After browsing through this book out of morbid curiosity at my LGS, I saw it as exactly what I expected it to be - a ripoff of 3.5 with minor, bad house rules.
Pathfinder fails to fix ANY issues that can be found in 3.5, and although some broken spells (spells being a HUGE issue in 3.5) are "nerfed," the wizard is still the god of utility, and has enough save-or-suck capabilities that what HAS been thrown away is negligible.
If you want some pretty art for fifty bucks? Be my guest, because that is all this game has going for it.
If I could drop a 0 star review on this, I gladly would.
First of all, let me say, this book was perfect so early in the release of 4e, and I believe it will set a standard for later released items. With vehicles, mounts, magical items, and BEAUTIFULLY crafted alchemy rules, you can't go wrong with this book.
But, I digress, the Vault is a little strong in some respects. Power creep has come to 4e in the form of this book, but it is certainly a minor rise of power, nothing major.
The 4th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide provides countless pages of advice for DMs both new and old. The game really is evolving, and the 4th edition DMG is quite an engaging read, even if you aren't playing Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition.
Thank you Wizards! I tip my hat to you and your spectacular new edition of the world's greatest roleplaying game.
Brilliant art, sound design for monsters, the Monster Manual may be packed with monsters to kill, but people don't realize killable monsters can fight alongside the party as well.
Monsters such as unicorns, angels (of the player's gods), and any of the basic race's monster statistics can help the player, while many more are enemies. However, looking back at the other Monster Manuals, most of the creatures were enemies as well.
The Monster Manual 4e makes monster design far easier, and it makes monsters far more fun to run and fight against! This edition gets it RIGHT when it comes to monsters.
So far, I am not impressed by Pathfinder's attempt at a new edition. THIS IS _NOT_ D&D. Alpha still possesses many of the flaws 3.5 had internalized and refused to let go. Melee classes are still total crap, especially the barbarian, with a 'point system' for their powers, and the paladin, who barely got changed into something playable.
Paizo's new edition has been a disappointment to me, although there is still hope in the future with beta, I would bet that Pathfinder is on a collision course with failure.
Beautifully laid out, lovingly crafted, and fun to play, Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition is what D&D should have been from the start.
Although quite a few sacred cows have been slaughtered, enough have been retained to make the game still feel like it has a bit of old D&D in it.
Having played several 4th edition games, I have found that it does NOT detract from roleplaying, and makes combat something far more exciting than it was in any edition before it.
The game has evolved into a roleplaying game with horizons broader than those any edition has ever achieved.
If you like to play through cinematic, heroic campaigns, then 4e is 4 you!
Something about this adventure really got me going. I can't wait for 4th edition to come out, and I REALLY can't wait to run this adventure. I am very happy with the fact that Wizards is now making their own 'adventure paths' so to speak, with this leading off all the way to epic tier!
Overall, looks fun to play, comes with mechanically interesting quick-start characters with no names or real portraits, a real bump up from the Basic Game starting adventure in 3.5 (I'm lookin' at you, Regdar)