Acolyte of Mushu's page
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Spyder25 wrote: Acolyte of Mushu wrote: I know there have been concerns about rito being too powerful, but have you considered giving them a form of cold resistance? I think it’s appropriate because it’s demonstrated in BotW that their feathers provide great warmth and insulation, and that they’re able to withstand high alititudes and cold regions without aid. I was thinking about that as well, but it might be too overpowered. Maybe I could give them an ability like I did the gerudo, but for high altitudes and cold environments?
Yeah something similar to Desert Runners seems fair.
I know there have been concerns about rito being too powerful, but have you considered giving them a form of cold resistance? I think it’s appropriate because it’s demonstrated in BotW that their feathers provide great warmth and insulation, and that they’re able to withstand high alititudes and cold regions without aid.
Spyder25 wrote: I updated the pdf.
I left the immunity to sleep effects for the koroks. And I gave them +2 racial bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting, paralysis effects, and stunning effects. I took out the poison immunity because lets face it plants can be poisoned, thats basically what weed killer is. I left the sleep effects immunity because in the LoZ games I've never seen them sleep, I've seen them rest but not fully sleep.
Hey there! Love what you’re doing here, I’ve thought about whipping up something similar before but you’ve saved me a lot of time. :)
It’s a small little thing and doesn’t even really necessitate a change, but I do believe there is a korok sleeping in Korok Forest, in Breath of the Wild. Having a nightmare about vegetarians, if I recall correctly.
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Thought I should throw in the LN vampire Victae Cobaru from City of Strangers, though that's a pretty dated text.
Also leng ghouls are said to occasionally be non-evil:
Bestiary 5, pg. 120 wrote: Although most Leng ghouls venerate the Great Old Ones or Outer Gods (they have a particular affinity for Nyarlathotep), a rare few of these creatures retain Loren of their humanity than merely living intellect. These unique few drift away from evil in their pursuit of magical lore—while they still hunger for dead flesh, many try their best to feed only on those who died naturally or willingly offered themselves up to the carrion feast in return for favors. While many eventually succumb to the temptations to feed on fresh kills in time, a rare few manage to maintain nonevil alignments. This is described in a world-neutral sourcebook, but Leng ghouls have also appeared in Golarion (Into the Nightmare Rift and I think maybe Strange Aeons?) so I don't think it should be discounted.
I'm interested to know how the Divergent series of books influenced Starfinder. Definitely not what I would have expected, though it is sci-fi and in a future setting so I maybe my surprise is misplaced.
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James Jacobs wrote: Upcoming movies I am eagerly anticipating:
Alien: Covenant
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
War for Planet of the Apes
The Dark Tower
Blade Runner 2049
The Mummy
Atomic Blonde
The Fate of the Furious
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Thor: Ragnarok
It Comes at Night
Insidious 4
God Particle (which is being renamed to fit into the Cloverfield shared world)
Phoenix Forgotten
Godzilla: Monster Planet
Any love for Spider-Man: Homecoming, coming July 5th, or have you been oversaturated with Spider-Men at this point?
Completely unrelated, do you consider the elder deep ones from Bestiary 5 quasi-deities, considering they can grant spells? If not, could you explain what you might categorize them as, or at least how they rank in relation to other semi-divine beings? Thanks a lot!
I am mostly a lurker on these forums but I have always appreciated the courteousness and hospitality you show customers and posters, as well as your willingness to answer so many questions.
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The Iku-Turso from Bestiary 3 is based off a Finnish sea monster and god of war by the same name (or variant names like Turisas).
Monsters in the First Contact Free RPG day product include space goblins, space pirates, robots, space liches, sarcesians, and an insectoid race who's name I didn't catch (maybe something like haan?). The sarcesians, goblins, and insectoid race will be playable (not core though)!
The other two were Pharasma and Urgathoa.
How relevant will the various dwarf planets and moons and their inhabitants detailed in Distant Worlds be to the setting at large?
Will the Elder Mythos and other Lovecraft-material have a significant presence?
Off the top of my head and with a little bit of searching:
Ebon Mausoleum (Mechitar, Geb); focuses on necromancy
Mortuarium (Yled, Geb); focuses on necromancy
Egorian Academy of Magical Arts (Egorian, Cheliax); best known for infernal binding
Dusk Hall (Pangolais, Nidal); this one's a bit weird, as it trains shadowcasters and also combines this with worship of Zon-Kuthon, but I get the sense that enrollment is not usually voluntary. The final product of such education is known as a shadowcaller
Traveling Academy of Cobyslarni (First World); it's not actually on Golarion, but still a magical academy. It sits on the back of its founder, a giant elephant-beast.
These are arcane institutions, but bardic rather than wizardly:
Kitharodian Academy (Oppara, Taldor)
Rhapsodic College (Oppara, Taldor)
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Hello James! It seems you are more willing to answer questions about Bestiary 6 than I would have assumed, so I guess I'll try my hand at it:
Will there be any new psychopomps in B6?
Matrix Dragon wrote: Krell44 wrote: Wait....there are better Pokeballs?
I have only seen the normal ones so far. Maybe they appear at a higher level? (Currently 7)
I think every ten levels you unlock better pokeballs. The levels are standard, great, and ultra I think. I've heard of Master, but I don't know what they do or if they are real.
I'm at level 16 and currently have great balls. I wish they came out of the stops more often though! Master balls have a 100% capture rate. Traditionally, in the original Nintendo games, you were given one before encountering the main legendary pokemon at the climax of the game. I'm not sure how and even if master balls will be implemented in Pokemon Go. I imagine they will be though.
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I've seen a vulpix and a ponyta in regular grassy suburban areas. But both only once, I figure they're pretty rare. Besides those two, if you're lucky you can get a flareon from an eevee relatively easily. I've also heard charmanders spawn more frequently in fire stations, though I haven't visited one find out so I can give no guarantees.
Yeah, as far as what I was saying, I don't mean that there WILL be Starfinder Bestiary, or other hardcovers, just that it seems more likely they'd expand the Starfider RPG line to include a bestiary if there were one, rather than hijack the Pathfinder RPG line.
If Starfinder is successful I wouldn't be surprised to see more hardcovers.
Anyway, this isn't a Starfinder thread, but a bestiary thread! I'd like to see more monsters taken or inspired from Norse myth, more monsters from space (whether they be original or Lovecraftian or pulled from urban legend), and more aquatic monsters, in that order.
I am fairly certain Bestiary 6 will not be Starfinder related at all. It has been said on numerous occasions that Starfinder will not affect Pathfinder at all, and seeing as the Bestiaries are part of the Pathfinder RPG line, it seems unlikely Starfinder would seep into it. Starfinder is gonna have its own line for hardcover books, so it's more likely it'll have it's own version of bestiaries rather than hijack Pathfinder's bestiaries.
To what blog snippet are you referring?
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I'm going pretty sure Red Raven is CN, as that was his original alignment before the vigilante class was released, but I'm not sure about Aric. Definitely good, I'd probably go with NG or CG.
Yeah, that's weird, I could've sworn we were told two of each alignment. It does make sense thematically to have less chaotic characters, though I suspect the decision was made because they found none of the character concepts besides Urgaz fit in for CE.
Yeah, I asked about the antipaladin conundrum in my original post, but it appears to have been overlooked. Clarification would be appreciated. ^_^
Mighty Glacier wrote: Sounds like fun! So any non-Meet-the-Villains iconic is fine, but does that include iconics that are evil, ie. Seltyiel and Meligaster?
Are archetypes okay?
It says in the Character level bullet point that "Archetypes are encouraged, but not required".
Love this idea, sounds like a blast!
Can the evil doppelgänger be a different race but of the same subtype (I.e. drow Merisiel or duergar Harsk)?
Also, can you have levels in something like ex-paladin or ex-cleric? Otherwise I don't think antipaladin Seelah could actually be a possible build.
Preeeeety sure Batman's CG :P Though honestly, that's not a joke.
Anyway, the Red Raven's giving me a CN vibe. I could see maybe CG, but I'm definitley leaning towards CN.
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Tvarog wrote: Personally, I think it's about time there's finally an Evil iconic. Well, he wouldn't be the first. Both Seltyiel the magus and Meligaster the mesmerist are evil. LE and NE, respectively.
Slithery D wrote: No arcane caster evil iconic? Bizarre. I believe a dhampir necromancer was mentioned.
DeciusNero wrote: That myconoid looks rather spooky. Could be a nuno gremlin. Either way I'm liking it.
The Raven Black wrote: David knott 242 wrote: Acolyte of Mushu wrote: If I recall correctly they're doing two evil Iconics for each evil alignment, so they'll be nine of them. Plenty of room for another divine caster. ^_^ 2 x 3 = 6, not 9. Still, that gives two extras beyond the classic 4.
We already had 2 Evil iconics : Meligaster and Seltyiel.
Arcane meleist makes the Kuthist a Magus or a Bard IMO. Though TWF would exclude the Magus. Bloodrager is also a possibility I don't believe those two count. Plus Seltyiel is LE and two of the already released Iconics are LE, the Asmodean and the Hellknight, so that wouldn't quite line up.
It wouldn't like up with a LE Kuthite either. Perhaps the Kuthite is a NE Shade of the Uskwood?
David knott 242 wrote: Acolyte of Mushu wrote: If I recall correctly they're doing two evil Iconics for each evil alignment, so they'll be nine of them. Plenty of room for another divine caster. ^_^ 2 x 3 = 6, not 9. Still, that gives two extras beyond the classic 4.
Doh! Funny how we can still make mistakes on the simplest of things.
Marco Massoudi wrote: We already got an iconic divine caster (evil cleric), an iconic martial character (Hellknight) and an iconic rogue (Assassin).
So what's missing is the arcane caster and not another divine one.
Also i don't know what the reasons for the delayed players guide are, but it is a bad thing that it is available at the same day the AP starts.
I hope this is good, as i am hearing mixed reactions.
I reckon this will be the only evil AP that Paizo does for the foreseeable future (read years).
I will definetly buy this the first day and am very curious about the feel.
If I recall correctly they're doing two evil Iconics for each evil alignment, so they'll be nine of them. Plenty of room for another divine caster. ^_^
In the Divinity Drive GM Reference thread, James Jacobs pointed out that they've never actually said Castrovel was the elves' homeworld. He also said that elves in fact inhabit other planets besides Golarion and Castrovel, notably the planet that was once known as Androffa, the world from which the spacecraft Divinity came from. Even more, they arrived to Androffa as aliens, the same as Golarion. Of course, these last bits aren't in any published materials, but it's still a nice tid bit. I would include a link to the post, but I can't seem to get it to work on mobile. Sorry!
Thanks Katina! I'll get right on that.
After furiously searching through my entire Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Card Game set, I've come to the conclusion that the Celestial Beacon location deck from Deck 2 is missing. Is it possible for a new one to be sent to me?
Much thanks!
Dragon78 wrote: We would have to wait for a Distant Worlds type hardcover book to stat up there ships. Since these creatures function as ships they would have to follow rules for vehicles. That's exactly what I had in mind. ^_^
I also think a half-giant 0HD race would be pretty cool.
I would definitely classify them as aberration rather than magical beast, if anything. Really I don't think they should show up in a bestiary at all. I wouldn't be upset if they did, but, I mean, sure they're living and organic, but they're not really creatures. The same way the Dominion weapons and items in Iron Gods were made out of living flesh (one even had a mouth and teeth) but still weren't creatures. Plus their "brain" has already been stat-ed up as a separate creature. I however would love some rules presented for space battles and spaceships themselves, similar to the rules for pirate ships and sea battles. Dominion of the Black motherships and drop ships would be perfect for that, along with Eoxian corpseships, Vercite aetherships, and other starships.
Kodyax wrote: I got mine this week and it's a toss up which I like better as a GM, B4 or B5. It looks like somebody really likes Ghostbusters 2. The anunnaki are just lovely, this is something I hadn't realized I wanted and was especially useful to me as a GM. I'm not sure grays should have the alignment they were assign as the reports on them I have seem to lack the emotional component to be that malevolent. Kudos on the version of the hopkins goblins that made it in here. Now I wonder what the folks at Paizo would do recreate such UFO oriented cryptids as the Flatwoods Monster, the Loveland Frog and the Dover Demon. I really appreciate this volume great. Once again you shown me why despite everything else I keep coming back to Pathfinder. Paizo's already done the Flatwoods Monster in AP #61 Shards of Sin, albeit named the Melfesh Monster. ;)
Oh yes if I had to choose I would go TN all the way for Ouroboros. I'm just saying I can see the chaotic perspective. For that matter I can also see the lawful perspective! :P
A chaotic view of ouroboros could be one of eternal destruction. A less evil-ish view could be one of infinite possibilities to do things different.
I did indeed find ft! And yeah that kaiju is pretty sweet, it would've been an awesome addition to the bestiary.
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Nightterror wrote: Acolyte of Mushu wrote: Nightterror wrote: Now the heikegani will always stay the unfinished artwork. Love the undead monk, dislike this art of cetus wich looks a bit like the lusca. Look what I found! :D
Ahh! That is so nice of you! Thanks man! I owe you one!
Good eye you found that one, I never could :p No problem! Funny thing is, I only found it because you mentioned there was a Pathfinder squonk image floating around, so I looked up said image and found the crab on the same site, posted recently. :P
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Nightterror wrote: Now the heikegani will always stay the unfinished artwork. Love the undead monk, dislike this art of cetus wich looks a bit like the lusca. Look what I found! :D
I'd be inclined to believe you'd be of the body's type, but don't quote me. Perhaps someone a bit more knowledgable can confirm what I've said.
Xethik wrote: Myth Lord wrote: Acolyte of Mushu wrote: The art is pretty rad. Especially the papinijuwari. The deep one hybrid is not exactly what I envisioned, but its's properly fishy. The encantando, though good artwork, seems really bizarre to me. I think I would've preferred it remained gender-neutral in appearance. Sure, have a female one, but the hair and breasts matched with the dolphin face kinda throw me off. That's to say I think any hair on a dolphin-faced head would throw me off. Did you misspell Bad or is Rad another word?
I wouldn't believe you find that Papinijuwari art bad. Rad is short for Radical. Which is a compliment. It means cool. West Coast US slang, I think.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a wee-lad was the first time I heard it. I live in the Midwest, so not too sure about that. ^_^
Though I wouldn't know, and it's not like I use the word everyday, or even every week. I wouldn't be surprised to find its use much more prevalent in the West Coast.
The art is pretty rad. Especially the papinijuwari. The deep one hybrid is not exactly what I envisioned, but its's properly fishy. The encantando, though good artwork, seems really bizarre to me. I think I would've preferred it remained gender-neutral in appearance. Sure, have a female one, but the hair and breasts matched with the dolphin face kinda throw me off. That's to say I think any hair on a dolphin-faced head would throw me off.
Hold on, has it changed that voting for the winning monster increases your chance of winning the raffle, or has it always been like that? I don't recall that at all. All I remember is that the more you vote the better chance you have.
EDIT: I went back to the last post and that little tidbit of information is indeed there. Huh. Doesn't bode well for me that both the merfolk and the leshy lost!
Azouth wrote: ** spoiler omitted **
Azouth wrote: Acolyte of Mushu wrote: Dragon78 wrote: The Deep One
** spoiler omitted **
The Deep One Elder
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted ** Thanks for the info! No ties to Dagon? ** spoiler omitted **
Dragon78 wrote: The Deep One
** spoiler omitted **
The Deep One Elder
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Thanks for the info! No ties to Dagon?
Azouth wrote: Acolyte of Mushu wrote: Any of you kinda folks care to give a brief description of our aquatic humanoids, monstrous humanoids, or otherwise "civilized" aquatic critters? (Namely the ichthyocentaur and the deep one elder, but NOT the deep merfolk, I don't want to spoil the competition) ** spoiler omitted ** Much appreciated! I too would like to know the nature of deep one elder spells.
EDIT: Which I see you granted above. Thanks, even though you were doing it for Axial!
Any of you kinda folks care to give a brief description of our aquatic humanoids, monstrous humanoids, or otherwise "civilized" aquatic critters? (Namely the ichthyocentaur and the deep one elder, but NOT the deep merfolk, I don't want to spoil the competition)
captain yesterday wrote: Perhaps if someone talked about robots (specifically Terraformer Robots) everyone would feel better. Hear, hear!