Are you new to publishing for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game? Want to level up as a publisher? Get a detailed overview of the Pathfinder Compatibility License and what it means for you as a publisher, and learn the ins and outs of producing material for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Bring your unreleased product for review and critique by industry veterans and your peers, learn tricks of the trades, and everything you shouldn't do when publishing under the Pathfinder Compatibility License.
Okay, so this is more along the lines of the "So you want to be a third party publisher" seminars from years past, just specific face-to-face time with insiders. Cool cool.
Edit: And, I just noticed the seminar I'm thinking of is on Sunday morning, so woot!
Jason Nelson
RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games
I can make it to the second half but have an overlapping conflict at 3-4. If seating is limited, I don't want to take anyone else's spot. If there's room for extras, I should be there halfway through!
If you have specific questions or topics relating to accounting/taxes/financials that you would like to see covered please post them here or send me an email.:)