I'd like to play a caster, but we really only have one martial besides my barbarian. I'm looking for ideas! I've got a craving to do some blasting given the recent discussion on these boards about this playstyle (thanks SUPERBIDI and DERIVEN)!
Campaign: Kingmaker
Current Level: 10
Free Archetype: Yes
Current Party:
- Fighter (sword n' board w/ rogue archetype...plays recklessly and goes down a lot)
- Rogue (thief...but pretty much just rolls RK checks and casts spells, unsure of casting archetype)
- Druid (animal order and blasts a lot, unsure of archetype)
- Bard (marshal archetype, likes phantasmal killer)
- Wizard (skilled player, sneaks and uses subtle spell a lot)
- Sorcerer (fey bloodline, unsure of archetype, fairly skilled, likes mad monkeys)
- (ME) Barbarian (deer instinct, fighter/bastion/monk archetypes for reactive strike, reactive shield, quick shield block, and flurry of blows...I just find the character boring)
Some melee-ish options under consideration: Cast down Warpriest w/ Reactive Strike, Summoner w/ Melee Eidolon, Inexorable Iron Magus
Some blaster casters under consideration: Cloistered Cleric, Silent Whisper Psychic, Imperial or Elemental Sorcerer
I'd rather play something from the latter list...can I make it work? Or is there an idea I'm missing?
Mine is a derpy brown bear named Pablo. He wears a bowler that's about 50% too small for his head. Grappling focused Animal Barbarian. Fond of tea and biscuits.
Just reached Level 2 in Abomination Vaults. Playing a Human Fighter with Double Slice and Sudden Charge. Trying to decide on a Level 2 feat and a feat path going forward. I've been going back and forth between a spiked whip + shield boss, a kukri + shield boss, and a guisarme.
I can't decide whether to play a 2H reach / control build or a two-weapon build or a free-hand control build.
Rest of party is comprised of a Fey Sorcerer (taking Medic Dedication), a Redeemer Champion, a ranged Magus, and a Construct Inventor.
If I play the 2H reach build, I'm debating between Lunge and Brutish Shove. In some ways they provide equivalent benefits in that both force an enemy without reach to Step twice if they want to attack me and not provoke an AOO. Brutish Shove provides the added utility of repositioning an enemy but only on a hit, and I'm not sure how often this will be useful.
At any rate, I like the control playstyle and enabling my team with damage being secondary.
I value the advice I see given here; so I thought I'd see what ideas / build paths people might suggest.
Playing a Strong-Blooded Dwarf with a Shield Ally and a Moderate Sturdy Shield in AoA. My party varies in size depending on the week but we have a Heal/Harm capable Cleric, an Angelic Sorcerer, a Animal (Frog) Instinct Barbarian, a Dragon Instinct Barbarian, and an archer Fighter MC Rogue. With my current setup, I'm capable of mitigating a lot of damage to myself and my party. I'd originally planned to lean even harder into this role with Divine Reflexes at 14 and maybe retraining to take the Bastion Archetype (at 2) and Quick Shield Block (at 12).
I'll soon have an opportunity to retrain, and I'm wondering if I'm going too far down the damage mitigation route. I'm looking specifically at replacing some or all of the following: Shining Oath (2), Aura of Courage (4) (though there aren't many options at L4 and below), and Lasting Doubt (12).
Here's my current setup:
Class Feats
1. Weight of Guilt
2. Shining Oath
4. Aura of Courage
6. Shield Warden
8. Quick Block
10. Shield of Reckoning
12. Lasting Doubt
General Feats
3. Toughness
7. Fleet
11. Fast Recovery
I'm considering the following combinations, but I'm open to other ideas. Shield Warden + Quick Block + Shield of Reckoning are the core of my build so I'm less open to making changes there, but compelling ideas are welcome there too.
Anyone have a character they'd be willing to share? I'm dropping in for a guest appearance in a homegame Age of Ashes session tonight and don't have time to build this character.
Optimized, non-optimized...whatever you've got would be appreciated!
Anyone have a character they'd be willing to share? I'm dropping in for a guest appearance in Age of Ashes and don't have time to build this character.
Optimized, non-optimized...whatever you've got would be appreciated!
The build should be enough of a threat that the GM won't ignore us but should also be infuriatingly difficult to bring down.
Some scattered inputs that you can take or leave: Dwarf ancestry; Orc ancestry with the Hold-Scarred heritage; Toughness; Root Magic; Monk? / Champion? / Barbarian?
I'm beginning a Hell's Rebels campaign soon, and I'm having trouble deciding the best way to execute my concept.
Basically, I want a character that focuses on using his mind to manipulate both organic and inorganic material that is already present around him. Thematic spells would be found mostly in the enchantment (manipulating brains/synapses), necromancy (manipulating bodies, both dead and alive), and transmutation (manipulating both animated and inanimate objects). Sample spells: animate rope, cause fear, sleep, suggestion, blindness/deafness, enter image, shrink item, animate dead, command undead, possession/object possession.
Currently considering Mesmerist (Material Manipulator or Projectionist), Occultist (Vanilla or Silksworn...changes spellcasting to Arcane though), Psychic (Rebirth Discipline), or Sorcerer (Psychic Bloodline). I prefer the more subtle psychic spellcasting to Arcane or Divine for this concept.
I think the MM Mesmerist is probably my best option, but I'm open to the other options...or even options I haven't listed (including non-psychic options)
A player in my group wants to DM a short "interlude" adventure for our group's current cast of characters. He has DM'ed before but it has been awhile. I am the current DM for the group, but I like to play and would love for him to GM more. As such, I don't want to scare him off with a character that is too strong or has lots of moving parts that are hard for him to keep track of/understand the interactions and implications of.
So I'm looking for a relatively straightforward build that will still be fun for me to play for 3-5 sessions.
One build I'm considering comes from this thread from a few years back.
Dwarf fighter with dwarven dorn-dergar
L1 power attack, combat reflexes
L2 cleave
L3 goblin cleaver
L4 orc hewer
L5 great cleave
But I'm looking for other ideas that the community may have.
Edit: the other characters in the group are a wizard, an unsworn shaman, and a barbarian. None of which are heavily optimized but are all perfectly functional.
I am trying to figure out if I should use the 3.5 or PF1e Character Advancement Table for this adventure.
My party of 4 players currently have 6,800 XP. On the 3.5 table, this is 4th level. On the PF1e table, this is 3rd level (and far from the 9,000 XP needed for 4th level).
They are about to descend to the second level of the dungeon.
Let me preface by saying that I'm a fan, Mr. Mona. I've thoroughly enjoyed the guest appearances you've done with the GCP, and I like what you've done with both Tiny Murder Clown and Arkonis. But I found Arkonis' lisp to be a bit objectionable. I don't think it reflects the inclusivity that I know Paizo advocates and typically demonstrates.
In my opinion, the choice to use a speech impediment for laughs was misguided, and honestly, I think it succeeded only in making certain moments cringey rather than funny. Arkonis is a fun and funny character despite the lisp...not because of it.
Overall, the recordings were a delight and a resounding success, but I felt this needed to be said.
Gabriel Hesson
edit: Added my name. In making my critique, I don't wish to hide behind anonymity.
You blink quickly between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. You gain resistance 5 to all damage (except force). You can Sustain the Spell to vanish and reappear 10 feet away in a random direction determined by the GM; the movement doesn't trigger reactions. At the end of your turn, you vanish and reappear as above.
If I spend 2 actions to cast Blink in a 4th level slot, for 1 minute I get resistance 5 to all damage (except force) AND at the end of the turn in which I cast the spell I "blink" (vanish and reappear 10 feet away in a random direction determined by the GM).
In addition, I can use the Sustain a Spell action to "blink" up to 3 MORE times per round (one additional blink per action used).
While probably not among "the best," dazzled is markedly better than in 1e.
Sickened looks pretty strong since it doesn't just "tick down" like frightened. It actually requires an action and a successful save to reduce or eliminate it.
Having not yet played a 2e session, I'm guessing there are others that might be better in actuality than they seem on paper.
This has come up twice now at our table, and I'm wondering if there are rules that could guide us. We have a goblin rogue with the roll with it feat. Let's say he is hit by a slam attack with a free grab attempt on a hit. He makes his Acrobatics check to roll with it and avoid damage, but does he automatically avoid the grab or is he still subject to the grab attempt?
Similarly, if he avoids damage on an attack that can poison, does he need to make a Fortitude save vs the poison or is he safe from the poison as well?
In PF1e, a spellcaster needed a minimum casting stat of 10 + the level of the spell she wanted to cast. I'm still working my way through the rules, but does this requirement no longer exist in PF2e?
Not a new GM, but this is my first time running an encounter like this. Potential players of Adventure-a-Week's "Stowaway on the Singing Sea Mini-Dungeon" be warned, SPOILERS BELOW!
Adventure Synopsis:
The basic gist of the adventure is that the players are stowaways aboard a ship that is suspected of piracy. They have been tasked with catching the captain and crew in an act of piracy and have been deputized to arrest the captain (and to offer amnesty for past crimes and 100 gp per crew member who side with the PCs and aid in the capture of the captain. There are 40 crew members in addition to the captain and her first mate. The ship has a large cargo hold (where the PCs are hiding) and is 130 ft long with a 50 ft beam (width at widest point).
Mutiny Encounter:
When the PCs confront the captain, the encounter is supposed to go something like this:
1) No matter what the PCs do, 10 crew members side with the captain (though they pretend to side with the PCs at first)
2) No matter what the PCs do, 10 crew members side with them
3) The remaining 20 crew members can be persuaded to side with the PCs on a successful DC 25 Diplomacy check.
4) Presumably, a melee will ensue shortly after the PCs confront the captain and make their offer of amnesty to the crew.
Here's where I'm struggling:
1) unless the PCs ask the crew members to physically move to one side of the ship or the other to indicate their "allegiance" or raise hands or something (all of which seems silly), they will have no way of knowing who is on their side and who is against them. I LOVE this, but I don't know how to manage it. Similarly, the captain and first mate won't know...and the crew members themselves won't know. What can I do with this? I'd like to keep this feeling of not knowing who is for you and against you but
2) With a total of 46 combatants (40 crew, 4 PCs, first mate, and captain), I think the best way to run the combat is to form the crew into troops and use those mechanics to speed up the combat. But I'm open to other ideas. And should they fall out of troops and play as individuals if enough combatants are killed?
So, any and all suggestions welcome. Bonus points if you've run this adventure and can tell me what you did!
I'm a virtual player in a weekly Strange Aeons campaign, but the rest of the group plays in-person in San Francisco. I'd love to find a local group where I can play in person.
I'm an experienced player and have DM'ed a good bit as well. Would be willing to run some one-offs/modules to give a forever DM a break!
Willing to drive 30-45 minutes each direction if the game is right.
If you have a game or know of one, please PM me! Thanks.
We are likely to only play through the first 3 chapters...would I be foolish to take mind-affecting Hexes and the Gravewalker archetype (or Plague patron)?
Please help! I'm playing an Iron Gods campaign in a party of 6. However, our 2 melee characters (a paladin and a barbarian) play roughly 1 out of 3 sessions. This leaves our party in bad shape. We have an unoptimized Gunslinger, a Mystic Theurge, an unoptimized chained Rogue, and myself, a decently optimized goblin mindchemist bomber.
We just leveled up to 15 one session into Chapter 6. I'd like to make a few tweaks to my character that will give him the flexibility to take on a tanky melee role when our pally and barbie are not at the table.
I'm assuming that Monstrous Physique or Beast Shape will be the linchpin to making this work, but maybe there are other/better ways. My non-buffed build is below. A few notes on it:
a) My DM has allowed me to take the Improved Familiar feat, and I've equipped it with poisoner's gloves and a variety of useful wands and scrolls (haste, true strike, clw, etc.)
b) I've got a number of high level potions I use with Alchemical Allocation for long lasting buffs (ablative barrier, barkskin, countless eyes, heroism,magic circle vs. evil, stoneskin).
c) I also tend to use Amplify Elixir with the above and the following extracts: echolocation, greater false life, freedom of movement, orchid's drop and overland flight.
d) I could probably do a limited amount of retraining if need be.
e) I have a feat and a discovery to select at minimum.
Thanks in advance for the brilliant answers that I know will come rolling in.
No-No Boomchucker
Male goblin alchemist (mindchemist) 15
CG Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +15; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +25
AC 23, touch 18, flat-footed 17
hp 123 (15d8+45)
Fort +19, Ref +23, Will +15
Immune poison
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged blinding bomb +19/+19/+14/+9 () or
. . bomb +19/+19/+14/+9 (8d6+10 Fire) or
. . force bomb +19/+19/+14/+9 (8d4+10 Force)
Special Attacks bomb 24/day (8d6+9 fire, DC 26)
Alchemist (Mindchemist) Extracts Prepared (CL 15th; concentration +24)
. . 5th—communal air walk[UC], beast shape III, overland flight, universal formula[APG]
. . 4th—cure critical wounds (2), echolocation[UM], greater false life[UM], freedom of movement, greater invisibility (2)
. . 3rd—alchemical allocation[APG] (2), amplify elixir[APG], channel vigor (2), displacement, orchid's drop
. . 2nd—alchemical allocation[APG] (8)
. . 1st—heightened awareness[ACG] (2), illusion of calm[UC] (DC 20), shield (2), targeted bomb admixture[UC] (3)
Str 6, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 28, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +11; CMB +9; CMD 25
Feats Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Extra Discovery[APG], Extra Discovery[APG], Improved Familiar, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Throw Anything
Traits fate's favored, glory of old, reactionary
This is a variation on a build by Mercurial on the Paizo forums. I'll be playing to level 20 in the Way of the Wicked AP. I wanted to move away from the Eldritch Heritage path that Mercurial takes (but I'm open to considering it if it's truly that strong. The Orc and Serpentine bloodlines seem promising). This build is focused on a) doing lots of non-lethal damage with an Earthbreaker and natural attacks via Toothy, Razortusk, & Helm of the Mammoth Lord and b) making heavy use of Intimidate (thank you, Taking10). I'll add a Merciful Amulet of Mighty Fists to get the bonus non-lethal sneak attack damage on those as well. I realize that certain opponents will be immune the non-lethal damage. I think this build will still be reasonably effective in those instances.
**Where I Need Help: I'd like for this build to be effective at every stage of the game, but I'm not quite sure if I've selected the right feats/talents and ordered them correctly to accomplish this goal. And my ability scores seem like they could be doing more for me.** Frankly, beyond level 10, I haven't thought much about the order things are in. Please take a look and offer your insights!
Half-Orc Barbarian 2 (Urban Rager) / Unchained Rogue (Thug & Scout) 18 The Barbarian levels are taken first.
Alternate Racial Trait: Toothy
Berserker of the Society
Optimistic Gambler
Latent Psion
Feats and Class Abilities (Favored class bonuses going to 1/6 rogue talent to provide 2 bonus talents at level 8, 14 and 20. Where both a chained and unchained version of a rogue talent exists, I've taken the unchained version. Feats are odd levels, and rogue talents are even levels)
1: Power Attack
2: Intimidating Glare (Rage Power)
3: (Bludgeoner) Sap Adept* will retrain to Sap Adept at 6th level when I can afford the Merciful enchantment
4: Weapon Training --> Weapon Focus: Earthbreaker
5: Furious Focus
6: Strong Impression --> Intimidating Prowess
7: Dazzling Display
8: Surprise Attacks
8B: Combat Trick --> Shatter Defenses
9: Sap Master
10: Offensive Defense
11: Enforcer
12: Opportunist
13: Cornugon Smash
14: Bleeding Attack
14B: Double Debilitation
15: Razortusk
16: Slow Reactions
17: Lunge
18: Resiliency
19: Accomplished Sneak Attacker
20: Bonus Feat --> Dreadful Carnage
20B: Crippling Strike
I think RAW, the Ambuscading Spell feat would not apply to spells such as Dimensional Anchor or the Combat Maneuver effect of Telekinesis.
"During a surprise round, your opponents that have not yet acted take a –2 penalty on saving throws against spells you cast. Creatures that have already acted take a –1 penalty during the surprise round."
But RAI, the feat's description seems to suggest otherwise: "Your spells are particularly effective against those caught unawares."
Any evidence out there to support the latter? Other than having a cooperative GM?