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![]() @Fromper, wizards being popular or unpopular is probably a regional thing. I've found that my wizards can be among the most difficult and/or exhausting characters to play (especially Angelo, my conjurere) due to the number of options... it is very easy to get into analysis paralysis with them. Still, I cannot stand most of the spontaneous classes... there is always a spell I regret not taking. ![]()
![]() Mystic Mickey wrote:
I repeat. All Things Worth Knowing. Obviously your smokable flora trivia isn't worth knowing. ![]()
![]() At Con of the North, during The Sky Key Solution, where we missed completing only one encounter in the entire scenario, the following retired to become seekers Angelo Gauis Cassius Fierro, Master of All Things Arcane, Master Diplomat, Knower of All Things Worth Knowing, Now Conjurer 12 Skar something or other, Barbarian 12 Bruhilda Stonelord 12 ![]()
![]() "I am Angelo Gaius Cassius Fierro, Master of All Things Arcane, Knower of All Things Worth Knowing and Trained Diplomat." I then go to describe Anglelo as a tiefling, and warn that a) while technically he is a trained diplomat, he does have a CHA of 6, though at least now, with his headband, he does have a positive bonus. b) He will talk... though you probably don't want him to... c) The tail tends to have a mind of its own. If he anyone ever brings up the fact that he failed a knowledge check, he brushes it off with, "Obviously that fact was not worth knowing. Were you not listening earlier?" When he's adventured with other wizards, he has been known to say things like, "Son, stand back and see how a real wizard does things!" ![]()
![]() During a grueling run of Bonekeep 1, I had been doing very well at balancing use of spells, or so I thought. We had <redacted> in a bad position, when <redacted> finally made its way out of my Acid Pit spell. Then it happened. Both of the creatures we were fighting decided it was time to take the most powerful target out of the room. After all, I am the Master of All Things Arcane, Knower of all Things Worth Knowing, and do forth. Well, that day I forgot that I had memorized Emergency Force Shield, and the final attack did me in. If it wasn't for my friend, the healer Zaigon, I would have remained dead. Thankfully all it cost me was a Scroll of Breath of Life. Could have been much worse. I have not made that mistake since, though it did lead me to enchanting my arcane bonded ring as a Ring of Blinking. Saved my life a few times, already... and we all know how valuable that is. ![]()
Male Tiefling Wizard (Conjurer) 11
![]() Jaender the Black wrote: Thanks again Gm Silbeg! Jaender is mostly leveled up, just have to decide what else I spend gold on from our conversation earlier. Going to tweak a couple of things, then I will get it all updated this weekend. Only one more level until I can cast level 2 spells.... mwahahahahahah!!! "If he was a real arcane caster, such as I am, he'd already be able to cast second level spells" (ok, so Angelo is a bit of an ass... that's a wizard for you! ![]()
![]() My specialization is actually Conjurer. However, I have learned that there are times that the very effective Conjuration spells are not the best choice. To that end, I've been making a study of the low level (1-3) force based-attack spells (Magic Missile, Admonishing Ray, Force Punch, to name a few) to use with my Lesser Metamagic Rod of Toppling Spell. I've also recently added a new spell focus, Transmutation. Why? So certain transmutation spells, such as Slow, Baleful Polymorph, and Disintegrate are as hard to avoid as my "Pit" spells (which, I'll argue are about the most effective spells out there!). While I've always been fascinated with the prospect of summoning spells (even to the point of taking Augment Summoning), I've been using these awesome spells less and less. Probably because it seems like the critters I can summon are just not potent enough to make as big of a difference as I would like. I am hoping that has changed, now that I can cast Summon Monster V, but I can also now cast Baleful Polymorph and Hungry Pit. OH, the decisions that I need to make! ![]()
![]() I have cast many a heightened continual flame for the Pathfinder that I have had the pleasure of adventuring with me. Over the last few months, we've been improving how we record this purchase (of course, this should be on the character's ITS). Now we record my character number, the spell level it was cast at, my caster level when I cast it, so that will be less risk of table variation for the recipient. Though, I have to say, having set up all these Continual Flames makes it much harder for me to use my Darkness SLA. Such is the life of a good Pathfinder. ![]()
![]() Jiggy wrote:
Cool spell. Another toy I'll have to think about. Even if I've been known to thank the Prince of Law on occasion (once a Chelaxian, aways a Chelaxian?). Since, of course, you don't have to worry about those silly little alignment restrictions if you gain your power honestly, through your great wits and studies... not have it handed to you from some higher (or lower) power. I'm still never summoning a babau. That'd just be wrong. A Vrock or three, on the other hand... summon them, just to watch 'em dance!!! ![]()
![]() Jiggy wrote:
I think I might have a new "toy" to play with... so many good 2nd level spells... not enough slots. Maybe that'll be my new goal for a bonded item. Instead of getting a Ring of Invisibility at 1/2 cost, I could get a Ring of Wizardry II for 20,000gp. Just need to do about 5 more scenarios, saving all the way, and it is MINE! MINE I tell you!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!! Damnit... my damned infernal blood is showing again. ![]()
![]() Meh. Emergency Force Sphere only works if you remember that you have it memorized. Stupid alchemist ratfolk <censored>!!! Why didn't I remember I had that spell? Would have saved me a scroll of Breath of Life! --- I've also learned how good Acid Pit really is. Was sort of "meh" about it, until I realized that it does the acid damage every round. Bye bye golem!!! BWAH HA HA HA HA!! (oh, sorry... my infernal roots were showing there for a moment) ![]()
![]() Jason Hanlon wrote: Can you cast a heightened continual flame and have it carry over? Or pay for one to be cast? Yes. You'll, of course, need the Heighten Spell metamagic feat, will need to pay for the components, and get the GM to initial off on this (put it on your ITS m right?) You can also cast this for others, and they just need to get it signed off on. Do note the effective spell level and caster level! I have offered this to all fellow Pathfinders since I got the fear at 5th level. Many have taken me up on it, ![]()
![]() I am no longer allowed to tell the party that a piece of information is unimportant just because I didn't make my knowledge roll (I am the Master of All Things Arcane, and I know EVERYTHING that is important!) I am no longer allowed to tell Kyra that she "obviously" doesn't know enough about religion. Also, I am no longer allowed to be the party Face, even though I am trained in Diplomacy, and even have an Ioun Stone to boost my diplomacy score up to an amazing.... +0. No, really, you do really want to just give us the Macguffin. It is a minor thing, nothing someone with your limited abilities would be concerend with Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1 SIGH ![]()
![]() Sigi,
3rd level spell scroll: 375gp + 90gp = 465gp
BARGAIN! ![]()
![]() Pretty much the truth, David. I've got, at 5th level, right about 100 pages worth of spells... between 1/3 and 1/2 of which I have bought straight out. Only ran into a couple of Wizards (or Magi) in my adventuring career. The trading was nice, when it happened, but, for the most part, it has been a "by your own" world. Especially harsh once you are up in 3rd level spells... I think I have already bought about 6-8 of them, at 135gp to copy. Good thing wizards really don't need a lot of items! ![]()
![]() well, now, BNW, I would argue with those statements ;) I will agree you have limited ability to pick who is at your table. However, you could pick their noses or pockets, it is just not morally or legally acceptable to do so. BWAH=-HA-HA-HA-HA! All shall tremble at my power! Bring forth the Mighty Nose-picker of DOOM! ![]()
![]() @ZomB, I don't think it was a mistake at all. In this case, as a player, you don't want to be weakened for minutes. It just makes for an interesting puzzle to solve. I just wouldn't ever buy a wand of ray of enfeeblement. That'd be useless. We burned through probably about 10 charges until we made the STR check needed. But that was fine. We had the bard keep it just in case, but it wasn't used again. For sure, this is a spell that would be FAR better at levels over 1st... but isn't one that I'll be taking (Necromancy is an opposition school for me) ![]()
![]() We tried to get clever... and attempted to hobble him (by tying his feet together with a short length of rope), but our K kept stumbling every few steps (with risk of injury). Eventually, we just let him go between hazards. It was plenty fun watching my ST8 Wizard helping the others grapple, and help others with the rope. It was also a lot of fun at the strength trap... having our bard tap me with the ray of enfeeblement, and making me STRONG! I was sad to return to my normal frailty. |