quickly sent the messenger back with an affirmative response; Keleri was not one to exaggerate a position, and you had been nearby. The messenger had asked after others as well, so you would likely not be alone in the undertaking. Talga though, that name you did not know.

Welcome to the discussion thread for Doomsday Dawn.

I would like to start off with characters ideas/options/ concepts.

For example, i like the idea of a Gnome Ranger with an animal companion. He’s a hunter or scout, who largely eschewed civilization after he was betrayed by a fellow adventurer. He’s been forced back into organized adventuring because the bleaching has started, and the party has helped staves off further advancement of the bleaching. This means despite his bitterness and resentment he still needs the players. It will set up some light intapaety conflict, and a major character growth arc opportunity.

That’s thefirst idea i got to while reading through the rulebook. I’ll figure out my character last to balance the party.

In 4718 Ar—later this year—a rare planetary conjunction, in combination with the power of ancient artifacts erected in the desert kingdom of Osirion thousands of years ago, will create a massive portal between Golarion and the hostile planet of Aucturn, at the far edge of the solar system. If this portal appears, it will allow the ravenous aliens of the Dominion of the Black to harvest brains from the peoples of the Inner Sea region on a devastating scale and provide an opportunity for a nascent entity of great power awakening from eons-long gestation to feast upon the world of Golarion. Fortunately, hints of this imminent apocalypse have emerged from the sands of time over the past decade, affording a desperate chance to avert this doom. These hints and clues have become known as the Aucturn Enigma, and unless multiple groups of heroes rise to the challenge of opposing this catastrophe, it could destroy one world forever while simultaneously creating another.

Welcome everyone,
I will be running a PBP of the new P2E Doomsday Dawn. I have two players committed, and will be running a PC myself. I’ll be looking for 3 more players. I’ll be starting with the Lost Star and moving through as many of the modules as possible.

Because the playtest has just been issued, I will not be requiring full character submissions. . Instead, please submit the below:

-Up to 3 posts or even former PBP characters as examples of your play style. These can be as a PC or GM.

And / or

-describe your usual playstyle, I know it can vary based on character but I find myself and others reverting back to a similar style. (ie, you talk to everyone to find out everything, or you just focus on combat and let others handle dialogue, etc)

That’s it! I will try to base selections on those criteria. If you want to submit more, that is fine, and I will read through anything you submit (within reason).

Character notes: anything official P2E is fine, possibly including optional rules like roll for stats. I would like to start out discussion with character ideas and concepts from everybody so the party can form a good set of characters. And since I’m playing a PC you can play whatever you want and I’ll fill in a need if there is one.

PBP Notes and Expectations:

I saw this guide posted in another recruitment post, and I am a big fan.
Doomed Hero’s Guide to PBP
-I’m in the EST. I work 8-5, but can post before that, at lunch or at night.
-I’ll be posting every day on week days, and I expect you to follow the same pattern.
-I usually bot for trivial RP situations, as well as rolling initiative and saves for players. I’ll be more specific when the game starts.

I will keep recruitment open until at least Tuesday, August 14th at 8 PM EST.

Good luck everyone!

The Last Memory, Calistril 21, 4705:

Hurin’s voice doesn’t quite interrupt the babble in the tavern as much as slams it to the ground and presses his heavy boots against its throat. “Glifedore, yer here.” Whispers of the name do eventually interrupt the silence, only to be interrupted by Hurin again. “There be some… people… here to see you.

Glifdore nods and looks around. Something flashes behind his eyes, maybe nervousness or uneasiness *1, as he notes all the people in the room. “Oy, you lot; whos here for the Merck Guild.” A few hands go up, mostly tentatively.

What, you’re running this thing?” The question comes from a young half-elf near the back of the tavern. He taps the young lady on his lap and she shifts over to another seat at the table.

Glifdore sighs. “Yes Payk, didn’ ya read the sign?

Some of it.

Glifdore reaches into this pocket and pulls out a piece of paper *2. He jabs a stubby finger to a point near the bottom. “It says me name right her’.

Payk makes a show of standing up slowly, brushing off his trouser legs, and sauntering over towards Glifdore. He pulls out a monocle, holds it up to his eye, and glances where Glifdore is pointing. “You still have “e” at the end of your name? I got rid of mine years ago.” A look of fury crosses the dwarf’s face, but Payk speaks again to quell it. “Okay, I’m in.” He takes a step towards back to his seat. “But I want to be promoted to Captain.

Glifdore frowns, “Ther’ don’t be no ranks in the –” he cuts off as Payk starts to turn on his feet towards the door. “Sure, yer now Acting-Captain Payk.” The half-elf takes a step towards the door. “Er, rather, Captain Payk. Now go back to yer seat so I can examine the rest o’ this lot.

Payk whirls, causing Glifdore to flinch. The half-elf salutes and roars, “Sir, yes Sir!”, before striding, grinning, back to his seat.

Glifdore shakes his head, though he is sure to finish before the half-elf is seated. “Alden, are ye here? I know you can write.

An elf that had been sitting at the bar scrambles to his feet. “Here... Sir.

Surprise fills Glifdore’s face. “Yer a blo-, I mean an elf?” He mutters something under his breath in dwarven *3.

The elf pails, which is impressive for an elf given their already light complexion. “I am an elf. Surely I must have mentioned that in my letters.

Looks like I’m not the only one that only skims over pieces of paper” The lady beside the Payk giggles.

Glifdore frowns, his concentration elsewhere. “I don’t think yer did.” He notices the elf’s nervous look. “Nothin’ fer it now, get ‘ver her’, I need yer to keep records.” The elf steps over to Glifdore’s side, pulling out parchment, ink and a quill. He sets himself up on the table next to Glifdore, his quill hovering expectantly. “Put down Payk as a Captain, and yerself as a… Private. ” Glifdore looks around. “Now, who else, and what do ya do.

Dante” The billowing voice comes from a man leaning against a side of the tavern. The sound hangs in the tavern, deep in its tone and haunting in its timbres. The voice matches the man, who even leaning against a wall is towering. His ornate black full-plate is lined with yellow trim. Horns adorn the helmet that covered his face, with only a slit for the man to see through. As ornate as the armor was, it was also equally used. A matching shield, with a dragon in yellow relief, hung from the back of a chair next to the man. The lady next to Payk giggles again at not-so-hushed comment. *4

The chair crashing to the floor is even more audible as a man launches himself to his feet. He tilts his head sideways and his neck cracks audibly. He has a falcata hanging from his left hip, and a kukri attached to his right hip. He’s dressed in traveling clothes, and doesn’t appear to be wearing armor. That doesn’t stop him from rushing at the armorer man, Dante. “Dante! I told you you couldn’t hide! Well, you weren’t there when I said it, but I did say it. And know I’m going to take you down and take you back where you belong.

The man grabs a chair as he dashes forward and smashes it against the armored man. Dante doesn’t flinch as the chair shatters to pieces. The man mutters something *5 and shakes his head. “Ah right, that’s why we use blades.” Dante snakes his arms around the man and spins him, crushing him against the armor. The man struggles to break the grapple, but can’t break out. Dante holds the man for a second longer than is necessary and then throws him away.

The man stumbles but stays upright by crashing against a table. Payk raises his mug, “To Dante!” A few people cheer. The man stands tall, rubbing his shoulder as he steps towards Glifdore. “If he is staying than I guess I am too. I’m Vince -*6-.” He sticks out a hand to the dwarf. Glifdore shakes the hand. Alden diligently scribbles down Dante - Private and Vince – Private on the sheet.

Glifdore swallows. “Right. Er, gud, now then, who else. Quickly now.

A cloaked figure *7 at a table rises. He pulls off his hood deliberately, revealing a humanoid figure with scarlet scales covering his head *8. Motion flows through a few of the people standing in the bar, but the locals don’t seem surprised by the development, and neither do Dante or Glifdore. Vince mutters again *9, and takes a step towards the figure before stopping himself.

Gud, I be hopin that yad be joinin’ us Tarken.

The dragonborn nods. “I offer my aid, and my faith; though you know the restrictions that come with it.[b]”

Glifdore nods as the dragonborn sits. “[b]Put Tarken down az the er… medic.” Glifdore looks around, his face now radiating excitement. “Others?

A male elf, who has so many weapons draped on his body they could double as armor, steps forward and declares himself as Adrien Tansar. A cloaked… figure, it is difficult to tell a race or gender… proclaims himself or herself as Sydney. A man at a table in the corner stands and announces himself as Gray. As soon as he sits back down it’s hard to tell which of the men at the table he is.

A broad-shouldered woman rises, though she remains slightly hunched even when standing. Her scholar’s robes drape loosely over her chain shirt, creating uneven and somewhat obvious lumps due to the fabric bunching around the armor. He hair is sort and black, almost as black as the ink stains on her fingers and robes. She starts to say something, but is interrupted by a scoff from Payk.

Oh great, this guild is going to be full of lizards and wizards. ” The lady sitting next to him giggles. The woman who has stood cocks her head sideways at Payk, and then turns back to Glifdore and introduces herself as Irene Knapp. Glifdore nods in acknowledgement, and again scans the room.

A man in blue flowing robes stands. His hood is pulled back but a – “No! A mask? Even Tarken was brave enough to show us his face dumb, ugly face.

Tarken seems unaffected by Payk’s outburst, but Glifdore appears frustrated. “Payk! We do be tak’n anyone that is willun ta help. You do know the trubble we be in.” Payk sips his drink in response. Glifdore turns back to the masked man. “Yer name, ser?

I am the Azure Avenger.” Payk chokes on his drink. Glifdore glares at half-elf, and then motions for Alden to write down the name.

A female glides forward a few steps from the side of the bar *10 *11. She seems incredibly out of place in the run down, dirty bar. Her traveling clothes are spotlessly clean, and she radiates beauty and pristine elegance. Payk opens his mouth to say something, but it stays open without any words coming out. She introduces herself as Ziera and then steps back to the side of the bar, though her presence is still noted by many around the bar.

A male stands in the corner, his form easily towering over everyone else in the tavern. Payk utters a cry of surprise, and mutters something to the lady next to him *12. He is in full-plate armor, ornately decorated, though his helmet sits on the table. His hair is not mussed, suggesting he hasn’t worn his helmet recently. A blade appears in his hand; he doesn’t draw it, it just appears. The blade is like nothing you’ve ever seen, and seems to be made almost completely of light. The man leave the blade in place for a moment before banishing it. The man smiles at the looks around him. “I am Earmus Halvani IV, and I would like to be a part of guild.

*1 Sense Motive DC 10 Glifedore:
It’s both.

*2 Perception DC 10 paper:
It’s the flyer advertising the Merc Guild. You’ve seen plenty of them on your journey to Tadloton.

The tough times have happened in your life, but now it’s time to do something about it. It might have been failures, or heartbreak, or hardships, but all of it has come to a decision, to start fighting back. Some approach it apprehensively, others with caution, still others with excitement; but all of them approach it with flaws, and none of them approach it with requisite skill. But step one doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs you to get to step two. And as with all beginnings, it’s rarely by yourself that you start making progress. So bring axe, bow, book, symbol, or claws: The Tadloton Mercenary Guild is forming.

The Goat’s Knuckle, Tadoloton. Calistril 21, 4705.

*3 dwarven: Perc DC 15:
Not another one

*4 Payk’s Whisper Perc DC 1:
It looks like the dragon on his shield at him up and spit him out.

*5 Infernal:
a standard catch all curse word

You’re pretty sure you were paying attention as he said it, but the sounds made to pronounce the last name are completely unintelligible to you.

*7 Know Religion DC 5:
The symbol on the back of the cloak is of Erastil.

*8 Appearance:
This must be the oft-rumored dragonborn race, only recently discovered in Golarion. Word is that the dragonborns have existed in Golarion for centuries, but they kept themselves away from the lives of other humanoids. Still little is known about the dragonborn, though, and most of it is likely more rumor than fact. It’s probably true that the dragonborn feature a clan structure, and that they prize privacy of the clan above most other endeavors. It may or may not be true, however, that dragonborn can spit fire or acid like their ancestors, or vanish into thin air at will, or that the clans have started raiding villages and town now that their existence is known.

*9 Infernal:
a much more poignant curse word

*10 Perc DC 10:
The ears and green eyes suggest that the female has at least some elven in her blood.

*11 Perc DC 20:
Though she appears to be a half-elf, the woman is almost assuredly of angelic descent.

* 12 Perc DC 20:
I thought he was already standings

Welcome to the [Name Redacted] Discussion thread. Congratulations on making it this far, but now the actual hard part begins!

Please check in below and note next steps:

-Make a profile (if you haven't already)

-Write out an appearance description (if you haven't already)

-Finish gearing up your character (if you haven't already)

-Fill in your below name status with HP, AC, Saves, and Perc bonus (if you haven't already)

Wait anxiously as I type up the intro post (if you aren't already)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

[Name Redacted] is a quest set in the heart of Cheliax; Egorian. As the houses wage political battles to overtake House Thrune, and the Hell Knights try to maintain order, a third group is starting to make waves. Taishan, an anti-government organization, has been quietly and deliberately working in the shadows to bring down Thrune and many of the other political houses.

This quest is focused on discovery. Information is at the center of it, and the gathering and distribution of that information. You’ll have to figure out the what, and also the how and why. And then you’ll have to determine how much you want to share with the rest of your group. All of this is made more complicated by a very important wrinkle; you’ll start the quest without any of your recent memories (see background for details). This quest will feature obstacles that have to be completed by the party, but there is also a large part of this that can be done individually, or with just part of the group. I'll note, the key to information gathering is digging deeper. The more you put into this quest, the more you get out of it.


This quest is primarily set in Egorian, in Cheliax. I’ve adapted Cheliax slightly for the quest, but for the most part it follows the details in the Wikia. The year is 4707 AR, 67 years after House Thrune has taken over the ruling of Cheliax.
Pathfinder Wikia: Cheliax

Queen Abrogail II and General Gorthoklek are not involved, though the houses detailed in the Wikia play an important part in the quest.

PBP Notes and Expectations:

I saw these guides posted in another recruitment post, and they are awesome.

Doomed Hero’s Guide to PBP Gaming

Building a Better Doomed Hero: Painlord's Advanced Play-by-Post Play

-I’m in the EST. I work 8-5, but can post before that, at lunch or at night.

-I’ll be posting every day on week days, and I expect you to follow the same pattern.

-I usually bot for trivial RP situations, as well as rolling initiative and saves for players. I’ll be more specific when the game starts.

Characters: For this quest, you can either submit your own 5th level character, or play one of the pre-made characters for this quest. Details for either are spoilered below. I don’t believe I’ll have a strong preference in choosing either way, but I will note that obviously, there can only be one submission picked for any pre-made character.

Basic Character Rules:

Level and wealth: Level 5, standard character wealth (10,500 GP). All magical items are available.

Attributes: Roll 4d6 drop the lowest die (roll 2 sets of 6 and choose) or point buy with 20 + 1d6. You can roll all 3 and then choose. (update: for the sake of others in the thread please spoiler your rolls if possible)

Races: Core races, plus Aasimar (minus the spell like ability), Dhampir and Tiefling (minus fiendish sorcery) (Samsaran and Dragonborn are also available as pre-made characters, see below)

Classes: Any Paizo. No Synthesist. I’m not well versed in the Occult classes, though I am not ruling them out. Firearms are emerging.

Skills: We will be using background skills.. You also get free skill rank at level 1 to put into a profession or craft skill. This profession or craft can be legitimate, but could also just be a cover for your true work in Taishan.

Traits: 2 traits, and a 3rd if you take a drawback

Alignment: Any alignment. This quest can support evil characters, and there should be enough motivation to keep them tied to the party.

HP: 1st Level Max, Half + 1 for all other levels

Progression: Technically I use fast progression, though most of the time I use milestones for level ups.

Party balance: You’ll have quite a few non-player characters in your group with a range of skill sets (see pre-made characters for specifics), so party balance isn’t critically necessary.

Pre-made Character Submissions:

I’ve run this quest several times and refined it with each running. The characters below were all played before, and I liked them enough that I’ve folded them into the story line. You’ll find spoilered background and statblock data below in a second post. You can also see post histories in the Tadloton quests where some of these characters were used.

To submit an application as a pre-made character:

1-Write a scene, monologue, interaction, etc with the character. It doesn’t have to be long; I’m mainly looking for how well you portray the character.

2- Gear up your character! (if you want, you can also wait for selection to finalize gear) I have the Hero Lab portfolios that I can send you. I can also send you the BBcode formatted stat blocks, but not until my desktop computer finishes its endless windows update cycle.

-Some characters have “Specific Included Gear.” This gear is included with your character; it does not count against the wealth assigned to your character. You can include equipment and gear, though for your submission having that included is not necessary. If you are selected, you can fill in your gear ahead of the quest starting.

-Because of the nature of this quest, some of the character information has been redacted. If you are going to apply as a premade character, I will PM you the redacted information.

Player made Character Submissions:

-Submit a stat block for your character. You can include equipment and gear, though for your submission having that included is not necessary. If you are selected, you can fill in your gear ahead of the quest starting.

Important: You will begin this quest as a member of the anti-government agency Taishan. You will also not have any memories from the past two years, this includes your entire time with Taishan. This will also include time spent in the Tadloton Mercenary Guild. Therefore, your backstory will need to have 2 specific elements:

1- Your last action should be heading to Tadloton, a small town on the Andoran/Cheliax border that is starting up a mercenary guild. You would be level 1 at this point.

2- You’ll need to have a reason to want to overthrow the House Thrune. It could be simple (you belong to a rival house and want to take over) or complicated (this guy once told you thing that means this other thing will cause this untold destruction and suffering unless Taishan is overthrown)

For the background itself, I’m not overly concerned with the format; I just want to get a sense of what the character is like, how they act, and what their motivations are. That means short summaries, personality descriptions, or sweeping epics are all fine for submissions. If you submit it I will read it (within reason).

PBP History: Optionally, you can submit up to 3 posts or even former PBP characters as examples of your play style.

Recruitment: Recruitment ends November 1st, at 11:59 PM EST. You must have completed submitted character by that time. Good luck everyone!

Hey guys,
I have a DnD 5.0 group switching over to Pathfinder soon. Because of the extreme differences in the class selection process, I created a 140+ option quiz to help narrow their choices. I would love feedback/comments on the quiz, as I intend this to be a living document with updates. Thanks

Google Sites Link

Google Docs Link for Mobile

Hurin’s voice doesn’t quite interrupt the babble in the tavern as much as slam it to the ground and press his heavy boots against its throat. “Glifedore, yer here.” Whispers of the name do eventually interrupt the silence, only to be interrupted by Hurin again. “There are some… people… here to see you.

Glifdore nods and looks around. Something flashes behind his eyes, maybe nervousness or uneasiness *, as he notes all the people in the room. “Oy, you lot, whos here for the Merc Guild” A few hands go up, mostly tentatively.

What, you’re running this thing?” The question came from a young half-elf near the back of the tavern. He taps the young lady on his lap and she shifts over to another seat at the table.

Glifdore sighs. “Yes Payk, didn’ ya read the sign?

Some of it

Glifdore reaches into this pocket and pulls out a piece of paper**. He jabs a stubby finger to a point near the bottom. “It says me name right her’.

Payk makes a show of standing up slowly, brushing off his trouser legs, and sauntering over towards Glifdore. He pulls out a monocle, holds it up to his eye, and glances where Glifdore is pointing. “You still have “e” at the end of your name? I got rid of mine years ago.” A look of fury crosses the dwarf’s face, but Payk speaks again to quell it. “Okay, I’m in.” He takes a step towards back to his seat. “But I want to be promoted to Captain.

Glifdore frowns, “Ther’ don’t be no ranks in the –” he cuts off as Payk starts to turn on his feet towards the door. “Sure, yer now Acting-Captain Payk.” The half-elf takes a step towards the door. “Er, rather, Captain Payk. Now go back to yer seat so I can examine the rest o’ this lot.

Payk whirls, causing Glifdore to flinch. The half-elf salutes and roars, “Sir, yes Sir!”, before striding, and grinning, back to his seat.

Glifdore shakes his head, though he is sure to finish before the half-elf is seated. “Alden, are ye here? I know you can write.

An elf that had been sitting at the bar scrambles to his feet. “Here... Sir.

Surprise fills Glifdore’s face. “Yer a blo-, I mean an elf?” He mutters something under his breath in dwarven ***.

The elf pails, which is impressive for an elf given their already light complexion. “I am an elf. Surely I must have mentioned that in my letters.

Looks like I’m not the only one that only skims over pieces of paper” The lady beside the Payk giggles.

Glifdore frowns, his concentration elsewhere. “I don’t think yer did.” He notices the elf’s nervous look. “Nothin’ fer it now, get ‘ver her’, I need yer to keep records.” The elf steps over to Glifdore’s side, pulling out parchment, ink and a quill. He sets himself up on the table next to Glifdore, his quill hovering expectantly. “Put down Payk as a Captain, and yerself as a… Private. ” Glifdore looks around. “ Put down Tarquin Jeryl as a private too, he’s at the temple tonight but told me he were in. Now, who else, and what do ya do.



Sense Motive DC 10 Glifedore:

It’s both.

Perception DC 10 paper:

It’s the sign advertising the MErc Guild

Dwarven: Perc DC 15:

Not another one

Hurin’s voice doesn’t quite interrupt the babble in the tavern as much as slam it to the ground and press his heavy boots against its throat. “Glifedore, yer here.” Whispers of the name do eventually interrupt the silence, only to be interrupted by Hurin again. “There are some… people… here to see you.

Glifdore nods and looks around. Something flashes behind his eyes, maybe nervousness or uneasiness*, as he notes all the people in the room. “Oy, you lot, whos here for the Merc Guild” A few hands go up, mostly tentatively.

What! You’re running this thing?” The question came from a young half-elf near the back of the tavern. He taps the young lady on his lap and she shifts over to another seat at the table.

Glifdore sighs. “Yes, Payk, didn’ ya read the sign?

Some of it

Glifdore reaches into this pocket and pulls out a piece of paper**. He jabs a stubby finger to a point near the bottom. “It says me name right her’.

Payk makes a show of standing up slowly, brushing off his trouser legs, and sauntering over towards Glifdore. He pulls out a monocle, holds it up to his eye, and glances where Glifdore is pointing. “You still have “e” at the end of your name? I got rid of mine years ago.” A look of fury crosses the dwarf’s face, but Payk speaks again to quell it. “Okay, I’m in.” He takes a step towards back to his seat. “But I want to be promoted to Captain.

Glifdore frowns, “Ther’ don’t be no ranks in the –” he cuts off as Payk starts to turn on his feet towards the door. “Sure, yer now Acting-Captain Payk.” The half-elf takes a step towards the door. “Er, rather, Captain Payk. Now go back to yer seat so I can examine the rest o’ this lot.

Payk whirls, causing Glifdore to flinch. The half-elf salutes and roars, “Sir, yes Sir!”, before striding, and grinning, back to his seat.

Glifdore shakes his head, though he is sure to finish before the half-elf is seated. “Alden, are ye here? I know you can write.

An elf that had been sitting at the bar scrambles to his feet. “Here... Sir.

Surprise fills Glifdore’s face. “Yer a blo-, I mean an elf?” He mutters something under his breath in dwarven***.

The elf pails, which is impressive for an elf given their already light complexion. “I am an elf. Surely I must have mentioned that in my letters.

Looks like I’m not the only one that only skims over pieces of paper” The lady beside the Payk giggles.

Glifdore frowns, his concentration elsewhere. “I don’t think yer did.” He notices the elf’s nervous look. “Nothin’ fer it now, get ‘ver her’, I need yer to keep records.” The elf steps over to Glifdore’s side, pulling out parchment, ink and a quill. He sets himself up on the table next to Glifdore, his quill hovering expectantly. “Put down Payk as a Captain, and yerself as a… Private. ” Glifdore looks around. “ Put down Tarquin Jeryl as a private too, he’s at the temple tonight but told me he were in. Now, who else, and what do ya do.


*Sense Motive DC 10 Glifedore:

It’s both.

**Perception DC 10 paper:

It’s the sign advertising the MErc Guild

***Dwarven: Perc DC 15:

Not another one

Welcome, Players, to the Tadloton Merc Guild.

The intro in the quest will be posted to the gameplay thread. Please make only 1 post in reaction to the scene that just happened and to state your own name and what "yer can do" between now and Wednesday around 5 PM when I will initiate the next sequence. You have until now and Wednesday at 5 to have your character completely set.

Some house GM notes:

-I run several characters as what I call GMPCs. These characters, such as Payk, Glifdore and Dante, will often post under their own alias. In addition to allies, some enemies will be played like PCs. This means I give them complete PC builds, and give them PC dying rules. So if you knock someone to the ground, make sure they're dead.

-I run combat in blocks, with all heroes that have a higher initiative then the next bad guy posting. After that point I will reconcile the Player posts, run the bad guys post, and then it's back to the players. I try to bunch multiple enemies under a single init roll, but will split out separate enemies in more important fights. In fact, as a good rule of thumb, if an enemy has their own init rule you should probably make sure they're dead.

-Make sure you list you AC, HP, Saves, Perception and Init in the Race and Class fields of you profile so that it shows under your name in the gameplay field.

-Please post your drawback (if you have one) below.

-Starting Gold Bonus: In addition to your base starting gold, all of your characters will have 4 weeks to prepare for your journey to Tadloton. The journey itself is paid for through letters of credit that Glifdore arranged, but you may spend the 4 weeks working. this means you can roll 4 Profession checks and add half that much in gold to your possession. You may also use that gold to buy additional equipment. Bards, entertainers, orators, anyone with a perform skill or other similar professions can add 1d4 rolls of their profession/perform skill to simulate performing on the journey to Tadloton. You may only take 1/4 the value of the roll in gold for these types of checks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

After hours, days, and maybe even weeks of travel, the weary applicants to the Tadloton Merc Guild stream into the Morning Ale, described by locals as the tavern with the exact middle reputation in the town. The barkeeper Hurin stands tall on his stool behind the bar and by the time you reach the tavern you've been warned several times to not let him trap you. Nobody says with what, they just chuckle when you ask.

The appointed time for applicants to meet Glifdore is still hours away, and Hurin and other town folk seem pretty certain that they have no idea where the dwarf is. And so, with no other knowledge of the town, you decide to relax, and remove the journey's weariness. Glifdore's letters promised shelter so you decide to wait on that, rather than spend even more money for the Tavern's nightly services.

You do not need to post in your alias if you do not wish to, just post and note your character's name at the top. I'll moderate as I have time but for the most part this is about interaction with each other.

Welcome to Tadloton

Tadloton is a town in which the governance was sour and the people simple. It had no real relevance to the rest of the kingdom, it was just a place far from all other places. It was a place that people went to meet a simple end. To live the rest of their days in a monotonous, autonomous routine, working by day, drinking by night, and repeating the process until death came to their door. What would compel a man to risk his life for such a place?


Good Evening Adventures, and welcome to recruiting for the Tadloton Mercenaries Guild.

This is a homebrew quest that was the first one I ever participated in. It won’t be exactly the same as it was before, but the theme remains the same: every adventurer must start somewhere. The characters in this quest aren’t the champions of tournaments, or the privileged arcane students, or even the divinely inspired. At least not yet. It’s the half-elf who still has to overcome the smell of the undead before he can attack; the elf who’s greatest victory was a batted eyelash from the barmaid; the dragonborn Paladin who doesn’t realize the power of necromancy shouldn't the conflict it will bring within him. It’s this kind of character I’ll be looking for to participate in the quest. With that, let’s look at the details. I am looking for 4-5 play-by-post players with at least a post a day speed.

Your submission should include :
-1st Level Character spec (no need for equipment beyond armor/weapon yet)
-Progression idea: This just needs to be an idea of where you plan your character to be in higher levels (Sorc and fighter to Dragon Disciple)
-Background: You are headed to Tadloton because of the numerous flyers advertising their Merc Guild. I want to know a background before that decision. This can be simple, like an anecdote, a purpose, or a POV story. Just remember, you are a new adventure, and your background and personality should match that. Inexperience doesn’t eliminate personality types, it just qualifies it. For example, the strong fighter can be brash, but he still questions his confidence on his own time. For the purposes of this quest, Tadloton is located in Andoran, south of the mountains in the center of the country.
-No need to create a new alias prior to be chosen

Character Details
-Attributes: 4d6 drop one (2 sets) or 20 + 1d6 pt buy. You can roll all three and then choose.
-Races: Core Races, Aasimar (minus Skill Bonus in Diplomacy or Deception), Tiefling and Dragonborn (see template below)
-Classes, equipment, feats, spells, traits (2 or 3 and a drawback), etc: All Pathfinder official, including The Advanced Classes Guide. I have the guide itself, so please use that instead of playtest material. Firearms are in the emerging state.
---Note: This is probably a good class to test a new class, as you get to start at the beginning. This quest will use fast progression EXP, though in most cases I level up at points in the story rather than strictly by EXP.

Guidance on Character Types:

-I am looking for at least one purely non-magical character .
-Focus for differentiation in this quest should be based on class/archetype builds more than races. I’m allowing submissions for Aasimar, Tiefling, and Dragonborn but I currently think I will take only one non-standard race, or a dragonborn and one other.
-Even though this is an early Adventurer quest from an RP standpoint, that shouldn’t preclude you from making strong characters. I am more partial to selecting interesting or mechanic driven characters but a min/max build won’t be eliminated purely on that basis. Statically, your character can be as strong as possible, it just needs to be the RP that reeks of inexperience.
-Evil alignment characters are permitted, but will be at a disadvantage when being considered for selection.
-I’ll likely check through post history for other/previous characters, so if there is a particular character you would like me to look at you can note them
-I played this quest as a dragonborn paladin.

Dragonborn Race:

Normal – 30 ft
Standard - +2 Con + 2 Cha, -2 Dex
Languages: Common, Draconic
Low-light vision
Cornered Fury - +2 melee Attacks, +2 AC when below half health
Dragon-Scaled (3) – Dragonborns rarely have scale color linked directly to chromatic dragons, but they often share the same color family. Dragonborns gain a +1 Natural Armor Bonus from these scales gain the following resistances based on their scale color:
---Red- Fire Resistance 5
---Blue - Electricity Resistance 5
---Black or Green – Acid Resistance 5
---White – Cold Resistance 5
Draconic Breath (2) – Dragonborns gain the Draconic Breath Feat.
Favored Class (Any): Dragonborns gain +1/3 of a use of Draconic breath per day.

Recruitment will close at 8 PM EST, Monday August 25th.

The second celebration in as many months was in full swing. The former manor house that was serving as the work station had food and refreshments in many of its various hosting room, though the rooms where the work had been done was cordoned off. After years of work, two celebrations in two months meant it was a great time to be doing the work.

It had started with discoveries of several weapons, firearms as some ancient texts they had found called them. The weapons were fascinating, but also completely useless. At least, useless until Reggie had started looking them over. Reggie had set up a target, laid the gun on a table, put a little metal ball inside, and summoned a wizard. “Can you direct a force that pushes the ball through the opening?” The wizard nodded and after a few tries managed to send the ball flying out of the gun and into the target.

So we have to have a wizard every time we want to use this?” one of the others had asked.

No, we have to find a way to generate that force?” Reggie, who had trained with the Guild of Alchemist’s for a time before leaving, smiled. “The Alchemists cause explosions all the time, we just need one we can concentrate and create on command.

They had dismissed the wizard then, and set to work on creating a substance that could fire the gun. Reggie was in charge, but they brought in licensed Guild Alchemists to make sure everything was official. Last month they had finally discovered gunpowder, which should meet all the criteria they needed to use the weapon. And just hours ago they had made several successful tests shots with the guns. It was time to celebrate indeed.

Final Character Adjustments:

HP: Max hit die for level 1, Roll for subsequent levels, reroll all 1's once.

Bonus Feat: If you are a gunslinger, you get Extra Grit or Weapons Focus. If you are not a gunslinger, you get Exotic Weapon Proficiency in a Firearm/

Bonus Point: You gain bonus skill rank in a skill related to alchemy or engineering.

Beginning of Play:

Play begins at the celebration party for successfully testing gunpowder in firearms. You maybe mingle with the other party members, or Reginald Orthem, the leader of the project. You know everyone in the party at least as much as you would form having worked with them. You can set your own level of knowing for each other party member as you wish.

When all the characters in the party are set, we will advance to the murder.

The second celebration in as many months was in full swing. The former manor house that was serving as the work station had food and refreshments in many of its various hosting room, though the rooms where the work had been done was cordoned off. After years of work, two celebrations in two months meant it was a great time to be doing the work.

It had started with discoveries of several weapons, firearms as some ancient texts they had found called them. The weapons were fascinating, but also completely useless. At least, useless until Reggie had started looking them over. Reggie had set up a target, laid the gun on a table, put a little metal ball inside, and summoned a wizard. “Can you direct a force that pushes the ball through the opening?” The wizard nodded and after a few tries managed to send the ball flying out of the gun and into the target.

So we have to have a wizard every time we want to use this?” one of the others had asked.

No, we have to find a way to generate that force?” Reggie, who had trained with the Guild of Alchemist’s for a time before leaving, smiled. “The Alchemists cause explosions all the time, we just need one we can concentrate and create on command.

They had dismissed the wizard then, and set to work on creating a substance that could fire the gun. Reggie was in charge, but they brought in licensed Guild Alchemists to make sure everything was official. Last month they had finally discovered gunpowder, which should meet all the criteria they needed to use the weapon. And just hours ago they had made several successful tests shots with the guns. It was time to celebrate indeed.

Final Character Adjustments:

HP: Max hit die for level 1, Roll for subsequent levels, reroll all 1's once.

Bonus Feat: If you are a gunslinger, you get Extra Grit or Weapons Focus. If you are not a gunslinger, you get Exotic Weapon Proficiency in a Firearm/

Bonus Point: You gain bonus skill rank in a skill related to alchemy or engineering.

Beginning of Play:

Play begins at the celebration party for successfully testing gunpowder in firearms. You maybe mingle with the other party members, or Reginald Orthem, the leader of the project. You know everyone in the party at least as much as you would form having worked with them. You can set your own level of knowing for each other party member as you wish.

When all the characters in the party are set, we will advance to the murder.

Kings and Queens come and go, but two men tinkering in a warehouse can shape the world
-The Truth, Lord Vetinari

Freedom, when done properly, is not necessarily easy, or nice, or expedient, it’s just freedom; and the interesting thing about it is that every other citizen has it as well, which is where, of course, the fun starts.
-The Compleat Ank-Morpork, Lord Vetinari
The Hook:
You’ve done it, you’ve discovered gun powder; a substance with the power to shake up, or just shake, the political structure, or even the structure, of the world! Well, it was really your colleague that discovered gun powder but in true Ankh-Morpork fashion you offed him and claimed the discovery as your own. Well, someone offed him and you sure aren’t taking credit... er, blame, for that murder.
And, as if the city deck wasn’t already stacked, or rather thrown on the floor for you to pick up, against you, now the Guild of Copy Writers, formerly the Copycatter’s Society, has proclaimed that they discovered gun powder. Since they have the aid of mega phones, a device they also claim to have invented, they can say that they invented gun powder much more loudly than you. I don’t have to tell you who the people of Ankh-Morpork are siding with; everyone is aware of their fickleness to believe people who say things in a louder fashion.

The Setting: Discworld:

I am going to run a Pathfinder quest set in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, and more specifically, Ankh-Morpork. Currency, items and characters will remain as they are in Pathfinder, except where noted in character creation below. I am using the modern Discworld setting where the Industrial Revolution and Night Watch series are set. The timing will be just after Making Money, with Sam Vimes as the Commander and a Duke. I will be using Discworld guides, such as the Compleat Ankh-Morpork, and have created several key characters as Pathfinder characters, good luck bluffing Lord Vetinari’s +25 Sense Motive, to make this quest as immersive as possible. This will not quite be an open world quest, you’ll have a storyline to follow, but there will be extensive directions that you can take the quest in.
Please see the Patrician Maker Player’s Guide for the full setting info

Player Characters:

-Starting Level: 3
-Pathfinder Races: Human, Dwarf (must have Hatred: Troll), Lycanthrope (werewolf only)
-Other Race Options: Vampire (Really a dhampir, see below), Troll (custom, see below),
-Classes: All Pathfinder official classes and archetypes. Exception: Synthesist.
-Attributes: Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest OR 20 + 1d6 point buy.
Note: You can roll 2 sets of 4d6. You can do all of your rolls (2 sets and your 1d6) and then choose if you wish. I personally like reasonably-strong (attribute wise) characters in general but the higher stat spread will be needed for this quest.
-Traits: 2 traits. Discworld Traits are listed in the Player’s Guide. Any official Pathfinder traits are allowed, even region/campaign specific traits. The two traits cannot be of the same type, but it is not required to have a Disc World trait.
-Deities: You can assume that there is a Discworld counterpart for all Pathfinder deities.
-Starting wealth: 3,000 gp (standard for level 3)
-Bonuses: All characters are proficient with a blunderbuss, musket or pistol and begin play with the cheapest version of that weapon. All characters also gain a bonus skill rank in either a craft or profession related to alchemy.
-Magic: The magic system for Disc World is modified from Official Pathfinder. See that section of the Player’s Guide for all of the details.


: Vampires in Discworld are not quite as powerful as Pathfinder vampires. For ease of use, use the dhampir template, with the below changes, and treat it as a vampire.
-Ability scores: +2 str, +2 dex, -2 con, -2 cha
-Weakness to Bright Light: Vampires in Ankh-Morpork have adapted to living in sunlight. However, their roots still betray in them bright light. Light attacks that hit the vampire are considered critical hits, though they must be confirmed. Light attacks that are confirmed as critical have a 75% chance of turning the Vampire to ash. Vampires caught in bright light have a 10% chance to turn to ash. If passed, the try is repeated after an additional minute in bright lights. The percent chance increases 10% for every minute in bright light.
-Return from ash: Vampires that turn to ash can be restored to full form with a drop of blood. The process takes until the end of the vampires’ turn in the next round to complete. Enterprising vampires have begun wearing necklaces with a vial of blood attached to it.
-Temperance Movement: Vampires in Ankh-Morpork gain some measure of acceptance if they are a member of Temperance Movement. Members of the temperance movement abstain from drinking the b-word and wear a black ribbon label to note their allegiance. Vampires that are not Black Ribboners take a -5 penalty to all CHA-based skills, but do gain a +2 to intimidate.

Character Backgrounds and Style:

Though this quest is based in Discworld and has a certain element of ridiculousness, it will still require a reasonably strong character to use. I am not a fan of min/max characters and they should especially not be needed with the attribute score options. I am a fan of special mechanic characters, such as a Teleportation Wizard/Fighter that relies on the dimensional agility feat tree, a maneuver master super fast monk, or a variant channeling cleric. All characters will have fire arm proficiency in this quest, so this would also be a good quest for Holy Gun, Spell Slinger, etc archetypes.

I do not need an entire written out background; I am more interested in an idea of your character’s background and the personality stemming from that. In saying that, go crazy if you want to. I will read and appreciate longer submissions. You characters will be involved in the research team that discovers gun powder and, as such, will need to have some mention or predisposition to that end. You can use any additional knowledge you have of Discworld to shape your characters, including but not limited to other nationalities (Uberwald, Borogravia) or events (Holy Wood, any Borogravian War)

Associations: Since the original premise for this quest was getting to interact with Discworld personalities, associations and relationships will shape a lot of this quest. Establishing associations in your background will go a long way in improving the quest and also improve your chances of being picked.

I plan on running two instances of the quest, which means I will be taking a total of 8-10 players. I will keep recruiting open until at least Monday, 11/18 at 6 PM. I will extend it if needed and will certainly wait for any who express interested prior to that point.

Schedule: I would like players to post at least once a day. I work 8-6 EST but constantly check campaigns on my phone and can do move along updates during that time. Most of the major updates will come at night or over the weekend though. In saying that, my experiences with PbPs lead me to believe that posting times are not a major factor and will not be heavily considered.


"3,2,1". A hand covers your mouth. You snap open your eyes. The room is dimly lit. A tiefling you don't recognize is peering down at you. He uses his free hand to put a finger to his lips. The tiefling flicks his head behind him indicating a door.


"3,2,1". A hand covers your mouth. You snap open your eyes. The room is dimly lit. A tiefling you don't recognize is peering down at you. He uses his free hand to put a finger to his lips. The tiefling flicks his head behind him indicating a door.


"3,2,1". A hand covers your mouth. You snap open your eyes. The room is dimly lit. A tiefling you don't recognize is peering down at you. He uses his free hand to put a finger to his lips. The tiefling flicks his head behind him indicating a door.


"3,2,1". A hand covers your mouth. You snap open your eyes. The room is dimly lit. A tiefling you don't recognize is peering down at you. He uses his free hand to put a finger to his lips. The tiefling flicks his head behind him indicating a door.


"3,2,1". A hand covers your mouth. You snap open your eyes. The room is dimly lit. A tiefling you don't recognize is peering down at you. He uses his free hand to put a finger to his lips. The tiefling flicks his head behind him indicating a door.

Initial set up for discussion thread

Title: There Once Was a Man from Narikopolus


I am looking to run a play by post quest for 5 players. I am new to PBP but in looking through a few forums I like the format and would like to try it out. This quest is one I ran in person and would like to try in a more RP driven environment. I am leaving recruitment open through Monday 6/10.

The quest:

The hook will come in quest but I can still describe the setting. This quest plays upon the House Politics structure of Cheliax and is based in the capital of Egorian. It is meant to be an RP-heavy quest with character driven direction. Though, if it dissolves into consistent hack-and-slash hopefully that part can be fun too.

Political Structure:

Cheliax is run on a House Politics system. Thrune is the current ruling house and has been for the past seventy-two years without challenge. Thrune encourages fighting for power among the houses but intercedes strongly if it feels any house is getting too strong. Many of the citizens of Cheliax feel oppressed under Thrune’s rule. House Descriptions are listed below in order of power (following Thrune):

House Charthagnion – This house looks beyond the material plane in search of power.

House Henderthane – This house is the military strength of Cheliax. Henderthane is the main weapon supplier of House Thrune.

House Jeggare – The wealthiest of Cheliax and most of Avistan belong to House Jeggare.

House Leroung – Leroung is renowned for their vast knowledge and arcane ability.

House Narikopolus – It is said that members of Narikopolus spend all their time in political maneuvers and archery practice. Given that they are the second-least powerful house, it is a good thing they can hit a bullseye consistently.

House Sarini – A house of jesters and fools that is firmly positioned under Thrune’s foot. While Thrune encourages the houses to fight for power among themselves, Thrune quickly squashes any maneuvering by Sarini.

House Arionne does not exist in my Cheliax. The Pathfinder wikia provides additional information that, outside of anything noted already, is largely unchanged in my Cheliax.

Character Options:

Basics: Characters start at level 5. Starting wealth and equipment will be described later in the process. Characters can start with zero-two character appropriate Pathfinder official traits.

Acceptable races- Core Races, Tiefling (almost always slaves or servants in my Cheliax), Lyncanthrope (natural-born or afflicted), Vampire or Dhampir. I’d prefer to not have only 1 or 2 non-core races.

Acceptable classes: All official pathfinder classes and archetypes are allowed. My Cheliax is in an emerging firearms state.

Alignments: All alignments are allowed. Cheliax is Lawful Evil.

Attributes: Attributes are roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die roll. Players can roll 3 sets and choose whichever set they like. Or choose the first one if you like to live on the edge.

Profession: All Egorian characters should have a profession.

Backgrounds: I am more worried about character types (examples below) and purposes (ie a religious zealot dedicated to denouncing the evils of Cheliax) than background. Backgrounds must be appropriate (ie a good reason to be a gunslinger) and MUST include a reason/desire to change/affect/overthrow/reform the current government. (ie a former slave who endured the brutal treatment of Thrune and Sarini)

If you are a resident of Cheliax, you can be and are encouraged to be a member of the appropriate House (ie Bards would be in Sarini, fighters would be in Henderthane, anyone can be in Jeggare). Characters will get appropriate bonuses based on their House Affiliation (or non-affiliation). Bonuses will be similar to a trait (ie House Jeggare characters will get additional starting wealth).

Characters type examples:
Simple: Prototype Halfling Rogue 5
Feature Based: Super-Fast Elf Monk 5
Interesting combat style: Teleportation School Elf Wizard 4/Barbarian 1
RP-Driven: An ancient storytelling Elf Wizard 5 with a Pomeranian pet who he believes is his fox familiar

Play style:
I work during the day but will be able to post at least on a nightly basis. I will also set one night every week (Mon-Thur) that I will devote to Game Mastering (probably 7pm -10pm).