Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris moves into the room and takes a shot at Orange. Laser Rifle vs EAC: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
No day job for Arvoris. Players, if you could please update your current stamina and hit points, either in your status bar or in your posts, it makes it much easier to see who is in need of healing!
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
"Is anyone still injured? If you are hurt, even a little, let me know. We should be at full strength before we do any more exploring." Arvoris will spend a resolve to get his stamina back. He would then like to search Lubose for equipment.
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
I know that Jek posted before Arvoris, but if Arvoris does the healing, both Jek and Twila would benefit from it. If we were sitting around a physical table I would suggest that Jek not channel, and that I would do it. Plus, I promised Twila healing!
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris spins as he takes a devastating hit from Lubose's weapon, hoping his companions won't realize how bad the hit was. Realizing that he won't make it to Twila very quickly, he stumbles a bit to the south and fires twin shooting stars back at Lubose. Sorry, Twila, Arvoris can only heal within 30 feet, and only has a 30 foot speed... so I can't full round channel, and I can't make it to you and heal. Assuming you're still stable, and Arvoris is standing, I will heal next round. Shooting Stars (magic missile) at Lubose: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1) + 2 = 5 GM, as a reaction, if Lubose has an evil alignment, Arvoris will use his planar runeplates armor upgrade to have her re-roll that critical hit. Arvoris' (and Sarenrae's) alignment is neutral good, so this plan will only work if Lubose is evil aligned. Planar runeplates linked below. plates
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
GM, I was on my phone, not my computer, for Arvoris' last post, so I was not able to move him into the room as I intended (Arvoris moves through the door to end up adjacent to Twila). I completely forgot to move the token when I got home. I moved him now - hope it's ok. If not, let me know and I'll post different actions. Arvoris takes a full round action to channel life to all allies within 30 feet of him. Healing channel: 4d8 ⇒ (3, 6, 7, 8) = 24 This is hit point healing only.
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris moves through the door to end up adjacent to Twila, then takes a shot at the purple zombie. Laser Rifle vs EAC: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris moves up to the doorway to get a better shot, then fires again at Lubose. Laser Rifle vs EAC: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
"Surrender. You had to know that someone would figure out what you're doing eventually. Today is not the day that you need to throw away your life."
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Thinking to save his magic for healing, Arvoris attempts a shot at the creature. Laser Rifle vs EAC: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 8 - 4 = 20
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris has no problem focusing on healing. If anyone takes hit point damage, please let us know. Since channeling out to 30 feet is a full round action, please try to stay within 30 feet of Arvoris or Jek.
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
As this decision will affect the lower level characters more, I would like to hear their votes first. Arvoris does have healing channel, if that makes a difference.
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris moves to get a clear shot at the creatures. What ARE these things? If possible, Arvoris will try to recall knowledge about the creatures with a mysticism check. If the check isn't mysticism, then Arvoris wouldn't know about them. Mysticism: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29 If they are not highly resistant to fire (say, more than 5 points), or if Arvoris doesn't know, he will fire his laser rifle. If Arvoris knows they have 10 or more points of fire resistance, he will instead cast shooting stars at the nearest creature. Laser Rifle vs EAC: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris tries to listen to see if he can hear anything. He'll also search the door for traps. Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33 The above roll is a general perception check. +4 additional to find traps with the broad-spectrum scanning kit.
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
"Looks clear - although if they are using holo-grenades to hide their security I am NOT going to be happy!" Arvoris smiles and heads into the elevator. "Going down?"
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris' eyes go wide in surprise as the id card works. Ok, what's the catch here? Nothing ever goes THIS easy... Arvoris whistles and shakes his head when he learns about the earthquake weapon. Agreeing with Twila, he states, "All that loss of life... and for what... money?" He then nods at Twila's insight and also searches the elevator thoroughly for traps. Perception: 1d20 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 16 + 4 = 21 "It's up to you if you want to send your comm down first, Jek."
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris points out the panel to the team. I doubt that the card we have will work here, but I bet someone who's better with computers than I am can either modify our card or hack the scanner."
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Also not with this pc. Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27 "So maybe they're trying to bring the dragonkin back as some sort of undead? Arvoris records a video of the room, the picture, and anything else that looks interesting.
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
I would like to help him escape. Do you think it would be better to escort him out now? If the alarm goes off and we have to fight our way out, it might be difficult to come back for him.
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
"Thank you. I would like to help you escape - did you have an escape plan in mind? Are you able to just walk out of the building? Why are you here if you, as you say, don't belong?"
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
I think I can talk to this guy.... You looked stressed. Is everything ok? You can vent to us if you want, it's not like anyone's boss is looking over our shoulders." Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris is glad to see another ryphorian. Sense Motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 Arvoris, through Jek's telepathy, replies, Is it ok with everyone if I tell him we don't actually work here? It seems safe, but I wanted this to be a team decision.
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
Arvoris puts on a securing guard uniform and is ready to go. He let's others do the talking if lying is involved, but steps in if a more honest discussion is needed.
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
From my understanding, this is the plan: (Team, feel free to add to, subtract from, change, or clarify) 1. Dressed as security, with 1 tech and 1 researcher, we open the doors with forged ID cards. 2. We will go during the off-hours, when there is less people in the building. 3. We will avoid notice by using holo-grenades to create an illusion of an empty room. Before we enter (if possible) we would like to hack into security to feed a video loop of empty rooms to the cameras. If we have to enter the building first, we act like we are accompanying our tech and researcher to a computer, where we will hack in and create the video loops. We'll stealth around, and if we are questioned, Solo will explain that we are trying to locate a missing test subject, that will be very dangerous unless located soon. How does that sound, team?
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
"Maybe Solo could be the researcher, and the rest security? Who's good with computers to be our tech? I also like the idea of bringing extra uniforms to change into - just in case."
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
After the team leaves with the uniforms, Arvoris says: "Great work! Looks like we have choices. If we use the security guard uniforms, it might be easier to explain why we'll be looking around several areas. We'll be additional security hired to bolster the existing guards. What do the rest of you think? Security? Something different? Should we all wear the same uniform or a few different ones?"
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
"I can gather information in the area. You never know what interesting things you might pick up." Diplomacy to gather info (if needed): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Male NG Ryphorian | Mystic (Star Shaman) 5 |Sta: 40/40 |Hp: 34/34|Rp: 6/6| EAC/KAC 20 | F +5 | R +6 | W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +16| SM + 12
"I think the uniforms are our best chance of getting in. We'll sneak and talk our way through as much as possible. If they discover who we are, we escape with as much data as we can."