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![]() I'm leveling up my PFS Halfling (He's lvl 1 Alchemist and Lvl 1 Gunslinger, about to take his 2nd level of Alchemist) and I'm trying to figure out what Alchemist discovery to take. Feats thus far are Splash Weapon Mastery and Precise Shot. Part of me thinks Vestigial Arm a good choice, for both reloading firearms and throwing bombs same round.
Anyone have insight or other suggestions? Anything from APG, UC, UM, and ARG is fine. ![]()
![]() I was reading through the Additional resources list for PFS, and saw that heathensnuff from Cities of Golarion is available. While checking about the status of other drugs, I saw someone say on the boards that according to Seekers of Secrets, Pathfinders are forbidden from taking drugs, but I'm not seeing that in the book anywhere (fresh download). The other drugs are in the GMG, which is part of the core assumption for a GM. SO... are these things available to my Alchemist? can I make them? can I use them? Thanks! ![]()
![]() A Fighter/Sorcerer fought a Wererat and took its Pipes of the Sewers. The PC, Judging that the Pipes were EVIL, burnt the Pipes in his forge while working on his sword. (double checked w/ the player that he didn't just burn them, but burnt them while he was actively working on his weapon). I Thought this was dumb, and that, at some point, there would be an effect of this. A bit later, the PC acquired a function to throw their sword and do damage to all creatures in a line (like a ray). Well, at that point, just for grins, I decided that since he'd burned the pipes of the sewers while working on the sword, 25% of the time when he threw the sword like this, it would whistle and attract local mice and rats to the area, ie a bit of the summoning power of the pipes got stuck in the sword sitting in the forge. The Player decided he didn't like this, and the PC started asking around trying to figure out how to get this latent magic of of this blade. He was told there was an anvil that could be used to get the magic out (which I'd read about in the RPG Superstar and really liked). But the PC became impatient and decided not to run off to where the anvil was. Being a sorcerer with a fire and lightning fetish, he decided that one morning, while doing his pushups and meditation readying for the day, he would BURN all his spell slots of the day as lightning and fire spells, and channel them thru his blade, burning the magic out. You know, I might have just allowed this to have the intended effect, except the day he decided to do this, the party was standing in a clearing in a mountain range known for magic being disrupted, or having the "wild magic" trait, ie Spells Don't Work Right. I triple checked. Yes, he was doing this, in this place, now. What would you do, as a DM? ![]()
![]() One of my players is playing an alchemist, male, human. He died in battle, and the party and temple resources could only provide reincarnation, and thus he came back as a halfling (I let the player roll to determine that). His Dex went up, and now the PC qualifies for a feat that requires Dex 15. If the PC takes said feat, and later gets a Wish/Miracle to restore them to their previous form (thus making their Dex go down again), can they still USE that feat, or Does it become dead and wasted? ![]()
![]() I have a player in my new game that is playing the Paizo Alchemist class. She had the idea in her head before choosing the class that the PC (From a society based on Magocracy and arcane ability) would be completely inept at arcane magic, thus being a complete familial embarrasment. Flunked out of Magic Day Camp as a child, no inborn sorcerous abiility, nothing. But she found a calling in mixing herbs and chemicals and drugs to make up for her lack of otherwise magical-less nature. So she's looking for a feat of some kind that backs up this idea a bit further, making magic that targets her work kinda wonky... is tthere anything out there that might do this? That might make spells effecting her bounce, or fail, or be enhanced, etc? ![]()
![]() I've been following along with the Pathfinder Beta rules, though I don't have a game I can use them in right now. The only "Campaign Setting" books I have are The Pirates Guide to Freeport, and it's associated d20 companion and the Buccaneers of Freeport, and I write My own worlds, so I wasn't working too hard to get the Golarion Campaign Setting book. Is there going to be a new CS book when the final hardcover Pathfinder rules come out, or is the the final rules book going to be all inclusive and have the full Setting information too? Whatever the answer, it's not changing My plans to buy the hard cover final rules, I'm just curious. ![]()
![]() Morning. I just picked up Order 809390 today at the post office and everything was awesome.... except I got a Summoners Set of conflict chips, not the Mounted Horse set. I checked the order here, and on the packing slip, and both have the Mounted Horse set listed. What should I do at this point? Thanks,