Abominable Snowmen

AshenShade's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 36 Organized Play characters.


Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Congrats Noah!


Aid token catch-up

AID TOKEN: Allied Offensive
Passing From: AshenShade
Passing to: Tyranius
Aid Character's Name:
Boosted? Not Boosted
Effect (includes boost if avail.): Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by 2d6
((not sure if you're 3-4 or 5-6))

AID TOKEN: Timely Inspiration
Passing From: AshenShade
Passing to: mkb152jr
Aid Character's Name:
Boosted? Not Boosted
Effect (includes boost if avail.): A fellow Pathfinder grants the benefits of a bard’s inspire courage focus cantrip to all PCs for 1 rounds (a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects).


The table has voted to return the favor:

AID TOKEN: Burst of Healing
Passing From: AshenShade
Passing to: Chadius
Aid Character's Name: Mauricius Valery
Boosted? Boosted
Effect (includes boost if avail.): A fellow Pathfinder heals all the PCs by 3d8 (not sure if you're 3-4 or 5-6)


GM chadius wrote:

AID TOKEN: Burst of Healing

Passing From: Chadius
Passing to: AshenShade
Aid Character's Name: Callaverthorna
Boosted? Boosted
Effect (includes boost if avail.): A fellow Pathfinder heals all the PCs by 4d8

GM AshenShade is on Discord, so hopefully they see this post.

Noted, thank you!

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

The new SFS Character Options page doesn't have a restriction on Pact Worlds race options, guessing that's an unintentional omission.


Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I'm really excited for this set and the pics look great! It's nice to see them somewhat in context.


Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

My order (36325289) just ran payment auths and is more than 4x the shipping estimate from order generation because it's been split into 4 separate shipments for 4 items instead of the 'cheapest possible' shipping that it should be set to. It also ran 8 separate payment authorizations - one for each item and shipping charge - which is what tipped me off to something being weird. The order generation estimated ~$7 and now it's ~$30.


Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Metaphysician wrote:
Given that the Burning Archipelago was only settled relatively recently, why exactly would they have Ignan as their language? The people who settled the place almost certainly came from places where Common was the most, ahem, common language between them, and its only been a few centuries.

I think they're leaning on the relatively high population of people from/influenced-by the Plane of Fire. Pact Worlds lists a 16% Efreet population in the Burning Archipelago which is the 2nd highest concentration after Human.

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
wolaberry wrote:

Important safety tip: In the Resurgent Technologies quest (high tier) if the daemon goes first the party is still in fireball formation. If there are any pregens, they will fail DC 20 Reflex.


So the Daemon. My group accidentally skipped the social network hacking and went into the tunnels after Ex-Maintenance 22 pointed them out. Plus side, casting explosive blast broke the invisibility. But two characters full cast magic missile in response. This left them in arcing surge formation. Keskodai ran out of spells using Mind Thrust. The 4 player adjustment reduced its HP and gave it a -2 to attacks, but it kept out of melee (mostly).


Opening with Explosive Blast doesn't follow the printed tactics of Supercharge tentacles and ambush the squishy. I didn't find that it ever managed to leave melee after that step, so Jolting Surge until death. (all tables were low-tier, so no renewing invisibility)

For my tables it usually ended up being 2-3 rounds of PCs fanning out trying to find it while it flew invisibly towards them.


AbadarCorp wasn't too bad. The party made 3 of the 4 agents in time, demoralized one and broke the smoke goggles. By the time the Stewards arrived, one merc was a smear on the ground (Velloro crit), two others were down, and one ran. Our level 6 technomancer made Tharsa invisible for the entire encounter.

Had mixed results with diffusing the mercs. Some creativity from a xenodruid/Prof(Herbalist) incessantly pestering the "plant caretaker" to teach them the correct way to do their job (made the check to see they were doing it wrong, failed to detect the false uniform). Another party polymorphed Tharsa and then also made her invisible while Obozaya escorted her out with the casters spamming Hold Person/Grease/Daze on the mercs.

In heavy pre-gen groups they tended not to manage both disabling the visor and the pickpocket since it relied on Iseph for both.

Re: Drakecats, that's another conflict within stat blocks. They are stated as Medium, but have Space & Reach listed as 10ft. I realized that mid-combat so I didn't play the reach after representing them as Medium (only 1 of 3 tables actually went to combat) since Claws don't typically reach.

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Mike Bramnik wrote:

In addition to seconding AshenShade's questions from above...a couple of questions for the Arabani Arms quest and the chronicle sheet:

Arabani Arms:
- If a PC detects a weapon (or force field) malfunction in advance, what can they do about it? Can they fix/disable the malfunction? Can Crax? If the answer is no, I can already foresee some PCs not being willing to use those weapons, and have some ideas in mind as to how to handle that from the GM chair.

I played Crax as a script-bound corporate rep with canned-feeling responses like "to ensure testing integrity, weapons must be tested as-is." In 3 tables, I didn't have anyone balk at performing the test.

- If one or more PCs are rendered blind for 1 hour prior to the robot test and refuse to take part as a result, any recommendations from on-high? I'd be inclined to just let them just so long as their fellow players were okay with it.

The 1 hour of blindness is pretty painful, it hit 2 of my tables. One 4-player table nearly had 2 blind... No good suggestion here other than maybe suggest that they take the Swarm Zapper in to accelerate the section.

- For those of us who like to add more descriptors to things that just appear as "robot" in scenarios, are "tyrant-class supremacy robots" bipedal, wheeled, treaded, etc.?

Chronicle Sheet:


- How does the "One-Time Stipend" boon work for PCs receiving out of subtier rewards?

One-Time Stipend wrote:
You gain a number of credits depending on the subtier that you earned credit for this scenario with.

I don't think I had this come up, but in the moment I would have gone with the tier played, a la item lists.

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Couple minor ship stat block issues:
In both tiers the stat block for the Remorhaz states a Tetranode computer, but the Modifiers section lists +x to any 3 checks per round.

I think the stats ended up mixed. Based on BP costs I'm going to run as:
Tier 4 - Mk1 Tetranode
Tier 6 - Mk2 Trinode

There should also be a +2 computers bonus noted from the basic sensors.

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

In prepping this to run later this week, I ran into a question for Karezen's tactics/spells in Area B9.

Tactics state that he casts Holographic Image on himself on his first turn, then stays back and casts at foes.

Based on the wording, I feel like this should have been Mirror Image but that's not in his spell list, and is also Lv2 so it's not a straight forward swap. Casting Lv1 Holographic Image on one's self doesn't seem to have any tactical use especially given the Concentration duration at lv1 of the spell.

Logic Bomb is specifically used so that would leave Caustic Conversion to trade out for Mirror Image. He would be down to Jolting Surge and Magic Missile to use offensively.


Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Mike Bramnik wrote:

^ it is, in fact, Baragh who I was talking about. I GM'd a game for this PC of Jim's this weekend and after seeing the character in play wanted to help get him that boon! :)

Thank you; Hmm and Wei Ji, for taking a look!

I believe I still have one available as well if the other two end up not having one.


Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I've reported my first Dawn of Flame/Fire Starters game and it's providing 24 GM credits. While I appreciate the accelerated nova progress, this seems in error :)

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Joe Jungers wrote:

Running this one tonite - had a question.

Any clue how fast the 2-horse wagon moves?
I see mention of several movement actions - Stride, Gallop
- but no base speed to operate from, unless its the base Speed of the riding horses.

I used the base speed of the riding horses.


Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Grim Ranger wrote:
For persistent damage (such as the bleed critical effect), if the damage is listed as a damage die (e.g. 1d6), do you roll that damage once (immediately) and apply the constant value each round, or do you roll the damage each round (so the damage taken is variable)? I had always assumed the latter, but I played with a GM that did the former. The PF2 rules explicitly state that damage dice are re-rolled every round for persistent damage, but I couldn't find such a clarification for Starfinder. Did I miss it?

p.273 CRB says, for both Bleeding and Burning, that "you take the listed amount of damage" at the beginning/start of your turn (emphasis mine). I would interpret the listed amount to be the value in the effect's text (from your example, 1d6) and thus roll every round.


Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Joe Jungers wrote:
Pretty sure there's an Envoy talent that does this.

Skilled Linguist is the Talent, gives bonus languages equal to your culture ranks.

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
jon30041 wrote:
AshenShade wrote:


2019 GenCon SFS Boons #2 and #9 (I believe solar cannon and first season)
SFS Race Boons

2019 GenCon SFS Boons: (multiples of some)
#1 - Broad Arc
#3 - Relaxation Suite
#4 - Lone Agent
#5 - Tune-Bot 2000
#6 - Public Relations Specialist
#8 - Universal Explorer
#10- Temporal Anomaly
2019 PFS:
#3 - Debt to Society
#7 - Subtle Reputation

Any from my previous post: link

Got heavy solar to trade for temporal anomaly, I believe. PM incoming.

Was already able to trade for #2, heavy solar. Thanks, though.

Want list is now #9 and Race Boons

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Skojar wrote:
Kevin Willis wrote:

Step two is the part that might be confusing at first. It doesn’t explicitly say “you can’t split a block into 8 separate checks.” And it doesn’t say “If your downtime isn’t evenly divisible by 8, use the remainder as a unique block.” But after a few read-throughs I’m sure that’s correct.
My concern is that while your interpretation seems sensible, I think the actual text pretty clearly doesn't support it. It does say to break things into 8-day blocks even if those blocks would include other activies. It says you do the process after 8 days have been spent (not when you run out of DT). And it says the result can't carry over to future sessions. Those clauses only appear to make sense if they're included with the intention to contradict the process you describe in #2.

I think the 8 day blocks is unintended as a matter of practice and is adding confusion by using the default amount of days from a module as illustration.

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Kevin Willis wrote:
Jared Thaler wrote:

Apparently, it was stated at Gencon that when earning income, both the Task Level, *and* the Task DC were equal to your level -2 (min 0)

I am pretty certain that is incorrect.

Nope, that’s correct according to the Guide.

It basically means that most characters will succeed on anything but a one, and crit on anything higher than a 4. An even marginally optimized character (which in this case includes pretty much *any* rogue) will crit on anything but a 2.)
Can you walk me through the math on this? I’m not seeing how characters would get to a +19 (what you would need to critically succeed on a Level 0 Task while rolling a 5).

He's considering the task to be DC=0, so CS on a 10+

Combining Guide with CRB (and a dose of John Compton graciously helping our table on Thursday of GenCon), here's my read on it.

Downtime is awarded, 2 days per xp. So normally 8 days.
GM sets the level of the task to Character Level - 2, and looks up the DC on p503. Level 1 character? Level 0 task -> DC14

CRB says you can roll day-at-a-time, so you could decide if you want to take on harder tasks. The purpose of the guide saying "For each 8 day unit of Downtime you spend [...], you attempt one check to Earn Income, using the result to calculate your total earnings[...]" to me implies that you roll once against the set Level/DC and don't go day-by-day deciding you want to try harder things. (keep it easier for the GM with 1 row, 1 roll)

The guide using the phrase "For each 8 day unit of Downtime[...]" is probably where the confusion comes in (since it could be 2, 3, 8, or 12) and could use a revision to rephrase and remove that specificity from anywhere but examples.

Success and failure get the table 4-2 result for the set level according to the Earn Income activity. Crit success gets the result for the set level + 1 (p.237).

Multiply the currency reward by the number of days spent Earning Income. Only Earning Income? 8 days. Crafting 4 then earning? 4 days, etc.

tl;dr: Receive X Downtime. If doing something other than Earning Income, spend Y days. Then, roll once against the DC for Your Level - 2 and multiply earnings by X-Y days.

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
James Krolak wrote:

Can you elaborate on what these boons do?

#3 - Relaxation Suite
#4 - Lone Agent
#5 - Tune-Bot 2000
#6 - Public Relations Specialist
#8 - Universal Explorer
#10- Temporal Anomaly

paraphrased versions:

#3: Starship Boon - Add a relaxation suite to your ship (Castrovelian tropical retreat, vesk sauna, aballonian secure data center, or whatever you want).
Benefit: if you or any of the crew spend more than 1 day on your ship you can take a full day rest within the suite and gain 1 extra Resolve Point for the following day, usable for stabilizing or starship combat actions only.

#4: Faction Boon - Rely on yourself instead of a faction.
Benefit: slot this instead of another faction boon. When you do, gain no Reputation at the end of the scenario. Instead, for each point you would get from primary and secondary, you can use it to reduce the Fame cost of any boon purchase by an equal amount (to a minimum of 1 Fame). This can be split over multiple purchases.
This does not affect additional reputation from Faction tagged scenarios.

#5: Ally Boon - Trashcan-sized machine with an internal flight mechanism, a "dizzying array of musical instruments", and little else. Primary function is to play music on command.
Benefit: Tune-Bot 2000 accompanies you on your mission. Takes no active part, but can provide musical accompaniment. Gives a +2 bonus on Profession(Musician) checks. When slotting this boon you can select a single boon you have related to acquisition of music (e.g. SSH!!! or Abysshead), Tune-Bot counts as having downloaded that music. You can install a computer onto the TB2k which can store data, or impart a personality subroutine.

#6: Ally Boon - The name PR Specialist covers the flavor provided
Benefit: Provides 5 free points of Fame (check-boxes) that can be spent on purchases at the end of session. If used for reducing Infamy, each box counts for 2 Fame instead of 1.

#8: Social Boon - You're known for exploring a certain type of area in the universe
Benefit: Choose from Pact, Near, Vast, Drift, or Extraplanar. Whenever you roll dice to determine travel time in selected region, you can reroll. Also, +2 to navigation skill checks in the region, Piloting checks (starship and vehicle). Once per adventure in selected region, you can reroll your initiative check after seeing the result; use the new result.

#10 - Slotless; Limited
Benefit: Choose 1, cross off the other.
Replay - Your experiences no longer match the true history. Replay a scenario for credit that you played on a different character
Retrain - Retrain as mnemonic editor that can undo 1 character level of choices. Does not count towards mnemonic editor uses for future item purchases.

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

2019 GenCon SFS Boons #2 and #9 (I believe solar cannon and first season)
SFS Race Boons

2019 GenCon SFS Boons: (multiples of some)
#1 - Broad Arc
#3 - Relaxation Suite
#4 - Lone Agent
#5 - Tune-Bot 2000
#6 - Public Relations Specialist
#8 - Universal Explorer
#10- Temporal Anomaly
2019 PFS:
#3 - Debt to Society
#7 - Subtle Reputation

Any from my previous post: link

Dataphiles 1/5 5/55/5 ****

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Light Plasma Cannon (Starship)
Knights of Golarion Affiliation (Social)
Inside Manufacturer (Social)
Free Agent (Faction)
Emergency Resupply (Starship)
Hauler-Bot 6000 (Ally)
Rabid Fan Base (Social)

SFS Race Boons