Karzoug the Claimer

Anaxxius's page

63 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


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The hypocrisy in this thread astounds me.

I'm usually a lurker, but seeing this thread, I realized I have had a very similar virus on my computer in the past. If it is the same one, I advise you to start it in safe mode (unless you already have) and look in your Program Files for a "google" folder.

If you have one, then it may very well be the same virus I had. Just delete it and start up your computer again.

Hope that helped.

It is sad to see Paizo go this way. It feels a little...lazy, taking Wizard of the Coast's game, retooling it with a couple house rules, and charging fifty bucks for it. A shame we can't have one of the best 3rd party publishers of yesteryear playing in the 4e court, I'll miss Paizo's great adventures.

realphilbo wrote:

Here you go.

I don't know, the troll part made me lol.

Timespike wrote:
Great. Steal from the people who actually care about their customers. What an admirable course of action.

Erm. So it's alright to steal from WotC but not Paizo because they "care about their cutomers"?

Also, it seemed more like a sarcastic response to a person claiming their desire to pirate a 4e product.

Despite disliking the Alphas, the length of the Beta makes me dangerously cautious. Maybe it'll be good? That would make my day!

Fake Healer wrote:

I absolutely didn't mean it as a "go away" post. I am simply curious as to why someone with no like of Paizo would come on their boards? He displayed a dislike for the setting and game of Pathfinder so he probably doesn't want any conversions. Some people are looking for Paizo to join in and produce some good 3pp or convert existing stuff to 4E, so I understand that. I just don't understand why someone would even look at Paizo's site if they totally disliked Paizo products. I was hoping he would post back and explain that he used to like such and such, or he liked the way the board was run, or he ordered other companies' products through Paizo, or he feels like smearing their name, or whatever, just something that I can understand.

I tried very hard to make sure that my previous post wasn't misconstrued as an attack, but it was taken that way anyhow. I know the 3 vs 4 thing was bad but I really wasn't trying to stir that up again.
Sorry if anyone took my post wrong.

I dislike the setting and I dislike the new ruleset, but I love the adventures (Many of my friends have claimed to have the same like/dislike). I'm assuming Paizo will eventually dip their feet into the 4e pool and begin creating something for the game. And, also, I much enjoy reading posts on the Paizo boards, and on a few occasions, I chime in.

Now this is all kinds of awesome.

James Martin wrote:

Yes, that's it. Your keen powers of observation are truly dizzying to behold. Seriously, if you're not even going to be at all useful to the discussion, why even post?

Because it's very obvious you're just looking for something to complain about.

BigDaddyG wrote:

Another thing that really get's me. Is WHY do the 3pps HAVE to bow to WotC? The first argument I hear is "WotC is THE name in the RPG Industry." Well why the heck can't publishers like Paizo or Necromancer take WotC place and become THE name in the RPG Industry. Why is it such a bad thing that Pathfinder NOT become THE recognized title BEFORE D&D? If Paizo plays their cards right they definitely could do this.

I just get tired of hearing how companies should get behind WotC and the GSL. Why not turn the tables and leave WotC in the dust!

Paizo is easily in position to do just this. I would love to see another company come along and knock WotC down a few pegs. they are NOT the be all end all of the RPG industry. Heck their own game isn't even D&D anymore...IN name only.

Ehm, I'd like to point out, Pathfinder is just a houseruled 3.5, 4th edition is a continuation of Dungeons and Dragons. 3pps have to play by WotC's rules to play in their sandbox, because it's THEIRS.

And, of course, Paizo will never be able to leave Wizards of the Coast in the dust, becuase they have a niche market.

People will look for anything to complain about these days. : \

Kvantum wrote:
Also known as "We don't really have a GenCon release other than 4e FR, so we need something for the fans to feel good about while they're over looking at Pathfinder"

Maybe...but...maybe not.

Edit: Also, I looked at the Pathfinder Campaign Setting...didn't do it for me, probably won't do it for a lot of other people, too.


Still lovin' me some 4th edition, and the love will just keep getting stronger when people can start publishing under the GSL!

Now THAT is funny.

...I had hair on my head rather than on my face.

I'm quite happy with the death of Gleemax, as I believe that it will lead to better support of the thing that I care about: DDI. Let's hope WotC makes good on their promise to add to support to DDI rather than falling short, as I can't wait for it's completion!

DoppleGangster wrote:



Anyway, I still hate 4e, think it is the worse thing I have ever seen passed off as a RPG and have absolutely nothing good to say about it or WotC.
Considering the way WotC treated people on their forum, I thought perhaps things would be different here... I am in error I see.

Political correctness needs to go the way of the dinosaur... it is starting to affect my health...

Ya know what they say! "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."

Way better than Pathfinder

vance wrote:

Well, you know, it's just that I'm really tired of being nice, and would REALLY like to learn to be a total selfish prat online. I don't think I'm really pulling it off well, though, so .. could you give lessons? We can work here, I'll go through paypal for you, and we'll determine rates based on results.

Sorry, it's an acquired trait. ;)

vance wrote:

No, it was a jerk move.

First, the fonts are illegal. They were taken from illegally redistributed PDFs of the core books. They were spliced from the PDFs in a method that's already been found, in court, to be illegal.

Second, he put it up as a response to the font I put up which was legal and free. It was a big middle finger.

How would you like if you posted up an article and someone said "go HERE for a better version of the this article!" ... how would you take it? Just curious.

So, yeah, jerk move.

The legality of it I would rather not get into, but I don't find somebody doing something illegal to be an a$$hole if it's really as minor as taking a few fonts for personal use. Those fonts are REALLY nice!

And no, that was certainly not a middle finger, it was providing the community with valuable content which can be used with their microsoft word documents.

In the hypothetical sitatuion you mentioned...I wouldn't throw a tantrum, unlike some people around here.

Just my 2 cp.

vance wrote:

Ow. My internet feelings are hurt. I bet that gave you an internet penis growth as well. Now we can all be internet biotches!

Give me a break. It was an a@@~*~! thing to do, and I guess that I'm more upset that I was surprised.

Was it really that bad of a thing to do? SirUrza supplied the community with something valuable and effective for typing up documents, almost capable of replicating a 4th edition book's font. (The almost excluding the elusive Vecna font, which I cannot find anywhere) Honestly, it wasn't a jerk move, it was a commendable move if anything.

CourtFool wrote:

What? I am sorry. I did not hear you. I was downloading Urza's cool font pack.


SirUrza wrote:


4e font pack I found about a month ago.

You, my friend, are beautiful. This makes everything I write look so professional, even if it is only so I can read it and go "Ooh, aah".

THANK YOU, SirUrza, for this link, I salute you for your patronage!

yoda8myhead wrote:
Yes? And?

It was probably for those of us who are too lazy to actually go and check the blog, or cannot find it for the life of them. Although, I have no idea who that could be, certainly not me! <.< >.>

Lord Fyre wrote:
<Drops an anvil on Anaxxius>

Luckily, while playing 3.5, I whipped up a clone! Although, I did lose a level of troll in the process, I think I can get the XP back.


Zynete wrote:
Anaxxius wrote:
Hayden wrote:

I think many of these "growing hostility" guys are a bit afraid about the future... Paizo product is undoubtly GOOD and those who are stuck on 3.5 will appreciate it.

Not to mention 4ed fanboyZ... They can't simply accept that a 3.5 "spinoff" could shadow their favourite toy :P

The more Paizo will improve its product, the more its rivals will grow angry...it's obvious.

Hey, as one of the fanbois of 4th edition, I resent that :'(. I have a bit of disdain for Paizo because I love their adventures, but they don't support the ruleset I play. And for some reason, I doubt that Pathfinder will shadow Dungeons and Dragons at any point, as it will likely just be a slightly more successful game than the other 3rd party d20 games.

*Reviews Anaxxius's reviews*

A bit of disdain for Paizo?

;) Just a LITTLE bit. I'll be good now, don't kill me!

Hayden wrote:

I think many of these "growing hostility" guys are a bit afraid about the future... Paizo product is undoubtly GOOD and those who are stuck on 3.5 will appreciate it.

Not to mention 4ed fanboyZ... They can't simply accept that a 3.5 "spinoff" could shadow their favourite toy :P

The more Paizo will improve its product, the more its rivals will grow angry...it's obvious.

Hey, as one of the fanbois of 4th edition, I resent that :'(. I have a bit of disdain for Paizo because I love their adventures, but they don't support the ruleset I play. And for some reason, I doubt that Pathfinder will shadow Dungeons and Dragons at any point, as it will likely just be a slightly more successful game than the other 3rd party d20 games.

Just pre-ordered this off Amazon for dirt cheap, woo!

Heathansson wrote:


sorry, dude.

Feels good man.

Elder Elemental Eye wrote:
4th Edition is not D&D because I am not in it.

But...but...m'lord Tharizdun, I must point out that you are found in the 4e Dungeon Master's Guide, detailed with the other evil gods, it even displays your glorious holy symbol!

(And, by this logic, 3.5 is not D&D since Tharizdun/The Eye is mentioned at no time in the core rules)

Happily converted my 3.5 campaign over to 4e, still playing in my homebrewed world. Our party consists of 4 level 15s:

Tiefling Warlock/Life-Stealer
Elf Rogue/Daggermaster
Human Monk/Aspect of Turmoil (Homebrewed)
Half-Elf Paladin/Justiciar

Pax Veritas wrote:
We're happiest calling PRPG dungeons and dragons, because - it is. And damn the brand copyright. PRPG is dungeons and dragons. Its where the dungeons and dragons anthropology truly continues.

Except, well...it just isn't. Pathfinder is 3.5 with a few rules tweaks, whatever is called Dungeons and Dragons IS Dungeons and Dragons, therefore, Pathfinder is most certainly not Dungeons and Dragons.

Honestly, if WOTC didn't create it would 3.5 be D&D?

The statement can be used for ANY edition of D&D.

Honestly, if TSR didn't create it would 2e be D&D? The question would keep on going and going all the way to the beginning.

Got 'em!

#3 and #4!

Quite the contrary! I believe that they are not abandoning their fans by a long shot. Me and ~ten others I know have been diehard fans of the company and D&D for some time, and all ten of us have preordered the books, so there are ~30 sales for Wizards!

Tharen the Damned wrote:

One question for those with the books:

What if I want to create adventurer adversaries for my Group.

I mean, lets say I create an advnture where my group has to plunder the Grave of the four Kings of Dune. There is also another group of adventurers who wants to do the same.
Can I create this group to resemble the PC group? One rogue, one warlock etc. with powers and cool equipment as easy as you can create monsters?

Yes! In fact, there is a template in the Dungeon Master's Guide you can add to monsters in order to give them class powers. So, all you have to do is stat out the characters as monsters (or players if you want to invest time in the process) and apply this _very_ useful template to it.

dragonvan wrote:


I want to know if I should preorder the three core rulebooks or I should wait to have seen the rules of this new edition of D&D (website or in a store).

For those who will advise me a site, I won't buy from the USA because the shipping price, the customs, the exchange rate are compicated to have a Canadian price of the product. Also, I won't buy with a credit card.

I am waiting your opinion!

If you already know that 4e is the game for you, then of course preordering should be done! The sooner the better!

But, if you aren't completely sold on it yet, I'd suggest a brief FLGS browse or possibly running or being run through KotS, which in my opinion is a great introduction to the game.



Running Keep on the Shadowfell, played through both Escape from Sembia and Scalegloom Halls, and soon to be running a converted 3.5 campaign.

Wow, thank you very much for these comments. I definitely do not have the time to painstakingly reply to everyone who responded to my plea, but I am now thinking of purchasing Paizo products once more.

Right now, I'm still pretty damned excited for 4th edition, but, I believe I am going to try and get the best out of both systems, and see where I get from there.

As for adventures, I am pretty sure I am going to start purchasing them once more and pick the golden fluff from them and happily beat them with a stick until they fit my 4th edition needs.

Thank you for returning a lost customer to Paizo,


Alright, I am a heavy pro-4e fan. I have noticed the many mechanical flaws in 3.5 which make it 'not fun' and just how time consuming each round is at higher levels.

When Paizo announced their new edition, I was rather excited to see what they had in store. But alas, I am not all too impressed. These 'revolutionary changes' appear to be nothing more than some minor retoolings of character classes and feats.

Honestly, if I had to choose between 3.5 or Pathfinder, I would probably stick with 3.5. So, I have come here to see if there is any hope left for me.

I am looking to see if someone can convince me to spend my money on Paizo and their adventures/ruleset, rather than Wizards of the Coast and the actual Dungeons and Dragons ruleset.



A LOT of people seem to be disregarding the fact that if you don't like an assumption, you can easily change it. By the looks of it, many seem to regard the statements we've heard as law, when they are guidelines. You can still have your BBEG wield a Rod of Lordly Might, and it did not say that a person COULDN'T use an item beneath their level.

Honestly, in my 3.5 game my players go through dungeons without looting anyone except bosses, completely disregarding the possessions of NPCs and monsters.

Count me in for none. Disappointing rules changes all around in Paizo's new edition :(

Oh well...
