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Ashley Kaprielian's page

Organized Play Member. 101 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


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9 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
ashley: pie bar?! this sounds like a fantastic place.
There is a pie bar. It's in Ballard. It is delicious.
Capitol Hill, too. Clearly we need to test both.

Dons her lab coat and clipboard.

Adjusts her glasses.

Alright. LET'S DO THIS!


11 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

katina: You know how midnight is the witching hour?

katina: Noon is the sandwiching hour
katina: Muh-wha-ha-ha
Dammit Katina!


Begrudgingly clicks the favorite button.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

This is WAY better than my microwaved lunch! Thank you! You guys are great :).


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kryzbyn wrote:
Ashley Kaprielian wrote:
GM_Beernorg wrote:
Savory teriyaki cupcakes...could be a thing?!
I'd eat it.
Because teriyaki, or because cup cake?



3 people marked this as a favorite.
GM_Beernorg wrote:
Savory teriyaki cupcakes...could be a thing?!

I'd eat it.


6 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Ashley: I was going to yell, "TAX DEDUCTIBLE PORN," but I didn't, because I'm a classy lady.
You still filed them though, right?

But of course! I am not one to trifle with inevitables.


11 people marked this as a favorite.

Money Chris: ...right
Money Chris: my calculator broke yesterday
Me: you cant sit with us if you dont have a calculator


13 people marked this as a favorite.

Katina: WHAT
Katina: DONUTS


Kefka Palazzo wrote:
Ashley Kaprielian wrote:
Insane KillMaster wrote:
Set wrote:
Insane KillMaster wrote:
Or make a Blame-Cosmo-O-Thon (blame Cosmo marathon), people paying to blame Cosmo.

Cosmo would only greenlight this game if people paid Cosmo to blame Cosmo. Or paid Cosmo to shift blame to other people. Or just paid Cosmo, perhaps in a futile attempt to propitiate him. He's surprisingly flexible on this point, as long as the spice keeps flowing.

Cosmo can always get a cut from the money. :)
Finance does not negotiate with clowns.
I've got a high-potency energy ray that might be able to change your mind.

Finance doesn't negotiate with terrorists either. We have inquisitors and inevitables for that. The Lawgiver is also willing to take appointments.


10 people marked this as a favorite.
Insane KillMaster wrote:
Set wrote:
Insane KillMaster wrote:
Or make a Blame-Cosmo-O-Thon (blame Cosmo marathon), people paying to blame Cosmo.

Cosmo would only greenlight this game if people paid Cosmo to blame Cosmo. Or paid Cosmo to shift blame to other people. Or just paid Cosmo, perhaps in a futile attempt to propitiate him. He's surprisingly flexible on this point, as long as the spice keeps flowing.

Cosmo can always get a cut from the money. :)

Finance does not negotiate with clowns.


5 people marked this as a favorite.

Katina: and hold up a note that says “last one out of the meeting gets no cookies”


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Ashley Kaprielian wrote:
1d4 Goblin Babies wrote:
{awestruck, whispers:} Ashley has levels in Doof Warrior? Woah.
A girl's gotta do something until her pyrokinesis powers kick in.
Our pact is still good, right? I mean, we signed it in triplicate and everything—you get pyrokinesis, you show me how you did it, and vice versa.

Of course! I can't very well take over the world by myself.


7 people marked this as a favorite.
1d4 Goblin Babies wrote:
{awestruck, whispers:} Ashley has levels in Doof Warrior? Woah.

A girl's gotta do something until her pyrokinesis powers kick in.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for the anger problems Facebook is trying to confront me with via ads.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Khasalianus Nightstar wrote:

I know generally that good is good and evil is bad, but how good could a Lawful Evil character be? Could an LE character fight on the side of good, but be the type that doesn't know mercy, pull punches, and generally does whatever it takes to get the job done, for the greater good? Especially if it served his purposes, perhaps allowing him to advance in a society, gaining power and security.

And if it were possible for such a character to exist, where would they go when they died? Would their soul be damned because of the extreme lengths they took to do good, or would they be allowed into a good or even neutral aligned afterlife?

Finally, if such a character couldn't exist (cause good is good and evil is bad), then what other alignments could fulfill these criteria, of being a cold, merciless, ends justify the means, for the greater good type character?

You should check out a book called Villains by Necessity. It's a difficult find because it's been out of print for quite some time, but the story basically revolves around a band of villains who need to be bad otherwise the world will end because the balance of good vs evil has been thrown off.

I'm not sure where this band of characters would end up in Golarion lore. It would seem to me like doing bad for the greater good would land you in at least some kind of neutral afterlife, but I'm not versed enough on Golarion religions to really say. The universe in this book requires evil in the world in order for there to be balance, which might not be explicitly needed in Golarion.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Ashley mysterious as the darkside, OF THE MOOOOOOOOOON! wait a sec...that's no moon!
That's oddly appropriate considering the song and the character of Mulan...

Use the force (of a great typhoon), Mulan!


7 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Because they never stay long.

Oh ye of little intestinal fortitude.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Redacted 1: I was a reindeer once
Redacted 1: also a tree
Redacted 2: i bet you made a pretty awesome tree
Redacted 2: i already told [redacted] about that time I was bread


Remember adventurers: use the armory wall very thoughtfully.


12 people marked this as a favorite.

Me: i want you to know im flipping off the wall right now

Later that day...

Cosmo: Through the years
Cosmo: we all will be togehter...
Cosmo: if the fates allow...
Cosmo: hang a shining star...
Cosmo: upon the highest boow...
Cosmo: and have yourself
Cosmo: a merry little
Cosmo: christmas
Cosmo: niiiiiiight....
Cosmo: See... if you have your headphones on, I will transcribe the Christmas Joy directly into your brain.


5 people marked this as a favorite.

Robot Chris: but just keep that nugget of horror in the back of your mind
Katina: No! I have enough mind nuggets!


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Katina: Don’t they know you have more important things to do, like putting wigs on sharks?


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
You know, in Hawaii, Spam is totally legit, perhaps even a delicacy. It's used even in kinda fancy dishes.

True facts.

McDonalds even has a SPAM breakfast plate (I would go with the Portuguese Sausage and Rice plate myself, but to each their own).

Liz Courts wrote:
Spam musubi is delightful, and I will have Stern Words with those who say otherwise.

There are no words, only fire.


8 people marked this as a favorite.

Me: Heeey, can I bounce something off of you real quick?
Money Chris: Oh god, you're doing t-accounts, this can't be good.

(I'm pretty sure t-accounts are the first step in creating the inevitables that hunt down fallen Accountomancers.)


6 people marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
There's such a thing as a "half a pot of coffee?"

Well if the rest of these slackers could keep up we could brew a whole pot, but noooo, they want to sleep or something.

Sleep is a poor substitute for caffeine.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

*Grabs her metal folding chairs and crown. Moves a coffin into position next to the ring.*

I'm a fan of Outsider A, but I have a feeling our laser scorpion construct is going to make them rest in peace.


7 people marked this as a favorite.

Sara Marie: Give me back the knife, Chris!


Sara Marie: that sounds so dark outside the context of [redacted].


6 people marked this as a favorite.
Zurias wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Please share.

Profession: Goon Squad

(Accounts Receivable/ Collections)

I hear if you transfer to the Brute Squad you get a Holocaust Cloak. Might be something to look in to. You do need your own wheelbarrow though.


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A little bit Inquisitor of Abadar, a little bit Cleric of Lorris, and a little bit raptor wrangler.


Thanks everyone! :D


1 person marked this as a favorite.

This was awesome. :D


11 people marked this as a favorite.

ZOMG THAT AMIRI COSTUME IS AWESOME! Package me up and send me off to a crazy bakery, because I am mad jelly of that sword. :D


Vic Wertz wrote:
Ashley Kaprielian wrote:
This is going to be my first GenCon and I'm really excited for the cosplay! You guys always do such a great job.
What character are you cosplaying as?

I believe I have enough keys hanging around the house to pull off our Accountomancer. I've already got the green hair so I might as well go with it!


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This is going to be my first GenCon and I'm really excited for the cosplay! You guys always do such a great job.


I'm going to also throw my votes behind Fairy Tail and The Devil is a Part Timer!

Fairy Tail is a bit on the fanservicey side, but I feel like the ladies in that anime have really great stories which helps to balance that out for me.

I've only just started to watch The Devil is a Part Timer but it cracks me up every time I watch an episode.

Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite Miyazaki film to date, closely followed by Porco Rosso, though that <i>might</i> be a touch on the romantic side for her.

I know that our library system has a really good selection of anime, so if you can't find something on Netflix or Hulu or other streaming services check that out. I also like picking up the mangas of the animes I'm watching to see how close they are :).


7 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Ashley: Oh Abadar, hear my prayers. Bless my caffeinated beverages so that my mind may clear and my eyes may focus. Grant my 10-key swiftness and -

*in grinding Inevitable voice*

Please deposit 5 coppers for the next 3 minutes. If 5 coppers are not deposited within 25 seconds your prayer will be automatically terminated.

Hey, I already tithed this month! There shouldn't be any remaining balance on my account!

...Our Inevitables are managed by Comcast, aren't they?


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If you have specific questions or topics relating to accounting/taxes/financials that you would like to see covered please post them here or send me an email.:)


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Ashley Kaprielian wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
I hear that gremlins are the eternal nemeses of accountomancers.
It's true. It's why our mogwais are kept under close watch.

Feh. Those fuzz balls barely qualify. Where are the Pugwampi plushies?!?! Now is the perfect time of year to hold all accounting systems hostage you know...


That sounds like a really good way to get a visit from Lawgiver. Do not want. Being branded by an axiom is bad enough, I wouldn't want to meet the Gavel of Abadar face to face.

On a side note: I think you underestimate the craftiness of Orange Bunny.

Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibits 3 and 3.5

Orange Bunny is not allowed at home because my husband does not trust him. This is not an unreasonable feeling.


10 people marked this as a favorite.
Cthulhudrew wrote:
I hear that gremlins are the eternal nemeses of accountomancers.

It's true. It's why our mogwais are kept under close watch.


8 people marked this as a favorite.

Katina: I will accept either.
Katina: I am not a picky deity.

Counter of Magic Beans

Glad to have you here Julie! :D

Counter of Magic Beans

I'm super late to the party, but welcome Jason!

Counter of Magic Beans

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I blame Cosmo for my terrible joke mixing politics and WoW.

Counter of Magic Beans

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Robot Chris: oh
Robot Chris: that was what that yell was
Robot Chris: it happened so fast

Counter of Magic Beans

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
redacted: you are correct, i do run on spite
Premium or unleaded?

Crude and corrosive.

Counter of Magic Beans

Kingmaker seems to be a very popular choice for groups with younger players. We've also got a neat blog post about a project in Uganda utilizing this AP with indigenous kids there.

You may also want to check out We Be Goblins!, and We Be Goblins Too!. They're short and, pickled, I suppose.

I'm not sure how well your kids will do with zombies and old fairy tales, but Reign of Winter might be worth a look as well.

Counter of Magic Beans

Welcome and congratulations Linda!

Counter of Magic Beans

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The product numbers might be a good place to start. Each of our lines have their own prefix, the higher the number after the prefix the later the release. You should see the PZO number around where the barcode is on the product.

You would have to regroup them from there though to get things like "Faiths of []" together though. APs would be super easy to arrange like this however.

Personally, I use the APs to drive my bookshelf. Any campaign settings, companions, etc. that relate to an AP get put with that AP; otherwise they get put in product code order on the other side of the shelf.

Counter of Magic Beans

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Cort Odekirk wrote:
Bleugh, don't like hotwings, guess I'll be eating croquet mallets.

I'd suggest going with croquettes instead. Much tastier, though croquets probably have a higher fiber content.

Counter of Magic Beans

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Scott: Eraser dice, for when you want to remove your responsibility for the decision.

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