Urthona was born during a time of omens. In the Night of No Moon he was brought to see the light of the stars. His mother died with his birth. And his father was solemn and never to please, since that night. Only the druids had noticed, that something was not within Urthona that made him restless and impatient. So they talked to his father and he let them adopt his child. He grew up in the woods of the Eldeen Reaches, always fleet on foot, quick to anger and short of patience. They soon realized that his way was not their way, but something must have propelled them to try again and again and again.
Though he accepted their philosophy he never managed to discover the power of nature, or magic or whatever mumblejumble they wanted that he tried, and they had tried a lot. There was only one thing in his life, that he was patient with, the animals of the forest.
The druids tried to prepare him for something, but one day they seemingly gave up. Nothing had shown any sign of success. They sent for him, he came. They declared the hopes he had, because of his time of birth. But seemingly the Night of No Moons meant that nothing magical would stick with him, that was their verdict.
Often had they told him of an ancient relic of a tribe of the shifters that lived here, and how the Church of the Silver Flame had come here and killed nearly everyone in that community and took this item with them. In the ancient scripts it was only known as the Sacred Trust. Their hopes had been, that he was the one to find it for them. But now they abandoned him, they just told him to go away.
He was totally caught of his feet, "Why?" went thorugh his head, rage coursed through his blood and in his anger he attacked the assembly, an act of futility. He was turned out of the woods, told never to come back. But he would show, oh, how he would show them. Sacred trust, they could place his trust where the sun doesn't shine. And so he went searching. Thane would not be a good place to start. The Church might have moved in their stance about shifters, but to go directly in the Maw of the Enemy... no.. Sharn was the place to go.
Urthona is at the museum, because he heard of a relic, that was in possession of his tribe before the Church of the Silver Flame began their "purge". He wants to study the relic or even get the Church to give the relic back to the tribe. This is the first time he is at the museum, but nothing presents itself. When the doors close, they will close this avenue of approach for him forever.
Swift on his feet, using his anger to power his running. Impatience incarnate.
short black hair, green eyes, no facial hair, powerful build, but quick in his motions, his eyes flit around, always fiddling around with something in his fingers, can't keep his feet still.
Different action scenarios:
Rage On:
AC 17, HP = 43, FortSave+6, WillSave +2
Str 20, Con 19
Attack +9 longsword (1w8+5)
Shift On:
AC 21, Dex 18, speed 50',
ranged light crossbow +7 (1w8)
Reflex Save +4
Rage + Shift On:
AC = 19, HP = 43
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 19
speed = 50',
Attack +9 longsword (1w8+5)
ranged light crossbow +7 (1w8)
Reflex Save +4, Will Save +2